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Chapter 2293 Unique hanging rope

I didn't expect to encounter other players behind here. When the room door opened from the other side, the two people who met each other paused.

The visitor had a vegetable-colored face, knife marks on his arms, and chapped lips with blood stains. When he saw Xu Huo... or to be precise, he stopped moving his eyes when he saw the food in Xu Huo's hands.

"Give me some food." He stood at the other end of the room and opened his mouth to ask for it.

Xu Huo looked at him and stuffed the last bit of food in his hand into his mouth.

The other person's eyes seemed to be broken, and he fell to the ground without any strength, his eyes rolled up, and his whole figure seemed to have fallen into emptiness.

"Are you okay?" Xu Huo greeted from the distance.

"Not good." The other person's posture remained unchanged, "But if you give me some food and drink, I will definitely feel better."

"You come and grab it." Xu Huo reminded.

"I can't grab it, it's boring." The opponent still looked weak, "I've gone too far, it's good to be back. As long as I don't run into cannibal players, I'll just let it go."

"How far have you walked? Are there any changes in the room at the back?" Xu Huo asked.

"There should be more than 20,000 rooms. The back part is so long that I forgot about it." The other party's eyes moved downward, "If you want to know what is in the back, just give me food and drink in exchange."

Xu Huo smiled and gave him a candy bar and a glass of water.

The man sipped the water first, then put the remaining half glass next to him. Then he put the candy in his mouth. After a moment, he sighed with satisfaction, "It's really good..."

After he finished eating, Xu Huo said, "Can we talk now?"

The man glanced at him and said, "If you want to know, you must first be a super evolved person."

Xu Huo didn't say anything. The other party had a clear expression and continued: "There is a little difference on the corpse. I feel that every one or two thousand rooms, the time flow rate on the corpse will be a little different, which is different from the rooms before and after.


"You can't see it in the front room, but when you get to the back, the difference in flow rate will be obvious on the corpse, mainly referring to the degree of decay."

"But that's the only difference."

"I thought that the connection of these rooms might be some kind of reminder, but it is also cyclical, but it is another kind of cycle. These times with different flow rates seem to be separate progressive relationships, until more than 20,000 rooms are reached.

It’s still like this.”

"The rooms in this space are refreshed every twelve hours. Is there any difference between twelve thousand and twenty-four thousand?" Xu Huo interrupted.

"I didn't find it." The other party said: "The time flow rate on the different corpses is also progressive. There is no cycle between 12,000 and 24,000, but by the time of 24,000, the corpses in other rooms can already be seen.

Bones - the previous player also said that it is said that someone walked to the 100,000 rooms and then came back. When it comes to the back, what is hanging may be a white bone with skin."

"As for what will happen after 100,000, I don't know. When it reaches more than 20,000, I have no hope."

"After twenty thousand there will be one hundred thousand, and after one hundred thousand there may be one million. This place is infinite."

"If there is really a way out, it must not be after a million rooms."

He pointed to the corpse in the room as he spoke, "Maybe the way out has been right in front of us."

"Corpse or hanging rope?" Xu Huo's eyes also fell on it, "I have hung up the hanging rope myself, but it's of no use..."

When he said this, he suddenly stopped.

"You also discovered." The player opposite laughed, "The corpse can be removed, damaged, and refreshed after twelve hours, but there is only one hanging rope, which cannot be destroyed or moved at all. It is even harder than the floor in the room.


"It is already strange to have a corpse hanging in the room, but the corpse is an outsider and is not part of this space. Only the hanging rope is integrated with these rooms. The corpse should be the same as other items brought in by the players.

, are things that can be refreshed. The difference is that other things disappear after being refreshed, but the body is still there."

"The power of time on the hanging rope is not easy to shake." Xu Huo said.

"Of course it's not that easy, but it is the only thing in the room that is different from other places." The other party said: "I came back just to spend some time to work hard with the Evolver."

He introduced himself, "My name is Shi Sanjiu, an A-level player, from a B-level wormhole point. I originally wanted to be lazy and make a B-level copy to relax, but I didn't expect to encounter a third of the game."

Xu Huo still used Xu Zhi's name and made up a set of origins.

Shi Sanjiu laughed after hearing what he said, "You didn't come from a D-class wormhole, right?"

Xu Huo raised his eyebrows, "Can you tell?"

"There are not many time evolvers on the list of D-class wormhole points. I have read all their information." Shi Sanjiu said firmly.

"As far as I know, there are at least fifty D-class wormhole points." Xu Huo corrected himself.

"More than that, counting those wormhole points that have disappeared, there are at least more than a hundred. There are also some wormhole points that have encountered various accidents or insufficient evolution in their lower regions. Very few trains have passed by. They seem to have disappeared, but in fact they are still there.

Exist." Shi Sanjiu said nonchalantly: "The list of single wormhole points is not interesting, but the list of joint wormhole points can still be looked at. All the powerful super evolvers are basically on it."

"D-class, none."

Xu Huo smiled and said, "Maybe I haven't made the list yet."

Shi Sanjiu looked at him carefully and said, "It doesn't look like that."

Their eyes met, and the two of them did not talk about this topic any further. Xu Huo turned to him and said, "I haven't paid much attention to the list. Are super players on the list?"

"Those who can become super players have long since left the list, whether they have become wanted criminals or hold copies." Shi Sanjiu said in an envious tone: "It's considered retirement. When they reach their level, they can buy a lot of equipment and props.

Crossing the wormhole point is not a problem."

"Looking at your extraordinary background, why don't you get a copy and get out of the game?" Xu Huo joked, "Retire early."

Shi Sanjiu waved his hand, "I'm not someone who can stay in one place, not to mention that I'm not strong enough, and there are many dungeon bosses that have overturned. I have to give away the dungeon authorization letter after I get it."

"Can the copy of the authorization letter be transferred to others?" Xu Huo became a little interested.

"It doesn't count as a gift, it's mostly a sale. If the copy was born because of you, you can trade it directly with the game platform." Shi Sanjiu said: "But the copy that is more closely connected to the individual is less likely to be sold, especially if it is a copy.

Random dungeons and fixed dungeons have fixed locations, and random dungeons follow the holder...but after all, there are very few copies held by players, and the game is too lazy to take care of them."

He raised his chin towards Xu Huo, "What copy are you holding in your hand?" ()

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