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Chapter 908 The only entrance

 "Then cripple it!" Zhao Jiahuai said bluntly, watching the mine lizard that was moving quickly in the rolling yellow sand brought up by the rear of the car swing out his whip - the lizard was very fast, but it was still on the ground after all, and with his

It was not difficult to hit the mineral lizard with the highly coordinated prop whip, and in fact it did hit. However, the electrified whip did not cause any damage to the mutated animal, but instead angered it, and it only let out a roar that sounded like a roar but not a roar.

He screamed and jumped several meters high onto the back of the car!

Zhao Jiahuai threw the bottle of medicine out with quick eyes and hands. The lizard that had just climbed onto the car slid off the car due to the swing of the car. However, when it fell, a muffled sound was heard from the rear of the car. Teacher Ai said: "Hang up."

It’s on the back of the car!”

Zhao Jiahuai walked over and took a look. The whip in his hand was replaced by a two-meter-long knife. With one blow, the mining lizard was knocked down, but his knife was also shaken and buzzed, "What's wrong with this thing?"

Evolved, so hard!"

"I told you it can cut cars!" Shangguan Xi turned around and shouted: "Just get rid of it, there is no need to fight with it!"

Zhao Jiahuai didn't hesitate. He raised a balloon and blew it up, and a big ball of two to three meters flew out. The mining lizard that caught up with him punctured the balloon with its catching feet, and the exploded ball was wrapped around it like chewing gum.

After removing its head, the lizard tore things off its body and slowly distanced itself from the car.

After making sure that the Mine Lizard had not caught up, Teacher Ai slowed down slightly.

However, one wave came after another, and less than twenty minutes later, a huge arch appeared in front of us.

It is indeed an arch. It is a large arch that is twenty meters wide. It stands in the desert in front of the car. On one side of the arch are written the words "Only Entrance", but the back of the door still looks like that.

The desert is just a little blurrier than before, but it's hard to tell under the wind and sand.

"Hurry up and change places!" Shangguan Xi saw that the car had no intention of turning, so he couldn't help but urge Teacher Ai.

Teacher Ai held the operating lever and said solemnly: "It can't be turned, there are props in front of it!"

"If you can't turn, you can always stop." Ding Wei said from behind: "Stop and let's make a U-turn!"

Before Teacher Ai could stop the car, Xu Huo, who had been silent all the time, opened the car door and jumped out. The next second, the car was overturned by a huge wooden stake erected from the ground, and it fell to the ground with its rear end facing forward.

Then there was a second wooden stake, which pushed against the front of the car and made the car roll over again, as if it was trying to force the car to the arch!

At this time, Ding Wei jumped out of the car, rolled on the sand, quickly climbed up, and sprinkled a handful of beans in front of the car. Two bottles of medicine flew out at the same time.

The potion bottle exploded in mid-air, and the beans that fell to the ground grew when they touched the water. They quickly formed a thick layer on the ground, and the branches and leaves also got under the car along the tires. The tough vines not only caught the car, but also cushioned it.

The car hit the third wooden pile that rushed up from the ground. This time, the car just shook the ground and pushed the wooden pile down!

"Don't come out all the time, be careful of someone snatching the car!" Ding Wei shouted to Shangguan Xi and Zhao Jiahuai in the car, and turned back to look at the arch.

After Xu Huo left the car, he arrived at the arch first. The arch prop seemed to be a place prop, which meant that even if the car was turned around, it would be difficult to avoid this area. Judging from the subtle blurring of the scenery behind the door, it seemed that the area was not large enough.


Since the arch is not made of metal, the "Life Core" cannot be used. This door is obviously waiting for people to enter. It is not worth the risk when the inside and outside are blocked, so he took out the "Little Mushroom Cloud".

A cubic millimeter space explosion does not mean that this prop is only of this size. The core of the explosion is sealed in a thumb-sized translucent cube, and the flickering light inside is vaguely visible.

But at this time, he felt someone approaching the arch from the inside, and a few seconds later he saw a weak woman staggering and kneeling at the door, kowtowing to him repeatedly, with a sad expression and pleading eyes.

This is an ordinary person.

"Little Mushroom Cloud" was put into the toolbar. Xu Huo waved her out, but the woman shook her head and pointed at the arch. Her lips were chapped after not drinking water for a long time. When she opened her mouth, blood oozed from her mouth. She knelt on the ground and wrote "Player"

Poisoned" and "The props cannot be collected" are two lines.

"There may be fraud." Ding Wei came up behind him.

From a distance, Xu Huo asked the woman, "How many people do you have? How many players?"

The woman looked at him and Ding Wei, with a hint of desperation and determination, and gestured with the two numbers "five" and "one" with her hands.

Seeing Xu Huo about to go in, Ding Wei couldn't help but said: "Are you serious?"

"It may not be safe to go in. Don't blame me for not warning me in advance if something happens. Moreover, even if you really plan to save a few ordinary people, our own food and water may not be enough. Don't forget, W37 Base

The station’s resources are scarce, and once the water is exhausted, it will be difficult to replenish it.”

"You go back to the car to help. It's best to keep the distance between the car and the arch at least a thousand meters." Xu Huo didn't say much, stepped into the arch, and disappeared with the woman in a few seconds.

The situation inside the door is unclear, but from the outside you can only see the area inside the door near the arch, and if you walk a little further, it disappears into the desert background.

Ding Wei listened for a while but heard nothing, then quickly returned to the car.

"What's going on?" Shangguan Xi asked.

"He went in to save people." Ding Wei said lazily: "Let the car move back one thousand meters."

Several people in the car thought it was incredible. The car was almost overturned just now, but he still dared to enter other people's territory alone?

"A player who has such a prop needs us to save him?" Zhao Jiahuai couldn't hide his sarcasm, "You're not a novice anymore, why do you pretend to be a good person?"

"It's none of your business!" Shangguan Xi said angrily: "Brother Xu went in by himself, and he didn't ask us to go together. You can't bear to wait. Otherwise, you can go through this arch by yourself. I don't care.

Can you go there?"

"Teacher Ai, can't we just walk aside?" Ding Wei asked with a smile, "We can't just wait and see. If there is no result from him, we must at least find a way out."

Teacher Ai nodded in agreement, "You can find the road, but it's best not to use a car. If there is a subsidence below, the car may not be able to come back up."

"Isn't this a road? It can't be so dangerous, right?" Ding Wei frowned.

Teacher Ai didn't look back, "The road also cost people's lives. Anyway, I only know this road."

Ding Wei and Zhao Jiahuai looked at each other and had no choice but to go down separately to find the way. Before leaving, they told Shang Guanxi not to wander around and close the car door to protect Teacher Ai.

"It's better to count on you than to count on Brother Xu." Shangguan Xi waved his hand and asked them to leave quickly, staring at the arch in front.

This chapter has been completed!
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