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Chapter 909 Migrants in the Arch

 Xu Huo was mentally disturbed when he stepped into the arch, but he was familiar with this process and it was not difficult to adapt. However, the woman who was following him was already standing in front of him, raising her hand to slap him.

Meeting his gaze, the woman quickly retracted her hand and explained in a panic: "I... didn't want to harm you..."

"Drink some water first." Xu Huo gave her half a bottle of water.

The woman took it eagerly and cherished it, measured the bottle and drank it before closing the cap again, "Follow me."

The "arch" is indeed a venue prop, but this prop is not as powerful as the painter Jiang Jiang's Bajiao Gallery. The illusion is not difficult to crack. After cracking it, the interior is a small place with a small service area, with a small shop, a restaurant, and a


The woman took Xu Huo into the bathroom.

A young man who looked less than 20 years old was lying on the ground breathless. A boy of 12 or 13 years old was taking care of him next to him. There were two younger girls sitting next to him. After seeing someone coming in,

, the three people invariably blocked the young man on the ground with their bodies.

"It's my brother who was poisoned... Can you save him..." the woman said hoarsely: "We didn't stop here on purpose. We ran into a player when we ran out of Base 17. My brother was injured, okay?

It was easy to escape here and get bitten again... The herbs he brought cannot cure the poison... He was afraid that we would encounter an accident, so he made a trap..."

"Where are you going?" Xu Huo squatted down to check the young man's injuries. His right arm and left leg were broken. They couldn't be used for a while, but the poison was the lightest. "You are here.

How long have you been staying?”

Base 17 and Base 18 are not far apart.

"Let's go to Base 37. The radio said that infected people will be taken in there." The boy mustered up the courage to look directly at Xu Huo, "Uncle said that we will have a good life there!"

Under the nervous and panicked gazes of these people, Xu Huo fed the young man some antidote, "It's not a very powerful poison, but he is injured and a little dehydrated, so he looks serious and will wake up soon."


"Thank you... thank you..." A few tears flowed from the woman's dry eyes.

Xu Huo didn't plan to leave for the time being, so he said to the woman: "There is a kitchen next to it. Check to see if there are kitchen utensils and make something to eat."

He took some rice and vegetables and said, "Do you know this kind of food? Boil it with water and eat it after it becomes soft."

The woman walked away meekly. Xu Huo looked at the time and said to the person on the ground five minutes later: "You can speak in your current state."

The man lying on the ground slowly opened his eyes.

Several children gathered around him excitedly but restrainedly, and the young player sat up and looked at Xu Huo, "I don't have a few props left. If you want, I can give you this door."

"There's no rush." ​​Xu Huo said, "I heard that you are going to the W37 base, and I happen to be going too, but I don't know much about the situation at this site, and I want to hear what you have to say."

The young man wanted to go to the W37 base with him, so he knew all his questions and answered them.

The first thing Xu Huo wanted to know was the relationship between the remaining base cities.

The dungeon mission is to deliver living samples to base city W37. According to the map data, W37 is indeed closer to W19 than W11, but the complexity of the two journeys to Chengdu is different. In his opinion, it is more reasonable to go directly to W11.

One point, another background introduction is that W11 discovered a human variant with antibodies, and such a good opportunity should not be given to W37. This is not only a problem of difficulty in transporting samples, but also involves the exchange of resources between base cities.

However, the client of the customs clearance task is W11, which seems a bit strange.

The young man has just become a D-level player and has not been to different base cities in person. All he has learned is the information spread in previous broadcasts or information transactions from bounty platforms.

Fighting between base cities is common, but communication will not be completely cut off. A more common situation is that the two base cities announce the severance of diplomatic relations today, and may announce the re-establishment of diplomatic relations tomorrow night, depending on whether the two sides have the resources that the other side wants.

Part of the base city's resources come from players, and its strength is updated frequently, so self-slapping incidents like this happen every once in a while.

Comparable in number are broadcasts about players "hopping jobs". The reason why they are called "job-hopping" rather than "betraying" is mainly because it is too common for players here to run from one base city to another.

Maybe a group of "friends" will be taken away along the way, but this process is mutual. The base cities are poaching each other, so it's hard to say it too harshly.

"There was also a trading accident reported on the radio. 25 and 29 wanted to trade a batch of resources, but 29 didn't know that a player who used to belong to 25 had gone to another base city, so he took the initiative to deliver the resources after they met him, and waited until 25 really

When the recipient arrives, the transaction is over."

The young man continued: "That's why now the transaction will match the individually unlocked password bracelet."

The idea of ​​players hopping around in circles can be said to be extremely absurd, but it is not uncommon in W37 base station. Some base cities will even bribe players with sex in order to win over players, and there are many cases where blind dates turn into concubine selection contests.

Whether it is the relationship between the base cities or these base cities, it can be described in one word, that is, shameless.

At least that's what it sounds like overall.

But just listen to it.

"Didn't you say that no base is willing to accept infected residents?" Xu Huo asked again.

"W37 Base City is different." The young man's eyes shone slightly, "I met a player from Base 37 in the dungeon. He said that they have been housing infected people there, but the communication between cities is not smooth.

Talents don’t know.”

"Won't the epidemic spread?" Xu Huo added.

"As long as the protection is good, there will be no problem!" He immediately said: "The reason why so many cities were affected in the past was entirely due to lack of experience, and not everyone who was infected would die. My sister and several nephews all

Alive, apart from having spots, my body is also in good shape!”

"I've also had close contact with them, and I'm fine!"

"Don't be so excited." Xu Huo said: "You are just an example, and you are a player. You are different from ordinary people. You can't prove anything."

The other party's eyes darkened and he no longer tried to explain, but said: "I'm telling the truth."

Xu Huo believed he was telling the truth. In fact, according to the information in the library, players were also infected when the epidemic first broke out, but the incidence rate was much lower than that of ordinary people. Another advantage for players is that they can buy special

Medicine, even if you are infected, you can still take steps to save yourself.

Speaking of this, a new question will naturally arise. Are there no players who have brought back potions or vaccines from other game partitions?

It’s quite early today.^_^

This chapter has been completed!
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