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Chapter 137 Why are everyone hunters of gods, but you are like this?


Everyone rushed into the iron gate.

Here is a large circular lounge with five doors on the wall, three of which are open.

"Which door are you in?"

The dwarf shouted.

Before the woman in leather pants could answer, Lin Baici had already run towards the open door in the middle.


Reciting by ear not only allows Lin Baici to completely memorize what he has heard once, but also has the additional effect of improving his hearing.

"Aunt Shu, please stay outside!"

Lin Baici gave the order.

The landlady stopped and nodded: "Okay!"

After everyone entered the door, they immediately felt a chill coming over them.

This is a large freezer.

Because the temperature was very low, there was hoarfrost on the floor and walls. Hehehe, they were all white.


the bartender blurted out.

Under the ceiling, there are iron shelves inlaid. On these shelves, a chain with an iron hook hangs down every one meter.

Each iron hook penetrated the back of a human corpse's neck and emerged from its mouth, hanging them in the air.

These corpses were like the white-striped chickens sold by market vendors. They had been scalded in boiling water, stripped of their hair, and then disemboweled and stripped of their internal organs.

After these treatments, the body was hung up to prevent it from being eaten by rats, insects, and ants.

Lin Baici took a look and saw that there were dozens of rows of corpses hanging in the huge freezer, and on one row, there was a corpse hanging every one meter, with no end visible at a glance.

Because there are iron hooks in their mouths, and because the bodies are hung and falling under the action of gravity, their heads are tilted up and their mouths are wide open.

At first glance, it looks like some kind of mysterious and evil sacrificial ritual is being performed.

"At least seven or eight hundred!"

The dwarf raised his head and looked at the corpses.

They were frozen hard, with layers of thin ice covering their bodies. Their internal organs had been removed, and two rows of ribs wrapped in red meat could be seen.

“I feel like I can give up ribs in the future!”

Xia Hongyao decided to take a vegetarian diet for three months to relieve her shock.

"Leather pants girl, where are you?"

The bartender shouted.

"This way!"

The voice of the woman in leather pants sounded among the corpses of these white-striped men.

Everyone rushed over quickly.

The woman in leather pants was waiting for everyone. When she saw everyone coming, she immediately pointed at a human corpse with white stripes and reminded: "This one has not been eviscerated."

"Did you miss it?"

The old man looked at the corpse and saw that it was a female, about 1.7 meters tall, very fat and with a somewhat big belly.

"No, I thought I saw it move just now!"

The woman in leather pants guessed: "Is it BOSS?"


Everyone was shocked when they heard this word.

The so-called BOSS refers to elites, or boss-level monsters, which are very powerful.

"I feel like this place is quite weird. Since there are no pig-headed men, let's go out quickly?"

The bartender suggested.

"That's right, hurry up and get a map!"

The old man urged.

"Let's go!"

Lin Baici actually wanted to light a fire and burn the corpses, but he was worried about causing a commotion and attracting a large number of pig-headed people.

Everyone was about to leave, but the female corpse, whose belly had not been disemboweled, suddenly twitched its limbs.


The corpse pulled at the chain, making a harsh sound.


Everyone retreated and were on alert.

"Bartender, chop off its head!"

Lin Baici ordered: "Others, be alert around!"

The bartender walked under the corpse, jumped up, held a bone-cutting knife in his hand, and slashed at its neck.


The bartender was very strong, and the bone-cutting knife was very sharp, and he cut off the corpse's cervical vertebrae in one stroke.


The body fell to the ground, scattering some dust.

Lin Baici walked over, intending to check the body, but it suddenly bounced up and grabbed the bartender.


The bartender's scalp was numb and he had goosebumps all over his body. Fortunately, he reacted quickly enough and kicked out.


The corpse was kicked in the stomach and kicked to the ground.

This time, it was as if a hornet's nest had been disturbed.

The corpses that were hung by iron hooks under the iron frame suddenly started to move and began to struggle violently.

Wow! Wow!

It felt like coming alive.

"Get out quickly!"

Lin Baici shouted and ran towards the freezer door.

"I'm sorry!"

The woman in leather pants was numb all over, and the corpses with their internal organs eviscerated suddenly started to move, as if they were struggling prey being bitten by a wild beast. It was terrifying and weird.

The old man was old, but he ran away the fastest, like a rabbit hit by an arrow, but when he was still more than ten meters away from the iron gate,


The iron door suddenly closed.

"Fuck, isn't it?"

The old man was depressed, rushed to the iron gate, and banged it hard several times.

Bang! Bang!

"Boss lady!"

The old man shouted, but the iron door didn't move at all. He turned back and looked at Lin Baici: "What should I do?"

Lin Baici pulled out the pine torch from his backpack and struck it on the ground.


The torch was lit.

The warm yellow light, like a mother's embrace, made the old man look over involuntarily, unwilling to look away again.

Lin Baici put the torch on the iron gate.

Tick ​​tock! Tick tock!

The hoarfrost on the iron door turned into water, but the iron door showed no sign of melting.

[It’s useless, you are now in a more powerful rule pollution, the power of the torch has been suppressed, you can only leave after solving the monsters in the freezer! 】

Lin Baici originally planned to summon the Muscular Buddha to hit the iron gate, but after hearing the God's comments, he gave up.

"Get ready to fight!"

Lin Baici turned around.

Many white-striped human corpses broke free from their chains and fell to the ground.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The limbs of the white-striped corpse were irregularly bent and twisted, and it stood up tremblingly.

Because the struggle was too violent, the mouths of these human corpses were torn apart, making them look even more terrifying and ferocious.

"what to do?"

The woman in leather pants is worried.

"Kill them all!"

Lin Baici held a pine torch in his right hand and a bronze sword in his left hand. As soon as he finished speaking, those white-striped human corpses swarmed over like mad dogs that had been hungry for several years.

[Baitiao Man, raised in a corral, can be released into the market in as little as three years, and his fate after birth is to be eaten by a pig-headed man!]

We are all hunters of gods. We know that we have no choice at this time, so we start fighting.

The bartender and the dwarf are colleagues and usually have a good relationship, so they naturally formed a group.

"Xiao Linzi!"

Xia Hongyao came to Lin Baici's side.

The woman in leather pants did not hesitate at all and chose Lin Baici.

The old man moved faster and arrived at Lin Baici's side early in the morning.

"leave me alone!"

Lin Baici reminded: "My torch will make people rush to it like moths to a flame. Once it is lit, it cannot be extinguished!"


The faces of the old man and the girl in leather pants changed.

"No wonder I always feel like there's something wrong with your torch!"

Dwarf envy.

Lin Baici doesn't look very old at all, but he has too many top-notch items. Whether he can get them with his own strength or with his face, he is a winner in life.

Unlike him, because he is a dwarf and wants to form a team with others, he has always been rejected.

The white-striped human corpses rushed up.

Lin Baici waved the torch and hit them on the head.

Bang! Bang!

After the torch hit their heads, they immediately ignited the corpses and burned them into the shape of a torch.

"Be careful, don't get caught in the flames!"

Lin Baici shouted.

Because the corpse cannot be burned to ashes in an instant. While it is burning, they will run around and may harm the fish in the pond.

But this process only takes about twenty seconds.

Because their corpses will soon carbonize and turn black when burned, and then they will shatter into pieces.

The legs of a white-striped human corpse were so burned that they could no longer support the weight of its body. After chasing Lin Baici for more than ten meters, it fell to the ground with a thud.

Everyone started running to avoid being burned by the flames.


The woman in leather pants chopped off the head of a white-striped human corpse and chopped off half of its shoulders.

Even though the girl in leather pants is a woman, as a divine hunter, she is very powerful. If she were not incompetent with weapons, she could chop these white-striped human corpses into two pieces with one knife.

"Huh? Doesn't it seem very strong?"

The girl in leather pants found out that these monsters would rush and bite, and had no other means of attack. She was relieved a lot.

The only trouble is that there are a lot of them.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

In the freezer, there was also the sound of white-tiao human corpses falling from iron hooks, which sounded eerie.

After they landed on the ground, they immediately swooped over. When they were seven or eight meters away from Lin Baici and the others, they swooped down.

Lin Baici held a pine torch and hit them like a baseball.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

There was a loud thud.

The bronze sword is even more sharp. Every time it cuts, stumps and broken arms will fall off.

A quarter of an hour passed.

There was already a layer of corpses on the ground, but the charge of the white-striped human corpses was still so wild, but that was all.

After missing their arms and legs, they are still alive and can attack. They are a big threat to ordinary people, but to the divine hunters, they can be chopped into pieces. Even if they are not dead, their bodies are broken into several pieces.

There is also no ability to move.

Twenty minutes passed, and Bai Tiao’s ‘zombie wave’ charge could no longer be organized.


The bartender chopped up a white-striped human corpse and spat in its face.

"Who else?"

The bartender held a bone-cutting knife and scanned the entire place.

He felt very happy.

This person, sometimes, really needs to vent his anger, otherwise he will get sick from holding it in.

"Stop yelling and find a way out quickly!"

The old man ran towards the iron gate: "Boss lady, can you hear me?"

Lin Baici planned to burn the corpses, but they suddenly began to squirm quickly, as if being attracted by black holes, and gathered into large piles of flesh.

After these piles of meat gathered into a ball, some parts showed signs of melting, and then bonded together, turning into a squirming pile of flesh, which began to squirm towards Lin Baici and others.

"Gan, can't I be killed?"

The bartender was depressed.

There are a total of eighteen piles of corpse monsters, each pile is five or six meters high, and because there are many corpses piled up, there are no vital points.

"Captain, I can only rely on you!"

The woman in leather pants looked at Lin Baici.

There were many heads on these piles of meat, and they were all wailing and screaming, and their arms and legs were waving around, looking extremely scary.

Lin Baici was not worried about these monsters. He had a pine torch in his hand and could burn them completely to ashes. The question was why some body parts were not attracted to the pile of meat?

Was it omitted?

Or has it completely ‘died’ for some reason?

Lin Baici thought about it and rushed towards a pile of meat close to him.


The heads on the pile of meat suddenly opened their mouths and spit out green mucus at Lin Baici.

Lin Baici dodged.

Zhi! Zhi!

The slime spilled on the ground, corroding the floor and emitting white smoke.

[Sewing corpse monsters, only flames can purify them, otherwise no matter how many times they are killed or chopped into pieces, they will be reunited. 】

"Isn't it right? There are some corpse fragments on the ground that are not gathered together!"

Lin Baici was confused.

But Nagami didn't explain.

Lin Baici looked at everyone: "Which of you used divine grace just now?"

It's useless to everyone.

"Captain, my divine grace is not suitable for this kind of battle!"

The bartender smiled bitterly, thinking that Lin Baici was complaining and wanted to find someone who couldn't do anything.

Actually it's not.

Lin Baici recalled the battle process just now and discovered a detail, but he could not ask that person directly, otherwise it would attract attention.

"It seems that this 'board game' that the maid mentioned is not something that can be passed simply by escaping from the dungeon!"

Lin Baici tried several times, but was unable to rush to the corpse-stitching monster and light them on fire. This monster had too many heads.

There was always a mouth spitting out green mucus, preventing him from getting closer.

"Stop fighting, move around, and take away these monsters!"

Lin Baici commanded: "Leather pants girl, on your left, bartender, magician, you two go to the right, lead the monster around, disperse first, wait for me to call, and then gather in the middle of the freezer."

Lin Bai resigned and asked everyone to disperse first.

The corpse-stitching monsters naturally separated, chasing their own goals.

Lin Bai resigned and took three of them behind him, running around in the freezer.

These corpse-stitching monsters have become bigger and harder to kill, but their speed has also become slower. Otherwise, it would be impossible for him to gather the monsters so easily.

Everyone is a hunter of the gods. There is no need for Lin Baici to explain the tactics in too much detail. We already understand.

five minutes later.


Lin Baici shouted.



"That's it!"

Everyone responds.

"Speed ​​up and gather!"

Lin Baici urged.

Everyone immediately rushed to Lin Baici's predetermined position, and the monsters naturally followed.

Ten seconds later.

Everyone has gathered.

"Then what?"

The bartender held the bone chopping knife tightly and stared around, guarding against any accidents.

"hold on!"

Lin Baici calculated the distance, and waited until the nearest corpse-stitching monster arrived and started spitting acid before he gave the order.

"Run to the iron gate!"

As soon as Lin Baici finished speaking, everyone ran away.

If there was a God's perspective looking down from the ceiling, Lin Baici and the monster's position would be like an umbrella.

Lin Baici and others were moving towards the umbrella handle on the umbrella leaf. Those monsters were originally scattered on the umbrella leaf. At this time, because they were chasing Lin Baici and others, they also moved towards the umbrella handle. So naturally, they were among the crowd.

A crowd formed behind them.

Although Lin Baici's floating night rain and wild Buddha blowing the lamp are extremely lethal, it has two drawbacks. First, it consumes a lot of divine power, so Lin Baici must try to ensure that every time it is used, it covers the maximum number of people.


He can't use it once when he encounters a monster, otherwise he will be exhausted. After all, the game has just begun, and he has to retain his divine power.

The second disadvantage is that the attack range of this divine grace is a fan shape, which is the maximum range of 120 degrees in front of Lin Baici.

This is also the reason why Lin Baici asked everyone to move around to gather monsters.

Lin Baici and others ran to the iron gate, and the corpse-stitching monsters also gathered behind them and chased after them.

"What now?"

The woman in leather pants asked.

"Which of you has a charism associated with fire?"

Lin Baici asked.

Everyone shook their heads.

Seeing that the distance was almost there, Lin Baici took two steps forward and activated Divine Grace.


Behind him, a Buddha statue appeared, sitting cross-legged and holding Dharma seals with its hands.

In the freezer, drizzle began to fall, and when it was sprinkled on the monsters with piles of meat, clusters of sparks appeared on their heads.

Like a lit candle.

My Buddha is merciful and my salvation begins!


Lin Bai resigned from the Buddha statue behind him, leaned over, and blew out a breath.

The flames on the meat monsters, like oil lamps blown away by the rain and wind, went out. Then the next moment, their entire bodies stopped moving and froze in place. Even the arms that were showing their teeth and claws were drooping.

Come down.


The old man was shocked, what kind of divine grace is this?

So powerful?

The woman in leather pants, the bartender, and the dwarf all looked dumbfounded. They knew that Lin Baici was very strong, but to be so strong, was it a bit too far?

"This is just Xiao Linzi's normal operation!"

Xia Hongyao signaled that everyone should not be shocked.

"It doesn't matter that your Divine Taboo is awesome, why is your Divine Favor so strong?"

The bartender was so envious that he felt like an unlucky guy drowned in lemonade.

There is no comparison between people!

"Why are you so good when everyone is a hunter of gods?"

The dwarf joked, with more praise and flattery in his tone.

Lin Baici had no time to talk nonsense with them. When he saw that these monsters were motionless as expected, he immediately rushed over and lit them with a torch.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The flames rose, and the stench of burning fat and flesh began to fill the air, along with streams of black smoke.

Three minutes later, all these piles of meat were burned to a puddle of ashes.

The temperature in the freezer has risen a lot, the hoarfrost in many places has melted, and water droplets are dripping down.

"Boss Boss, open the door quickly!"

The old man yelled and urged.

"Go check the freezer again!"

Lin Baici gave the order.

After all the monsters were killed, of course, they needed to be searched carefully again, and Lin Baici wanted to confirm the broken limbs and broken arms that were not fused just now.

Everyone split up, but not long after the bartender had gone, the white-striped human corpse with a big belly and a head that had been chopped off crawled over along the iron shelf. After spotting him, he jumped down and pounced.

The bartender reacted quickly, swiping the bone-cleaver again and again while dodging to the side.


The sharp blade struck the Baitiao man's body, leaving a slash mark.

"There's a monster!"

The bartender shouted: "Captain, Brother Zheng, come here quickly."

Brother Zheng is the dwarf magician.

The woman in leather pants and the old man slowed down their pace, but the dwarf was very enthusiastic and hurried past. Lin Baici and Xia Hongyao did not hesitate.

Baitiao's female corpse landed on the ground, turned around, and pounced on the bartender again.

There is a sun in the community!

This chapter has been completed!
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