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Chapter 16 Curse the Buddha Baby

 The tourists all raised their heads and looked at the Dark Buddha.


The Dark Buddha snorted coldly, obviously feeling that this kind of attention was a great disrespect to it.

Many tourists trembled and quickly lowered their heads.

Lin Baici did not look away.

The Dark Buddha rested his chin on his hands, looked at Lin Baici playfully, and then closed his eyes.

"What does it mean?"

The old aunt is worried, please tell me whether she can survive!

"It must have succeeded in worshiping the Buddha. Didn't you see that it didn't spray those sparks again?"

Sima Mu breathed a sigh of relief.

"Then can we go?"

Little Sister Li doesn't want to stay here anymore, it's too dangerous.

"Probably not!"

Hua Yueyu thought with her toes, knowing that the trouble was not over yet.

The tourists were all discussing in low voices. Some wanted to leave, but no one wanted to be the one who stood out.

"Thanks to you just now, I remember this favor, and I will send you 10 million immediately after I get out!"

Jiang Hong is a good person.

The words "favor", "ten million" and "immediately" were emphasized. They not only praised Lin Baici and made him happy, but also used money to whet his appetite.

This big boy, in the face of a death crisis, is calm, wise, decisive, and most importantly kind, which makes him easy to deceive.

Jiang Hong understands that if he wants to survive this time, it depends on whether this big boy can help him, so he must win over him first and close the relationship between the two parties.

"This big Buddha suddenly closed its eyes. I don't know what it means. I think it's better to select a few people and let them try to see if they can walk out of this hall."

Jiang Hong suggested.

"Who to choose?"

Sima Mu looked at the real estate businessman.

Slightly fat, with a big belly, and a shrewd look on his face.

"After the crisis just now, you saved everyone's lives. They will definitely listen to you. They have no objection to who you choose."

When Jiang Hong faced Lin Baici, he had a humble attitude and praised him very highly.

"Oppa, don't listen to him, he is using you as a gunman!"

Jin Yingzhen thinks this guy is disgusting.

The selected people are cannon fodder. If they die outside the main hall, it can be said that Lin Baici sent them to die.

Even if they were lucky enough to survive, they would never trust Lin Baici again.

"I didn't mean that!"

Jiang Hong lowered his voice: "I've heard a lot about the horrors of the Divine Ruins. There are no divine hunters here. If we want to survive and avoid the pollution of the rules, we have to use our lives to fight thunder!"

"Let me put it bluntly, although you saved them, many people here will definitely die in this sacred ruins later. Rather than die inexplicably, it is better to be our stepping stone."

"Don't worry, when it's time to dirty your hands, I'll do it with you!"

At the end of his sentence, Jiang Hong patted Lin Baici on the shoulder.

Hua Yueyu looked at Jiang Hong in shock.

This man has such a cruel heart.

Sima Mu said nothing and glanced at Lin Baici to observe his attitude, because what Jiang Hong said was the best solution at the moment.

"The law of the world is that the weak eat the strong. What's more, you have already saved these people once. Wouldn't it be more valuable to do something with their lives?"

Jiang Hong bewitched.

The sparks ejected from the nose of the dark Buddha just now burned to death four groups of people, about 300 people. The 500 or so people who are still alive now were all rescued by Lin Baici.

The old aunt felt that what Jiang Hong said made sense. After all, these people owed Lin Bai their lives.

"If you become the leader, although some people will die, some others will survive. If you don't act properly, then these people will definitely die!"

Jiang Hong didn't say anything. As a close confidant of the leader, the probability of survival is of course higher.

"Boss Jiang, everyone's life is their own. How you want to use it is your own decision. I don't care!"

Lin Baici stared at Jiang Hong: "Also, don't try to influence my judgment with words, I'm not that stupid!"

Jiang Hong smiled awkwardly, feeling worried in his heart.

This kid,

It’s not easy to fool!

It's a pity that you can't drink. Otherwise, if you go to the wine table and drink five bottles of Maotai, I can make you kneel down and call me daddy!

"Oppa, look!"

Jin Yingzhen pulled off Lin Baici's jersey.

An old woman in her sixties, probably frightened, stumbled towards the mahogany gate, trying to escape from this place.

She crossed the one-and-a-half-foot threshold and headed straight for the steps.

Just when everyone thought it was okay and could leave, a translucent Buddha palm suddenly fell from the sky and slapped her on the floor like a mosquito.


When the Buddha's palm disappeared, a pool of flesh and blood was left.

"As expected, you can't leave the main hall!"

Every tourist is thankful that he did not run away recklessly, but also feels helpless.

What to do next?

Everyone subconsciously looked at the student who had just helped them overcome the difficulty.

But in the next moment, their faces looked horrified and they all took a step back.

"What's wrong?"

Lin Baici frowned, what do you mean?

By the way, why do my shoulders feel a little heavy?

"Oppa, your right shoulder..."

Jin Yingzhen was shocked.

"What's wrong with my shoulder?"

Lin Baici turned his head and looked over his right shoulder. A pair of big dark eyes met his gaze.

"I suck!"

Lin Baici was startled.

What the hell is this?

On his shoulder, there was a black Buddha statue the size of a baby, staring at him expressionlessly.

"Ah, Yingzhen, you have it on your shoulders too!"

Hua Yueyu trembled and quickly looked around and found that there were such Buddha babies on the shoulders of many people.

These Buddha infants had no clothes, their skin was black, like asphalt, and they exuded a foul smell.

"What is this stuff?"

Jiang Hong reached out to grab the Buddha baby lying on his shoulder, trying to pull it off and throw it away.

The little Buddha's mouth opened wide, revealing a pair of black teeth, like a wild dog, biting his wrist fiercely.


Jiang Hong cried out for his mother in pain.

In just ten seconds, these Buddha babies were like ghosts, silently climbing onto the shoulders of tourists, and no one was spared.

Hua Yueyu felt disgusted and instinctively reached out to get rid of that damn thing.


Lin Baici grabbed her wrist.

"Don't even move that thing on your shoulder!"

Lin Baici roared, and his voice echoed in the Main Hall.

Some people listened, but some didn't.

After all, who wouldn’t be afraid of being possessed by such a thing?

"Auntie, little Sister Li, don't touch it, this damn thing will grow!"

Lin Baici persuaded.

The rule pollution has started again. It is definitely impossible to get rid of this ghost thing by hand.


Only then did Jin Yingzhen realize that the Buddha infants lying on the shoulders of Jiang Hong, Old Auntie, and Little Sister Li were obviously larger than those on Lin Baici, Hua Yueyu, and Sima Mu.

She reacted quickly: "You mean, this thing gets longer the more you touch it?"

"should be!"

Lin Baici estimated that when the Buddha Infant grows to a certain extent, the player's death will come.

In the main hall, there was a panic and crying.

Although someone was burned to death just now, it didn't hit their heads after all. Everyone was afraid, but they didn't panic yet. But it's different now. Everyone has a Buddha baby lying on his back, which means that it will happen at any time.


"Handsome boy, what should we do now?"

"You don't let everyone touch it, do you know what it is?"

"Woooooo, I don't want to die, I haven't lived enough yet!"

Tourists flocked to Lin Bai's death week to ask him for help.

"Stop making noise and be quiet first!"

Lin Baici yelled several times to calm down everyone's panic: "I just found the key on the mural, let's go look for it, and also search the main hall again to see if there is any important information missing!


Everyone immediately looked at the murals on the wall, as if they were playing a puzzle, eyes wide open, looking carefully for clues.

"Oil lamp!"

Hua Yueyu seemed to have discovered a new world, and suddenly shouted: "Everyone in this mural has an oil lamp next to him!"

Lin Baici also saw it.

"Then what are you waiting for? Go get it quickly!"

Sima Mu urged.

Behind the Buddhist altars on the east and west sides of the main hall, there is a row of purple-lacquered wooden stands, with a row of unlit bronze oil lamps placed on them.

Lin Baici ran to the wooden frame and did not go to get it immediately.

He wanted to observe whether there was any difference between these oil lamps.

"They all seem to be the same?"

Jin Yingzhen didn't take it either, but the old aunt and little sister Li were not cautious enough and grabbed one first.

"Well, there should be no difference!"

Lin Baici picked up one.

These oil lamps have the same shape, with a tray at the bottom and an apple-sized lotus bud at the top, making it look like it is about to bloom.

There is no lamp oil in the bud, only a wick as thick as a chopstick.

Lin Baici's performance just now was eye-catching and he was the main contributor to everyone's survival, so everyone was always paying attention to his every move.

Now that they saw him holding an oil lamp, everyone rushed to the purple lacquered wooden frame anxiously, grabbing one first regardless of whether it was useful or not.

"I saw this first!"

"What are you robbing? Aren't they all the same?"

"Fuck, who pushed me?"

Tourists fought over the oil lamps, quarreled and cursed, and if it hadn't been for the Buddha lying on their backs, some grumpy people would have started fighting on the spot.

The old aunt held the oil lamp in both hands and asked everyone hopefully: "Has the ghost thing on my back disappeared?"


Little Sister Li's depression seems to have nothing to do with the oil lamp.

Others also found that after getting the oil lamp, the baby Buddha lying on his back did not disappear.

“The oil lamps of these people in the mural are all lit!”

Hua Yueyu shouted: "Let's light the wicks and take a look!"

Not only Hua Yueyu, but also others have discovered this.

Jiang Hong and Sima Mu both had lighters, but when they took them out, they did not light the wicks.

Jin Yingzhen glanced at Lin Baici.

She remembered that after the two of them offered incense money and escaped from the hands of the meritorious Buddha, they encountered corpses on the ground and Lin Baici picked up a lot of things.

There were several lighters among them, why didn't he take them out?

This chapter has been completed!
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