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Chapter 168 Curse of Flesh and Blood

 The darkness and mist surged, and even though it became thinner, not much light penetrated, so the environment looked dark and depressing.

Lin Baici looked at the strong man wearing the Pharaoh's golden mask standing on the pyramid with a sullen face. "Untouchable, kneel down!"

When the strong man saw that Lin Baici did not kneel down, he immediately roared. His voice was full of majesty and domineering, like an emperor who had conquered a boundless territory.

"You stay where you are!"

Lin Baici whispered to Jin Yingzhen and Hua Yueyu and walked forward: "How do you prove that you are our king?"

He needs to get closer to the opponent to facilitate a sneak attack.

"Wearing this golden mask, I am your king!"

The strong man shouted and opened his arms: "Untouchables, kneel down and give cheers and cheers to your king!" "Bai Ci, it's too dangerous for you to contradict him like this. Why don't you kneel down first?"

Cai Wenqi is worried.

"That's right, kneel down, you won't lose a piece of meat anyway!" the salesman persuaded.

"In order to live without shame."

The man in the sweatshirt said I understand you.

"Kneel down quickly, or it might kill you!"

Seeing this, other people also tried to persuade Lin Baici. They actually didn't care about Lin Baici's life or death, but were worried that he would cause big trouble to everyone if he was so reckless.

Like angering the real Pharaoh.

Lin Baici has a strong fighting ability and may be fine, but others are not. Once they encounter danger, there is a high probability that they will die.

[A bunch of selfish trash!]

"Okay, great king, please accept my worship!"

Lin Baici took a few steps forward, and when he was about to kneel down, he suddenly threw out the Dragon Tooth King Sword in his hand. Whoops!

The bronze sword had a faint green light, like a meteor flashing across the night sky in midsummer. In the blink of an eye, it pierced through the strong man's throat with a pop.

A pool of blood was brought out and sprinkled on the steps of the pyramid.

The strong man stumbled back a few steps, and then fell down on the steps. Boom! Boom! Boom!

The strong man rolled down. "What?"

Everyone's scalp was numb. No one expected that Lin Baici would suddenly take action. This was so courageous and lawless. And his sword could actually fly?


The white river dolphin stared at the bronze sword, with a strong greed flashing on his face. This is an extremely taboo object.

The red-finned whale didn't care about the sword. She was more familiar with Lin Baici's character. It seemed that he was a strong and fierce man. Even if he was acting, he would not do anything to embarrass himself such as kneeling down.

"do you died?"

The sales man looked at the corpse for a few times, then stared at the surroundings with vigilance, fearing that monsters would suddenly attack them.

Lin Baici walked towards the strong man's body, but after a few meters, he suddenly stopped because the guy's body was twisted and he stood up again.

"What the hell, immortal?"

"Has this guy turned into a monster?" "Let's run away quickly?" The crowd was noisy.

"Dirty and humble untouchables, you dare to attack the greatest and most supreme king of ancient Egypt. I curse you, and you will all be plagued by bad luck."

"Disease, disaster, and war will soon take your lives!" The strong man stood there, shouting at the top of his lungs...

There was a hole in his throat, and blood gushed out, soaking his clothes, making him look like a bloody man, terrifying and ferocious.

When everyone heard this guy's curse, their faces turned ugly. "It can't be true, right?"

The sales man was depressed. Even if the curse didn't take effect, it would still make people feel bad after hearing it. Some people wanted to leave.

"It's useless. Even if you escape to the ends of the world, the curse will always follow you, killing you, and then your family, relatives, and friends."

"You have desecrated the Supreme King, death is your only fate!"

After the strong man finished speaking, the two gem eyes on the golden mask he was wearing suddenly shot out two purple beams of light, sweeping across the entire venue from left to right, affecting everyone.


Everyone jumped in fright, and some timid women even cried.

Lin Baici lowered his head and touched the part of his chest that was swept by the beam, but felt nothing.

"You said you could just kneel down, why do you have to kill it? Are you stupid now?" A woman with permed hair complained.

Some of these people were actually very dissatisfied with Lin Baici for invoking the Pharaoh's curse, but due to his strong fighting power, they did not dare to complain.

"Shut your stupid mouth!" Jin Yingzhen scolded.

"You can get out, no one will stop you!"

Hua Yueyu glared at the permed woman: "And please remember, if Lin Baici hadn't saved you just now, you would have been captured by those mummies!"

"He helped me, I'm grateful to him, but now he has brought everyone into the ditch!" The permed woman deliberately changed the concept.

Because the kindness of saving people is much greater than helping others, so when she said help, it meant that she did not owe Lin Baici a huge favor.

"Have you forgotten that I just said that it is dangerous to follow me?" Lin Baici glanced at the permed woman: "Who asked you to follow me?" "Uh."

The permed woman was speechless.

After the strong man reached the top of the pyramid, he sat on the steps and looked at these people: "Untouchables, enjoy your death slowly!"

When everyone was on tenterhooks and didn't know what to do next, a middle-aged man who had put on weight suddenly fell straight to the ground with a bang without any warning.

This time, the people next to me were so frightened that they screamed and hurriedly pushed away as if they had seen a ghost, leaving a circular area free.

Lin Baici walked over, stood five meters away, and looked carefully. "Haha, the curse has started, the first one!"

The strong man laughed, resting his right elbow on his knee, dragging his face with the palm of his hand, and tilting his head slightly, with an expression as if he was watching an opera.

"Xiao Bai, is this curse the same as the rule pollution caused by the Tortoise Shell in Palm Harbor?"

Hua Yueyu murmured in a low voice and glanced at the strong man on the steps of the pyramid: "Should we go and grab that golden mask?"

"Not urgent!"

Lin Baici walked towards the corpse: "That mask obviously has the effect of deceiving people. I'm worried that if I come into contact with it, I will be controlled!"...

Lin Baici walked to the body of the fat man and stabbed him with a pine torch.

The corpse was visibly shriveled up to the naked eye, as if it had been exposed to the sun in the desert and dehydrated rapidly, making the whole body look twice as small.

Lin Baici rubbed the torch on the ground. Phew!

The flames ignited, and then Lin Baici set the corpse on fire. Boom!

It only took less than twenty seconds for the body to burn into a pile of ashes. "What did you find?"

The sales man was anxious. The moment he finished speaking, another man fell to the ground with a thud and died suddenly.

"the second!"

The strong man chuckled, with a playful smile on his face, as if the king of all living beings was watching the struggle of a group of ants.

Lin Baici looked at the strong man.

It stands to reason that since I have attacked it, it should hate me, but why wasn't I the first to die? Is it because I am a hunter of gods?

A strong spiritual will and strong resistance to curses?

Or does it mean that its killing method needs time to take effect? ​​The longer the time, the more powerful it is?

But no matter what the answer was, there wasn't much time left for him. This second corpse quickly dehydrated and turned into a mummy.

Lin Baici looked at him, and after thinking for a moment, he took out the butcher's mask and gluttony apron from the black alms bowl and put them on. "Yingzhen, lend me your dagger!"

Lin Baici squatted next to the body and put on a pair of surgical gloves. "What do you want to do?"

Cai Wenqi also came over: "I can help!" "Dissect him!"

After Lin Baici finished speaking, he pulled open the man's shirt, thrust the dagger into his chest, and slashed hard. Zila!

The man's chest was cut open, and because he had turned into a mummy, not much blood flowed out.

Lin Baici grabbed the corpse's ribs with both hands and pulled it to the left and right. The chest was exposed, and various organs were in a mess.

Cai Wenqi looked at it clearly. "Ugh!"

Cai Wenqi turned around and took out her morning meal

All vomited out.

Many people had gathered here to see what Lin Baici was going to do, but this scene frightened them until they turned pale.

Hua Yueyu and Jin Yingzhen were also uncomfortable, but they still held on and squatted next to them. "You are not needed!"

The effect of the Butcher's Mask was activated, and Lin Baici's hands immediately became skillful, as if he had already reached the realm of the God of Cooking.

Lin Baici wanted to check the body of the mummy. If there were no external injuries, it meant that it was indeed the power of a curse.

This is troublesome.

The only option is to attack the golden mask.

When Lin Baici had removed more than half of the organs from the mummy, another man died, this time a young man.

He fell to the ground without warning.

Lin Baici glanced at it and continued his inspection.

He can still remain calm, but others can't.

"What the hell is going on? How did they die?" A middle-aged man was extremely irritable.

His wife wouldn't let him go fishing. He was so bored that he went to the exhibition to pass the time. Who knew such a thing could happen...

"I'm so fucked up. If I were asked to go fishing, would this happen to me?"

The middle-aged man was cursing. He didn't dare to attack the strong man, and he didn't want to stay here to wait for death, so he greeted everyone.

"Come on, let's get out of here!"

He was not stupid. He was worried that he would be targeted if he left alone, so he prepared to call more people. More than a dozen people responded. After all, this seemed to be an impossible solution.

"Don't hesitate, let's run away together!" the middle-aged man greeted.

"Go, go, go!"

"You may not die if you escape, but you will definitely die if you stay!" "Why are you standing still?"

Everyone was making noise, firstly to incite more people, and secondly to speak loudly to embolden themselves. "Classmate Lin, let's go too?"

Cai Wenqi persuaded.

"If you can't purify the pollution caused by the rules, it's impossible to leave!"

Lin Baici finished the autopsy and found no abnormalities. Apart from looking like a mummy, there were no injuries. It was entirely due to the power of the curse.

White river dolphins and red-finned whales look at each other.

Even if you want to leave, everyone's behavior is different at this time.

Some people hesitate and fall behind, so that they can regret it in time. Most people follow the crowd, control the pace, and walk neither fast nor slow. Only a few people who are not intelligent enough are fooled, walk in a hurry, and want to leave as soon as possible.


Just don't wait for them to go far.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Three more people fell to the ground one after another.

This scene frightened everyone, and they all froze in place. "Is it really impossible to leave?"

The middle-aged man is about to cry but has no tears. He wants to go fishing. At least let him go fishing one more time before he dies. [Your idea is correct!]

The god suddenly spoke.

[The closer I am to you, the later I will be eaten!] Lin Baici frowned, what does this mean? The closer you are to me, the safer you are?

Is it because I am a divine hunter? And it said "eat"?

So it’s not the power of a curse?

But why did I dissect a corpse and find nothing?

Could it be that they were dissected too late and the monster that "ate" them has disappeared?

Lin Baici decided that next time he would choose someone who had just died. The autopsy would be completed before the body was dry. "They are all men. Are women okay?"

The woman with a perm had a trembling voice, as if she had discovered a new world, but the next moment, a girl in her twenties fell to the ground and stopped breathing.

Lin Baici immediately rushed over, pulled off her shirt, pulled off her underwear, and then used the cursed dagger to open her chest.

Because Lin Baici moved quickly enough this time, the body was not shriveled up yet, so blood flowed out and slipped over the delicate skin.

The white river dolphin came up behind the woman in red: "What do you think of his way of solving the problem?" "It's a unique way!"

The woman in red whispered: "If you let me do it, I will attack the strong man, kill him first, and then let others hold the mask to see if it can be lifted


White River Dolphin nodded, they god hunters are more inclined to use cannon fodder. "Wait and see!"...

The woman in red didn't know whether Lin Baici could successfully purify this rule pollution, but the calmness on his face made people inexplicably feel at ease.

And he's very handsome! The woman in red sighed. What a pity! We are all enemies! "Huh?"

Lin Baici saw that most of the blood was rushing towards the lower part of the liver. He immediately used a dagger to open the liver and found that a lot of blood was pouring into the intestines.

He hesitated for a moment, worried that it would be dangerous to touch the "monster" with his bare hands, but the opportunity was fleeting, so he still had the courage to reach out and grab a handful of intestines, and then shook them vigorously.


Some bodily fluids and blood splashed out.

Lin Baici quickly swung the dagger, cut off the intestines, and dropped them on the ground. There was a small section that was obviously bulging more than other parts, like a baby's small fist.

"That's it!" Lin Baici's eyes lit up.

This bulging part is moving rapidly along the intestines.

Lin Baici quickly tied knots at both ends of the intestine, trapping it.

After the clapping part moved to the knotted place, it couldn't move. After a few seconds, bang, the intestines burst, and a chestnut-sized bug crawled out.

It was covered in blood and left a mark on the ground where it crawled. "What the hell, dung beetle?"

The girl with the perm screamed.

"In ancient Egypt, this thing was called a scarab!"

Jin Yingzhen looked at the insect. It was black and purple. After leaving the body, it seemed to be in a panic. It was crawling towards Lin Baici who was closest to it, obviously trying to quickly enter a human body.

"Oppa, be careful!" Jin Yingzhen reminded quickly.

"I didn't expect to be found by him?" White River Dolphin was shocked.

"You lurk, I'll go!"

The woman in red immediately ran towards Lin Baici. In the process, she even grabbed the curly hair of the permed woman. "Ah? What are you doing? It hurts, let go!"

The woman with the perm yelled, grabbing the woman in red's wrist with one hand and grabbing her face with the other, but the woman in red was the main member of Lost Coast.

Not to mention the permed woman, an ordinary person, even an ordinary god hunter, is no match for her. The woman in red waved her hand!


Two slaps hit the permed girl's face firmly, with such force that her chin was dislocated.

Lin Baici looked over.

"I'm a god hunter, test this scarab on this guy!"

The woman in red introduced herself and threw the permed woman towards the scarab, obviously intending to let the scarab enter her body.

The blood on the permed woman's face instantly faded and turned pale. "It doesn't make any sense if you do this!"

Lin Baici didn't help the permed woman because he felt very disappointed with the accusations these people had just made against him. And this woman, didn't you say I didn't save you?

Very good! Then I won’t save you.

The permed woman fell to the ground and crawled around on her hands and feet, but the scarab crawled faster than her and rushed directly into her body.


The permed woman looked at Lin Baici and wanted to call for help, but her jaw was dislocated and she couldn't make a sound, and her mouth was so wide open that the scarab crawled in easily.


The permed woman retched and put her right hand into her throat, trying to pull out the terrible insect. Jin Yingzhen and Hua Yueyu stared at the woman in a bright red windbreaker with wary eyes...

The others didn't care, they all looked at the permed woman, no one rescued her, and they all wondered if the sudden death was caused by this kind of bug.

The girl with the perm didn't spit out the bug, her hands and feet were shaking with fear, and her face was filled with tears. She rushed towards Lin Baici, wanting to ask him for help.

At this moment, she regretted that she shouldn't have spoken to Lin Baici with that attitude just now. But she didn't have the chance.


The permed woman fell to the ground, visibly dehydrated and shriveled up, turning into a mummy.

Lin Baici watched all this. After the permed girl was completely dry, he immediately squatted down, pulled off her clothes, and began to dissect.

"The bug is gone?" the woman in red was surprised. "Yeah!"

Lin Baici looked at the strong man. Could the golden mask on his face control these bugs? "These dead people, when did the bugs enter their bodies?"

The sales man couldn't understand: "A fool should be able to detect such a big bug, right?" "Yueyu, you scratched your back more than ten minutes ago, do you remember?"

Lin Baici asked: "How did you feel at that time?" Recall: "No feeling!"

Lin Baici looked at the woman in red. "I don't feel it either!" The woman in red curled her lips.

"Did that beam get these bugs into our bodies?"

Jin Yingzhen thought of the light beams emitted from the eyes of the golden mask, affecting everyone.

This chapter has been completed!
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