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Chapter 181 Danger! Danger! Danger!

 The sun shines on the river, making the water temperature very pleasant.

As soon as Song Huizhi fell into the water, she did not panic, nor did she surface immediately. Instead, she immediately used her hands and feet to swim towards the distance like a dolphin.

In the river, her body movement was restricted and her combat effectiveness was greatly reduced. Song Huizhi was worried about being attacked from a distance, so she had to stay away quickly.

Fang Tianhua quickly ran to the side of the ship: "Where are the people?"

It was very calm on the river.

He put up an awning with his hands and looked around quickly.

"As expected of a veteran, this reaction is so quick!"

Fei Xiao glanced at Lin Baici. His idea of ​​extorting money was probably going to fail.

"Hey, Ms. Song, I didn't lie to you, you can't swim to the shore!"

Lin Baici shouted.


Now, this person is too guarded. How come no one believes him when he tells the truth?

"What should we do now?"

Xia Hongyao looked at the vast river and felt that it would be too hard to find someone.

"Go ashore and collect the remains of the gods!"

Because there were two outsiders, Fei Xiao and Fang Tianhua, Lin Baici didn't want to mention the word 'god', and even if he did, they might not believe it.

The Nile 3, under the helm of Lin Baici, continued to sail towards the shore.

"If that person is a major member of Lost Coast, killing her will greatly increase your reputation!"

Fang Tianhua reminded him kindly and felt that Lin Baici should not give up so easily.

Fei Xiaoxin said more than that. Fame didn't matter. What was important was the taboo in her body. If he could kill her, he would definitely make a fortune.

What's more, the current situation is very clear. On the big river, Lin Baici, who owns a boat, is already in an invincible position.

Fei Xiao was so impressed when he saw Lin Baici giving up the fat that reached his mouth.

If it were him, he would have to chase her to the ends of the earth.

"Perhaps this is the behavior of people who are wealthy and don't care about God's taboos?"

Fei Xiao sighed.


Xia Hongyao was happy: "For Xiao Linzi, it is meaningless to kill several of these main forces. Only by killing the Black Sea Emperor, the leader of the lost coast, is it worth showing off!"

"Hongyao, can you introduce the divine skeleton?"

Gu Qingqiu wanted to know more information.

Song Huizhi swam two miles in one breath before she surfaced. She gasped for air, and then she was shocked to find that there was no figure of the solar boat behind her.

"Haha, gave up?"

Song Huizhi laughed, "Do you really think I am made of clay?"

Want to threaten me?

Go ahead and dream of your spring and autumn dreams!

What else can't be reached without taking a boat?

It's all lies and bullshit!

Lin Bai refused to pursue him. It was obvious that he was not sure where he would land, and he didn't want to waste time, so he simply gave up.

Song Huizhi was full of confidence and moved forward quickly with a stretched freestyle posture. However, five minutes later, she stopped with a solemn look on her face.

Why does it feel like the distance from the shore is not getting closer at all?

Song Huizhi panicked a little. She swam harder, this time her eyes were staring straight at the shore, and then she made a desperate discovery.

The distance shows no sign of getting closer.

Lin Baici did not lie.

You really can’t swim to the shore!


Song Huizhi turned around and saw that the sun boat was no longer in sight. This frightened her and she did not dare to hesitate any more. She used the same strength as when she abused her husband and chased the sun boat at full speed.

Now she only prayed that Lin Baici's ship would not go too fast.

And this time, I am afraid that I will be blackmailed severely and suffer a lot of bleeding, but as long as I can survive, I will have a chance to make a comeback.

Song Huizhi decided to give in.

She just swam and swam, twenty minutes passed, and she didn't even see the shadow of the sun boat.

"Gan, Lin Baici, are you really waiting for me?"

Song Huizhi cursed and almost cried with anger.

She couldn't understand that she was a main member of the Lost Coast. If a god hunter killed her, she would become famous all of a sudden. Could it be that Lin Baici didn't like it?

Even if he doesn't want the fame, what about the trophies?

Aren’t these three taboo things on my body not attractive at all?


Isn't he too rich to look down on his own wealth?

After Song Huizhi swam for another half hour, she was completely desperate.

The sun boat is completely invisible. The river bank can be seen, but just like the beloved mountain and sea, it is an unreachable shore.

"I don't want to die, Lin Baici, come back and I will tell you all the information about the Black Sea Emperor!"

Song Huizhi yelled, but to no avail. Her voice was blown away on the river without causing any waves.

After persisting for three hours, Song Huizhi was exhausted and sank into the river.

Nile Three has docked.

After everyone disembarked, the ancient Egyptian ship turned into a golden light and flew into the pendant around Lin Baici's neck.

One that Fei Xiao envied.

Lin Baici felt it for a while and found that he didn't feel hungry, so he took out the tortoise shell for divination.

"Ask the gods for divination, and the tortoise shell can communicate with you."

"There are many disasters today. Avoid traveling, avoid snakes and insects, avoid sand and dust, and take a detour! Detour!"

Tortoiseshell elongated his voice and seemed to be chattering in a spirited manner.

"Damn it, how many good things does this kid have?"

Fei Xiao felt that he was also a section chief and shouldn't be so ignorant, but when he saw Lin Baici actually holding out a talking tortoise shell, he really couldn't calm down.

This kind of self-conscious sacred object must be of the highest quality, and it would be worth a sky-high price on the black market.

"Avoid sand dust?"

Xia Hongyao looked up and saw yellow sand everywhere. No matter which direction he chose, he would enter the desert.

"Can you give me some directions?"

Lin Baici asked.

"In all directions, from heaven to earth, there is danger! Danger! Danger!"

Turtle Shell's answer was horrifying.

Seeing that he couldn't ask, Lin Baici chose a direction at random: "Let's go!"

It should be better once we get into the desert.

"Should we prepare ourselves before going in?"

A man in a suit suggested.

Before entering the desert, you must prepare enough supplies, at least some water.

Lin Baici looked over.

"We can search these houses and maybe we can find containers."

The man in the suit made an impassioned speech and tried his best to show his value, so that Lin Baici could take care of him more when he encountered a crisis.

"There is a high chance that you won't find anything, and even if there are supplies, I won't waste time on it."

Lin Baici finished speaking to the man in the suit and glanced at everyone: "If you don't want to continue, just stay here!"

Lin Baici's black alms bowl contained a lot of supplies. Even if he stayed in the desert for three months, he would not die of hunger or freeze.

Some people with poor health have become very poor due to radiation pollution. They want to follow Lin Baici, but they no longer have the physical strength.

There are also some people who simply let it go, thinking that it would be nice to die comfortably.

There are date palm trees here, at least the shade of the trees can block the sun, and there is also a river, so you don't have to worry about dying of thirst, and maybe you can catch some small fish and shrimps.

In the end, two-thirds of the people continued to follow Lin Baici.

A total of one hundred and twenty people entered the desert.

The people who stayed behind began to search these dilapidated and low-rise houses made of adobe while they still had physical strength. Two people found a well.

They looked inside.

The bottom of the well is dry and there is nothing.


A man cursed depressedly, picked up a stone, and threw it into the well as if to vent his anger. He suddenly regretted it.

Do you want to go after Lin Baici?

He was still struggling when he suddenly heard a rustling sound, which seemed to come from the well. He leaned over and took a look.

In the well, there were a large number of fist-sized scarabs emerging from the ground. They rushed out of the well like fountains, scattered on the ground, and spread quickly.

"Fuck, run, there's a monster!"

The man yelled and ran like crazy, but the scarab was faster. He rushed less than twenty meters and was overtaken by the scarab and drowned.


Dozens of scarabs squeezed into his mouth, blocking his voice.

When the scarab swarm passed, there was only a white skeleton left on the ground, which was completely clean, not even a trace of blood or flesh.

The people who stayed behind suffered a disaster. Some people chased in the direction Lin Baici left, but they were overtaken by the scarabs before they ran far.

At this moment, everyone was regretting, why not follow Lin Baici?

In the God Ruins, no one knows what danger they will encounter next, so the safest place is around the God Hunter.

Ten minutes later, the scarabs had eaten all the humans and burrowed into the well.

After entering the desert, time seemed to slow down, and everyone was getting tired faster.

Because this is not only a physical exertion, but also a huge mental pressure that destroys the sanity.

Everyone wants to get out quickly.

"Xiao Bai, how long have you been gone?"

Hua Yueyu was panting and a little tired. If she hadn't become a divine hunter and strengthened her physique, she would have collapsed.

"You just asked ten minutes ago!"

Lin Baici glanced at the female anchor: "Speak less and save your energy!"

"It's only been ten minutes?"

Hua Yueyu's whole body was in bad condition.

"The sun is shining brightly, and all you can see are the undulating sand dunes. There is no effective reference at all, so everyone will feel very tired!"

Gu Qingqiu popular science.

She raised her right hand and wiped her forehead with the back of her hand.

After entering the desert, the sun suddenly became very hot and intense. Within a few minutes, she felt like she was going to get sunburned.

The skin is hot, itchy, and painful!

My whole body was soaked with sweat, and my clothes clung to me uncomfortably.

"Now I want to swim, blow the air conditioner, eat iced watermelon and drink happy water!"

Hua Yueyu licked her chapped lips.

"I want to play poker with Oppa in an air-conditioned room!"

Jin Yingzhen felt that this kind of job as a divine hunter was really not done by humans.

Fang Tianhua glanced at this Korean girl with a gorgeous figure. You said playing poker?

Is it serious?

Lin Baici stopped, and everyone seemed to have received an amnesty. They all sat down quickly, but quickly stood up again because the ground was too hot.

Can roast your butt.

"rest for a bit!"

Lin Baici took out the black alms bowl and put it to his mouth.

Drink porridge! Drink porridge!

The grain depot was opened, Lin Baici reached in and pulled out more than fifty boxes of mineral water in one go.

"There's something to drink!"

Hua Yueyu cheered: "Long live the Lin God!"

The female anchor didn't call her Xiaobai because this title was too personal. Calling her Lin Shen would give him a reputation and make everyone call him that.


Fei Xiao and Fang Tianhua both gulped.

"It's great to have space gods and monsters!"

Fei Xiao was filled with emotions. He found that he had never stopped envying Lin Baici since he met him.

"Come and get some water yourself!"

Lin Baici opened a bottle of mineral water, took two sips, and poured the rest over his head.

"Thank you Lin Shen!"

"Lin Shen, you are my superman!"

"What Superman? It's God!"

Everyone was talking and complimenting Lin Baici.

Fang Tian was also interested in painting, so he imitated others, but before he even put the bottle on his head, he was slapped by Fei Xiao.

"Prodigal stuff, are you such a waste of things?"

Fei Xiao cursed.


Fang Tianhua was a little confused after being beaten, but he also understood that his actions just now were inappropriate.

This water belongs to Lin Baici. He can waste it however he wants, but he is not qualified to do so.


Fang Tianhua apologized.

Fei Xiao nodded. His words were loud, and he was also reminding others that you are different from Lin Baici. Others can pour water on their heads, but you can't.

Jin Yingzhen was about to wipe her face and neck with water to cool down, but when she heard this, she felt embarrassed.

"It's okay, just wash it, I have a lot more!"

Lin Baici smiled.

"Thank you Oppa!"

Although Lin Baici said so, Jin Yingzhen did not wash her face.

"Anyone want something to eat?"

Lin Baici asked, but few people answered because it was too hot and they had no appetite at all.

Everyone replenished their water and continued on the road.

"We have no retreat. If we want to survive, we must find the remains as soon as possible!"

Fei Xiao was considered a qualified group leader, shouting and boosting morale.

After walking for another quarter of an hour, Gu Qingqiu suddenly shouted.


Gu Qingqiu pointed to the west.

On the horizon, you can vaguely see a black shadow, like some kind of tall tower building.

"found it!"

Everyone was very excited, it would be easier if we had a destination.

"Come on, everybody!"

Fang Tianhua encouraged everyone.

After everyone walked for a few more minutes, Gu Qingqiu was the first to discover the problem.


At three o'clock, on the horizon, there is a cloud of gray, connected to the sky, and they are no longer distinguishable from each other. They are rushing towards each other like thousands of horses galloping.

"What...what is this?"

"Fuck, is it a sandstorm?"

"It's over! It's over!"

Everyone's face showed a look of fear, and some timid ones even turned around and ran away.

"Come back quickly, where can you run to?"

Fei Xiao cursed.

Want to run through a sandstorm in the desert?


"Everyone, come together quickly and hold hands!"

Commander Fei Xiao, now he can only treat a dead horse as a live doctor.

Lin Baici took out the World War II medal that he had captured in the Crazy Maid game, and after shouting hurrah, a tank was summoned.


Fei Xiao and Fang Tianhua were stunned again.

How many good things do you have in you?

Are you really new?

Fang Tianhua suddenly felt that Lin Baici must have been kept by Xia Hongyao, otherwise he would be too rich!

Everyone looked at Lin Baici.

When a sandstorm approaches, having such a hiding place is simply a paradise, a paradise-level enjoyment.

"Yueyu, Yingzhen, hide under the tank!"

Lin Baici urged.

This way at least you don't have to worry about being blown away.

"Can't you go inside?"

Fang Tianhua was confused.

"This thing can't hold people!"

Lin Baici explained.

Cai Wenqi looked at Lin Baici eagerly, hoping to be protected.

"Let Qingqiu and her hide away too!"

As a divine hunter, Xia Hongyao needs to show off his style.

"Come here you two!"

Lin Baici ordered: "Hurry up!"

"You, you, and you, climb in too."

Lin Baici selected three more young girls who looked like they were high school students and asked them to crawl under the chassis and squeeze in.


There is still a great future, try not to die here.

Lin Baici began to take out things from the black alms bowl again, including flour bags, can boxes, bottled water boxes...

"Quickly, pile them up, put the light ones down and the heavy ones on top."

Lin Baici wanted to use these things to make a small bunker, but he didn't know if it would be useful.

Everyone immediately started moving.

The sandstorm came very quickly, and strong winds blew up from the originally scorching desert. The sand and gravel mixed in it hit the body at an extremely fast speed due to the strong wind.

It hurts!

Lin Baici took out some swimming goggles and gave them to Xia Hongyao and Fei Xiao.

A few minutes later, the sky was filled with yellow sand, and the visibility had dropped rapidly, making it impossible to see anything. There was so much sand that I didn't dare to open my eyes or open my mouth.


Lin Baici had never experienced such a natural disaster, so he didn't understand. He didn't make the scarf in time, but fortunately it was not too late.

"Cover your mouth and nose!"

Lin Baici shouted, but the strong wind and the sound of sand and dust completely obscured his shouting, and he opened his mouth and ate a mouthful of sand.

I have no choice but to shut up.

Lin Baici took out a gas mask, put it on his face, and gave some to Xia Hongyao and the others. As for the others, Lin Baici distributed masks.

Just because I didn't hold it firmly, the mask box flew away.

Fortunately, he still has many.

Lin Baici walked around in the strong wind, swaying, and stuffed the masks into their hands, but soon he could no longer continue.

Because a big sandstorm came, covering the sky and the sun, completely submerging everything.

Nothing can be seen except sand.

Lin Baici and Xia Hongyao hugged each other and crawled behind the tank.

Crunch! Crunch!

The tank was shaken by the sandstorm and seemed to roll up at any moment like a ball that had been kicked hard.


Hua Yueyu and Jin Yingzhen hugged each other, worried that Lin Baici outside would be blown away.

Lin Baici summoned the Muscular Buddha and let it hold up the tank and serve as a bunker to protect him from the wind and sand.

"When the market is over, I'm going to stuff two tanks into the black altar bowl to use as a fortress."

Lin Baici is planning to join the Kyushu Security Bureau, otherwise he would not be able to buy these arms.

Xia Hongyao's ears were filled with the whining sound of the wind. She hugged Lin Baici tightly. In this situation, she felt as if she was on an isolated island. In the whole world, only Lin Baici beside her was real. That warmth

The warm body temperature and the big hands holding her back gave her a great sense of security.

“It’s great to be with Xiao Linzi when we conquer Shenxu!”

Xia Hongyao never wanted to be separated from Lin Baici.

Lin Baici suddenly noticed that Xia Hongyao was holding his hand harder. He wondered if she was feeling uncomfortable. When Lin Baici was about to check, he heard Nagami's comment.

【Warning! Warning! Monster is coming!】

This chapter has been completed!
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