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Chapter 207 Autumn Outing Pollution

 The man in the sweatshirt held a piece of braised pig intestine and gnawed it while observing Wang Hanxu and others through binoculars.

"33 people!"

The man in the sweatshirt didn't want to hurt innocent people, but someone had already come to his door. If he didn't take action, it would be too late. In order to make Wang Hanxu pay the price, even if he accidentally hurt others, he could only apologize.

Furthermore, these people know that Wang Hanxu is a scumbag and still play with him, so they are probably not good people.

In order not to be disturbed by others, people like Wang Hanxu chose to camp in a relatively remote place and try to stay away from the crowd. Now it is easier for the man in the sweatshirt to move around.

After finishing the pig intestines, he rubbed his hands on his clothes, stood up, put on his mask, lowered his only hood, and walked over there.

Let the punishment begin!

Cai Wenqi looked at the message sent by Lin Baici and was a little confused.

Lin Shen said there was danger, so what should I do?

If you don't leave, you will definitely leave a good impression on him, but what if you get cold?


Lin Baici has mastered all the dangerous gods and taboo games in the museum's ruins. Shouldn't this small scene be overturned, right?

Cai Wenqi took a deep breath and replied to Lin Baici: "Thank you very much for your concern, God Lin. I will definitely be a good spy!"

After she finished handing it out, she walked towards Wang Hanxu: "Senior Wang, thank you, I'll help you grill the skewers!"

"It's okay, you go and play, I'll do it!"

Wang Hanxu showed a sassy smile. This was his classmate's high school girl and a freshman this year. She was not bad looking. Plus, Wang Hanxu wanted to improve his image, so he naturally would not refuse Cai Wenqi's request to come and eat and drink.

"Senior, you are such a nice person. Are the rumors in the school all false?"

Cai Wenqi blinked and while helping with the barbecue, she analyzed: "That girl is a female boxer, right?"

Wang Hanxu was originally thinking about how to change the topic to this topic, but he didn't expect Cai Wenqi to take the initiative and think about him, which made him happy.

Sure enough, he is handsome and has money, so he can do whatever he wants.

Wang Hanxu felt that Cai Wenqi might like him, so he glanced at Cai Wenqi without any trace.

She has good looks and a decent figure, so she is considered a good-quality schoolgirl.

It's good to play it occasionally for a change of taste.

After these thoughts flashed through Wang Hanxu's mind, a depressed look appeared on his face: "Hey, you blame me too, because I usually buy too many things for Li Mei..."

When Cai Wenqi heard this, she felt disdainful. Wasn't this a hint that Li Mei was interested in his money because of his generosity?


Not only does she not want to take responsibility, she also wants Li Mei to take the blame.

"Old Wang, I told you a long time ago not to reveal your wealth before you find true love, but you just don't listen!"

A fat man came over, drank beer, and took away a freshly cooked mutton skewer: "Are you suffering a loss now?"

"Wang Hanxu, there are so many girls in our class, who can't you choose? Do you have to find someone from another class?"

On the lawn next to them, several girls were sitting on a camping blanket playing cards. When they heard this, a girl with short hair spoke with sadness in her voice.


Cai Wenqi was convinced. Is this girl mentally ill?

Wang Hanxu is such a scumbag, but you still like him?

The fat man glanced at Cui Ying, the girl with short hair, and thought that a love-minded woman is really unreasonable. The reason why he praised Wang Hanxu's bad feet was because this boy had a good family background.

There is nothing wrong with eating other people's food, drinking other people's food, and saying a few nice words to others.

But privately, the fat man would not regard Wang Hanxu as a good person, but Cui Ying was different. She really thought that Wang Hanxu was fine.

"Damn it, why don't I have a female dog licker like this?"

The fat man was depressed and suddenly felt that the kebab in his hand was no longer fragrant.

This kind of topic is difficult to answer, so Wang Hanxu shrugged his shoulders and showed a helpless expression.

I have to say that this kid is dressed in light luxury and is handsome. From an image perspective alone, he is very popular.

"Sure enough, being a scumbag also requires capital!"

Cai Wenqi thought of Lin Baici for no reason. If he became a scumbag, even the girls at Haijing Institute of Technology would not be spared.

Not only is he handsome, with a good figure, and rich, but more importantly, he is a mysterious and powerful god hunter, which is simply full of attraction.

Cai Wenqi doesn't know about others, but she can't stand it anyway.

If Lin Baici asked her to go to the hotel today, she thought about it, and she would definitely not refuse. She would even take a shower in advance and spray on perfume.


If I had worked harder, how much better would it have been to be admitted to Beijing Institute of Technology?

Cai Wenqi and Wang Hanxu were talking, trying to get some information. Others were also playing, playing cards, mobile phones, and badminton...

No one noticed that a tall boy wearing a sweatshirt passed by not far away. After he left, the environment around them changed.

It was originally the lawn of Senhai Park, with some trees nearby, but now it has turned into a huge field tent.

In the tent, there were tables, with a banana and an iron box shining with metallic luster on them.

Right in front, there is a blackboard with five lines written on it. The last three lines have been erased and are unclear.

"what happened?"

Everyone who was having fun at first was immediately shocked.

"Why did a tent suddenly appear?"

"Wang Hanxu, what are you doing?"

"What's this trick? 3D projection?"

Everyone was talking a lot and looked at Wang Hanxu.

Wang Hanxu also looked confused. He instinctively wanted to run outside the tent to see what was going on, but he was very alert and took two steps and stopped again.

What if there is danger outside?

Some people have also thought of this, but there are still some people who have not thought of it, such as the fat man.

"Go out and have a look!"

After the fat man finished speaking, he turned around in a circle and was dumbfounded because he found that there was no door at all in this tent.

"Where's the door?"

The fat man rushed to one of the walls of the tent, knelt on one knee, lowered his head, grabbed the bottom edge of the tent with his hands, and pulled up with all his strength.

There was thick fog outside, just like the heavy fog on a winter morning, with visibility no more than ten meters.

"What's going on?"

Everyone became nervous. Many people took out their mobile phones and prepared to call the police, but found that their mobile phones had been turned off at some point.

"Regulation... regulation pollution?"

Cai Wenqi's lips trembled.

This is rule pollution and it is gone.

She wanted to cry because Lin Baici was not here.

"It's over, it's over, it won't get cold this time, right?"

Cai Wenqi was panicked. The prerequisite for her not being afraid was that Lin Baici was present.

Some people looked out from the bottom of the tent, and two tried to get out.

Wang Hanxu felt that doing so might be dangerous, but he did not remind them. After all, people needed to try at times like this.

There is no loss in using death to eliminate a wrong answer.

"What do these words on the blackboard mean?"

Cui Ying shouted.

Everyone looked at the blackboard directly in front of them.

"Today's homework is to learn surgical suturing!"

“Students please sew bananas carefully!”

These college students immediately approached the table nearest to them, and several of them wanted to pick up the bananas on the table.

"Don't move! Don't even move!"

Cai Wenqi shouted.

She was worried that these people would make irreparable mistakes if they were not careful.


Everyone turned their heads and looked over.

"Why don't move?"

Wang Hanxu asked.

"Wait a minute, someone should come to save us!"

Cai Wenqi knew that Lin Baici was rushing here.

"Who's going to save me? What's going on now?"

Wang Hanxu became anxious. He walked up to Cai Wenqi in two steps and grabbed her collar: "Speak quickly!"

Before Cai Wenqi could answer, Wang Hanxu's expression suddenly changed. He quickly let go of Cai Wenqi and stepped back, as if in his eyes, Cai Wenqi was a monster at this time.

"Ah, her face..."

Cui Ying covered her mouth and shouted, looking at Cai Wenqi with horror in her eyes.

At this time, there was blood, like a waterfall, flowing down from Cai Wenqi's hairline and flooding her face.

Cai Wenqi was startled by Wang Hanxu's actions. Just when she was about to ask them what happened, she saw the faces of Wang Hanxu and others starting to bleed.

"Cao Lei, you are bleeding!"

"You're bleeding too!"

"Fuck mom, what's going on?"

Everyone found out that they were bleeding and immediately panicked. Some people didn't know what to do and directly blamed Wang Hanxu.

"Wang Hanxu, it's all your fault that you have to organize some kind of autumn outing when you have nothing to do!"

"You blame me for being useless." Wang Hanxu was unhappy. He didn't want to suffer any loss, so he yelled back: "Cao Nima! I spent money on the wrong thing?"

"Stop arguing, isn't it written on the blackboard? Let's sew bananas!"

Cao Lei roared.

At this time, everyone reacts differently. Some people are afraid, complaining, blaming others, while others are actively trying to save themselves.

Several people are looking at the bananas on the table.

"Don't move, please!"

Cai Wenqi was worried about being killed by these people.

"If you don't move, you will die!"

Cao Lei wiped his face and spread his hands to see that they were all covered in blood.

Someone got impatient, opened the box, saw a needle and thread inside, and immediately threaded the needle and thread to sew up the hole in the banana.

Just when Cai Wenqi was desperate, she suddenly heard a tearing sound. At ten o'clock, a bronze sword opened a gap in the tent, and a man and a woman got in one after another.

"Lin Shen!"

Cai Wenqi, as if she had been granted amnesty, ran towards Lin Baici in ecstasy, ran into his arms, and hugged him tightly: "Oh, oh, oh, I knew you would come!"

Everyone looked at Lin Baici.

Damn it!

Who is this handsome guy?

Lin Baici glanced at the situation in the tent and saw the same rule pollution as he encountered that day. He breathed a sigh of relief and then shouted.

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"Don't take them randomly, these bananas have names on them, go and find the ones that belong to you!"

Lin Baici saw that several people had begun to sew bananas, and immediately warned: "You must sew bananas with your names on them to pass!"

"who are you?"

"What's happening here?"

“Where exactly is the name on the banana?”

Everyone asked questions and made a fuss.

"Lin Shen and Captain Xia are god hunters. Now we have encountered rule pollution. We must listen to their words in order to survive!"

Cai Wenqi didn't panic anymore, especially when she saw Lin Baici and Xia Hongyao being so calm, she felt that she had made the right bet. This time she would definitely win Lin Baici's appreciation and become a hunter of the gods.

"God hunter? I've heard of this title!"

"Rule pollution? Isn't that an urban legend? Is it true?"

"Fuck, don't worry about whether it's true or not, tell us how to stop the bleeding first!"

These college students all looked panicked because they were bleeding, and because they had never seen rule pollution or divine hunters, they lacked respect for Lin Baici.

"Do as I say, first find the banana with your name, then choose the even number of stitches!"

Lin Baici declared loudly.

He quickly scanned the number of tables, then looked back at Xia Hongyao and found that there were no blood stains on her face, which meant that people who came in after the rule pollution broke out would not be involved.

"Hurry up and do it. Are we risking our lives just to deceive you?"

Summer red medicine urges.

"Cui Ying, this is your name!"

"Fat Zi Ming, this is yours!"

"Has anyone seen mine?"

When everyone started reminding each other, they quickly found their bananas.

"Always get an even number of sutures, don't use No. 2!"

Seeing that almost everyone was nervous, Lin Baici comforted them: "I just experienced this rule pollution the day before yesterday. It's very simple. Just do as I say and you will survive."

These college students are not studying medicine and are not technically proficient. Although there is no pain when using Line 2, the probability of failure is too high.

"Ah? You mean, you will die if you fail?"

Cui Ying's words scared many girls and started crying.

"Lin Shen, can you come to my place?"

Cai Wenqi begged.

Although she did not ask for it, Cai Wenqi fell into rule pollution because she was trying to help, so Lin Baici agreed to her request.

When the others saw this, they immediately understood that Lin Baici was the key to passing the test, so they shouted.

"Lin Shen, please come over and give me some advice!"

"Lin Shen, I also want to give you some advice!"

"Can you help me stop the bleeding?"

Most of them were girls shouting.

Cai Wenqi was worried that Lin Baici would leave, but when she saw him coming and standing next to her, she didn't know why, but she felt a strong sense of security.

"Listen to me clearly!"

"The distance between each stitch should not exceed one millimeter, otherwise you will leave scars on your body."

"Don't backstitch the stitched area, otherwise scars will remain!"

"let's start!"

Lin Baici urged.

Someone gave the injection and then screamed.

It hurts! It hurts so much!

This is fucking bananas, it’s like sewing yourself!

Many girls started crying immediately. There was nothing they could do, most of them were spoiled and spoiled, how could they have suffered such a crime when they were so old!

Cai Wenqi screamed in pain as soon as the needle pierced the banana peel, and tears burst into her eyes.


It hurts so much!

When Cai Wenqi saw Lin Baici on Thursday night, although he had blood scabs on his body, his face was calm. She thought that the rule pollution was a small scene, but now it seems that Lin Baici was too strong.

This thing is like a thousand arrows piercing the heart, how can you endure it?

Cai Wenqi felt that after she survived this ordeal, even if she was executed by a traitor in the future, she would be able to accept death as her own.

This chapter has been completed!
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