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Chapter 283 Medical Girl

 Big Beard was shocked and confused. As a general who caught thieves, he was responsible for the security of Shangqing Mansion, so he had to come forward.


The bearded man shouted, pulled out his saber, and walked cautiously toward the door of the medical center.

It stands to reason that some people should be arranged to go up the wall and suppress them with bows and arrows. Once an enemy appears inside, they can kill them in time. However, there are densely packed bamboo guns installed on the wall, making it impossible for people to stay, so they have to give up.


The wooden door was pushed open.

The hospital was silent, and not a single person was seen. However, there was blood on the ground, which had seeped into the compacted loess.

The yard is the size of two basketball courts. There are some straw mats on the ground, which should be used by patients. There is a woodshed on the right, and there is no smoke.

Lin Baici stood at the gate and took a look, frowning. It smelled so bad here that even wearing an N95 mask couldn't block the smell.

"You guys wait for me here!"

Lin Bai resigned and walked in.

Jin Yingzhen originally planned to listen to Lin Baici's words, but when she saw Gu Qingqiu following him, she hurried over.

"Let me take a look too!"

Gu Qingqiu looked around. She was very confident in her IQ and might be able to find clues that Lin Baici had overlooked.

Jin Yingzhen held a knife and guarded Lin Baici.

"Be careful of catching the plague!"

Quan Xiangren complained angrily, and Lin Bai resigned and entered the hospital. He was too embarrassed to wait, so he also walked in.

Although Divine Doctor Li was a royal physician and treated the King of Goryeo, he was probably not a wealthy person at this medical clinic.

To the north is a row of bungalows, with about ten rooms. Perhaps to save money, this house did not have a foundation dug, but was built directly with wood.

For the purpose of preventing moisture and corrosion, there is a gap of more than one foot between the ground and the wooden floor.

Lin Baici stepped on the wooden steps, walked up, and opened a straw woven door curtain with a bronze sword.

The smell of mold, blood, herbs, and a strong stench mixed together, hitting your face and making you sick.

"People here leave in a hurry and don't know where they are going?"

Gu Qingqiu saw that many household items had not been packed away, such as clay pots containing Chinese medicine decoctions, bowls, chopsticks, and bedding.

There's even some broth in the cauldron.

Not to mention that there is a famine in Shangqing Mansion. Even in peacetime, many people cannot afford meat, so it is abnormal to have meat in the pot.

Lin Baici looked at several houses, which were similar to wards. He came out and planned to find the doctor's residence.

After just a few steps, a piece of the wooden floor beneath his feet became moldy and rotten. Lin Baici didn't pay attention and stepped on it.


The wooden floor shattered, Lin Baici's left leg sank, and his whole body tilted.


The sudden sound startled everyone and made them all look over.

Lin Baici didn't take it seriously at first, but suddenly, a sound of something crawling quickly sounded under the floor.


Lin Baici quickly jumped out.

There were things under the floor, and they were crawling quickly, stirring up some dust.

Just after Lin Baici pulled out his leg, three arms covered with dust and blood came out from underneath.

The wooden stubble around the hole scratched their skin, but they remained indifferent.

"Is there anyone down there?"

The bearded man was stunned. He slashed the knife on the floor and roared loudly: "Get out of here, or I will kill you without mercy!"

No one responded.

The bearded man became angry, jumped into the courtyard with a few strides, bent down and looked at the gap between the floor and the loess.

"Get out..."

Halfway through the shouting, the bearded man's voice suddenly stopped because he saw that there were people in ragged clothes crowded under the floor.

There was something wrong with these people. Their eyes were red and bloodshot. They stared at the bearded man and grinned like wild beasts.

What's even more terrifying is that these people don't seem to be breathing?

Anyway, the bearded guy didn’t hear it!

"It's a zombie!"

Lin Baici did not retreat, but took a step forward.

Through the hole, he saw an old woman's face squeezed underneath, staring at him, showing her yellow teeth and roaring.


Quan Xiangren looked confused. Was there a zombie with chicken feathers in ancient society?

Isn't this thing made by modern medical technology?

"It turns out those bamboo guns prevent these things from escaping!"

Gu Qingqiu suddenly realized, but who arranged those bamboo spears?

Doctor Li?

"Xiba, the leader, is a zombie!"

Jin Zhenzhu saw it. This thing was exactly like the zombies on TV. It had no heartbeat and its body was a little rotten, but it was still alive and extremely aggressive.

The only exception is wearing ancient costumes.

"What kind of monster is this?"

The bearded man asked in surprise. He found that these people seemed to know the origin of these things.

Those people...the zombies were crowded in that small space, so densely packed that they looked particularly scary. The general who caught the thieves actually wanted to run over, but Lin Baici didn't move, which allowed him to calm down a little.

"have no idea!"

Although Lin Baici said they were zombies, he had no idea about the specific habits of these monsters.

"Shall we go out first?"

The bearded man was talking and had already begun to retreat.

"Why are they hiding down there?"

Jin Zhenzhu wondered: "Are they all afraid of meeting people?"

Gu Qingqiu raised his head and glanced at the sky: "Maybe he's afraid of the sun!"

At four o'clock in the afternoon, the sun's rays were no longer strong, but it still felt warm when it shone on my body.

"Quan Xiangren, do you want to catch one and study it?"

Lin Baici suggested.

"Why should I study this thing?"

Quan Xiangren disliked it.

"Aren't you afraid that your team members will turn into zombies?"

Gu Qingqiu asked back.


Jin Zhenzhu was startled: "It shouldn't be possible, right? Otherwise, if so many people died in Shangqing Mansion, wouldn't they all turn into zombies?"

"Certain conditions should be met before mutation occurs, so we need to study it!"

Gu Qingqiu was very curious: "Sure enough, that miracle doctor Li is an important figure!"

"Shall we go out and talk?"

The bearded man urged.

Lin Baici didn't want to stay in such a place, so he hurried out. The officers and soldiers locked the door again and blocked it with a few pieces of wood, a large millstone, and other scattered things they could find, before he felt at ease.

After doing all this, Bearded Man was still uneasy and asked his subordinates to light rockets and shoot them into the medical center.

No matter what kind of monster it is, it can be burned to death with a fire, right?

Phew! Phew! Phew!

The rocket flew into the hospital and ignited some straw sandals and firewood. Soon, the fire started.

"Are there monsters in the village too?"

Kim Jin-soo is worried.

"Big Beard, take your people and set fire to the whole village!"

Quan Xiangren ordered.

Big Beard was also worried about monsters hiding elsewhere, so he took his men into action quickly.

Lin Baici stood outside the medical center, watching the raging fire getting bigger and bigger.

The sun sets at dusk and the sky becomes dark!

"Did you set the fire?"

An anxious voice sounded.

Lin Baici turned around and saw a young woman holding a medicine hoe and a medicine basket on her back, looking desperately at the fire scene.

"It's over! It's all over!"

This chapter has been completed!
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