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Chapter 292 The family must be neat and tidy!

 The movement in front of the back door attracted the attention of the zombies, and the zombies farther down the street also began to run this way. "Quan Xiangren, what are you doing standing still? The fight has begun!"

With so many thugs, of course we have to squeeze out their value. Lin Baici kept these people just for this moment. "Come on!"

Quan Xiangren did not shirk the blame, and Lin Baici found many clues. Without him, he would not be able to do it by himself. So since others have provided wisdom, he must provide strength.

"Hongyao, protect Yueyu and the others!"

When Lin Baici spoke, the pharaoh's shroud wrapped around his left wrist loosened, and like a snake, it quickly wrapped around Lin Baici's body, and then tightened with a snap, wrapping his entire body.

, looks like a mummy.


Quan Xiangren and the other seven were so envious that they almost burst into tears.

There are too many extremely taboo things on this guy. In a world where being bitten by a living zombie will turn him into a living zombie, it is absolutely safe if his whole body is wrapped in bandages.

Quan Xiangren felt that those living corpses had been replaced with gold teeth, and there was nothing they could do to Lin Baici.

"I think even if he is a genius, it is impossible for him to accumulate so much equipment at such a young age. He must be a little bitch of a big boss!"

Choi Soon-sil muttered.

"It doesn't take a big boss, it's just that Xia Hongmian didn't run away!"

Jin Zhenzhu glanced at Xia Hongyao, and they knew that this was the sister of Xia Hongmian, who was famous in the world of god hunters.

"Stop talking nonsense and get out quickly!"

Li Zaicheng had a broken arm and was still running a fever. He didn't have time to care about this. He just wanted to clean up the rule pollution and get out alive.

From now on, I will not be a hunter of gods, and I will never enter the ruins of gods again.

This place is so terrible.

Quan Xiangren and Lin Baici took the lead and chopped down the living corpses with all their strength to clear a way for everyone. Everyone followed behind, extremely anxious.

Li Taixian stood beside Dae Jang Geum, holding a musket and staring at Lin Baici.

A girl zombie suddenly rushed towards Lin Baici from the blind side of his field of vision. Just as he was about to shoot to rescue, Lin Baici struck back with a sword.


The head of the girl's living corpse was split in half. Due to the inertia of the corpse, the corpse continued to rush forward. Lin Baici caught her and smashed her out like a grenade.


Several living corpses fell to the ground. "So strong!"

Li Taixian was envious. He really wanted this kind of skill. The man next to him, Quan Xiangren, was also very strong. When faced with living corpses, he almost always killed them instantly, but his movements were not as smooth, free and beautiful as Lin Baici's.

But after thinking about it for a moment, he understood that being bitten by a living corpse would turn him into a monster, and Quan Xiangren must be on guard to avoid being bitten.

"Do you always look at ***?"

Lin Baici scolded: "You have good eyesight. Look around to see if there are any "special" living corpses!" "Special?"

Li Taixian doesn't understand.

"It's the kind that's different from other living corpses!"

Gu Qingqiu explained that she was also looking for it. Since there was a mastermind behind the scenes, there might also be "specially mutated living corpses." A large group of people followed Lin Baici and Quan Xiangren and were advancing rapidly.

The wheels of the carriages filled with Zhao Decheng's luggage made a crunching sound as they crushed the ground. "Hurry up and push, I will reward you heavily when we get to the royal capital!"

Zhao Decheng shouted.

He had prepared horses, but the incident happened so suddenly that he did not have time to go to the stables to ride.

The fighting power of Quan Xiangren and others is not low, but the number of living corpses is increasing rapidly.

There is no way, these monsters can infect others. The residents of Shangqing Mansion will become their companions after being bitten by them.

The team turned left and rushed into a main road. "Go forward, two hundred meters, turn right!" Li Taixian pointed the way.

After everyone had run halfway down the street, a large group of living corpses suddenly appeared in front of them. They were so densely packed and crowded that it was scary to look at them.

"Don't be afraid, kill him!" Quan Xiangren shouted

The living corpses were like a tide, crashing into Lin Baici and Quan Xiangren. There were too many monsters, and some passed them and killed behind them.

Cui Shunshi and Yijisheng acted as the second line of defense and continued to resist, but footsteps appeared on the roof. "What's going on?"

Lin Baici looked up and saw living corpses appearing on the roofs on both sides. They ran over like crazy. Because they had no human consciousness and didn't know the horror of falling and falling, they dropped like dumplings.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The living corpses quickly piled up into a mountain of flesh. The uninjured ones got up and continued to rush towards the crowd. Even the ones with broken limbs did not cry out in pain and continued to crawl forward.

Such a crazy scene made people's eyes jump, and they were scared to death.

The main street was only seven meters wide, so the zombies who fell from the roofs on the west side rushed into the group in the blink of an eye, causing huge casualties.


Before a maid could finish shouting, she was knocked down by a living corpse of a beggar and bit her on the face. With a flick of her head, it tore off a large piece of flesh easily.


Xia Hongyao chopped off the head of the beggar's living corpse, glanced at the maid with blood on her face, and swung the knife.


The maid's head fell from her neck and rolled out like a ball. Bang!

After Li Taixian fired a shot and blew away the skull of a living corpse, more people rushed over. He didn't have time to load the bullet, so he had to draw his hatchet and kill them.

"Stop crying!"

Xia Hongyao roared, and many living corpses were attracted. They even appeared on the roof. I don't know how this thing climbed up.

"Lin Shen, this team is finished. We can't kill all these living corpses, so we can only take the important people away first!" Quan Xiangren suggested anxiously.


Lin Baici nodded, and after looking around, the Muscular Buddha appeared. With two steps, it rushed to the wall on the right and punched the wall three times.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Dust is flying.

There was a living corpse that was unlucky. It happened to be here and was hit by the Muscle Buddha. As a result, its upper body was shattered into a puddle of flesh, and blood and flesh were scattered everywhere.

There was a gap in the earthen wall, like a straight tooth missing a front tooth. "This way!"

Lin Baici shouted.

The target of the Muscular Buddha was so big that when the zombies saw it, they pounced on it like crazy dogs, and were then beaten away by the Muscular Buddha's arms.

Anyone hit by it will suffer direct fractures, spurt out blood, and be completely deformed, as if they were hit by a dump truck. "Look, Buddha is here to save us!"


"Why doesn't this Buddha wear clothes? And why does he look so fierce?" "Did Buddha donate all his money to the poor?"

When everyone saw the ferocious muscular Buddha, their desperate hearts were ignited again, and they ran here desperately, trying to catch this ride.

When they ran away like this, they squeezed the escape route of Xia Hongyao and others.

Although Gao Ponytail estimated that these people were NPCs, the "animation effect" of bleeding to death was very realistic, which made her a little reluctant to kill people to clear the way.

Zhao Decheng, on the other hand, was very ruthless. "Get out of here! Get out of here!"

Zhao Decheng cursed loudly and slashed randomly with his knife. Many people did not die in the mouths of the living corpses, but were chopped to the ground by him. "One ear!"

Lin Baici scolded.

Although being called one ear is suspected of being an insult, the mountain man boss doesn't care. He has long been unhappy with these city people. Now that he has the opportunity, why should he be polite?

Lord Lin quietly told him last night that their mission is to protect Lord Lin's family, and they can kill anyone for this purpose.


One ear holds a sickle, draped over a man's face.

The mountain people took action, and those who were still squeezing into the gap in the wall were immediately frightened and retreated, leaving a way out.

Lin Baici entered the house through the gap and saw four living animals under the wall.

The corpse stood there, scratching at the wall, trying to get out.

A pair of adult men and women, and a pair of children. This should be a family of four.

Before, they couldn't get out because of the wall blocking them. Now when they saw Lin Baici, they immediately rushed over after smelling the smell of human flesh. They happened to be close to the wall and lined up in a straight line.

Lin Baici threw his flying sword. Whoa!

The bronze sword flew past the snake and penetrated their heads. Snap!

Lin Baici caught the bronze sword, shook the blood off it, and quickly walked through the courtyard. When passing by the wing, Li Zaicheng suddenly shouted.

"Nishipachi, what is it?"

His ankle suddenly hurt. When he lowered his head, he saw a nine-month-old baby biting her ankle. The baby's eyes were blood red, his face was ashen, and his saliva was dripping. No matter how he looked, he looked like a living corpse.


Li Zaicheng stabbed the baby's living corpse with a knife, but it quickly crawled away like a flexible wild cat. There was pain on his ankles, and blood could be seen soaking his pants.


Li Zaicheng's voice was trembling and his face was pale.

[The mutated living zombie is here, and anyone bitten by it will turn into a living zombie in a few seconds.] Nagami comments,

"In Cheng."

Quan Xiangren didn't know what to say. "It's hopeless, kill him!"

Lin Baici urged.

Quan Xiangren knew that Li Zaicheng was in trouble, but killing him without paying attention would be too cold-blooded. He was still hesitant, but Li Zaicheng had mutated and suddenly threw away his hand.

Porcupine Jungle! Li Zaicheng cast Divine Grace. Boom! Boom! Boom!

On the ground, dozens of three-meter-long spikes made of soil suddenly sprang out, like porcupine hair! Many people were unable to dodge and were stabbed to death on the spot. They were hung up like bacon drying in the winter.

.Tick tock!Tick tock!

Blood flowed down like a waterfall. "Xi Ba!"

Quan Xiangren cursed and he was almost hurt.

"Captain, don't hesitate, kill him quickly!" Choi Soon-sil shouted.

Just as Quan Sangren was about to take action, Li Zaicheng's head suddenly exploded like a firework, and the pieces of meat and brains exploded everywhere. "You did it?"

Jin Zhenzhu subconsciously looked at Lin Baici with a look of horror on his face. What kind of divine grace is this?

So tyrannical? "Hiss!"

Quan Xiangren gasped. "Be careful, the monster is here again!" Xia Hongyao reminded. Whoa!

The baby living corpse pounced on Huayueyu. It relied on its instincts and felt that this woman was the weakest. Yiji was tall and had long legs, so it slapped her.


The baby living corpse was hit, but the guy turned over nimbly, stretched out one hand, grabbed the sleeve of Yi Jisheng, pulled hard, and climbed up.


The baby's living corpse rushed towards Yijisheng's arm and quickly towards his head, preparing to bite him hard, but at the moment of the bite, Yijisheng's head suddenly snapped and bent back ninety degrees.


"What the hell?"

Quan Sang-in and his entourage were shocked. What was the origin of this taciturn guy? Why could his head be bent like this?

Could it be that his cervical spine is made of plastic? Bang!

Yi Jisheng hit the target this time and took out the baby's living corpse.

The monster fell to the ground, turned over and got up again, hiding behind those soil spikes. Ah!

The sudden loud shouting attracted Lin Baici's attention.

The four members of the family who had just been shot dead by him with a bronze sword were now mixed together to form a monster, viciously eating the people it bit.

The muscular Buddha ran two steps, leapt into the air, crossed a distance of more than ten meters, and hit the monster with a bang.

Buddha's fist is invincible! Oh la oh la oh la! Bang! Bang! Bang!

The monster exploded and was turned into a puddle of meat.

The baby zombie took advantage of everyone's attention to be attracted by the monster, appeared again, and crawled quickly

Get on Choi Soon-sil's back. "Captain!"

Cui Shunshi was stunned. She couldn't reach this position at all.

Just when Kwon Sang-in thought Choi Soon-sil was about to die, a flying stone shot out quickly and hit the head of the baby's living corpse. Boom!

The living corpse of the baby with half its head missing fell to the ground. It was not dead yet. It moved its hands and feet wildly and crawled towards Lin Baici to deliver a fatal blow.


Cui Shunshi thanked her. Although she didn't know what Lin Baici did, she didn't need to question it. He must have saved her. What a pity. What if he wasn't from Kyushu?

Cui Shunshi suddenly understood why Jin Xian had to act as guarantee and let Lin Baici enter the Busan God Market. Who wouldn't want such a powerful man?

Bang bang bang!

Flying rocks hit the baby's living corpse continuously, and Lin Baici threw his bronze sword.


This mutated living corpse was nailed to the ground and finally stopped moving.

Lin Baici walked over, drew his sword, kicked the little monster, and kicked it towards the mess of meat that the Muscular Buddha had blasted out. The whole family would be in order!

This makes it look good! "Let's go!"

Lin Baici shouted and followed the muscle Buddha to break through the wall and fight his way out of the wall.

Before there was a convoy and there were too many people, this tactic couldn't be used, but now it can.

Because they passed through the wall and took a shortcut, Lin Baici and the others quickly left the city gate and headed straight for the dock.

On the city wall, a woman wearing a bamboo hat looked indifferently at Lin Baici and his entourage escaping, with a mocking smile on her lips. Do you think you can escape?

The woman in a hat fell on Lin Baici's back. This man was so strong. If he turned into a living corpse, he would be very powerful.

I really want to see that scene.

The girl in a bamboo hat turned back and looked at Shangqing Mansion. After appreciating the scene of the country's subjugation, she went down the city wall, took out a prepared live chicken, and began to attract zombies. She wanted to lure these living corpses to the north as planned.


At this rate, they will appear under the capital in less than ten days.--

Clear water, green mountains, and a river appeared in front of everyone. "We're here! We're here!"

Zhao Decheng looked at the official ship docked at the pier and was overjoyed. He finally escaped!

This chapter has been completed!
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