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Chapter 311 My appetite is already extremely thirsty!

 When a god hunter explores the ruins of the gods, he will always be wandering on the edge of life and death, and he will always face weird and terrifying rule pollution. Over time, some people will have psychological problems, and some abnormality will inevitably occur.

The black man asked the beautiful Zhao Chunyuan to eat the burnt headless corpse. Subjectively, it was to vent his anger, but there was also a temptation in his heart.

Since this corpse cannot be killed, is it okay to break it into pieces and eat it?

Others also had this idea, so they did not stop the black man from abusing him and looked at Zhao Chunyuan indifferently.

"I will give you money, a lot of money, and I will give you official positions..."

Zhao Chunyuan cried and complained that when things came to pass, she was still scared to death. After all, the sunshine was so beautiful and the flowers were so bright, and she had not seen enough.

The black man picked up the whip and whipped Zhao Chunyuan on her body.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Each whip hit Zhao Chunyuan's body with a sharp blow, causing her clothes to be torn, her skin torn and her flesh torn, leaving a trail of blood.

Zhao Chunyuan had never suffered such a crime since she was a child. After being whipped a few times, she was completely subdued.

"Stop fighting! Stop fighting! I'll eat!"

Zhao Chunyuan was forced by the black men to obey. She stretched out her hands tremblingly, trying to tear off a piece of meat from the corpse.

"Hurry up!" the black man urged, his patience was limited: "Stop tearing it apart, crawl over and gnaw it like a dog!"

Zhao Chunyuan resisted very much, and after being whipped twice more, she collapsed completely, crawled on the headless corpse, and took a bite.

The flesh of the burnt corpse was very hard, like black coal, and there was a smell mixed with the burnt smell that penetrated into the nose.


Zhao Chunyuan vomited it out.

I can't help it, it tastes really bad.

"Don't vomit, eat quickly, or I'll make you eat everything you vomit!"

The black man threatened and whipped Zhao Chunyuan on the buttocks.

The empress of the middle temple was frightened, so she suppressed her nausea and ate the corpse. After a few mouthfuls, a strange fragrance began to explode in her mouth.

Although the taste of the meat was still very bad, it was so fragrant that Zhao Chunyuan's lips and teeth were filled with saliva, and a sense of hunger suddenly increased!


Zhao Chunyuan's stomach growled, and she didn't need the black man to urge her on. Driven by this hunger, she began to crazily eat the headless corpse.

"Ha ha!"

The black man found it very interesting. He just laughed a few times and suddenly realized something was wrong.

Why is this lady who crawls on the ground like a dog so devoted to eating?

has a problem!

"Kill it!"

The blonde woman yelled and rushed towards Zhao Chunyuan.

Zhao Chunyuan suddenly raised her head and roared like an angry lioness.


The sound waves were harsh, and spider web-like cracks quickly appeared on the ice on the lake amid the dense crackling sounds.


The nearby ice broke, and the blond women standing on the ice next to the Huxin Pavilion had no place to rely on, and they all fell down.

Plop! Plop!

In the twelfth lunar month of winter, the ice water is biting.

The black man held his breath and wanted to swim to the shore and climb up as soon as possible, but after falling into the water, he saw long objects floating in the water tightly wrapped in linen.


The black people were horrified. These 'mummies' were all standing upright, rising and falling with the ripples of the lake. Judging from their height and appearance, they were almost certain to be human beings wrapped inside.

A rough estimate would be more than three hundred.

The black man guessed correctly. Those wrapped in linen were all palace maids and eunuchs. Some were accidentally bitten to death by the king, and some were fed to the king as food. Then the bodies were tightly wrapped in linen and sunk in the back garden.


At this time, these 'corpses' were all twisting, trying to break free from the confinement of the linen.


The black man cursed and used his hands and feet to swim to the shore as quickly as possible, but after a few meters, he felt his ankle being grabbed.

When I looked back, I saw that the linen cloth on a corpse next to its legs was unraveling, and an arm that was soaked and turned white stretched out from the inside and grabbed the ankle.

The black man immediately pushed forward with his other foot, but because there was resistance in the water, he couldn't use any strength. Just when he wanted to use divine grace to kill the monster, a living corpse swam from behind, holding the linen cloth with both hands, and swam towards it.

A suit was placed around his neck and he was strangled hard.

Soon, the black man was dragged ashore, like a dead fish, and was dragged to Zhao Chunyuan's side by two living corpses.

The empress had taken off her fine clothes and was standing there naked. Her skin was as white as snow and there were more than a dozen whip marks, which made her look strangely beautiful.

Zhao Chunyuan looked at the black man, raised her white and tender feet, and stepped on his head hard.


The black man's head was shattered.


The blonde woman swam to the other side with all her strength, and some living corpses were chasing her. However, most people did not have her strength and luck, so they were caught by the living corpses and dragged back to Zhao Chunyuan.

Zhao Chunyuan squatted down and began to eat these divine hunters of the Statue of Liberty alive as if they were eating sashimi.

Because she found that the meat of these people was delicious and full of nutrients, and every bite made her feel happy.


Zhao Chunyuan's eyeballs were scarlet and ruthless. Starting from the two corners of her mouth, there were lines filled with dark red light, which were irregular in shape and spread towards her cheeks and body.

The divine hunter cannot kill the king. Only certain characters in the divine game can be killed, including Doctor Lee, Dae Jang Geum, Ahn Jin-hyun, the head of state, the eldest prince...

Zhao Chunyuan is also one of them.

The black man accidentally hit him, but he chose the wrong way. If Zhao Chunyuan took a knife, she could completely kill this "headless corpse", but she had to eat it, so after swallowing the divine body, she evolved into a hidden BOSS.

The empress of the middle hall, Zhao Chunyuan, began to kill!

John was pinned to the ground by Lin Baici and Yi Ji.

Roar! Roar!

The king roared, trying to trap the beast and fight, but John's body was much worse than his original body, and could not withstand the siege of Lin Baici and others. It only took three minutes for him to be beaten to pieces.


The red ghost pill penetrated from top to bottom into the king's head, which was mostly damaged.


The king is still shouting and his body is still struggling.

Yi Ji Sheng punches!


The king's head was smashed, and John's sleeping consciousness quickly woke up. When he saw Lin Baici and others, he immediately called for help.

"Help me, help me, please!"

John's eyes rolled and he didn't see Jesus, and his heart suddenly went cold.

Lin Baici found the king’s head,

This is the time when we will be intercepted!

Rationally, he should shout and tell Jesus to come over and snatch the head, but emotionally, he doesn't want to die.


John begged, groveling.

"Tsk tsk, you look really ugly like this!"

Kim Jin-soo teased: "I still like your unruly look before!"

"What nonsense are you talking to him about?"

Zheng Zhonggen was worried that John would attract more enemies. Lin Baici had the final say whether to kill him or not. He could only suggest: "God Lin, take action quickly!"

"No, I can tell you all the secrets of Jesus and the others!"

John was anxious.

[A traitor, his words cannot be trusted!]

No need to comment on it, Lin Baici didn’t believe John’s words either.

"Lin Shen, look!"

Jin Zhenzhu was shocked, because on the ground, the pieces of flesh that fell from the king's head were gathering together under the blessing of some mysterious power.

"It's coming back to life!"

Gu Qingqiu frowned, thinking about ways to kill the king.

"Dae Jang Geum, Ashin, come here quickly and smash this head!"

Lin Baici urged.

Da Chang listened to Lin Baici's words this morning. Ashin wanted to repay Lin Baici because he avenged her and saved her. At this time, he was not afraid of the monster. He immediately rushed over and pulled out the belt from his waist.

With his dagger, he stabbed his head.

Puff! Puff!

The king had just recovered most of his head, but it was riddled with holes again.


The head screamed, Dae Jang Geum took out a small porcelain bottle, pulled out the cork, and poured the yellow viscous liquid like phlegm inside onto the head.


The head was immediately corroded and white smoke emitted.

"What's this?"

Gu Qingqiu was curious.

"It's the liquid mixed with the maggots on the king's body and the juice of the herb of life and death!"

Dae Jang Geum explains.

"it works?"

As soon as Xia Hongyao finished asking, the head exploded with a bang, and a stone as big as a child's fist flew out.

"Meteor Stone!"

Jin Zhenzhu's eyes were sharp, his brows were immediately happy, and he reached out to grab it.

"Are you dead now?"

Quan Xiangren took a look at the popular stone. It was really big. It was a pity that it belonged to Lin Baici.


Do you think your life is too long?

"Be careful, it will recover!"

John reminded him to increase his favorability, but the king's head was completely dead this time, which made it difficult for him to understand: "Why? My team leader also blew up this head several times just now."

"It seems that the king must be killed by a specific person!"

Gu Qingqiu guessed the answer instantly and glanced at Lin Baici.

He shouldn't have known about it for a long time, right?

He took the natives like Dae Jang Geum, Ashin, and Li Taiwu with him just as a precaution, right?

For some reason, Gu Qingqiu always felt that Lin Baici was hiding something!

"Designated person?"

John was dumbfounded and looked at Dae Jang Geum and Ashin.


Is this so deceptive?

"Lin Shen, here you go!"

Although Jin Zhenzhu was reluctant to give up, he still handed the meteor stone to Lin Baici.


Lin Baici took it and threw it into the black altar bowl.

Split the spoils equally?


Without him, how could Quan Xiangren and others get through the customs?

Long dead.

These Koreans also understood this, so they were very sensible and did not dare to ask for a share of the spoils.

"Why didn't you drop the ticket? Is it in the king's body?"

Xia Hongyao was puzzled. His head was smashed, and he could see nothing without an autopsy.

[Due to some accidents, a hidden BOSS appears. Please kill it within half an hour, otherwise it will be judged as a failure. You will be trapped in this world forever, reincarnating endlessly, and experiencing this zombie disaster! 】

A voice suddenly sounded in everyone's ears, like the whisper of a god.

"Someone spoke, did you hear it?"

Hua Yueyu was startled: "It said there is a hidden BOSS?"

"Is it a god?"

Gu Qingqiu looked excited.

"Hidden BOSS? What the hell is this?"

Jin Zhenzhu looked desperate: "Let's kill all the famous bosses, right?"

Everyone's eyes subconsciously fell on Ashin and Dae Jang Geum.

"Is it the two of them?"

Quan Xiangren looked ferocious.

[It’s the Empress of the Middle Temple, go and hunt her down quickly!]

【My appetite is already extremely thirsty!】

【Want to eat! Want to eat!】

God urged.

The divine skeleton is the most valuable trophy. Lin Baici couldn't find it and was a little annoyed. He didn't expect that there was a BOSS and there was a time limit.


Lin Baici stood up and looked around.


His stomach growled, and his hunger was so strong that he thought he could eat an entire yak in a few minutes.

It's this way!

Lin Baici spent more than ten seconds to find the direction.

"I'll take the first step, Jin Zhenzhu, you protect Jin Yingzhen and the others!"

Lin Baici wanted to seize time. After he stood up, he took the satchel Dae Jang Geum was carrying into his hand. He had seen some bottles and cans in it before.

When John was trying to think of a way to save himself, Lin Baici swung his sword.


John's head was cut in half and he died on the spot.

Xiahongyao, Yijisheng, and Quan Xianren, follow up immediately.

In the palace, the living corpses became even more crazy. They were running around like cockroaches in groups, and there were almost no living people in sight.

Quan Xiangren stared at Lin Baici, seriously doubting that he could determine the location of the hidden BOSS, because he made no move to search at all, but ran all the way.

Lin Baici and the four of them passed through a moon cave door and entered the back garden.

"over there!"

At a glance, Xia Hongyao saw a naked woman sitting in the pavilion in the middle of the lake.

"Xiba, many people have died here!"

Quan Xiangren was nervous. On the lake, there were still some ice layers that had not been broken. There were large areas of bright red blood on them, as well as some broken limbs.

Some swollen, whitish living corpses, like wild dogs, gathered around each corpse to eat.

"It's that queen!"

Yijisheng looked at Zhao Chunyuan, her body is so perfect,

Want to collect!


Lin Baici charges, there are still twenty minutes left, the battle must be quick.

Xia Hongyao rushed out more than ten meters and ran in front of Lin Baici. Seeing this scene, Quan Xiangren drooled with envy.

I really want such a loyal dog!

Able to fight, loyal, and beautiful!

Look at this figure...

The female bear is big and natural, and cannot be compared to those women who have gone under the knife.

When Lin Baici and the others rushed to the lake, the living corpses heard the noise, immediately got up and rushed over, their bloody cheeks looking particularly oozing.

[Special living corpse, immune to physical damage, can recover quickly even if chopped into pieces of flesh!]

When Lin Baici heard this, he quickly took out the pine torch.


Lin Baici growled, he bent down, holding the torch in his right hand, and drew a stroke on the ice!


The torch was lit, and the orange-red flame seemed to instantly warm up this cold winter day.

Quan Xiangren stared at the flame intently, like a child longing for his mother's arms, and rushed towards it. He wanted to embrace it and possess it!


Yi Jisheng shouted.

Although Quan Xiangren could not see it after Lin Bai resigned, he had already been on guard because the pine torch, a sacred object, would make people have the urge to fly into the flames.

As long as it is ignited, there is no hope of living.

Lin Baici turned around and swept across Quan Xiangren's face with a whip kick.

This plot will end tomorrow! New rule pollution will begin!

This chapter has been completed!
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