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Chapter 341 Big brother, let’s play games!

 The room is more than 40 square meters, with simple furnishings. The monitor on the computer table is on and a ghost movie is playing.

"Is there anyone living there?"

Dorisan stood behind Lin Baici and immediately became nervous.

"have no idea!"

Lin Baici walked to the computer desk and saw dust on the mouse and keyboard, indicating that no one had touched it and the computer should have been turned on automatically.

He touched the monitor and felt no hunger, and the God of Cookery didn't comment, indicating that it was just an ordinary item.

Pogba was thoughtful and dragged the progress bar of the player with his mouse to see if he could find any clues from the movie.

There is a large piece of newspaper taped to the glass window on the west side, which has turned yellow due to time.

Lin Baici walked over and lifted a corner of the newspaper.

It's dark outside, and you can occasionally hear the chirping of crickets. Because it's on the first floor, there are security windows, but some steel bars as thick as your thumb are already rusty.

"Let's go, there's nothing!"

Lin Baici turned and left.

Many people had already entered the room. Everyone was rummaging around, looking for clues. After hearing Lin Baici's words, they all left.

Pogba is a cautious person. He originally planned to look through the hard drive of his computer, but when he saw Lin Bai quit, he quickly chased after him.

He didn't want to stay alone in a room like this.

Lin Bai left the door and Pogba followed closely behind him. Just as he was about to close the door, there was a "click-click" sound coming from inside.

Pogba's hand froze.

Lin Baici stopped.

"It seems like something knocked on the window?"

Li Yintong tilted his ears and listened.

Da da!

The sound came again, not loud, but definitely there.

"Lin Shen, what should I do?"

Pogba used his right hand hard to close the door. What if the 'monster knocking on the window' finds someone here and rushes in?

"what to do?"

Lin Baici was speechless and pushed the door open: "Of course I'll do it!"

"Isn't that too reckless?"

Dorisanne was worried.

"There are so many of us, what are we afraid of?"

Hua Yueyu felt that these people were so cowardly. If she had their strength, she could definitely become Lin Baici's right-hand man instead of just a thigh pendant.

Lin Baici activated Cat Step and rushed to the window with several strides. He listened carefully to the movement outside. He had already pulled out the bronze sword in his backpack. If there was another sound, he would stab it immediately.

"Is it divine grace again?"

Li Yintong was surprised.

People with keen observation skills like Jesus immediately noticed that when Lin Baici ran towards the window, not only did his movements be light and agile, but there was no sound of any footsteps, as if a god of death with a sickle was floating past.

Yes, silently.

“God Lin has so many blessings!”

Dorisanne was envious.

"Shut up!"

Pogba scolded, worried about disturbing the monster.

Jin Yingzhen knew that Lin Baici had activated Cat Step Qingqiao. This divine grace could make a person's posture and movements become like a wild cat, and any movement would not make any noise.

Especially at night, people's nerve sensitivity will be greatly increased, their hunting instinct will be enhanced, and their eyesight will also be greatly improved.

When not activated, there is also a long-term effect, that is, if you don’t overeat, you will only eat 70% full at each meal, and your body will be as slender and slender as a wild cat, and you will no longer have to worry about gaining weight.

This divine favor was obtained by Lin Baici at the Haijing Provincial Museum. It came from the Cat God's Balance. Since there were four in total, Lin Baici generously distributed them to himself, Xia Hongyao, and Hua Yueyu.


Jin Yingzhen has a good figure, which is the result of years of jogging and practicing yoga. But after reaching a certain level, if you want to get a better figure, you need to work more hard, because it is like going from 95 points to 100 points. The difficulty is

Very big.

Jin Yingzhen gave up after trying it. After all, life was so beautiful, and she didn't want to spend time in the gym every day. But since getting the cat step, she found that her figure began to get better. Even if she reduced the number of workouts, her figure did not change.


This is obviously the effect of this divine grace.

Hua Yueyu was more familiar with this divine grace than Lin Baici, and she knew what was going on just by looking at the way he walked.

Compared to Jin Yingzhen, Hua Yueyu spends less time working out. After all, she has to live broadcast, go to school, and go shopping. She doesn't have much time. She got a card at the gym just for psychological comfort, and she hasn't even been there a few times.

In the live broadcast circle, she is famous as a bean sprout and can only be cute.

What’s your body shape? Can you eat?

But after having Maobu Qingqiao for more than half a month, Hua Yueyu took a shower and looked in the mirror and found that her figure had changed. She had better proportions, was slimmer, and her body contours were more beautiful.

Really like a Maine Coon cat.

Hua Yueyu’s live broadcast content includes not only playing games, singing, but also dancing.

Among them, dancing has the worst response. She can watch and give back to the water friends. Then after receiving this divine grace, her movements began to be full of rhythmic beauty. She did not have to deliberately maintain the beauty of her body. Any movement was very eye-catching.


Soon, Hua Yueyu found that there were more and more barrages asking her to dance.

At first, she thought it was the anti-fans who were deliberately trying to make her look embarrassed, but the wealthy fans in the fan base were also pleading with her to increase her dancing time.

Many fans said that although her dancing was not good enough, she looked very comfortable. They also said that she was a natural dancer and it was a big loss for not practicing ballet.

At that time, Hua Yueyu understood what was going on. The lightness of the cat's steps and the softness of the snake bones made her body more graceful. In ancient times, it should be no problem to gain a reputation as one of the four beauties.

Then her heart was full of gratitude to Lin Baici!

It can be said that Lin Baici has given her an additional talent advantage, and her live broadcast career has reached a new level.

Lin Baici didn't know that Jin Yingzhen and Hua Yueyu were distracted. He hid behind the wall next to the window, waiting for a sneak attack, but the knocking on the window did not sound again.

Has it been discovered?

Lin Baici frowned and lifted a corner of the newspaper.

Except for the shadows of the sycamore trees falling on the ground, showing their teeth and claws, like evil spirits parading through the streets, there was nothing else.

Lin Baici gave up, walked out of the room, and was about to open the next door...

Da da!

The knocking on the window sounded again!

The sound was not loud, but it came from the same room just now.

Everyone stopped, looked at the door, and then looked at Lin Baici.

"That thing is back?"

Li Yintong was confused: "Brother Lin, are you too strong and that thing is afraid of you? Why don't you find someone else to check?"

Several people's hearts suddenly twitched, fearing that they would be chosen by Lin Baici.

Lin Baici walked into the room. He didn't even bother to use the catwalk this time. When he got to the window, he didn't wait and directly lifted the newspaper.

Nothing at all!

Lin Baici put down the newspaper without leaving. He counted eight times silently, then pinched the newspaper again and lifted it up.

Outside the window, there was something crawling on the security window. Its tiny arms were stretching through the gap in the security window, intending to knock on the window.

When the newspaper was lifted, the light in the room shone out, startling it.


It immediately crawled away like a gecko.

Looking at the outline of the body, it looks like a seven or eight-year-old child crawling!


Could it be that even the monsters know about my reputation as the Hungry God, Lin?

Lin Baici complained to himself. He was guessing that he was seen by this monster when he was eating the kobold, right? So it was afraid?

"Lin Shen, how are you?"

the red-haired woman asked.

"There's a monster!"

Lin Baici didn't take it seriously. He went to the next room and checked it again, but found nothing. When he was about to leave, the glass was knocked again.

Lin Baici glanced at the window, didn't go over, and closed the door hard!


Continue to search the next room, and after five minutes, still found nothing. However, when Lin Baici left, the sound of knocking on the window sounded again.

"Lin Shen, what should I do?"

Everyone looked at Lin Baici, and now even the fool knew that there was a monster outside.

"I suggest you ignore it, quickly find the badge and go upstairs. No matter what monster it is, let others touch it first!"

Jesus was worried that Lin Baici was young and energetic and wanted to hunt the monster.

[Play with it and it will be happy. When choosing a game, it will choose the easy difficulty to save the player's life. 】

[Otherwise it’s a death game, hell difficulty waits!]

God of Cookery review.

Listening to what the God of Cookery means, everyone has been targeted and cannot run away, but how to play? Make the monsters happy?


Lin Baici closed the door hard, then suddenly opened it, rushed to the window at full speed, and lifted up the newspaper stuck on it.

That thing was outside, with its little arm inserted into the security window, and was about to knock on the window.

When it saw Lin Baici, it crawled away immediately.


Lin Baici hesitated whether to stab him directly with his sword next time.

【If you can't kill it, you can only avoid being harassed by defeating it in the game.】

Popular Science about the God of Food.

Lin Baici walked into the next room and did not search. Instead, he stood directly in front of the window and knocked on the window with his fingers.

Ta da! Ta da!

He waited for more than ten seconds, but there was no response from outside, so he started playing Christmas songs.

Jingle bells! Jingle bells! Jingle bells.

Everyone looked confused.

"What is Lin Shen doing?"

Huang Huangxiang rubbed his teeth: "Fishing?"

Jesus didn't want Lin Baici to lure the monster out, but he knew no one would listen to him, so he simply shut up and retreated.

Lin Baici finished typing and stood there waiting.

Everyone looked at each other with a helpless expression of 'We don't know anything and we don't dare to ask anything!'


Da da!

Outside the window, there was a sound of knocking on the glass.

Everyone immediately tensed up and was on alert.

This time, Lin Baici did not open the newspaper, but knocked on the window.

Da da!

Three seconds later, a response came from outside.

Da da!

Lin Baici immediately knocked twice, click, click, and still hit the same position as the monster outside.

The monster knocked on the window again in response.

Then the two people came and went, interacting through the window.

Everyone was stunned.

"It's too boring to go on like this!"

Lin Baici thought for a while and suddenly started to sing the children's song "Two Tigers" and hummed it.

After he finished typing, the monster also started typing, and the rhythm was exactly the same as his. Even the wrong places that Lin Baici struck were copied.

After finishing a children's song, Lin Baici was still thinking about how to make the monster outside happy when a giggle came in.

This voice is childish and childlike, and it sounds like a little girl.

Everyone immediately became nervous, but soon the laughter faded away.


Dorisan was very happy. It was the best result to avoid fighting.

"Lin Shen, you are too brave!"

Huang Huangxiang's words are both flattering and emotional. Anyway, if it were him, he would definitely not interact with monsters like fishing, because the danger is too great.

"Lin Shen, you are brave and resourceful, and you can expect to be a dragon in the future!"

Redhead compliments.

"Stop flattering and save your energy to fight monsters!"

Lin Bai left the room, stepped on the cement floor in the corridor, and walked to the next room. Just as he held the door handle and prepared to open the door, a childish voice floated over from the corridor.

"Brother, come and play games!"


Everyone raised their heads and stared into the corridor.

"Damn it, is that monster coming?"

Everyone's scalp was numb.

"On the ceiling!"

Tai Mei exclaimed.

Everyone looked up and saw a man crawling over.


A little girl, with her arms and legs bent at ninety degrees, her thighs and upper arms parallel to the ceiling, had a weird posture, crawling over like a lizard.

When it climbed over the energy-saving lamp, the dress on its body covered the light bulb, causing the light in the corridor to dim momentarily, and a dozen moths flew away in fright.

Some people retreated subconsciously, and some wanted to leave, but when they saw Lin Baici standing still, they temporarily gave up the idea, but they still kept a few meters away from Lin Baici.

In this way, even if he is attacked, Lin Baici will take the lead as a human shield.

"Let's play games!"

In the blink of an eye, the little girl was lying upside down under the ceiling, like a gecko, crawling in front of everyone.

This time, everyone saw it clearly.

Looking at the body shape alone, she is a thin little girl with slender limbs and malnutrition. She is wearing a dirty half-sleeved white dress with dried blood and mud spots on it, and there are several large footprints on her back.

I don't know who stepped on it.

Because it was crawling under the ceiling, its little skirt drooped due to gravity, revealing its scarred calves and a pair of bear underwear.

But everyone's eyes were fixed on its head.

Like the white-collar woman with her head wrapped, this little girl's head is also wrapped in a bandage. The only difference is that it has two big black and white eyes, looking at everyone.

Logically speaking, it was obviously crawling under the ceiling, with its head turned upside down and looking at people, but now, its neck was twisted 180 degrees, and it was looking at everyone straight on.


The little girl laughed. If the scene in front of her wasn't so scary, it would still be quite pleasant.

"Big brother, I like you, come and play games!"

The little girl climbed down the wall.

Everyone was numb. They looked at Lin Baici. Not to mention that they did not dare to attack without his order. Even if they were ordered, they would delay for a while.

When fighting monsters, whoever strikes first will definitely be targeted first.

The little girl didn't mind being dirty, so she got down from the wall, crawled across the concrete floor, came to Lin Baici, circled around him, and then climbed onto his body.

"Brother, come and play games!"

The little girl was like a lizard, holding Lin Baici, with her bandaged head facing Lin Baici's face.

"I'm going to beat your lungs. What kind of big heart is this?"

Taimei looked at Lin Baici and fell to the ground in admiration. If it were her who had a monster crawling on her like this, she would have punched him in panic.

This chapter has been completed!
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