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Chapter 388 Can you block this punch with twenty years of skill?


Cai Wen fell to the ground, and the broken tiles fell all over him!

"what's going on?"

Cai Wen was a little confused. Wasn't the opponent's physical fitness too strong?

It knew how fast its kick was, but the opponent was faster than it!

Scary! "That's it?"

Lin Baici did not take advantage of the victory and pursue it, but raised his fingers towards Cai Wen.


Cai Wen was about to get angry. How dare this human being mock him?

It slapped the ground with both hands, exerted force on its waist, and bounced up, then rushed towards Lin Baici. This time its offensive was even more violent, its legs like spinning windmill razors, constantly sweeping towards Lin Baici.

Phew! Phew! Phew!

Cai Wen's two long legs swept away the strong wind blowing in his face, and his whole body was like a top spinning at high speed, unstoppable.

Go to hell!

Lin Baici didn't move, because the Muscle Buddha appeared and slapped Cai Wen with a big slap, like swatting a fly.



Cai Wen was kicked out and rolled over on the floor until he hit the corner.

Cai Wen raised his head and looked at the tall and powerful muscular Buddha. The corners of its mouth were twitching. In addition to pain, it was also scary.

What is this? "You're lying!"

Cai Wen spat out a mouthful of blood. "Sorry, I'm used to it!"

Lin Baici snapped his fingers, and the Muscular Buddha clasped his hands together and disappeared from the spot: "Come on!" Cai Wen came over again. It didn't twist its waist until it rushed in front of Lin Baici and made sure that the Muscular Buddha did not appear.

legs, sweep

Lin Baixi touched his temples.

"Got it!"

Cai Wen smiled grimly. Just when his right leg hit Lin Baici, Lin Baici's right hand had already wiped his lower back and pulled out

He took off the extramarital pipe wrench on his belt, and then fired a blaster!


His right hand, which had been enhanced by the power of the Colossus glove, held a metal pipe wrench and hit Cai Wen's feet.

Cai Wen's ferocious smile instantly turned into a mask of pain, and he blurted out a scream!


Cai Wen staggered, as if limping, and backed away anxiously.

Hiss! It hurts!

Cai Wen grinned and stared at Lin Baici. Fortunately, the other party did not attack, which made him sigh in relief.

"You're cheating again!" Cai Wen flexed his toes and vomited blood in anger. "Ah? Can't you use weapons?"

Lin Baici chuckled and put the affair pipe wrench back on his belt: "Sorry, sorry!"

This pipe wrench has the effect of increasing physical fitness and attracting the sexual favor of young women. It does not have to be held in the hand, as long as it is carried

You can activate it when you put it on your body.

Very convenient.

Cai Wen's lips were trembling. He always felt that something was wrong, but he couldn't explain it.

You say this human being is cunning. It is true that he did not say that he could not use weapons, and after he complained, others

It’s no longer needed immediately.


Cai Wen was super unhappy, but after suffering two losses in a row, he really didn’t dare to take the initiative to attack, so he followed Lin Baici’s example and raised his fingers at the opponent: “Come here!”

Lin Baici shrugged his shoulders and rushed out with murderous intent. Because he was a tall man, he was so angry that he rushed out.

Menacing and full of oppression.

"Xi Ba!" Cai Wen yelled and subconsciously raised his hands in a defensive movement.

Lin Baici originally planned to use lightning to seize the opportunity, but unexpectedly, the rookie guarded him directly.

If not, who are you going to beat?

Divine grace is activated, drunken immortal fist! Bang bang bang!

Lin Baici's straight punch hit Cai Wen firmly on the arm.

There is no point in blocking this divine grace, it will directly affect the body.

After all, Cai Wen is a practicing practitioner, so he suffered a lot.

After a few punches, it immediately felt uncomfortable. It roared, turned from defense to offense, pounced on Lin Baici, and punched Lin Baici!

It's going to be bombarded.

Lin Bai's talent is not good, it's just a flash of lightning! Oh!

In Lin Baici's eyes, Cai Wen's movements slowed down instantly. His fist avoided the opponent's fist and rubbed Cai Wen's hand.

Asking's arm went over and hit it in the face.


Cai Wen was knocked away and hit a urinal, smashing it to pieces.

"Are you the best among the Caitou people?" If so, then Lin Baici will be relieved.

Cai Wen muttered twice, feeling embarrassed to speak.

After all, after being beaten to such a degree, if he still admits that he is the best, wouldn't it mean that the rookies are all rubbish?

Shame on you!

What happened to this human fist? Caiwen was a little dizzy, so he bit his wrist. Tick-tock! Tick-tock!

Blood flowed out, fell to the floor, and spread into pieces.

The effects of a hangover disappear instantly!

This is the racial talent of Caitou people. They can treat some symptoms of physical discomfort through bloodletting. Even after a limb is amputated, it can grow back after a period of time.

The Caitou Man is essentially a life form that is half flesh and half plant, with more of the plant part.

Lin Baici looked at Cai Wen's right hand and raised his eyebrows: "Why don't you say anything? Are you stupid?"

Cai Wen stood up, gritted his teeth, stared at Lin Baici, and suddenly punched the urinal next to him.


The urinal broke instantly, shattered into powder, and fell to the ground.

"Can you block this punch with twenty years of skill?" Cai Wen snorted coldly. "Does your hand hurt?" Lin Baici was curious.

Cai Wen almost choked to death on Lin Baici's question. Your focus is completely wrong!

Look at the power of my punch! "There should be people outside the bathroom, right? Do you want to call them in?" Lin Baici spread his hands: "You alone are really not enough for me to fight!"

Lin Baici was actually provoking Cai Wen. He saw that this guy was a face-conscious person.

After asking myself, it stopped calling. "Xi Ba, you go to hell!" Cai Wen rushed towards Lin Baici. Look at my ultimate move! Yong Dong Long Fist!

White freezing air came out of Cai Wen's arms, and they started to freeze.

This is Cai Wen's boxing technique. As long as you are hit by it, the target area will suffer from frostbite, poor blood flow, frozen limbs, and even severe limb necrosis, requiring amputation.

In short, this boxing technique has a quick-freezing effect. As long as it is hit enough times, the target will freeze to death and turn into an ice sculpture.

Hoo! Hoo! Hoo! Cai Wen waved his long fist, and it calmed down, staring at Lin Baici with its cold eyes.

Stay steady!

Don't seek merit, but seek no faults.

Lin Baici dodged his fist, but he couldn't avoid the white freezing air coming out of Cai Wen's arm. It scraped against his face and soaked into his skin.

Click! Click!

Lin Baici's exposed skin was like a glass window in the cold winter, with frost and ice patterns appearing and gradually getting larger.

"Interesting!" Lin Baici said to Bang. Bang, bang, bang!

With every punch collision, Lin Baici's fingers would be frozen, and a layer of ice would appear. Then they would break due to the impact, and the ice shards would fall to the ground.

Lin Baici used all his strength and came out! Bang!

The two exchanged fists and both retreated. Lin Baici looked at his frozen hands and touched the small ice on his face and neck.

"Haha, how do you feel?"

Cai Wenzhi was very proud and smiled arrogantly.

Finally, I overcame the opponent and regained the advantage! "Bald Cai asked, it's really amazing!"

Lin Baici laughed, shook his hands, and then made a boxing stance: "Come again!"

It's a pity. It would be great if I could get this boxing technique after killing this guy.

It's like carrying a portable refrigerator.

From now on, when you drink Coca-Cola, you can punch it down and it will be ice cold.

"It's Gwangju, not Bald!"

Cai Wen angrily corrected Lin Baici's pronunciation and came over again.

Outside the bathroom, the boys listened intently.

"I wonder how the battle is going?" "Boss seemed to have suffered a loss at first, but it seems to be stable now?"

"Nonsense, who can take the boss's Winged Winter Fist? They all have to become ice sculptures!

"That's right, don't worry, just wait and call 666!"

The boys are not panic at all, after all Cai Wen can really fight, not to mention he is only a human today!

Normally, Cai Wenbo would hit him ten times! One less person would be too lazy to take action.

Facing Cai Wen who was fighting in front of him and used that kind of freezing fist, Lin Baici did not fight because he would be frozen.

Stiff, he moved his feet back and forth, activating the hiking boots.

The dog king slides and flashes! Swish! Swish! Swish!

"Nishipachi, you are so lucky!"

Cai Wen was depressed. His fist was clearly about to hit the opponent, but the opponent swayed and narrowly avoided it.


One punch! Two punches! Three punches! Cai Wen, who was originally calm and composed, suddenly felt a little dumbfounded. It can be said that this human being dodged once was lucky, but dodging continuously, what does it mean?

Even if you are lucky, you can't keep stepping on it, right?

Twelve punches in a row were all empty. On the one hand, I was tired, but more importantly, I felt depressed and irritable mentally.

It's like playing a gunfight game. You've obviously got the upper hand and started a sneak attack, but the opponent didn't fight back, but you ran out of bullets in your magazine and missed a single shot.

That’s not true!

Cai Wen was so angry that he hit Lin Baici on the head with a powerful punch!

Give it to me! Swish!

Lin Baici dodged again, then grabbed Cai Wen's wrist with his left hand, rushed forward, lowered his body, and violently hit Cai Wen's ribs with his right elbow, then turned around, threw him over his shoulder, and swung it

on the ground.


The tiles on the floor were broken, and stone dust flew into the air. Lin Baici twisted Cai Wen's arm, and at the same time turned his body to the front, pressed one knee on its chest, and punched it three times in the face with his right hand!

Bang bang bang!

Cai Wen's nose was smashed flat, the bridge of his nose was broken, and blood came out of his mouth and nose like a fountain.

If it had been a human being, his head would have been crushed and he would have died, but Cai Wen actually still had the energy to fight back, so Lin Baici twisted it hard.


Cai Wen's arm was broken.

"If you don't want to be tortured, just lie down!" Lin Baici scolded.

Cai Wen looked at Lin Baici's fist through his blood-blurred eyes.

Give up the struggle.

"This is right, Brother Caiwen!"

Lin Baici reached out, grabbed the back of Cai Wen's neck, and pulled hard.

Tear off! The human skin on Cai Wen's body was torn off, and then Lin Baici was stunned for a moment.


Lin Baici looked at the vegetables and asked the bald man: "Where are the green leaves on your head?"

Did you hit the wrong person?

This chapter has been completed!
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