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Chapter 481 The first town, whoever turns to the right dies!

 Lin Baici held the small magnet compass and calmly walked into the stone gate under the gaze of everyone.

The moment he stepped through the stone gate, the scenery in front of Lin Baici changed.

The original suburban buildings withered in the winter and turned into tile alleys and alleys, covered with spring rain.


Lin Baici was amazed. What appeared in front of him was a stone road, extending forward, with houses like Jiangnan Ancient Town on both sides. Spring rain as precious as tung oil sprinkled on the ground.

There is moss growing in the corner of the wall, and there are noisy frogs croaking.

Not far ahead is Yuan Jifeng.

Lin Baici looked back and saw that there was no stone gate, but a dilapidated city gate. As he walked forward, he checked the small compass in his hand.

Made of magnets, the principle should be similar to the ancient Sinan.


Lin Baici's hunger increased and his stomach began to cramp.

He relied on his hunger to identify the direction,

Too bad it's not here!

Xia Hongyao and the eldest aunt followed closely.

“It hasn’t changed much from when I took the assessment back then!”

Xia Hongyao lamented that this was a return visit to his old place.

"Bai Ci, are you okay?"

The eldest aunt felt that something was wrong with Lin Baici.

Lin Baici waved his hand.

When all the examiners enter the first town, they are scattered on both sides of the long street, waiting for the candidates to enter. After that, they will follow the candidates, accompany them secretly, and be responsible for invigilating and protecting them.

Fang Mingyuan came in, and thanks to his height, he could still see a lot of scenery even if the whole place was crowded.

"This is the Seven Towns of Luoyang?"

Fang Mingyuan murmured.

"how do you feel?"

Long Miaomiao handed Fang Mingyuan a lollipop.


Fang Mingyuan didn't answer. He didn't like sweets, and it wasn't good to always eat snacks from other girls.

The examiners said nothing and looked at these candidates quietly.

There are no tips, it’s all about personal exploration.

The candidates looked at each other with worries on their faces. No matter how big-hearted a person is, they cannot relax in a place like this.


Xu Wei gave He Ziang a wink.

After the two people walked more than ten meters, Pan Yunxiang saw that no one was following him and immediately called an examiner.

Gu Qingqiu and Hua Yueyu also set off, but this time, more than a dozen examiners took the initiative to follow them.

no way,

People are beautiful and have a good figure, so they can do whatever they want.

Gu Qingqiu is cold and arrogant, while Hua Yueyu is sweet and cute. They are both beauties who would love to know each other. Who wouldn’t want to get to know them?

There is no fixed candidate for this invigilation, so since it’s the same with anyone, why not pick two beautiful girls?

At least it's eye-catching.

The divine hunter has capital and is more confident in chasing girls.

However, Pan Yunxiang did not allow the examiners to get together: "Stop, Liu Langqing, you go!"

Lin Baici wanted to protect them, but there was Fang Mingyuan in the crowd.

"Let's go!"

Long Miaomiao grabbed Fang Mingyuan and chased Gu Qingqiu and the others.


Fang Mingyuan was embarrassed. He was not used to this kind of proactive approach to beautiful women.

But some people are used to it, and the purpose is not to get to know Gu Qingqiu and the others.

So more than thirty candidates all rushed to chase the little fishman and the others.


Pan Yunxiang had no choice but to yell: "Who asked you to form a group? A team can only have five people at most!"

The candidates were frightened by Pan Yunxiang's instructions and did not dare to pursue him.

"Oh, you idiot!"

Long Miaomiao angrily punched Fang Mingyuan with her small fist.


Fang Mingyuan didn't understand and was still a little unconvinced: "Where am I stupid?"

"In this world, regardless of gender, good-looking people will always be treated kindly. As a girl, I am envious when I see those two girls. What do you think of those examiners?"

Long Miaomiao asked back.

Fang Mingyuan suddenly realized that the little chubby girl just wanted to follow Gu Qingqiu and Hua Yueyu.

For example, if there is a danger of death and the examiner is close, he can naturally come to the rescue in the shortest possible time.

As for beautiful people being preferred.

Fang Mingyuan believed it. He had seen an illiterate boy who didn't understand anything. Just because he was handsome, he could become the spokesperson of his hometown. From then on, he had no shortage of money and fame, and his life took off.

"I'm sorry for dragging you down!"

Fang Mingyuan apologized.

"What are you apologizing for? Leave quickly!"

Long Miaomiao punched Lin Baici Fang Mingyuan again.

How stupid!

The chief examiner won't let them get together, but you can meet them again after half an hour!

"Take good care of yourself!"

Lin Baici gave instructions to Xia Hongyao and followed Fang Mingyuan.

Some of those alleys are only more than half a meter wide and can only allow one person to pass through. It is raining at this time, and moss is growing on the walls and corners. They look deep and quiet. If it is night, they can be used to make a horror ghost movie.

Filming location.

"Let's go!" Pan Yunxiang scolded the candidates, and while walking along the long street, he directed: "Turn around, come in here!"

Pan Yunxiang drove the candidates into alleys.

Lin Baici carried a backpack and jumped onto the roof, following Fang Mingyuan and the others from a distance.


So hungry!

It's like I haven't eaten in days.

Lin Baici took a bag of whole wheat bread from the black alms bowl.

Pad your belly.

After walking like this for more than ten minutes, Fang Mingyuan and the little fat girl stopped at an intersection.

On the wall on the right, there is a flag with four words written on it.

'He who turns to the right will die!'

The purple handwriting has a strange and jagged beauty, as if it was written with the blood of a dead person.

"what to do?"

Fang Mingyuan looked at the little fat girl.

"What do you think?"

Long Miaomiao licked the lollipop.


Fang Mingyuan wanted to go anywhere except the alley on the right, but he was worried that Long Miaomiao thought he was afraid of death.

Seeing Fang Mingyuan hesitate, a flash of disappointment flashed in the little fat girl's eyes.

This new friend is a little indecisive!

"I think we should go to the right!"

Long Miaomiao stood on tiptoes and looked to the right.

"What's the reason?"

Fang Mingyuan looked at every alley.


After Long Miaomiao finished speaking, she walked into the alley.


Fang Mingyuan wanted to persuade him, but after following him, he gave up.

That flag might be a hoax.

Lin Baici breathed a sigh of relief when he saw Fang Mingyuan's choice.

Keep going like this,

The first one is stable!

Lin Baici only found out how to get out of the first town yesterday.

In the Seven Towns of Luoyang, although the pollution has not spread due to the existence of the divine skeleton, the regular pollution in the Seven Towns will change every year.

Sometimes the details are subtle and sometimes there are a few extra rules.

Pan Yunxiang said yesterday that this year is very good and remains the same as last year.

"Why did we choose this side?"

Hua Yueyu turned around and saw that the flag said "Don't go this way."


Gu Qingqiu's reason was simple and crude: "Anyway, the examiner is secretly accompanying me, so of course I want to see the Seven Towns of Luoyang!"

In this level, the use of sacred objects is allowed, so Gu Qingqiu brought the Red Ghost Pill!

This gave her more confidence.

"Is it right to listen to me?"

Xu Wei raised his eyebrows at He Ziang and proudly showed off: "This is a sure thing!"

You can pass the level by walking through nine streets continuously towards the 'death' flag.

"Isn't it too simple?"

He Ziang was worried.

"It's not difficult for those who know how to do it, but it's difficult for those who don't know how to do it!"

Xu Wei curled his lips, if he didn't know anything, who would dare to walk towards the alley with the word "death" nine times in one breath?


This chapter has been completed!
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