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Chapter 526 The blasphemer must die! (Thanks to the boss for the sniper

 Generous reward to the leader)

An Yixian didn't need to introduce it, everyone felt as if they were facing a formidable enemy. After all, in the pollution of rules where people kept dying, a person suddenly emerged from the black mud. It was full of weirdness no matter how you looked at it.

Li Chenguang moved, but the target of his attack was not these people.

After running for more than ten steps, it suddenly jumped up and jumped more than twenty meters, then slanted downwards, like a human-shaped cannonball, and landed in the black mud.


Lin Baici shouted and ran out.

"Stop him quickly!"

Gu Qingqiu screamed, but it was too late. Li Chenguang was very fast and hit the black mud with a bang.


Due to the impact of Li Chenguang's fall, the black mud splashed up like water, reaching a height of more than ten meters, and then surged around and washed away.

Most of the small clay figurines offered as sacrifices were affected.

"Alumni, come back!"

Gu Qingqiu shouted hurriedly.

The clay figurine was already finished, and the enemy looked very strong. Gu Qingqiu didn't want anything to happen to Lin Baici, but he was still a step too slow.

Because Lin Bai was not slow to rush.

"Red medicine, support!"

Gu Qingqiu urged.


Xia Hongyao charges.

Lin Baici rushed through the black mud that surged like a waterfall, and slashed Li Chenguang with his bronze sword.

Minced Meat Strike!


Li Chenguang grabbed the blade of the sword, turned his head and looked at Lin Baici. Just when he was about to take action, he suddenly froze, then leaned his head slightly over and sniffed hard.

Lin Baici pulled out the sword with all his strength, but it didn't move.

You must know that he now has the blessing of the affair pipe wrench and the power of the Colossus glove. He is so strong that he can beat an elephant to death. In the end, he is not as strong as Li Chenguang.

"This guy is an absolute monster!"

With this thought in mind, Lin Baici flew up and kicked Li Chenguang in the crotch.


Li Chenguang did not hide, and was kicked by Lin Baici, but it was completely fine and grabbed Lin Baici's hair.

It's as if it wasn't the one who got raped.

"Xiao Linzi!"

Xia Hongyao charged forward and bumped into Li Chenguang.


Li Chenguang was knocked out, plowing a deep ditch in the black mud, and then the ditch slowly closed again.

"What are you waiting for?"

Gu Qingqiu scolded: "The clay figurine has been destroyed, can you still get out?"

Xie Yangchun and Zhang Hao looked embarrassed. It was not that they did not know the importance of sacrificing clay figurines, but the enemy was too strange and they wanted to seek stability.

Li Chenguang stood up and looked at Lin Baici.

"Do it?"

Xia Hongyao held a short sword and was full of fighting spirit.

Some of the clay figures who survived climbed out, but most of them were broken.

[Wait for death, there is no way to get out of this sacred ruin without the clay figure to lead the way. 】

The god scoffed.

"Captain Deng?"

Xie Yangchun smiled: "It's up to you!"

"If you can't beat us, let's run away for our lives!"

Deng Mingyu sneered in his heart, thinking that I am stupid and everyone is in trouble, why should I contribute?

He was very clever and followed closely the clay figurine he sacrificed. When Li Chenguang appeared, he captured the clay figurine.

It's safe and sound now.

"This monster is very strong. If you don't want to die, let's run away while Lin Baici restrains him!"

Deng Mingyu incited him to wait for everyone to disperse and then take the opportunity to slip away.

Everyone looked at each other in shock.

"Your heart is too dark, right?"

Long Miaomiao was angry: "If it weren't for Brother Lin, you would have died long ago. And you, without Brother Lin, do you think you can get out?"

Everyone looked embarrassed, Lin Baici had indeed tried his best.

"Yes, everyone should share the same hatred."

Hua Yueyu encouraged: "There are so many of us, but we can't kill this monster?"

In Xiao Yuren's opinion, Lin Baici and Xia Hongyao should be enough, but it is always good to have more helpers.

Zhang Hao and Xie Yangchun looked at each other, held weapons in hand, and shouted.

"Go together!"

The two elites took the lead, and the others dared to give it a try, so they swarmed towards Li Chenguang.


Deng Mingyu cursed and fled the place quickly.


Xia Hongyao pounced on Li Chenguang and slashed with his short sword, bringing out a wisp of black light.

Li Chenguang did not dodge or dodge, but used his fist to block.

Bang bang bang!

Its fist can hit the dagger with every blow.

Lin Baici charged forward and when he reached Li Chenguang, he suddenly roared.

"Go to hell!"

The affair pipe wrench was smashed down, but the moment Li Chenguang punched, Lin Baici teleported.


Lin Baici appeared behind Li Chenguang, and the pipe wrench hit Li Chenguang on the back of the head like a comet falling.

Minced Meat Strike!


Li Chenguang was hit, and half of his head exploded like a watermelon run over by a dump truck tire.


Xia Hongyao took the opportunity and stabbed Li Chenguang in the chest.

half life!

Divine grace had just been activated, and Lin Baici's shouts were already heard.


Lin Baici grabbed the high ponytail and retreated quickly.


Li Chenguang, who had only half his head left alive, reached out to grab Xia Hongyao. If not for Lin Baici's move, Gao Ponytail would have been caught.

"Damn it, you're not even going to die?"

When everyone who was rushing over saw this scene, they couldn't help but slow down their steps.

Li Chenguang turned his head and stared at Lin Baici. He knew that this guy was difficult to kill, so he pounced on the strongest man.

"Holy shit, what the hell?"

The man was confused and quickly backed away, but the next second, Li Chenguang appeared in front of him and waved his right hand.


Li Chenguang slapped the strong man on the left side of his face with a big slap, blowing his head off.


Blood rushed out and sprinkled on Li Chenguang's down jacket, which was stained with black mud and red.


Before the headless corpse fell to the ground, Li Chenguang grabbed his collar, stabbed it with his right hand, inserted it into the corpse's chest, and then dug out the strong man's heart like a bird's egg, and then sent it to

Around the mouth.

Click! Click!

Li Chenguang ate the heart raw,

Coupled with the head missing half of the back of the head, it was bloody and terrifying.

"This isn't going to kill you?"

Zhang Haoren was stunned: "Deng Mingyu, you coward!"

Li Chenguang three times, ate the heart in two bites, threw the body away, suddenly moved again, and pounced on the next man who was stronger and looked very plump.


The opponent wanted to hide, but Li Chenguang was too fast.


Li Chenguang hit the fat man and fell into the black mud with him.


The fat man slashed Li Chenguang's shoulder with a knife, but Li Chenguang didn't notice it and directly dug out the fat man's heart with a black tiger.

While eating the heart, it stood up and looked at everyone, as if it was choosing its next prey.

As for the injury on the back of his head, it is being repaired quickly.

Everyone subconsciously took a step back. The pressure brought by this monster was too strong.

"What kind of monster is this? It won't die even if its head is rotten?"

Fang Mingyuan trembled. He wanted to show his masculinity, but it was useless. This was the most instinctive reaction of an animal at the low end of the food chain when it saw a top predator.

Fang Mingyuan was doing pretty well without being frightened to the point of incontinence.

"We're in big trouble!"

Long Miaomiao felt that it was a real loss to take the license assessment this time.

All kinds of monsters and monsters appeared.

Scared to death!

"Xiao Linzi, what should I do? Do you want to fight?"

The eldest aunt doesn't want to fight, but if Lin Baici wants to have a fight, then she will risk her life to accompany the gentleman.

【If you can't beat them, find a way to escape!】

The god couldn't compliment the fighting ability of people like Lin Baici.

Lin Baici didn't expect such an accident. He didn't want to escape. He finally got to the end and got nothing. It was a huge loss.

Well, actually there are gains.

The Giant Finger Bones and the Samadhi Golden Crow Fire are definitely very powerful divine objects and blessings, especially the Finger Bones, which can be used as trump cards.

But the problem is that along the way, you will see the gods. If you don't eat them, you will regret it in your life.

"Lin Shen, retreat first."

Xie Yangchun suggested.

This is not rule pollution, you are not forced to participate, so you can leave.

"Luoyang Seven Towns Shenxu has started to radiate again. The bureau will definitely send people to deal with it as soon as possible. As long as you delay, the dragon-level boss will come."

Xie Yangchun emphasized: "Go first!"

It's not worth fighting a monster like this.

“The key is where to go?”

Someone asked.

If you run around, you may encounter rule pollution again.

They were hesitant here. Li Chenguang, who had eaten the fat man's heart, rubbed his mouth with the back of his hand and then pounced on a female examiner.

"help me!"

The female examiner shouted and ran towards Lin Baici, but she underestimated Li Chenguang's speed.


Li Chenguang arrived first, caught up with the female examiner, and slapped her head in from behind.

Due to its inertia, the headless corpse rushed forward a few steps and then fell to the ground, causing mud to fly.

Now everyone started to run away before Lin Baici could make up his mind.

no way,

This monster in a down jacket will die if he targets anyone.

So the more than sixty people left on the scene dispersed like birds and beasts.

Everyone depends on their abilities.

However, they did not forget to greet Lin Baici.

"Lin Shen, come quickly!"

"Run this way!"

"Slip away!"

Lin Baici is very strong and has an elite team, so everyone wants to be with him.

Li Chenguang knelt on the female examiner's back and originally wanted to dig out her heart, but was surprised by so many people trying to run away.

It's like when a person is eating alone and suddenly sees a group of cockroaches exploding their nest, the first reaction is to kill them quickly.

Li Chenguang immediately gave up eating the heart and rushed towards the largest group of people.

These disgusting two-legged reptiles,

They must all be killed,

Leave no one behind!

Li Chenguang's fighting power is really abnormally strong, and what's scary is that his ability to resist blows is also ridiculously strong. Even if a divine grace hits his body, even if the flesh is blown away, he can still recover visibly.

"Let's retreat quickly!"

Xie Yangchun urged.

"What if it comes after me?"

An Yixian is worried.

"If you don't run away, are you waiting to die?"

Xie Yangchun couldn't stand it, these people were really annoying, so he looked at Zhang Hao, and the meaning was self-evident, let's retreat.

Zhang Hao shook his head.

She wanted to wait for Lin Baici.


Xie Yangchun was shocked, and then his face darkened. You and I have known each other for so long, but in the end, you are still not as good as Lin Baici, who you have only known for a few days?

Zhang Hao could see Xie Yangchun's displeasure, but she was also helpless.

Lin Baici is more handsome and powerful than you. Maybe the rocket launcher below is bigger than you, more than 23cm. I trust him, right?

"You guys find a place to hide, Hong Yao and I will come!"

Lin Baici ordered, turned around and ran towards the stone statue of the goddess.

If the clay figurine is gone, you can't get out.

Everyone followed immediately.

"What do you want to do?"

The eldest aunt looked back and met Li Chenguang's gaze, which shocked her, but soon she realized that the other party had no intention of pursuing him.

This made her happy immediately.

Is it also afraid of Lin Baici?

"Don't follow me."

Lin Baici reminded: "I want to make a big one!"

Li Chenguang saw these people running away and did not pursue them because the stone statue of the goddess over there was a terrifying monster and it did not want to rashly enter its hunting ground while being injured.


A lifeless corpse fell to the ground, the horror on his face not dissipating.

The dozen people who were targeted immediately panicked. The monster's attack power was too strong, so they were dispersed like tigers entering a flock of sheep.

Li Chenguang continued to hunt.

Some people ran around, but some were smart enough to chase Lin Baici and try to hug him.

Li Chenguang kills indiscriminately, and as long as he targets the target, he will never escape.

Of course, some smart people discovered that Li Chenguang did not chase people who fled in the direction of the goddess's stone statue, so some people began to run in this direction.

Lin Baici led people to the stone statue.

"You go!"

Lin Baici became impatient and looked back at the battlefield: "If I attack it, it is very likely to trigger rule pollution!"

"Then let's carry it together!"

Gu Qingqiu spoke and struck the stone statue with his knife.


Sparks shot out, leaving a slash mark.


Xie Yangchun's whole body felt numb.

You are not afraid of death,

I'm afraid!

Why are teammates like Xia Hongyao mentally ill?

"Hello Zhang, are you leaving?"

Xie Yangchun shouted, with anger in his voice.

"I believe in Lin Shen!"

Zhang Hao decided to take a gamble. If he wins, he will have an ally with unlimited potential in the future.


It's two!

There is also summer red medicine.

"Just follow them crazy!"

Xie Yangchun took big steps and left here in a hurry.

"Slow down!"

Lin Baici was startled by Gu Qingqiu's actions, and quickly activated Divine Grace and slapped him.

Hands of great impression!

Gu Qingqiu's attack would definitely not be able to damage the stone statue. It would only scare the enemy away. Lin Baici's plan was to use his big impression hand to hit the stone monster severely, even if it couldn't kill it.


Lin Baici patted the stone statue's calf firmly, but it was not driven into the two-dimensional space. Instead, cracks appeared on its body, and then it shattered with a bang.

Stone powder flew all over the sky, choking people and coughing.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

On the ground, sharp stone pillars as thick as calves shot up into the sky, instantly forming a stone forest.

Lin Baici dodged, using his right sword and left pincer to smash the stone pillars around him.


Long Miaomiao pulled Fang Mingyuan fiercely.

Fang Mingyuan staggered, and in the next moment, a stone pillar grazed his thigh and pierced it, scraping away a strip of flesh on his left buttock, leaving a blood stain.


Fang Mingyuan screamed, like a prawn, his whole body straightened up.

Before everyone could breathe a sigh of relief, a second wave of stone pillars rose into the sky.


Not only that, among the stone powder, an arm stretched out to grab Lin Baici.


Lin Baici held the pipe wrench, knocked it on the arm, then turned around and ran away.

"Zi Zhong, come after me!"

Lin Baici yelled, preparing to find Li Chenguang and divert the trouble to the east.


It must succeed!

Among the stone powder, a petite woman jumped out to chase Lin Baici, but the next second, she was slashed in the neck by the invisible Hong Onimaru.


The iron blade and jade made a crisp sound.

This woman has no clothes on her body. Judging from the texture of her skin, it is made entirely of jade, but her movements are exceptionally flexible.

Bang bang bang!

In just three steps, the unharmed goddess chased after Lin Baiqi and punched him in the head. The slap from the other party made her aware of the huge danger.



"Lin Shen!"

Everyone exclaimed.


Lin Baici teleported, not only dodging the fist, but also distanced himself again.

Xia Hongyao chased him out.

"What should we do?"

The eldest aunt was at a loss.


Gu Qingqiu was very depressed because his fighting ability was still too poor.

Fortunately, the threat posed by Lin Baici was too great, and Hong Guiwan was invisible. The goddess didn't know that Gu Qingqiu had taken action, otherwise she would definitely turn around and kill her.

The distance of five or six hundred meters could be reached in more than ten seconds for Lin Baici, who was sprinting at full speed.

As soon as he stepped into the black mud area, Lin Baici shouted at Li Chenguang, who was killing an examiner: "Brother, the monster is resurrected!"

"help me!"

When Lin Baici rushed to more than ten meters in front of Li Chenguang, he suddenly teleported and came behind it, then stopped and pointed at the goddess: "That's it!"

Lin Baici placed his left hand beside Li Chenguang and snapped his fingers.

Samadhi Golden Crow Fire!


The sparks flashed, quickly igniting into a ball of flame, and then condensed into a golden crow, vibrating the flame wings, flying towards the goddess like a meteor.

The goddess shook her fist.


The Golden Crow was exploded, and a ball of sparks bloomed and scattered like festive fireworks, gorgeous and carrying the aura of death.

The goddess's right hand was ignited, with several clusters of flames, but she didn't care at all. She rushed in front of Li Chenguang and punched out.

At the same time, there were sharp stone pillars on the ground rising into the sky.

"Brother, peel it!"

Lin Baici shouted, but he used the action of dodging the stone pillars to lie down in the black mud, then burrowed into it, and after the black mud completely covered his body, he teleported to a distance.

When Lin Baici released the Golden Crow Fire, the goddess couldn't see Lin Baici's left hand, so she mistakenly thought it was Li Chenguang's attack.

In addition, this is her own territory, and those who trespass will be punished, so the goddess did not chase Lin Baici, but attacked and killed Li Chenguang.

The two monsters immediately started fighting.

Li Chenguang is numbered 156. Although it is only an artificial god, it is still a god. In its consciousness, the fact that it does not want to fight does not mean that it is afraid of fighting. Now that the other party has launched a provocation, it immediately becomes angry and fights back.

Those who blaspheme must die!


No. 156 hit the goddess with one punch, and she immediately fell and flew dozens of meters away in the blink of an eye. Before it hit the ground, No. 156 rushed in and punched her again from top to bottom.


With her head down and her feet up, the goddess plunged into the black mud.

No. 156 grabbed its right ankle, used it as a torn sack, and threw it on the ground.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

"So strong?"

The eldest aunt was shocked. These are not on the same level. How can we fight?

"The people of Dark Eclipse are really powerful!"

Zhang Hao exclaimed.

The beaten goddess instantly swelled and turned into a ten-meter-tall stone giant, pressing towards No. 156.

No. 156 did not dodge or evade, and blasted out with both fists like heavy artillery.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Every punch will knock off a piece of the goddess's body. Those jade fragments will fly around like a meteor shower and fall to the ground. Then these gravels will squirm, grow arms and legs, turn into small stone figures, and rush towards No. 156


It's a pity it's useless.

These stone men can cause damage to the god hunters, but they cannot kill the false gods.

Soon, the goddess's giant body became in tatters.

"Withdraw, withdraw, withdraw!"

Xie Yangchun was helpless, and Lin Baici thought that the snipe and the clam would fight, and the fisherman would benefit?


Look at the attack power of this down jacket. Even if the dragon level comes, it will be hammered to pieces.

Let's wait for the big troops to arrive!

"This shouldn't be a god, right?"

Lin Baici looked at the goddess and frowned slightly. There was no reason why a god couldn't defeat a monster?


Lin Baici's stomach was growling, and his hunger became more and more serious. It suddenly dawned on him that this goddess might not be a god, but a substitute or something like that.

So where is the true nature of the god?


After another heavy blow, the giant body of the goddess was completely shattered, and the short body was exposed.

Number 156 appeared in front of it and punched it.

There was no sound of beating.

The fist numbered 156 penetrated the goddess's chest, but did not break it. Instead, it was as if it had penetrated a piece of plasticine.

Immediately afterwards, the goddess's body melted and turned into a liquid state. Along the arm of No. 156, it quickly spread throughout its body and wrapped it up.

Gudu! Gudu!

The black mud from all around surged over and covered them.

Soon, the ground became flat again.

"Lin Shen, Commander Xia, retreat quickly!"

Zhang Hao shouted.

"It must be too late!"

After Gu Qingqiu finished speaking, those fleeing people immediately had sharp stone pillars protruding from their feet. Those little stone figures, although their legs were short, ran very fast, so they chased them.

In the process of running, the soil on the ground continued to blend into the bodies of these stone figures, making them grow bigger and bigger.

[The faster you run, the faster you die. Only here is the possibility of killing the gods!]

"Get ready to fight!"

Lin Baici took a deep breath.

"Go find Bai Ci!"

Gu Qingqiu shouted and immediately ran towards Lin Baici.

"Follow up!"

Long Miaomiao pulled Fang Mingyuan.

Zhang Hao looked at Xie Yangchun, then at Lin Baici, and chose the latter.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The ground suddenly squirmed, like an earthquake, cracking and melting, and then pillars of black mud spewed out like fountains.

After they landed on the ground, they spread immediately.

From the cracked ravines on the ground, a large amount of black mud also poured out. It was sticky and accumulated more and more, and soon spread to everyone's ankles.

The black mud rose up from the ground, forming two-meter-high clay monsters, and they attacked the nearest enemy.

The gods of the Seven Towns of Luoyang finally took action.

While the aunt was running, her right foot suddenly sank down. She immediately lowered her head and saw a black mud hand grabbing her ankle and pulling it down hard.

"Be careful underground!"

The eldest aunt gritted her teeth and slashed at the black mud hand with a knife.


The black mud hand was broken. As soon as the eldest aunt got up and ran two steps, more black mud hands stretched out and grabbed her body.

Thank you to the boss for the huge reward, there is nothing I can do in return!

This month, I must stay focused and update more!

This chapter has been completed!
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