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Chapter 604 Thank you for nature’s gift, eat while it’s hot!

 Chapter 605 Thank you for nature’s gift, eat while it’s hot!

There was no one in Wanda Mall, and the silence was eerie, as if a ghost might emerge from every nook and corner.

【Top floor!】


Lin Baici was hungry, but the direction he pointed was not to the top floor above, but to the east. He guessed that it should be his taboo objects.

Now, Lin Baici only had a pair of underwear and the first-kill championship ring on his left index finger.

Rings are rewards obtained in the game!

[Using it, you can summon a giant dragon mount to gallop across the blue sky in a short time.]

Nagami review.

[In addition, you also received two divine graces at random, namely the Body of Steel and the Hammer of Storm. 】

Lin Baici started running, and after turning an L corner, he saw that in the east hall, where the new energy tram booth was originally located, there was now a pile of clothes piled up.

Like a big mountain.

Lin Baici ran over and rummaged inside.

Soon, Lin Baici found his clothes and quickly put his hand into the pocket of his jeans.

Still there!!

Lin Baici touched the white antler bone flute, which made him happy, as if he had taken a reassurance!

You must know that all of Lin Baici's belongings are in here.

Lin Baici put on jeans and a sweatshirt, wiped the bone flute with his hands, put it in his mouth, and blew twice.

The reindeer was summoned. Lin Baici took out the Bodhi Envoy cassock, Dog King hiking boots, and the Power of the Colossus gloves from the bag on the left. After carrying the bronze sword and the affair pipe wrench, he took out the giant finger bones,

Keep it in your pocket for emergencies.

After getting ready, Lin Baici ran to the elevator.

The elevator goes down.

While waiting, Lin Baici walked to the vending machine nearby and punched it.


The glass of the vending machine was broken, and Lin Baici reached in and took out a bottle of mineral water.

When walking into the elevator, Lin Baici unscrewed the lid.

Gudu! Gudu!

Clear water poured into his throat, chilling Lin Baici's boiling fighting spirit!


Second floor!


The elevator reaches the top floor and opens the door.

Lin Baici walked out and saw the guy leaning on the recliner, drinking craft beer, bathing in the bright moonlight, and scrolling through his mobile phone.

Occasionally, he will laugh when he sees funny pictures!

Is this guy a god?

Lin Baici smashed the mineral water bottle he had taken a few sips from!


The bottle hit Li Luyou with a loud bang. Li Luyou was so startled that he jumped up like a prawn.

Li Luyou straightened up, turned his head, and saw Lin Baici.

"What the hell?"

Li Luyou was shocked.

How did this kid get out?

Li Luyou was too confident, or in other words, as a god, he looked down on human beings at all, and felt that even a god hunter would not be able to escape from the super video game city he built, so he was completely unprepared, so much so that he was now

Lin Baici was startled when he suddenly appeared.

Of course, it's just a surprise.

Li Luyou quickly calmed down, sat back on the recliner, looked at Lin Baici, and asked curiously: "Why did you choose to go into the sewer?"

After players leave the Death Hospital, they will see a fireworks show. If they rush over, they will enter the next game.

However, as a game designer, Li Luyou believes that any game should leave a shortcut to reward the lucky ones.

So Li Luyou designed the sewer as a quick passage directly out of the Super Arcade based on the Super Mario game.

Li Luyou didn't expect that Lin Baici not only had a high IQ, but also had such good luck.

"Because I smelled your stink in the sewer!"

Lin Baici snorted coldly.

This sentence was very insulting and made Li Luyou frown: "You should already know my identity, right? I suggest you respect me!"


Lin Baici vomited.

"Well, for the sake of your good skills, I will tolerate your rudeness!"

Li Luyou curled his lips and then laughed again: "You didn't go to the fireworks show. You don't know what you missed, right?"

"I'm telling you, Huayueyu is there, and if you clear the Summer Festival, you can get great rewards."

Lin Baici tightened his grip on the affair pipe wrench: "Are you finished?"

"You look angry? But I suggest you calm down."

Li Luyou saw that Lin Baici was very angry, but he didn't care: "I hope to form a team with you."

"Think about it seriously!"

"This is an opportunity to play games with the gods, it is very precious!"

Lin Baici couldn't stand listening anymore and threw his bronze sword!

"You talk a lot of nonsense!"

Lin Baici chatted with Li Luyou, hoping to analyze his character through his words and demeanor, but listening to these babbles made him extremely annoyed.

call out!

The bronze sword broke through the air with a dark green light.

Li Luyou picked up the wine bottle and smashed it.

Before it could hit the bronze sword, Lin Baici ran wildly and activated Divine Grace.


Lin Baici appeared in front of Li Luyou, and the affair pipe wrench hit his head.

"Die to me!"

Li Luyou was not nervous, he still waved the wine bottle, knocked away the bronze sword, and expanded the divine realm at the same time.


An invisible force spread out, and the surrounding space seemed to be distorted and turned into ripples.

"You can't hurt me..."

Before Li Luyou could finish his sworn words, he was hit on the head by the affair's pipe wrench.

Minced meat strike!


Li Luyou's body was shaken by the beating, and a sharp pain hit him. Then the pipe wrench came sideways and hit his ear.


Li Luyou fell out.


Lin Baici caught the bronze sword, ejected it, rushed to Li Luyou, and swung his sword to kill him before he could get up.


Li Luyou raised his hand to block, and the sharp sword blade left a slash mark on his arm. As soon as the blood flowed a little, the wound healed visibly.


The pipe wrench hit Li Luyou's eye socket again.

But the attack, which was enough to smash the heads of ordinary people, did not leave even a bruise on Li Luyou's body.


Li Luyou cursed loudly, resisted the attack, and punched Lin Baici.


Lin Baici teleported, appeared behind Li Luyou, and slashed towards his neck.


The sword blade slashed across the neck, but it was still only a shallow wound.

Li Luyou turned around and went to hit Lin Baici, but as soon as he turned around, Lin Baici's pipe wrench hit him on the cheek.


Li Luyou spun and flew out.

On the top floor of Wanda Mall, drizzle began to fall. They were like sparks, igniting Li Luyou's head, making his head curl up and a ball of flame burst out.

A giant Buddha appeared behind Lin Baici, leaned over, opened his eyes, and blew a breath towards Li Luyou.

The night rain is floating, and the wild Buddha blows the lamp!


The flame on Li Luyou's head went out and his body shook, but he did not die.


For the first time, Li Luyou screamed.

This divine grace brought trauma to its spirit.

Lin Baici throws out the affair pipe wrench!

Storm Hammer!


The pipe wrench flashed across the sky like thunder, and in the blink of an eye, it hit Li Luyou's head.


Li Luyou fell backward and fell to the ground

Lin Baici teleported, appeared behind Li Luyou, and slapped him on the back of the head.

Hands of great impression!

In order to kill with one strike, Lin Baici also activated the lightning flint, not wanting Li Luyou to successfully dodge, but the power of the god was still too powerful.

The second before Lin Baici photographed Li Luyou, the space around him twisted, deformed, and entered another dimension. Lin Baici did not blink, but Li Luyou had disappeared.

At this time, he was in an unfamiliar alley, five meters wide and dozens of meters long, with towering walls on both sides, carved with reliefs of various cartoon patterns.

"Is this a maze?"

Lin Baici frowned.

"You think you can kill me?"

Li Luyou sneered, with a bit of anger in his voice: "How naive!"

"Then come out!"

Lin Baici sneered.

"I am a god, the supreme god. I allow you, a two-legged ant, to team up with me. What are you dissatisfied with?"

Li Luyou roared, he couldn't understand.

Shouldn't this be something worthy of showing off three sticks of incense to our ancestors?

Why did Lin Baici kill himself?

A dead woman?

Not to mention that the woman had only known him for a few days, and now the streets were full of women. With Lin Bai's conditions, how could he not find any woman?

Besides, Hua Yueyu, he didn’t hurt her either?

"Because you didn't respect me!"

Lin Baici looked at the end of the maze corridor: "Two-legged ants? Who are you talking about?"


Li Luyou couldn't understand Lin Baici's mentality, so he tried to persuade him: "You picked up a dog, you took it to play with it, and let it enjoy a happy dog ​​life. This is already very happy for the dog."


"Would you respect a dog?"

"I don't believe any human would risk his life to save a dog!"

"Don't talk nonsense to me, aren't you a god? Get out and kill me!" Lin Baici roared: "What are you hiding from?"

What justice?

What revenge?

Lin Baici didn't want to talk about it. He only had one idea right now, beat this god violently and then eat it, otherwise he would not be able to understand his thoughts.

"Since you want to die, then just die!"

Li Luyou sneered: "You missed my friendship, the most precious thing in the world."

To be honest, being beaten up by Lin Baici, although not fatal, was quite painful, and most importantly, it was embarrassing.

Generally speaking, once a god removes its disguise and reveals its true form, for humans, the pollution from the god will break out, and their bodies will simply not be able to withstand it.

Symptoms such as dizziness, nausea, and vomiting will appear immediately. Not to mention those with poor physical fitness, even normal and healthy humans will become deformed, lose their human form, and become flesh-dead humans within a few minutes.

But this Lin Baici is useless.

This body is really strong.

Li Luyou sighed.

But it doesn't matter, gods also have their own divine domain, which is a mysterious and powerful force. In the divine domain, the laws of the gods run.

Except for the corresponding gods, everyone else must bow their heads.

This game maze is Li Luyou's divine realm. In the process of searching for it, Lin Baici will be attacked by characters from various video games, comics and animations until he dies.

【Go right!】

God shows the way.

Lin Baici ran wildly.

With his speed, he can cover 100 meters in three seconds.

The reliefs on the walls on both sides started to move, but before they came down, Lin Baici had already disappeared.

Thirty seconds later, Lin Baici ran through five maze corridors and saw Li Luyou.

He was thinking casually and kicked a wall.

Now that Lin Baici is gone, the two girls Xia Hongyao and Gu Qingqiu will probably not play with him. The dream of a gaming team is completely shattered.


Lin Baici sprinted and shouted!


Li Luyou turned his head, but Lin Baici teleported in front of him and punched out.


Li Luyou received a punch on his right cheek. He rolled over as if he had been hit by a high-speed truck.

call out!

The bronze sword flew over, inserted into Li Luyou's eye socket, and pinned him to the ground.


Li Luyou shouted and wanted to pull out the bronze sword, but Lin Baici was faster.


Lin Baici teleported, grabbed the hilt of the sword, twisted it hard, and then slashed everything, opening Li Luyou's eye sockets, holding the affair pipe wrench in his left hand, and knocked on his Tianling Cap.

Meat blow.


Li Luyou, who had just stood up halfway, was hit so hard that his legs weakened and he knelt on the ground.

Lin Baici turned around and swung his leg, sweeping Li Luyou's head.


Li Luyou flew three meters and hit the wall, like a mural. Before he could fall down, Lin Baici rushed over and hit his chest with a flying knee.



Li Luyou swung his fist and hit Lin Baici on the head.

Lin Baici turned his head to avoid it, turned the hilt of the sword with his left hand, and the bronze sword immediately spun around. Lin Baici held it backwards and plunged into Li Luyou's eye socket.

The right hand throws the affair pipe wrench upwards.

Lin Baici stretched out his head and bit it.


Lin Baici bit the pipe wrench and started to explode with his free hands.

Yongdong Changquan!

Lin Baici's fists were filled with white freezing air and hit Li Luyou's body.

Bang bang bang!

Every time Lin Baici punched, a patch of white frost would appear on Li Luyou's skin, and then it would turn into a layer of ice, which would become thicker and thicker with a crackling sound.


Li Luyou shouted and kicked Lin Baici.

Lin Baici punched him on the knee, and then slapped Li Luyou on the face.

Hands of great impression!


Li Luyou fell to the ground, and the ice, flesh, and blood on his body separated from it under the effect of the great divine grace. It was like being attracted by a black hole, and was imprinted on the floor, becoming a painting.

In an instant, all the skin on Li Luyou's body was stripped off, and he was covered in blood, just like the mannequin in the hospital with only muscles.


"I am going to kill you!"

Li Luyou roared, a steam filled his body, and he began to grow skin and flesh again.

It was a god. Lin Baici's great grace could not kill him instantly, but it did hurt him.

On the walls on both sides, there were more than thirty humanoid reliefs, suddenly thrusting their weapons at Lin Baici.

After Lin Bai resigned.

Li Luyou did not attack, but turned around and ran away.

no way,

Because he is not good at fighting.

Relying on his strong body, tenacious ability to resist blows, and terrifying recovery power, Li Luyou can bully most divine hunters, but Lin Baici is obviously not among them.

If he wants to kill the Dragon Level, Li Luyou needs to rely on the Divine Realm.

Li Luyou ran very fast.

Lin Baici chased after him, but the corridor was very long and there was no trace of him.

【To the right】

Lin Baici followed the God's instructions and after rushing through the three corridors, he saw Li Luyou again.

Li Luyou hadn't recovered yet, and he was dumbfounded when he saw Lin Baici chasing after him again.

"Why was this guy found again?"

Li Luyou ran away again.

But the third and fourth time, he was still found.

This made Li Luyou completely crazy.

"Why can you find me?"

Li Luyou yelled.

The scary thing about this maze of gods is that people trapped in it cannot find Li Luyou, and if they can't kill Li Luyou, they will be attacked by endless reliefs.

But now, Lin Baici can always find him, Li Luyou, before the relief walks down the wall.

Li Luyou's whole body was numb.

Under Lin Baici's beating, Li Luyou relied on the relief to restrain him and escaped again.

【To the right!】

【Continue right!】

Lin Baici stopped in a corridor.

This time, the god stopped giving instructions, but there was no trace of the god in the corridor.


Lin Baici's stomach was growling. As he walked forward, he leaned against the wall on the left. After walking more than twenty meters, he suddenly turned around, put the five fingers of his right hand together like a spear, and pointed at the wall on the wall.

A relief was stabbed through.

Life in control!


Lin Baici pierced the relief's chest, then transformed the thorns into claws and grabbed a heart.

Plop! Plop!

Lin Baici could feel the powerful beating of his heart.


The relief screamed, and it was Li Luyou's voice. His divine power exploded, and the surrounding reliefs all squirmed crazily, waving weapons and killing Lin Baici.

Lin Baici quickly backed away.

The relief fell down and returned to Li Luyou's appearance.

He covered his chest and looked at Lin Baici with a puzzled expression: "Why do you find me every time?"

There is definitely something wrong with this!

"you guess?"

Lin Baici chuckled, put his heart to his mouth, and took a bite like he was eating a mango.

The meat is tough and elastic, but as soon as you eat it and chew it twice, it turns into a liquid and pours into your stomach.

A stream of heat spread throughout the body.

Li Luyou was originally going to trick Lin Baici, but when he saw this scene, he was stunned: "You...you..."

"What's wrong with me?"

Lin Baici asked back, "Three times five divided by two, he ate the heart."

"What the hell are you?"

Li Luyou was shocked and blurted out.

That is the body of a god, and it contains abundant life essence. If this guy eats it, he will be polluted in an instant and turn into a dead flesh man.

But nothing happened to this guy.


Lin Baici smiled, and suddenly teleported and appeared in front of Li Luyou. He did not punch, but grabbed Li Luyou's skirt, pulled him in front of him, and then opened his mouth and bit him.

Divine grace is activated, breaking gold and breaking jade!

"Get away!"

Li Luyou shouted, with a tremor in his voice. If he was beaten, he would not be like this, but Lin Baici's cannibalistic gesture made him feel cold in his heart.

Li Luyou stretched out his hand to block Lin Baici's mouth, but in the next moment, he bit the back of his hand. With the sound of cracking bones, he shook his head and tore it apart with all his strength.


A large piece of flesh was torn off.


Li Luyou, frightened and angry, punched.


Lin Baici spat out the meat and punched Li Luyou.


Fists collide.

Li Luyou was in pain, and before he could think of how to escape, Lin Baici grabbed his wrist with both hands, twisted it with all his strength, and then bit his neck.


Blood containing a large amount of life essence immediately poured into Lin Baici's mouth.

Great supplement!

Li Luyou was really panicked. The feeling of death came again, just like the moment when he embarked on his escape journey decades ago.

"Ah, get out of here!"

Li Luyou roared and tried to break away. When he found it was useless, his arms exploded.


Li Luyou flew back with the force of the impact. In the process, he consumed a large amount of source essence to repair the wound. In just a few seconds, a pair of arms grew again.


Li Luyou suddenly vomited forcefully, and a bag bulged in his stomach. This bag went up from the stomach, slid through the esophagus, and reached his mouth, and then spit out a golden game controller.


Li Luyou caught the handle with saliva and blood and began to operate it.

"You go to hell!"

This is a sacred object formed after Li Luyou's divine power materialized.

It’s called Minecraft!

As long as the life of Li Luyou is touched by flesh and blood, he will become his game character under the constraints of the rules, and he can control it through this golden game controller.

At this moment, the world is a game and Li Luyou is the master!

Manipulate sentient beings.

Li Luyou stared at Lin Baici fiercely, holding the game controller in both hands and pressing his thumbs rapidly.

kill it,

It's so cheap.

Let him strip naked first and perform a hula dance.

The pain on his body made Li Luyou want to severely humiliate this human reptile.

"I want you to know that you are just a two-legged ant in front of God. I can crush you to death with just one kick!"

Li Luyou roared, but the next second, he was dumbfounded.

Because Lin Baici did not act according to his instructions.

They were still standing there, facing Yuan Ting Yue Zhi, like a war flag hunting in the wind, and every breath they took seemed to be the sound of a charging horn.

What's going on?

"Are you done going crazy?"

As Lin Baici spoke, he took a step forward, clenched his right fist, and pulled it back. His whole body was like a fully drawn long bow.

Li Luyou still had too little combat experience. He felt something was wrong and turned around subconsciously. He saw a dark giant Buddha wearing only boxer briefs and with gnarled muscles standing behind him, swinging a heavy punch.


Li Luyou flew towards Lin Baici.

Lin Baici's right fist, which had been prepared for a long time, came out, like a heavy cannon, hitting Li Luyou's face hard.


Li Luyou rolled and stumbled all the way, and kept losing weight.

When he finally stopped rolling and before he could get up, Lin Baici came to him again and stepped on his chest with a loud kick.


Lin Baici grabbed the golden handle in Li Luyou's hand, snatched it away, and then used it as a brick to hit Li Luyou's head.

Bang bang bang!

Two arms condensed with starlight emerged from Lin Baici's shoulders, grabbed Li Luyou's head, then twisted it, rotated 720 degrees, and with the sound of cervical vertebra fractures, he moved upwards.

One pull.


Li Luyou's head was forcefully pulled off, and there was even a section of spine attached to it.

【Thank you for the gift of nature!】

The god prayed and sent the head to Lin Baici.

【While it’s hot!】


This chapter has been completed!
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