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Chapter 638 Gentle God!

Outside the window, there is a colorful night view of the bustling city.

Lin Baici didn't even look at it, he stared at the sunflower pot on the windowsill.

This little thing existed in Lin Baici's daily life, just like his family. It was so natural that Lin Baici had no doubts about it.

"God, am I in an illusion?"

Lin Baici called in his heart.

【How does it feel to enjoy the dream of being a winner in life? 】

“Not bad!”

Lin Baici smacked his lips, turned around, and glanced at his son and daughter on the big bed: "But am I such a scumbag? Zhu Qiunan and Ji Xinyan want both of them?"

"Is this what I really think in my heart?"

Lin Baici was confused: "But why didn't I dream about Jin Yingzhen, Hua Yueyu and the others?"

Ever since he played poker, Lin Baici had a special affection for Gao Limei and Xiao Yuren, definitely more than Zhu Qiunan.

But in this fantasy, Zhu Qiunan is actually the legal wife?

[The rule pollution caused by that painting is called the Dream of Flowers. The winner in life is the ultimate life that ordinary people can enjoy! 】

Popular science about God: [It will give you whatever you need or not, making you feel that your life is full of happiness!]


Lin Baici breathed a sigh of relief: "It turns out it's not me, it's pollution!"

[If you have not become a god hunter, then there is a high probability that this illusion will be your life, but it will not be so happy! 】

[Can’t marry the school beauty, have no confidante, struggle in college, worry about house and marriage after graduation, and then start the mid-life crisis at the age of thirty-five...]

[Most people’s lives are ordinary and filled with trivial things every day!]

Lin Baici looked out the window. Isn't this what life is like for parents?

In other words, the neighbors, relatives and friends Lin Baici knew all had similar lives. How many real winners were there?

[The god who created this oil painting is a gentle man!]

Nagami review.


Lin Baici raised his eyebrows: "Is there such a god?"

The gods Lin Baici has met so far, even Li Luyou, who loves to play games, regard human life as an ant. When he is furious, he will use human beings for entertainment like trampling ants to death.

[This kind of rule pollution can be used to treat mental illnesses, especially depression and psychosis. It has miraculous effects, and can also help patients with Alzheimer’s disease recover!]

When Lin Baici heard this, he became energetic.

These are very troublesome diseases with almost no cure.

[A person with a sunny heart will suddenly wake up at some point, let go of everything, step out, and muster up the courage to face a bad life again!]

[But there are also some people who are addicted to it and cannot extricate themselves, causing them to become vegetative, and their consciousness is forever trapped in the painting. 】

"In other words, Wu Shitong wanted something but couldn't get it in reality?"

Lin Baici understood that even though Wu Shitong was the richest man in Haijing and had too much money to spend, his life was not the kind where everything he wished for came true.

[Human beings are creatures that always feel that what is not available is the best! 】

[Find the sea of ​​sunflowers and burn them, and you will be able to purify the rule pollution!]

The god didn't say how to find the sea of ​​sunflowers, waiting for Lin Baici to ask, but he didn't ask, but returned to the bedside and kissed the two children on their foreheads.

"This kind of life is really happy!"

Lin Baici lay down between the two children, looking left and right. He waited for a full hour before standing up again. Then he picked up the potted sunflower plant on the window sill and left the hotel.

Accompanied by stars, take a walk under the moon.

Lin Baici took out his cell phone and called Zhu Qiunan: "If I were an ordinary person, would you still marry me?"

"It sounds like you are no longer an ordinary person now!"

Zhu Qiunan's answer is very personal.

"A person's life is just a grain of sand in the long river of time. Even if they are in the history books, only a very small number can have an impact on future generations!"

"So there is no need to be obsessed with success, obsessed with realizing the value of life, calm down, feel happy, and spend every second doing things you like and things that make you happy, that's enough."

Zhu Qiunan's voice is very nice.

Lin Baici smiled and praised: "I feel like I am facing a wise man!"

Unexpectedly, even in the fantasy world, Zhu Qiunan had such three views.

After chatting for a few more words, Lin Baici hung up the phone and called Ji Xinyan.

"If I were an ordinary person, would you still marry me?"

Still the same problem.


Ji Xinyan's answer was without hesitation: "I am Yan Gou. You know, the talent in your belly only makes me appreciate you and admire you more. But if you don't have talent, it doesn't matter, then let me raise you!"


Lin Bai was speechless.

"Speaking of which, it's time for you to exercise. Haven't you noticed that the frequency and quality of your poker playing have declined recently?"

Ji Xinyan warned: "Eat more sea cucumbers, oysters, etc. I will wait for you to come back and reward you!"


Lin Baici wanted to hang up the phone.

But in the dream, playing poker with Ji Xinyan felt really good.

There was no need for Lin Baici to ask, Cha Mei wanted to try various positions herself.

After ending the call, Lin Baici quickened his pace.

He had long discovered that the flower disk of the sunflower was not facing the sun, but in a certain direction.

After hearing Nagami's comment, he immediately realized that the direction the flower disk was facing was the sea of ​​sunflowers.

Half an hour later, there was a crossroads.

The green light is on.

Lin Baici, who was waiting with the pedestrians, stepped onto the crosswalk.

After crossing the intersection, the moment Lin Baici stepped off the zebra crossing, the surrounding environment changed.

The high-rise buildings are gone and replaced by vast fields of flowers.

Colorful and brilliant!

Lin Baici looked at the potted plants and continued walking along this country road. After walking for about seven or eight miles, an endless sea of ​​sunflowers appeared in his field of vision.

They are all facing the direction of the sun, swaying with the summer wind like dancing.

Lin Baici walked over, took a deep breath, then found some branches from around, piled them in the flower field, and then took out the matches he bought on the road from his pocket.


The match was struck, and just when Lin Baici squatted down to light the branch...


There was a gunshot.

"Go away and stay away from the sea of ​​flowers!"

A young man wearing a straw hat yelled: "Otherwise I'll beat you to death!"

Lin Baici turned around and saw a young man he didn't recognize, but from his brows, he could see some resemblance to Wu Shitong.

"Get out of here!"

The young man roared, holding a double-barreled shotgun in his hand, pointing it at Lin Baici.

"Your family is waiting for you!"

Lin Baici reminded.

"What family? I don't need it, I just want to be young!"

The young man Wu Shitong yelled that the feeling of aging was really bad. Even when facing beautiful women, he felt powerless and powerless.

Lin Baici shook his head and lit another match.


Wu Shitong fired.

The bullet grazed Lin Baici's scalp.

Lin Baici lit the fire calmly as before, but three people suddenly jumped out of the sea of ​​flowers and crashed into him like hungry tigers preying on prey.

It's Wu Guofu, his secretary, and Liu Guifeng!

All three of them had red eyes and murderous intent at this time.

They were polluted and could not resist the temptation of beautiful dreams, so they instinctively wanted to protect this sea of ​​flowers.

"Xiao Linzi?"

On the other side, at ten o'clock, Xia Hongyao appeared: "Why are you so old? And I was just purifying the gods and killing the gods. Why did you suddenly appear in this place?"

"This should be the source of pollution!"

Nangong Shu glanced at the scene.

After Sunflower Flower Sea realized that Lin Baici was going to burn it, it teleported everyone over to stop him.

"Burn the sea of ​​flowers!"

Lin Baici was in his forties, but it was still not difficult to deal with the thirty-year-old Wu Guofu. As for the female secretary and Liu Guifeng, they kicked them away.

"I'm so desperate, am I polluted?"

Lin Qingrong was shocked.

Didn't notice it at all!

After Wu Shitong finished loading his ammunition, he found that the tree branch had been set on fire. He immediately shouted and rushed over.

"I'm going to kill you, and all the flowers here belong to me!"

Bang! Bang!

The shotgun roared, causing the soil to fly.

The flames instantly turned into a conflagration, and began to spread like fire snakes through the wind, swallowing up the sea of ​​flowers.

Wu Shitong didn't care about killing Lin Baici. He picked up a big branch and frantically slapped the flames on the ground in an attempt to extinguish the fire.

"My sunflower!"

"My sea of ​​flowers!"

"My youth!"

Wu Shi cried out at the same time.

Wu Guofu, his mother, and the female secretary were all ordinary people, and their conditions were not right. However, Lin Qingrong, as a divine hunter, had already figured out the situation.

Once the fire started, it was out of control.

It will soon start a prairie fire.

Lin Baici looked at the thick smoke. After blinking, he suddenly realized that the environment had changed. He returned to the villa and was standing in front of the master bedroom, holding the door handle in his hand.


Lin Baici opened the door.

In the living room, people like Wu Guofu woke up quickly because they fell into the dreamy sea of ​​flowers for a short time.

"Are what I experienced before the rule pollution?"

Wu Guofu was frightened and uneasy.

"Wealth of the Nation!"

Liu Guifeng's body was shaking.

"Mom, it should be fine!"

Wu Guofu glanced at Lin Qingrong and Nangong Shu: "Let's leave first!"

"No need, this rule pollution has been purified!"

Nangong comforted him.


Liu Guifeng looked ecstatic and immediately looked at Lin Qingrong, wanting him to prove it.

Lin Qingrong said nothing and strode towards the third floor, obviously looking for Lin Baici.

"Lin Baici is too strong!"

Nangong Shu followed behind, feeling shocked.

She has also experienced this rule pollution. She has a perfect life and doesn't want to come out at all.

In reality, there are always unhappy things, but there are no such things in dreams. No matter what, everything comes true.

After Nangong Shu started running the Dragon and Beauty Bar, she stopped going to the Shenxu. However, she often encountered these things when buying and selling sacred items, and she still had experience, so she knew that the intensity of this pollution was at least 0, but Lin Bai

The resignation was actually done so quickly.

Simply sharp!

"Xiao Linzi!"

Xia Hongyao rushed into the master bedroom, ran to Lin Baici, and swooped down, hanging on his back: "As expected of my dragon wings!"

It's so embarrassing to get rid of the rule pollution so quickly!

"Ha ha!"

Lin Baici smiled: "Put this painting away?"

"Is this a taboo thing? Then why did Wu Shitong sew another painting on the quilt and cover it next to his body?"

Xia Hongyao didn't understand.

"It was sewn wrong!"

Lin Baici chuckled: "Of course there is another possibility. Wu Shitong was worried that the Jiuzhou Security Bureau would take away his oil paintings, so he created a maze!"

"Does he look down upon the professional abilities of the divine hunters too much?"

Xia Hongyao rolled her eyes.

"It's lucky, after all, not all thieves will be caught!"

Lin Baici patted Xia Hongyao's butt: "Come down quickly!"

Lin Qingrong and Nangong Shu came in.

"The Forest God of Kowloon Hall, right? What do you think of my Forest God?"

Xia Hongyao teased.


Lin Qingrong looked embarrassed and wanted to defend himself, but he had nothing to say. As someone who had personally experienced the beautiful dream of flowers, if he wanted to say that the intensity of the pollution was not high, it would only prove that he was blind.

Moreover, he also heard Lin Baici's answer.

Fight to the death!

It was this old man who misled me!

Actually sewing fake oil paintings!

How cunning!

"Lin...Lin Longyi, the pollution has been lifted?"

Liu Guifeng was full of expectations and wanted Lin Baici to confirm it finally.


Lin Baici nodded: "Your husband will wake up soon!"

"Thank you Lin Longyi! Thank you Lin Longyi!"

Liu Guifeng clasped her hands together and kept bowing: "Guofu, what are you doing standing still? Thank you Lin Longyi!"

"Lin Longyi..."

Wu Guofu was embarrassed, but he was also a master who could afford to let go. He took the initiative to admit his mistake: "It's all my fault for being short-sighted!"

Wu Guofu didn't understand Lin Baici's status, but he knew how to compare.

Lin Qingrong praised Hua Yingxiong very well, so since Lin Baici can purify this rule pollution, he must be a strong man of the same level.

Must be respected.

"Bounty, no, I will prepare the money immediately and send it to you at the latest at night!"

If he said bounty, it would appear that he was an employer and a bit condescending, so Wu Guofu quickly changed his tune.

"The matter has been resolved, it's time for us to withdraw!"

Lin Baici stretched his waist.

"How can this be okay? Stay here and have a light meal tonight!"

Wu Guofu invited him, but what he said was a simple meal, but Qianci. Tonight, he must prepare a sumptuous meal to entertain Lin Baici and the others.

"No need!"

Lin Baici refused: "I still have to go back to school!"

Liu Guifeng and Wu Guofu tried to persuade them to stay, but to no avail.

"The money must be sent as soon as possible, and we must have a good relationship with him. Lin Longyi is so young, he will definitely become a big shot in the Haijing Security Bureau in the future!"

Watching Cullinan leave, Liu Guifeng warned.

"I know!"

Wu Guofu nodded.

Lin Qingrong also said goodbye and left. As soon as he left the community, he couldn't wait to take out his mobile phone and call Hua Yingxiong.

"Boss Hua, I'm sorry that your trip was in vain!"

Lin Qingrong sighed: "That Haijinglin God has solved the rule pollution!"

This chapter has been completed!
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