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Chapter 674: The class monitor must not be driven crazy by all the girls in the school now

Chapter 675: The class monitor must not be driven crazy by all the girls in the school now?

The tables and chairs in Haijing Polytechnic's cafeteria are all custom-made, with the smallest tables for eight people, so when students ran around, they knocked the tables and chairs crookedly.

They rubbed against the floor, making a harsh crunching sound, but it was quickly drowned out by the clatter of dishes and chopsticks falling.

Everyone didn't want to risk their lives by eating the melon, so they all hid far away.

The boy's expression and movements at this time were too crazy.

He was holding a fruit knife. It was not too long, the blade was a little thin, and it was not hard enough. So after he stabbed his girlfriend's clothes, he felt that it had not penetrated too deep. So in order to kill the woman completely, he held the fruit.

The knife stabs quickly.

The blood surged and soaked the clothes.

The girl screamed twice, then stopped, and fell to the ground involuntarily.

His boyfriend stabbed her in the neck again.

Seeing the blood coming out like a fountain on the girl's neck, Lin Baici shook his head, it was better now, it was too late for him to save her.

This kind of injury is fatal.

Zhu Qiunan reacted very quickly. She turned her back to the man and woman, but when she heard everyone screaming and saw the panic on the faces of the people in front of her, she didn't even look back. She stood up quickly, stepped on the table, and jumped to the opposite side.

, and then grabbed Lin Baici's arm.


While Zhu Qiunan was speaking, she also saw what happened, but her expression remained unchanged, and she just pulled Lin Baici's arm with her right hand harder.

The girls next to them reacted at this moment and hurriedly left the tables and chairs one by one, trying to get away from the boy.

Not to mention that everyone is only 12 or 3 meters away from the murder scene, even if it is more than 30 meters away, everyone will hide farther away.

Because it’s really scary!


Lin Baici did not move, picked up a chopstick of beef noodles, took a bite, and stretched out his left hand at the same time, pressing it on the table.

The table in front of me that was knocked crooked by those girls immediately stopped moving.

If there were other girls, they would definitely continue to persuade Lin Baici to stay away first to avoid harming Chi Yu, but Zhu Qiunan did not.

She glanced at Lin Baici and did not continue to persuade him to leave. Instead, she sat down and took the noodle bowl opposite her.

"Not afraid?"

Lin Baici turned his head and looked at the female top student.

"I can't embarrass you!"

Zhu Qiunan's idea was very simple. Since Lin Baici would not run away, he would share the joys and sorrows with him. Even if he had to be stabbed, he would still be equal.

Lin Baici raised his eyebrows.

Zhu Qiunan stopped talking and started eating noodles, but her mouth was much smaller, and her left hand also pulled a nearby dinner plate in front of her.

If that boy came over, she would smash the plate.

"You still haven't paid it back?"

"You still haven't paid it back?"

The boy whose online name was Haijing Baker gritted his teeth and stabbed his girlfriend to death. When he saw that she was motionless, he immediately picked up her schoolbag and started to rummage through it.

After searching around for a while, he found nothing. The boy became anxious, turned his schoolbag upside down, and shook it vigorously.

Wow! Wow!

Books, cosmetics, and tissues all fell out at once.

The boy turned his head anxiously to observe the fallen objects, but still did not see the Buddhist beads bracelet, so he returned to the girl's body and started to pull off her clothes.

"Where did you hide your stuff?"

The boy yelled.

The entire canteen, including the murder scene, was extremely quiet, but on the outside, there were people who didn't know it, asking questions, watching, and trying to squeeze in to the front, making a lot of noise.

Because everyone was worried about being hurt, they all stayed away, so Lin Baici and Zhu Qiunan suddenly appeared.

The murderous boy was digging through the body, and twelve or thirteen meters away from him, across four rows of tables, a couple was still eating.

The students who were watching were stunned when they saw this scene.

"People are dead, how can you still eat this?"

"No, now it's a question of whether I can eat it or not? It's a question of whether I might get stabbed by that guy!"

"Damn, you're so brave. They're so close. If someone wants to stab them, they won't be able to run away, right?"

Everyone's eyes fell on Lin Baici, then looked at Zhu Qiunan.

One is the most beautiful student in the freshman year, and the other is Lin Baici, who has often become a hot topic in campus online forums since the beginning of school, so many people quickly recognized the two of them.

"Damn it, why are you so stupid? He's so handsome!"

"Did you not see the previous video? That boy is freshman Lin Baici, and he just cleared out a floor in the boys' dormitory!"

"His girlfriend is so beautiful. Her legs are longer than my life."

"Not only is she beautiful, she is also a top female student!"

Listening to the discussion and being watched by so many people, Zhu Qiunan couldn't eat anymore.

"Call the police!"

"You boys, go and save that girl!"

"What to save? He sprayed so much blood, he would have died a long time ago!"

In the university, there is no shortage of boys with a strong sense of justice and courage. Some of them have already run to the cafeteria to find weapons, such as using the lid of a large pot as a shield.

Lin Baici was embarrassed to eat any more, so he took a sip of the soup and put down his chopsticks: "Hey, the person is dead, can you give me some dignity?"

The boy couldn't find the Buddhist beads bracelet and started tearing the girl's clothes off, thinking he might have hidden them inside.

When Zhu Qiunan heard Lin Baici say this, he immediately tightened his grip on the dinner plate to prevent the boy from being stimulated and suddenly coming to attack Lin Baici.

Others were also startled by Lin Baici's sudden words.

If you provoke him at this time, aren't you asking for trouble?

"I don't care if she looks decent or not, I just want what's mine!"

The boy roared.

"Did that girl accept his expensive gift and break up with her again?"

"It feels like, can't you stab me to death like this?"

"No need to guess, there is definitely a big hatred!"

The onlookers were whispering.

"Come here, I'll treat you to a bowl of noodles!"

Lin Baici invited: "Let's talk!"

The boy couldn't find the bracelet and was very angry. Now that he heard Lin Baici's nonsense, he jumped up in anger, stood up and rushed towards Lin Baici.


The students facing the boys quickly retreated.


Zhu Qiunan was very worried and her hands began to shake, but she still did not leave her seat without leaving Lin Baici.


Lin Baici quickly stood up, stepped onto the table with his right foot, kicked hard, and jumped out.

When the boy saw this, he immediately threw the fruit knife at Lin Baici.


Zhu Qiunan shouted.

Lin Baici raised his hand, slapped the fruit knife away, and went straight to the boy.

Some boys who were watching saw that Baker had no weapon and immediately rushed forward, but stopped the next second because the guy pulled out a fruit knife from behind.

"go to hell!"

Baker roared angrily and stabbed Lin Baici in the chest with a knife.


Lin Baici grabbed Baker's right hand, turned to the right, pulled his arm forward, pressed his shoulder against his chest, threw him over his shoulder, and threw him to the ground.


Baker was knocked unconscious from the fall.

Lin Baici twisted his wrist hard, and severe pain was felt, making Baker unable to hold the fruit knife anymore.

Lin Baici quickly stretched out his hand, caught the fruit knife that fell to the ground with a snap, then held a knife in his hand, held the handle of the knife in his backhand, and placed it on Baker's neck.

"Fuck, that's awesome!"

"This guy is so handsome, he could be seen in a movie."

"Hey, stop wandering, be careful of being counterattacked!"

Everyone was chirping, reminding Lin Bai not to be careless, and some boys rushed over to help arrest him.


Baker yelled, ignoring the blade on his neck, struggling to get up, and going to hit Lin Baici.

Lin Baici immediately put away the knife, otherwise Baker's neck would have brushed the blade, but before Baker's fist hit him, he punched him twice in succession.

Bang bang!

Baker rolled his eyes, fainted, and fell to the ground.

Lin Bai resigned and went to check on the girl.

[Don’t look, it’s already hopeless!]

On the third floor, Ji Xinyan and the others were chatting when they suddenly saw some commotion at the top of the stairs, and someone shouted, "It looks like there's been a murder."

Liu Zilu immediately stood up and looked around, the Bagua fire burning in his chest.

"It seems something happened on the second floor?"

"Dead people!"

"what's the situation?"

The students on the third floor stretched their necks and looked toward the stairs like big white geese.

"Eat, eat!"

Bai Jiao urged.

"You guys eat first, I'll go take a look!"

Liu Zilu turned around: "Tao Nai, are you going?"

"Why are you joining in the fun?"

Bai Jiao frowned, his face full of disgust.

Liu Zilu smiled awkwardly, sat down, and continued to eat her green pepper and shredded pork fried rice. However, before the meal was finished, security came up and began to clear the place.

"Damn it, it seems like something really big happened?"

Liu Zilu exclaimed, regretting not going to the scene.

Even Bai Jiao realized that something was wrong with this scene, but she had no regrets. So what if it was a murder scene?

Nothing to watch!

The group left the cafeteria and found many people gathered outside. Liu Zilu wanted to watch, but was dragged away by Bai Jiao.

Ding dong! Ding dong!

The class WeChat group started to flood the screen.

Zhang Zhixu: Damn it, there are people dead on the second floor of Canteen No. 1. It’s so scary!

Li Song: I heard it, it seems to be a murder of love.

Official: Well, they were a couple, and the one who died was a woman.

Lei Bo: Do ​​any of you have photos of the scene?

Yang Zhe: I have it, but I don’t dare to post it. What if my account is banned?

Zhang Zhixu: Why are you blocked for this kind of video? There are many more discordant videos on the Internet.

Liu Zilu: Hurry up! Hurry up!

Chen Kaiwei: I also got the photos.

After Chen Kaiwei finished speaking, he sent a few photos.

"Look at the group!"

Liu Zilu exclaimed.

Ji Xinyan was not interested in this kind of thing, but Liu Zilu's next words made her heart tremble.

"Why is the squad leader here too?"

Ji Xinyan quickly took out her phone and opened WeChat.

Tao Nai: Damn it, what's going on with the squad leader? Why is he still sitting there eating noodles when everyone else has run away?

Liu Zilu: It must be Zhu Qiunan, a bitch, who was so scared that her legs went weak, so the monitor could only accompany her.

Xu Daguan: What a mess, this is obviously Lin Baici pretending to be brave.

Lei Bo: I capitalize the word "service".

In this day and age, everyone has a mobile phone, and as long as there are enough people watching, the news can be spread instantly.

Everyone mainly took pictures of the couple, but later on, Lin Baici was eating noodles calmly at the murder scene. This contrast was so interesting that someone took the picture.

If it was just like this, no one would spread it, but the key point is that Lin Baici later struck up a conversation with the boy and subdued him with one move, which was cool.

People like Zhang Zhixu had their own circles, and they started to get new pictures and even short videos, and then transferred them to the class group.

When Ji Xinyan saw this, she turned around and walked to the cafeteria, sending a message to Lin Baici on the way.

Yan Yan Xia Tian: Lin Baici, are you going to die?

Yan Yan Xia Tian: What is your reason for doing this kind of thing?

Ji Xinyan was furious: Lin Baici, can you put away your heroic heart?

After complaining several times in a row, Ji Xinyan immediately asked with a worried face: Are you hurt?

Where are you? I'll find you!

"Yanyan, why are you going?"

Ji Xinyan suddenly turned around and walked back, leaving Liu Zilu confused. Don't you like to join in the fun?

Bai Jiao was thinking a lot. When she saw Ji Xinyan's fingers flying rapidly on the phone screen and the worry on her face, she suddenly realized that the relationship between Ji Xinyan and Lin Baici was definitely not what it seemed.

I'm afraid it's more intimate.

Could it be that they have already slept together?

Bai Jiao was thinking wildly, lowered his head, and looked at the Cartier watch on his wrist.

"Look at the video in the group. The squad leader is so awesome. He must have practiced kung fu."

Tao Nai was amazed.

Everyone has seen that Lin Baici calmly chatted up the murderer, and then when he rushed over, he calmly faced the danger and defeated the enemy with one move. He was so handsome that people couldn't close their legs.

"Damn it, the monitor is so good, I can't let other girls take it away, otherwise I will be uncomfortable for the rest of my life!"

Xu Jiaqi, who has always been quiet, was so excited that she cursed: "Yanyan, dumplings, I leave them to you, be sure to take down the squad leader!"

"If the monitor studies better and doesn't skip classes, will all the girls in the school go crazy?"

Zhou Zhou was shocked.

"Your values ​​​​should have been updated a long time ago. What's the use of good grades? Just find a good job and make money!"

Liu Zilu pouted, Ji Xinyan said that grades are the capital of ordinary students, and they are the only capital, but for the second generation, their father is their capital.

His father worked so hard to accumulate the capital he has today, how could he let his children start over again?

"If Lin Baici studies well, will it be your turn?"

Pei Fei teased, she wanted to say that Lin Baici was so rich, it didn't make sense whether he studied or not.

"It's like he doesn't study well, so it's our turn!"

Liu Zilu sighed.

I don't have high requirements, just that I can fall in love with Lin Baici for a few months.

Ji Xinyan walked more than thirty meters and stopped again.

Monitor: I'm fine. The school leader is asking me for questions.

Monitor: Remember to come home for dinner in the evening. I asked the nanny to cook a big meal.

Now she couldn't find Lin Baici again, so Ji Xinyan gave up, but tonight, she decided to teach Lin Baici a lesson.

If Teacher Ji’s little leather whip doesn’t hit you, you’ll start wandering again, right?

Today's incident quickly appeared on the campus forum. Pictures and videos were posted everywhere, but within half an hour, they were all deleted by the administrators.

All the counselors in the school also received the message from their leaders and immediately issued a notice in the group, giving a stern warning and prohibiting private communication of today's events.

Once discovered, they will be placed directly on campus for probation.


This chapter has been completed!
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