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Chapter 678 Senior Mi’s competitive spirit!

"I agreed so quickly, but it seems like I'm not sincere!"

Mi Qin put his hands into his pockets and gave Lin Baici a look, but it was not disgusting, but rather charming, with some coquettish emotions in it.

Lin Baici was too lazy to explain.

If Mi Qin really wanted to borrow money, five million, he would never hesitate.

The main reason is that this amount is not even a drop in the bucket for Lin Baici now. It is no exaggeration to say that the money is hot.

It should be said that for ambitious god hunters, the value of money is too low. It is just a currency. If a country is not afraid of collapse, it can print as much money as it wants.

What everyone wants is meteor coins, sacred objects, and even divine corpses. This is hard currency.

Meteor coins contain divine energy, which can improve physical fitness and delay aging. This cannot be measured by money at all.

For example, sildenafil citrate tablets are quite expensive and have side effects. However, for some men, this drug is an urgent need and the money must be spent.

But the divine hunter is physically strong and has absolutely no such worries.

"Do you know what I'm going to do at ICBC?"

Mi Qin looked into the distance.

"It's okay to deposit money and withdraw money, otherwise what can I do?"

Speaking of which, I haven't been to the bank for a long time, but the bank employee called me.

“I can still get a loan!”

Mi Qin shook his head and laughed. Lin Baici was a little ignorant of the world: "I just opened a company, and money is needed everywhere. Now I wish I could tear the toilet paper in half and use it!"

"Starting a business or starting a company is too expensive."

"I can't look back, and there is no way back. That's why I want you so much, Junior Lin."

Mi Qin turned her head and stared at Lin Baici very affectionately. Those talking eyes showed too many emotions in a few seconds: "Because of you, I am closer to success, otherwise I will just

I can sell myself to pay off the loan!"

All kinds of looks finally turned into a strong expectation.

Mi Qin looked at Lin Baici as if looking at a god who could bring her hope.

To be honest, at this moment, Lin Baici was feeling very happy and a little swollen when a girl looked at him so expectantly.

However, after experiencing the strength of the tea girl and the admiration of the sweet sister, Lin Baici knew that women can lie.

The senior Mi in front of me used her acting skills and also used her capital as a beauty in a timely manner.

【The acting is great!】

[It can be a little woman, a big queen, a gentle lady, or a tough female CEO. Falling in love with her can give you a variety of experiences! 】

Nagami review.

"Sorry, I'm very busy!"

Lin Baici shrugged his shoulders: "There is nothing you can do!"

Mi Qin tucked the hair that hung down to her forehead behind her crystal ears: "Don't you want to experience the joy of success and fame?"

"Senior sister, let me be honest with you, your tracks and mine are different!"

Lin Baici looked at the sky in the distance.

Baiyun Canggou, like a dream!

You are in the realm of gods.

Mi Qin looked at Lin Baici's expression, and her sixth sense and experience told her that this man was not lying, and that he already had the confidence and confidence to make great achievements.

To put it simply, Lin Baici had light in his eyes and knew where to run so that he could reach the pinnacle of his life.

After more than ten seconds of silence, Mi Qin apologized: "Sorry, I was rude!"

"I can't make videos, but we can talk about borrowing money!"

Lin Baici smiled.


Mi Qin refused.

"Senior, don't be in a hurry to refuse. Listen to me first."

Lin Baici interrupted Mi Qin: "You borrow from the bank, do you have to pay interest? I will lend you one million without interest, it doesn't matter if it's three years or five years, just pay me back then!"

"Is it possible that you want me?"

Mi Qin teased.

There were several men who were willing to lend Mi Qin money or even become partners, but Mi Qin knew that their motives were not pure and they were just after her, so she refused them all.

"Senior Mi, let me be arrogant, do you think I am short of women?"

Lin Baici glanced at Mi Qin: "You are very beautiful, but you are not among the top three girls I know!"

Not to mention Gu Qingqiu, who is both smart and beautiful. Although Xia Hongyao has D in intelligence, her looks are better than Mi Qin's, not to mention Da Xiong.

Jin Yingzhen is the young lady from the chaebol family, Hua Yueyu is the first lady at the seafood restaurant, Zhu Qiunan is the beautiful school girl, and tea girl Ji Xinyan...

Mi Qin couldn't get to the front of the queue at all.


Being belittled by a boy made Mi Qin a little unhappy, but looking at Lin Baici's good looks and thinking about that Panamera, come on, Lin Baici definitely doesn't lack a girlfriend.

However, Mi Qin's attack power is not weak: "So you are also a scumbag!"

"Whatever you say."

Lin Baici smiled faintly.

"When you lend me money, you must have some requirements, right?"

Mi Qin has known since elementary school that there is no free lunch in the world.


Lin Baici directly admitted: "When my mother calls, you have to tell her that I am your partner, and when I take her to visit your company, you have to accompany her the whole time, and you have to ask the employees to call me boss!


"Don't worry, I won't give any advice to your company, and as long as my mother doesn't come to Haijing, I will never appear in your company."

"You just need to tell my mother that the company is very powerful and makes a lot of money!"

Gu Qingqiu could help hide it from his mother, but it was not enough. After all, Lin Baici had too much money, and he did not have a specific company. If his mother wanted to visit his place of work, it would be difficult, so he would have to come again.

One, let my mother know that she has made money from her investment and received a lot of dividends every year.

Mi Qin looked at Lin Baici suspiciously: "Your parents are divorced?"


"Then what are you doing for?"

Is it possible that Lin Baici's money is gray and he doesn't know it?


Does that Panamera belong to a rich woman?

Mi Qin had never thought about this before. The main reason was that Lin Baici was too confident when driving, and generally speaking, if it was such shady money, Lin Baici would definitely not let others know about it, otherwise he would be accused.


"Hey, hey, don't get it wrong!"

As soon as Lin Baici looked at Mi Qin's eyes, he knew that this woman had gone astray.

"Haha, who's food is not to be eaten? I'm not greedy for your body, and it can also make you more famous and valuable!"

Mi Qin's words were joking, but they also sent a signal to Lin Baici.

You can take it seriously.

"Please, please think of me!"

Lin Baici was speechless: "My family affairs are quite troublesome!"

"I understand!"

Mi Qin patted Lin Baici on the shoulder, acting like a close big sister: "If you have any troubles in the future, you can tell me to my sister. Your sister Mi is not good at other things, but she still has a good drinking capacity. I can get drunk with you before I stop."


Lin Baici wanted to say, you know what a chicken is.

It was a pleasure chatting with Mi Qin. It’s not that the two people have the same personalities and can talk well, but that Mi Qin is the kind of person who can be downwardly compatible.

Even for a person like Hu Wenwu who couldn't say a word for a long time, Mi Qin could make him open his heart.

Two hours later, Lin Baici got the X-ray results.

It's just a simple sprain, apply some medicinal wine, move less, and it'll be fine in a few days.

"Where are you going? I'll take you there."

Lin Baici carried Mi Qin to the parking lot and helped her into the passenger seat.

"Hongyuan Building, Jiangdong Road, do you know?"


Lin Baici drove.

"You don't mind if I rub some meds in your car?"

Mi Qin shook the bag.

"up to you!"

Lin Baici opened the map on his mobile phone and got a navigation.

Mi Qin took off her boots and socks on her left foot, rolled up her trousers, and originally wanted to put them on the seat, but this position made her ankles a little painful, so she glanced at Lin Baici, adjusted the seat, and

Putting his feet on the passenger seat.

Mi Qin took out the medicinal wine, unscrewed the bottle cap, and began to apply it on his ankles.

"Are you so anxious for treatment?"

Lin Baici felt that Mi Qin's posture was quite tiring: "Find someone to help you!"

"I can't rest. The company is not profitable now. Every day it is open, there are expenses!"

Mi Qin sighed and began to complain. After a few words, the style of the painting suddenly changed.

"Do your senior sister's feet look good?"


Lin Baici was startled.

"Just tell me whether it looks good or not?"

Mi Qin asked.


Lin Baici really didn't know what Mi Qin was causing trouble.

"You didn't even take a peek, so I thought my feet didn't look good!"

Mi Qin was mainly unhappy.

After four years of being a university belle, Mi Qin was used to being looked at secretly and talked to, but today, Lin Bai looked at her without squinting, as if Liu Xiahui was still alive.

Coupled with the previous defeat, Mi Qin also became more competitive.

So I teased Lin Baici.

"I heard that Zhu Qiunan is chasing you. I have seen her. That girl's legs are very long!"

Mi Qin changed the subject: "How does it feel?"

"She and I are friends!"

"Do you think I will believe it?"

Mi Qin raised his eyebrows: "Don't worry, tell me, I won't tell anyone!"

In Mi Qin's view, no one is willing to refuse a girl like Zhu Qiunan. She can break up, but she will never not try to fall in love.

"Really not!"

Lin Baici smiled bitterly.

Hongyuan Building has arrived.

"Where's the parking lot?"

Lin Baici asked.

"No, you park the car on the side of the road and I'll get in the car myself!"

"can you?"

"I'm feeling better now!"

Mi Qin turned her ankle. After a few hours, the pain was no longer severe, and she didn't want to bother Lin Baici all the time.


The other party didn't need help, and Lin Baici wouldn't lick his face and force him, so he parked the car on the roadside in front of the main entrance: "Um, do you want to lend me the money?"

Mi Qin hesitated, then looked at the magnificent Hongyuan Building and gritted his teeth: "Borrow it!"

"How much to borrow?"

"Two million?"

Shooting short videos requires a lot of money in various upfront investments, renting equipment, and recruiting actors.

"Give me a bank card number!"

Lin Baici turned on his phone.


Mi Qin reported a number: "It's from ICBC!"

Mi Qin was still waiting for Lin Baici to confirm, but ten seconds later, she received a bank text message.

Your ICBC card with the last number 7017 received 2,000,00 yuan at 15:32 on April 18th, with a balance of 2,231,26 yuan.

The other party’s household name is Lin Baici.

"Do you really want to borrow it?"

Mi Qin was surprised, and Lin Baici had such a good memory that he could remember such a long card number after hearing it once.

"if not?"

“You won’t pay back the interest!”

Mi Qin emphasized.


"I don't know how to write an IOU either?"

If Lin Baici disagrees, she will return the money immediately.

In fact, Mi Qin is still hesitating whether to borrow it or not, so this can be regarded as a reason.

"I didn't ask you to write it either!"

Lin Baici laughed, "I am a hungry man but a divine hunter, Kyushu Longyi, who dares to owe me money?"

"Don't be like this, I'm a little scared!"

Lin Baici was so talkative that Mi Qin felt that the money was too hot to handle.


Lin Baici urged.

Mi Qin just opened the car door and sat back: "By the way, I adjusted the passenger seat. Your girlfriend is uncomfortable in her seat. What are you going to say when I interrogate you?"

"You're worrying, I don't have a girlfriend!"

Lin Baici didn't realize that Mi Qin was testing him.

"Who just said that I am not in the top three among your girlfriends?"

Mi Qin smiled, and the corners of his mouth turned up in a sexy arc. Judging from Lin Baici's answer, this boy did not have a girlfriend.

"I'm talking about the girl I know!"

Lin Baici was helpless, are all girls so messy?

"Then are you interested in me?"

Mi Qin asked.


"Really do not have?"

Mi Qin stared at Lin Baici: "Please look into my eyes and answer!"

"Well, one thing is, if you are ugly, who will lend you two million!"

Lin Baici was not a saint, so there was nothing wrong with being more generous to beautiful women. Moreover, when the two met for the first time, Mi Qin was actually on Lin Baici's side.

"That's right. After all, I have also been the school beauty of Haijing Institute of Technology for four years!"

Mi Qin chuckled: "Let's go!"

Mi Qin got out of the car and waved goodbye to Lin Baici.

Watching Paramela go away, Mi Qin stood in the spring breeze, feeling a little sad.

This junior is a good person. Although he is not very satisfied with his personality, his appearance and figure are perfect. It is just a pity that he has no time to fall in love at all!

Mi Qin, you want to become a strong woman.

As Mi Qin walked towards the building, he clenched his fists to encourage himself.

Although Lin Baici said there would be no interest, Mi Qin has decided to return the money to Junior Lin at this time next year and give him a big red envelope that will shock his eyes.

Junior Lin, I want you to know that not joining my company was the biggest mistake you made when you were young!

Mi Qin's company was on the 16th floor. After taking the elevator up, she saw the five employees she had hired, all staring at their computers and working hard.

Agent Jin stood up immediately when he saw Mi Qin: "Boss, do you want some coffee?"


Mi Qin returned to her workstation, sat down, and rubbed her ankles.

I met these sisters at KFC that day. Mi Qin not only helped them find a house, but also hired agent Jin to be the company's front desk receptionist.

Agent Jin is very skilled in business, drinks a lot, and makes delicious coffee, but there is a problem. She never works overtime, likes to fish, and she is very beautiful, but she is very cruel to the men who talk to her.

Always keep the words "I have a husband" on my lips.

All in all, she is a woman who loves her husband very much.

When Mi Qin goes out to socialize, she will bring Agent Jin with her to cover the drinks, but Agent Jin's words often make the atmosphere tense.


Mi Qin suddenly thought of the scene of Lin Baici chatting up Agent Jin, and couldn't help laughing. She didn't know what that boy's expression would be when faced with the words "I have a husband"?

I guess it would be embarrassing, right?

This chapter has been completed!
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