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Chapter 699 It’s my turn, little fish-man, to take action!

After entering, the white fog became much lighter, just like the morning fog in winter, and the visibility was more than 30 meters.

Lin Baici didn't let everyone search for clues, because this was a Jiangnan garden type courtyard, about the size of half a football field.

In the center of the courtyard, there is an old locust tree with a crooked neck. The trunk is so thick that it is estimated that three people cannot hug it. It has lush branches and leaves, and there is a thick layer of fallen leaves under the tree.


Cinderella was very nervous: "What made the laughter and crying we just heard?"

"Is it a ghost?"

Brother Dayi guessed.

"Fuck, don't scare me!"

Cinderella was afraid.

"Is it this old locust tree?"

Xia Hongyao walked around the courtyard and finally stopped in front of the old locust tree.

"Don't worry about it, just burn it, right?"

Classmate Zhou suggested.

"Yes, that man-eating loquat tree just now was so terrifying. Didn't it turn into ashes in front of the forest god's torch?"

Brother Dayi put a high hat on Lin Baici and encouraged him to take action.

Everyone thinks this method is good, don’t worry about whether it works or not, just give it a try first.

Lin Baici glanced at Brother Dayi: "How about I give you the torch and you burn it?"


Brother Dayi was speechless and laughed twice.

He didn't want to stand out in this kind of thing, fearing backlash.

"I come!"

Lu Changming decided to give it a try, even if it didn't work, he could still show his courage.

Ever since he entered the villa, he has been feeling depressed, and his arrogance is about to explode.

"Why are you so anxious?"

Lin Baici was speechless: "It's Brother Dayi who should be anxious. With his current appearance, he will soon turn into a dead flesh man!"

Brother Dayi's expression changed.

"Brother Lin, I will remember your kindness."

Lu Changming knew that Lin Baici was helping him, otherwise they wouldn't have to care about his life and death and would just use him as cannon fodder.

"Ha ha!"

"Ha ha!"

The old locust tree suddenly laughed, and the branches and leaves of the whole tree were shaking slightly.

Everyone was shocked, and many people started to back away from this strange tree.

"It's a strange tree again!"

Chen Shaolian was very panicked.

The loquat tree just now ate people, which was very scary. I don’t know what the effect of this one is. However, there were no fruits on the old loquat tree, which made her feel a little relieved.

The old locust tree laughed for a while, then turned into crying, which was very harsh, like the wail of an old woman who has lost her voice and is about to die.

Lin Baici and these god hunters walked over.

People like Cinderella didn't dare to get close, but they didn't want to stay away from Lin Baici because he was safe around him, so everyone had no choice but to follow.

However, these people were very clever. They stood three or four meters behind Lin Baici and others, using them as human shields, just separated from the old locust tree.

Walker and Khorkina stared at the big locust tree, alerting the surroundings.

At this time, there is no point in worrying. You can only wait for the regular pollution to break out, and then quickly find a way to purify it. The faster you find it, the smaller the risk of injury.

Suddenly, Khorkina felt her neck tighten suddenly, as if being strangled by an uneven vine, causing her to instinctively open her mouth and stick out her tongue.


Khorkina reached out to scratch her neck, but she didn't feel any foreign object.

"Pollution is coming!"

Walker immediately concentrated on searching for clues, and the next moment, he was also strangled.

No one present was spared.

People like Lin Baici were okay and had been prepared for it, but people like Brother Dayi immediately panicked, and their necks were strangled. They wanted to call Lin Baici for help, but they couldn't speak.


Cinderella's legs were shaking, unable to support her body, and she fell to the ground, with a pool of yellow liquid soaking through her leggings.

She was so scared that she peed again.

Lu Changming covered his neck with one hand, stumbled to Lin Baici, and grabbed his arm tightly with his hand: "Fire... handle!"

Lu Changming couldn't stand it anymore. He was a man who had enjoyed unlimited scenery, and was being played like a toy in this villa, which completely destroyed his mentality.

I want to fight back!

The pain everyone is suffering now obviously comes from this big locust tree, so burning it should bring relief. As for fire, ordinary fire must not be used.

Lin Baici knew what Lu Changming meant and rubbed the pine torch on the ground.


The flames ignited.

Lin Baici handed the torch to Lu Changming, wanting to tell him to move quickly, otherwise he would have the urge to burn himself with the torch, but his neck was strangled and he could not speak.

Lu Changming took the torch and threw himself towards the old locust tree.

Brother Dayi and others immediately became nervous and wanted to cheer Lu Changming up.

Lu Changming strode forward and rushed over. Just as he was approaching and about to stick the torch on the tree trunk, his neck suddenly rotated 180 degrees and faced the crowd.


Amidst the sound of his cervical vertebra breaking, Lu Changming still had an expression of "definitely daring to die" on his face, but it was no longer useful.


Lu Changming fell to the ground and died.

The pine torch fell to the ground.

This scene directly turned everyone's nervous expressions into despair.

Brother Dayi gave classmate Zhou a hard push and wanted him to continue climbing and pick up torches to burn the tree.

Classmate Zhou didn't move.

Brother Dayi gave another boss a push.

The other party didn't move either.

The scene where Lu Changming's neck was suddenly broken really frightened these ordinary people.

Brother Dayi wanted to push Lin Baici even more, but he didn't dare.

Hua Yueyu gritted his teeth and rushed towards the torch.

I can't always let Lin Baici take care of me, so it's time to stand up and contribute!

But as soon as the little fish man took two steps forward, he was caught up by Lin Baici, grabbed his arm, and pulled him back. Then an identical 'Lin Baici', first his head, then his body, split from Lin Baici's body.

come out.

This is the effect of the divine grace of "Nu Wa creating man".

Lin Baici can create an identical clone and then inject consciousness to control it. However, if the clone dies and the consciousness is not separated in time, the main body will be severely damaged and there may even be memory loss.

In a sudden death battle like this, it was absolutely impossible for Lin Baici's consciousness to escape in time.

The clone rushed to the old locust tree, picked it up before the torch went out, and then threw it at the branches and leaves with great force, trying to light them on fire.


Several branches danced like whips, whipping the pine torches away.


Lin Baici rushed forward a few more steps and clearly felt that the force strangling his neck had loosened slightly, and the physical sensations returned from his body also showed that the force had indeed loosened.

Lin Baici immediately teleported and appeared behind the big locust tree.

He was betting that if he didn't feel loose around his neck, he would retreat immediately. Furthermore, he felt that if he teleported, the strange tree would not be able to lock on to his position immediately, and would not be able to launch an attack.

The mysterious force that was strangling Lin Baici's neck suddenly disappeared. Lin Baici immediately resumed breathing. He did not gasp for breath, but greeted Xia Hongyao and the others.

"Come here quickly!"

However, before Lin Baici shouted, Xia Hongyao, Gu Qingqiu, and Sangong Airi had already started to move, obviously sensing the change in power.

It's just that the high ponytail didn't rush forward, but reached out to pull Gu Qingqiu and Hua Yueyu, hoping to take them with him.

Smart people, like Classmate Zhou and Brother Dayi, once they saw that Lin Baici could speak, they immediately knew that they could survive if they stayed close to the old locust tree, so they sprinted immediately.

Those who are slow to respond will have to wait for Lin Bai to speak.

After a few seconds, everyone approached the old locust tree and resumed their breathing.

Walker and Khorkina looked at each other quietly, with worried looks on their faces.

Are you still thinking about making a profit?

What a joke!

Look at the members of Lin Baici's team, what are their standards?

Except for Hua Yueyu, everyone else made the most correct judgment at the first time.

"Lin Jun, your companions are all excellent!"

Airi Sannomiya is envious.

Having a strong teammate means that the team's fault tolerance rate will also be greatly improved, and Lin Baici has two.

"Now...what are you doing now?"

Cinderella had tears and runny nose all over her face, she was scared.

"Is it possible to leave only after certain conditions are met?

Analysis by classmate Zhou.


Chen Shaolian exclaimed.

Everyone looked at the old locust tree.

Three slits suddenly appeared on the rough bark of this thing. Looking at the layout, it looked like an ugly old man's face covered with wrinkles.

"Is this monster laughing?"

Akiwasabi frowned.

This time, the strange tree made no sound, but judging from the curvature of its eyes and mouth, it looked like it was smiling.

"Is it possible to pass the test if you find the reason for laughing?"

Chen Shaolian analyzed that as soon as she finished speaking, a boss suddenly stretched out his hands towards Lin Baici and ran over with all his strength.


The boss was speechless. There was a thumb-thick indentation on his neck, as if there was an invisible rope wrapped around it.


Everyone's hair stood on end instantly!


Chen Shaolian was very nervous, but soon discovered that except for the middle-aged boss, everyone else was fine.

"What...what is going on?"

Cinderella asked.

"He is the first unlucky one!"

Xia Hongyao explained: "Hurry up and observe and find out the key to purification!"

Without knowing the cause of the pollution outbreak, there is nothing we can do to save it.

"Quick, look at the old locust tree and laugh together!"

Airi Sannomiya urged.

The boss tried his best to smile at the ugly face on the old locust tree.

After a few seconds, his condition did not improve.


Airi Sannomiya warned: "Cry loudly!"

There was no need for Airi Sannomiya to remind her, the boss would have been scared to tears.

"Do something funny and make it laugh!"

Gu Qingqiu interrupted.

The boss thought about it. His neck was tightened rapidly, he couldn't breathe, and he couldn't make any movements. His mind was in a mess now, and his body was getting weaker and weaker.

At this time, everyone wants to help, but they don’t know where to start.

After more than ten seconds, the boss stopped moving.

Everyone watched helplessly as he was strangled to death by someone who didn't know what.

"What the hell is going on?"

Brother Dayi directly broke through the defense: "What should we do to avoid death?"

"Don't be anxious, there must be a reason, find it quickly! Find it quickly!"

Classmate Zhou was biting the nail of his right thumb, with his brain full of energy, recalling everything that happened after entering this courtyard.

"Chen Shaolian, it seems to be looking at you!"

Gu Qingqiu reminded.


Chen Shaolian was startled: "I...what should I do?"

"Tell me a joke, hurry up."

Gu Qingqiu urged, now every cannon fodder's life is important and can be used for trial and error.


Chen Shaolian panicked: "I can't think of it."

"No matter what you do, you make it laugh!"

Airi Sannomiya felt that Gu Qingqiu's idea was correct.

If an ugly face smiles, do something to make it laugh. If an ugly face cries, then make it sadder.

"I attended a friend's wedding that day, and my friend prepared a surprise. He said that whoever drank 10 glasses of wine would be given a piece of Chinese..."

Chen Shaolian opened his mouth, tried hard to recall the jokes he had heard, picked one, and told it tremblingly.

Gu Qingqiu originally planned to remind Chen Shaolian that it was best to choose someone particularly funny, but Chen Shaolian had already spoken.

Walker looked at his watch. It had been more than a minute and no one had been choked. "This method seems to be working?"

"come on!"

Brother Dayi encouraged Chen Shaolian.


Khorkina scolded.

"There was a customer who was an alcoholic. After drinking ten glasses of wine, his friend took out a bar of Chinese toothpaste and gave it to him!"

The content is not long, but Chen Shaolian was afraid, so he stumbled when talking. And now she feels a little regretful and depressed. Why should she talk?

Can't you let someone else do it?

The joke is over.

The old locust tree showed no response.

"It doesn't seem to work?"

Xia Hongyao analyzed: "How about another one? Or simply talk about cross talk?"

"Is it time for the rest of you to speak?"

Chen Shaolian made up his mind not to talk anymore.

"The monster's eyes are looking at you, why don't you stop talking?"

Brother Dayi sneered.

"It's not looking at me!"

Chen Shaolian was quibbling, but she was uneasy in her heart. When she was thinking about telling another story, she suddenly felt a pair of invisible hands grabbing her head, and then gave it a hard squeeze.

"don't want……"

Chen Shaolian begged for mercy, but before he could finish his words, those invisible hands suddenly exerted force.


Chen Shaolian's head was twisted 180 degrees and turned directly to his back.


Brother Dayi's scalp is numb.


Cinderella screamed and instinctively stepped back, but she took a few steps back and quickly stopped because she seemed to be strangled to death if she was too far away from the strange tree.

"Either the condition for passing the test is not to tell a joke, or she is not funny enough!"

Airi Sannomiya analyzed it and saw the old pagoda tree staring at Hua Yueyu.

"Xiaoyu, it's you!"

Xia Hongyao is worried.


Hua Yueyu took a deep breath,

tell a joke?

No one is better at it than me!

I'm the lady at the seafood counter, and I'm the best at cooking!

"Did you know? In fact, Li Bai found out that his good friend's wife was cheating on him, but he was too embarrassed to explain it directly to avoid his brother having to do anything, so he wrote a poem."

Hua Yueyu recited.

"Brothers are like brothers and sisters, wives are like clothes, the moon in Chang'an is like the sound of thousands of households pounding clothes!"


Gu Qingqiu smiled, while Airi Sannomiya burst into laughter.

Even though the kimono girl is a Sakura girl, she has studied it in depth because she admires the traditional culture of Kyushu.

This sentence of "A Moon in Chang'an" is a poem by the poet Li Bai. Unexpectedly, when Hua Yueyu interpreted it this way, it had another meaning.

"I will never be able to look directly at this "Midnight Wu Song" again!"

Xia Hongyao sighed.

"It doesn't seem to be responding?"

Hua Yueyu frowned: "Shall I have another one?"

This chapter has been completed!
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