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Chapter 751 Dead end! Dead end!

In the cornfield, in addition to the pungent smell of blood, there was also a foul smell, which was the smell of the droppings left by the crows.

"Ah Jin, you died so miserably!"

Qi Fentou endured nausea and fear and knelt beside the blond's body.

If he wasn't worried that Lin Baici would dislike him for being too cold-blooded to his friends, he really wouldn't want to get close to the corpse at all.

"You won't collect his body?"

The Luo family name is a joke.

"How do you think this will be collected?"

Qifeng muttered angrily.

The blond hair was pecked by those crows, and most of his body was in tatters. Only his hands, feet and some flesh on his head were left. The rest had been eaten clean.

The internal organs have also been hollowed out, and now only a belly is left, collapsed, which makes people's hair stand on end.

"Lin Shen, what's going on with those crows?"

the photographer inquired.

He thought that with the musket, he would feel safe, but that was not the case.

There are so many crows. How many can be killed by using a Gatling gun, let alone a musket?

We have to find a solution to those monsters from the root.

"A monster contaminated by divine bones!"

Lin Baici looked at the direction where the crows were flying away, then looked back at the manor, falling into deep thought.

"What should we do now?"

The woman in leather pants was worried: "Are you still going forward?"

"Where are you not going forward?"

Old Man Luo spat: "You can't go back the same way, right?"

Then you will be trapped in the pollution of rules for the rest of your life,

Waiting to die.

"I think it's not impossible to go back the same way!"

Lin Baici suddenly spoke.


Zhong Shuman was stunned, what kind of idea is this?

"Lin Shen, we both support whatever you say you should do!"

The waitress expressed her stance, and the cleaning lady standing next to her nodded.

"Brother Lin, what do you think?"

Li Yintong was curious.

"We must have missed some details!"

Lin Baici thought: "Let's keep going. Of course, if anyone is scared and wants to go back, or choose another way to leave, they can!"

"Lin Shen, if I don't follow you, we will die faster!"

He bowed his head to compliment, and after finishing speaking, he saw Huang Cheng looking straight at him.

"Why are you looking at me?"

Seven points of confusion.

"Don't you find it disgusting that you are so flattering?"

Huang Cheng asked back.

"Depend on!"

Qi Fen was a little angry and embarrassed, but the other party was a divine hunter. Although he didn't know what his combat power was, it was definitely right to try to avoid conflicts.

So Qifentou chose to endure.

"Aren't you angry about this?"

Huang Cheng was surprised: "Are you a turtle?"

"What the hell..."

Qi Fen was unhappy and clenched his fists, as if he was going to fight, but he didn't pounce.

The girl in leather pants immediately grabbed him.

Qifengtou took advantage of the situation and took advantage of the situation to get off the donkey. He was angry, but he did not lose his mind.

At this moment, survival is the most important thing.

The temporary team set off, but two people were missing.

The blonde died tragically, and the girl with the lip ring escaped.

"I don't know if the woman wearing the lip ring can survive?"

Ma Xiaoyun was following her boyfriend, and she felt that there was a high possibility of death.

"Those crows are so scary, they actually eat people!"

"How do you think we can get out alive?"

"Hey, are you talking?"

Seeing that the photographer remained silent, Ma Xiaoyun took a few steps to catch up with him, and then grabbed his shoulder: "What's wrong with you?"

The photographer stroked the matchlock gun and looked up at Ma Xiaoyun.

In this look, there was excitement, violence, and a trace of expectation.

The feeling of killing people is a bit refreshing.


Ma Xiaoyun was startled by the photographer's eyes.

"It's useless to think about those things. Let's get past this level first!"

After the photographer finished speaking, he looked up at Lin Baici, then took off the SLR camera hanging around his neck, hesitated for only a few seconds, and then slammed it to the ground.



Ma Xiaoyun was shocked and subconsciously bent down to pick it up.

But I couldn't catch it at all.

Fortunately, this was not a concrete floor, and the SLR camera was not broken.

Ma Xiaoyun quickly picked up the SLR, first checked the lens, and after confirming that there were no cracks on it, he pulled the lapel of his clothes and wiped it carefully.

"Are you crazy?"

This thing plus the lens cost less than 10,000 yuan.

"I'm not crazy!"

The photographer spoke and slapped the SLR.

Ma Xiaoyun let go and the camera fell to the ground again. Then the photographer raised his leg and stomped his feet several times.

Bang! Bang!

"What are you crazy about?"

Ma Xiaoyun roared, then his expression changed, and he quickly looked at Lin Baici.

She was worried that her yelling would make Lin Baici angry.

Fortunately, people didn't pay attention to me at all.

"I suddenly realized that the life I lived before was not worthy of being called life!"

The photographer laughed, looked at the matchlock gun, and kissed it.

"What's wrong with you?"

Ma Xiaoyun didn't understand.

"You do not understand!"

The photographer put his musket on his back and continued on his way.

Ma Xiaoyun frowned. She felt that her boyfriend seemed to have changed, but he remained the same. She was still the person closest to her and the person most likely to help her, so she chased after him.

"Hey, you were so decisive just now!"

Ma Xiaoyun praised: "If you hadn't fired in time, that blond bastard would have attracted those man-eating crows!"

The photographer didn't say anything, but the proud smile on his face was enough to illustrate his state of mind.

It was precisely because he injured the golden hair and watched him die that the photographer suddenly realized that being able to decide someone's life or death was the most satisfying thing.

It’s even more fun than taking large-scale photos for some COSER!

The photographer wants to become a divine hunter!

The big sun hangs in the sky and scorches the earth.

No wind!

In the cornfield, although there are wide leaves that block some sunlight, it is so hot and stuffy that it feels like being in a sauna.

Only half an hour later, Ma Xiaoyun drank her last sip of water.

Licking his chapped lips, Ma Xiaoyun looked at Lin Baici's back and wanted to ask for two bottles of mineral water.

"Do you think he will give it to me?"

When Ma Xiaoyun asked her boyfriend, she actually had another intention: she wanted the photographer to ask for it.

"should be!"


"He is not cold-blooded like that old man Luo, and for him, he has so much mineral water, which is not a scarce resource. In order to keep the cannon fodder alive, it is acceptable to give him two bottles of clean water!"

Photographers mature quickly and have begun to consider issues from a profit perspective.

"How many bottles should we ask for?"

Ma Xiaoyun suggested.

"He will give it, but I'm not sure, will he make demands?"

Photographer added.

"Yes, what if he wants to do something to me? What should I do?"

Ma Xiaoyun was worried: "How about you go?"

After Ma Xiaoyun finished speaking, he saw the photographer rolling his eyes at him.

"What's wrong?"

Ma Xiaoyun was confused, what do you mean?

"You are not as good-looking as that old aunt, what are you worried about Lin Baici doing to you?"

The photographer was speechless, and it was such a hot day, and he was covered in stinky sweat, so he had no interest in generating electricity.


Ma Xiaoyun pouted, feeling that he was being looked down upon.

"Don't say he is a forest god, just with that face, do you think he will be short of a girlfriend?"

The photographer sneered.

In the COSER circle, with Lin Baici's figure and appearance, he could kill people indiscriminately. If he couldn't get the 100-man cut in half a year, it's not because of his appearance, but because he couldn't bear it.

While Ma Xiaoyun was still struggling, Wu Shitong and the two bodyguards could no longer bear it.

"Nephew Lin, do you have water and food?"

Wu Shitong smiled awkwardly.


Lin Baici answered happily, which made Wu Shitong feel happy and gave others hope of successfully fighting the autumn wind.

Summoning the reindeer sleigh every time is quite troublesome, and the process takes time, so Lin Baici now carries a travel bag with some urgent items in it.

There were two bottles of water in it, but it was obviously not enough, and other people would definitely want it, so Lin Baici still summoned the reindeer sleigh.

Sure enough, everyone immediately got together.

"Lin Shen, can you give me a bottle of water?"

The woman in leather pants smiled.

"Lin Shen, is there anything to eat?"

Old Man Luo thought he was below the dragon level and had status, so he asked for more.

The female cleaning lady and the waitress came over. They didn't say anything, but their eager eyes made it look like they were waiting to be fed.


Ma Xiaoyun grabbed her boyfriend, and then ran to Lin Baici, fearing that she would be late and not get a share of food and drink.

"Lin Shen, if you are not short of food and drink, give them some. Only when they are full will they have the strength to be cannon fodder!"

Wasn't Zhong Shuman reminding Lin Baici that as a Jiuzhou Longyi, how could he not know this?

She said this to warn these people that if they eat Lin Baici's food, they should not shirk when Lin Baici gives the order later.

Otherwise, don't blame us for not giving you dignity.

"It should!"

A big-headed bodyguard was more down-to-earth and nodded.

The girl with cropped hair and leather pants smiled reluctantly.

"Ten minutes of rest!"

Lin Baici took mineral water, bread, and ham and distributed them to everyone.

I don’t know how Nangong Shu is doing now?

After everyone received the supplies, they sat down on the ground and started eating and drinking.

Lin Baici also found a field ridge and sat down.

"Good nephew!"

Wu Shitong sat over and lowered his voice: "It's not that I'm too talkative, but you are a bit incompetent as a team leader."

"No matter how good or bad their quality or ability is, these people are an excellent resource for the current environment. You should not dislike them, but try your best to make use of them!"

"Even if it's a corpse, let it shine!"

Wu Shitong knew that he was old and frail, and if he wanted to avoid being eliminated, he had to find his own way.

The way he thought of was to serve as Lin Baici's counselor.

Lin Baici was glowing when he heard this last sentence and looked at Wu Shitong in astonishment.


You are quite cruel!

This should be heard by those people with seven points. When hanging your street lamp, they will definitely choose the highest one for you.

Wu Shitong looked at Lin Baici and felt a little embarrassed, but he still had the courage to continue to show his value.

While Lin Baici was listening to Wu Shitong imparting his experience of "managing people" and gaining more knowledge, he was thinking about when it would be time to go back. Suddenly, he heard the sound of a large flock of birds flying across the sky again.

"Those man-eating crows are here again!"

Huang Cheng shouted: "Quick, cut down the corn stack and hide it as soon as possible!"

The originally lazy people immediately started to move.

Ma Xiaoyun was lazy just now and the corn stacks were very low. Now he doesn't need to be reminded. His dead blond hair is the best reminder.

Ma Xiaoyun wielded a sickle, chopped corn stalks, and then stacked them together. He was very busy.

When the black straw crows came over like a tidal wave, everyone hid in the corn stacks.

"Please, fly away quickly?"

Ma Xiaoyun prayed in his heart.

Most of the straw crows flew away, but only a dozen or so saw something was wrong here, so they landed, and then they pecked here and stepped on them there.

At seven minutes, all these people wanted to shrink into a small group.


A straw crow, about the size of a vulture and with a tuft of white feathers on its head, landed on a corn stack.

Its sharp eyes scanned the area.

It smells like food.

The white-headed crow suddenly flapped its wings vigorously and screamed.

The crows who heard the cries nearby immediately flew to a corn stack and began to rummage with their beaks and claws.

Zhong Shuman hid again and again, but still failed to hide, and was discovered by the straw crow.

Quack! Quack!

The crows screamed loudly.


Zhong Shuman cursed, rushed out of the corn stack, and rushed towards the corn stack where Ma Xiaoyun was hiding. She now needed a few cannon fodder to help her share the attention of the crows.

The crows gave chase.

Zhong Shuman turned around and blew out a breath.

Divine grace is activated, and the wind and flowers are dancing!

Phew! Phew! Phew!

The wind blade blew through and chopped the crows into pieces.

For a moment, feathers, minced meat, and blood mixed together and fell down like rain.

Zhong Shuman raised his right hand, and the corn stack covering Ma Xiaoyun was lifted.

"What are you doing?"

Ma Xiaoyun was very angry.

Zhong Shuman ignored her and looked to the side again, preparing to catch the photographer as well.

The photographer held a musket and aimed it at Zhong Schumann.

The excitement of being about to kill began to fill his body.

"What's the point of bringing out more cannon fodder? They're all going to die. Go kill that white-headed crow!"

Old Man Luo urged.

Zhong Shuman thought the same thing and immediately turned his firepower to kill the white-headed crow.

Lin Baici has already taken action.

The red clay figures ran quickly through the farmland, slinging slings and throwing stone projectiles as big as goose eggs.

At this time, the white-headed crow also sensed the danger and began to flap its wings, trying to fly into the sky.


The stone bullet flew and accurately hit the head of the white-headed crow, causing its flying posture to suddenly stop.

Lin Baici waved his hand and fired a storm hammer.


The moment the hammer condensed with divine power hit the bobbing crow, Lin Baici teleported!



Lin Baici appeared behind the white-headed crow and slashed with his bronze sword!


The white-headed crow screamed, and all its feathers exploded, like a frightened porcupine, and then all the feathers shot out like arrows.


Li Yintong shouted, lifted up the corn stalks, and rushed out to help.

Lin Baici's slashing movements did not pause at all.

Divine grace activates,

man of Steel!

Minced Meat Strike!

When those feathers jingled and hit Lin Baici, his sword blade also cut through the white-headed crow's neck.


As blood spurted out, the bird's head fell to the ground.

Lin Bai resigned and snapped his fingers again.

Samadhi Golden Crow Fire!


The sparks flickered, then exploded, forming a ball of flame that struck the crow's body.


The body burned into a fireball and fell to the ground.

This chapter has been completed!
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