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Chapter 763 A wave of obesity!

Lin Baici seemed to have walked into a garden instantly and smelled the fragrance of roses.

In the garden, there was a slippery little snake that swam around, leaving traces of moisture wherever it went.


Lin Baici was stunned.

I didn’t expect the boss lady to be so bold!

If it were not certain that Nangong Shu and Pete were not colluding, Lin Baici would definitely suspect that she was using a honey trap to lower her vigilance so that Pete could launch a sneak attack.

Because at this time, touching it is enough to distract your attention, but it is really hard to bear it again.

After all, the boss lady has a really good figure,

Feels great in hand!


Pete was dumbfounded.

What's this?

Are there interrogation techniques unique to Kyushu people?

However, I still didn't have the intention to tell the truth. Instead, I had the urge to blow this kid's head off.


The next second,

Peter's fists clenched, not because he was angry that the two of them were flirting with each other in front of him, but because he subconsciously felt that this should be a good opportunity for a sneak attack, but...

Thinking of the divine grace that Lin Baici had bestowed upon him, Peter did not dare to take action after all.

never mind!

It's better to stay down first and wait for dad to take action.

Since his debut, Pete has always had favorable conditions, so he doesn't dare to take risks. Of course, no matter who has a father who dominates North America, he probably won't make fun of his own life.

After all, if you die, you will no longer be able to enjoy the wonderful life.

Lin Baici pushed the landlady away, but his hand was in the right position to grab a big peach.

"So impatient?"

The proprietress gave Lin Baici a charming look: "If you don't care about other people here, then I will go crazy with you!"

"I was not careful!"

Lin Baici broke out in a waterfall of sweat.

Although Lin Baici guessed from the fact that the landlady often wore cheongsams with high slits that she knew a lot of tricks, she didn't expect to be so unrestrained.

"Hurry up and continue the interrogation!"

The landlady stretched her left leg and crossed her legs, and the high heels hung on the toes, precariously.

This made Peter greedy.

Oriental beauties truly deserve their reputation.

"You really don't want this revolver?"

Lin Baici opened the magazine and fiddled with the revolver.

This thing is very beautiful, and it is also very good as a collection.

"I told you to give it to your little girlfriend!"

Nangong Shu looked at Peter and laughed at himself: "I was also careless. I thought that the son of such a giant should also be a polite person, so I was not prepared!"

"Otherwise, do you think he can capture me?"

The landlady has seen too many different teachings and practices in this line of work and knows how to defend herself.

The overturn this time was purely because he didn't expect that Pete would lose face.

The slave owner Hoffman had a bad reputation, but he was bad, not shameless. What Pete did was simply embarrassing to his father.

Another point is that because she didn’t want to offend the slave owners, Nangong Shu hesitated and didn’t resist immediately. Otherwise, one Pete wouldn’t be enough for her to fight.

Why is the landlady so generous to Lin Baici?

She is not a pretty girl, just because Lin Baici solved her troubles.

The big guys have too much in this world, so they cherish their lives. Therefore, even if it were a Jiuzhou Longyi, he would not want to fight with the slave master.

Pete smiled awkwardly.

Of course he knew that it was shameless to do so, especially given the identity of the boss's wife. If he couldn't deal with her, the news would soon spread, and his father's reputation would be ruined by him.

But again, Pete played too many downwind games and never thought he would lose, and he also had a trump card, which was the slave contract.

As long as Nangong Shu signed his name, he would be at his mercy.

"Oh well!"

Lin Baici put away the revolver, and then picked up a whip. He shook it twice and then whipped it on Peter's body.


Peter screamed and complained dissatisfiedly: "Why are you still beating me? Aren't you Kyushu people accustomed to treating prisoners preferentially?"

Lin Baici's answer was simple. He whipped Pete again.

Peter learned the lesson immediately and did not dare to complain.

"Come here, kneel here!"

Lin Baici ordered.


The corner of Peter's mouth twitched, thinking he heard wrongly.

Lin Baici did not repeat it a second time, but just waved the whip and started lashing.

Then Peter obeyed and knelt down in front of Lin Baici.

"Can you please introduce the effect of this whip?"

Lin Baici grabbed the cowhide whip with both hands and pushed it open with all his strength.

Very strong and slightly elastic.

[Those who are frequently whipped by this whip will become slaves who obey the orders of the whip holder!]

[The number of times depends on the will of the person who is being beaten. The person with the weakest will will probably kneel down and pledge his allegiance after being beaten seven or eight times!]

[Of course, this kind of slavery is not continuous. Once you are not whipped, the effect of slavery will quickly weaken after a few days! 】

Nagami review.

"For those unruly black slaves, use this whip to tame them as soon as possible."

Peter hid it because he was worried that Lin Baici would whip him.

The slave contract must be signed by the individual actively before it can be activated. It will not work if it is signed by hand or forced, but this whip is different. Only whipping can gradually accumulate effects.


Lin Baici whipped Peter again.

Hiding it, right?

I wonder if this Hungry God has any reviews?

I even know at what age you were weaned off breast milk.

[He has not been weaned and is still eating at the beginning of every month!]


Lin Baici was stunned when he heard this. This Pete is not young anymore. He is at least twenty-five years old, but he is still eating...

What kind of quirk is this?


Lin Baici glanced at the landlady.

He suddenly understood why Peter wanted to attack Nangong Shu.

At this age and figure, the boss lady does have a lot of maternal qualities, she is a perfect stepmother!

"You like older women?"

Lin Baici was surprised: "I remember that the women over there have a short shelf life, right?"

Basically, once you reach your thirties or forties, you start to gain weight and get out of shape.


Peter agreed happily.


Lin Baici was confused: "Why does this guy look so proud?"

Is liking an older woman something worthy of praise?

"Some people over there like little girls and boys, so in a sense, this guy is a good person?"

Nangong teased, at least Peter only interacted with adults.

"What about other sacred objects?"

Lin Baici looked at the things that the landlady had found. Those were the taboo things that could be seen on the surface.

"It's all here!"

As soon as Peter finished speaking, Lin Baici's whip struck him in the face.

"Do you think I will believe it?"

Lin Baici curled his lips.

“That’s really all there is to it!”

Peter cried: "These things are enough to deal with a sudden rule pollution. As for entering the God's Ruins, I usually don't go. If I go, I will prepare carefully!"

This reason makes sense.

Many people carry all their belongings with them, what should they do if they lose them?

[The denim satchel on the hanger over there is a taboo object for space gods.]

[The way to open it is to imitate the sound of a horse.]

Lin Baici glanced at the clothes hanger.

When Peter saw this scene, his heart skipped a beat.

No way?

Did he realize that that denim satchel was a taboo object?

probably not!

Don't scare yourself!

"Boss lady, bring me that bag!"

Lin Baici gave the order.

"As you command, my master!"

Nangong Shu was still teasing Lin Baici. When she got the satchel, she opened it and checked it.

No exception.

It holds things like mobile phones, keys, wallets, and various documents.

It's just an ordinary leather messenger bag.

Lin Baici took the messenger bag and handed it to Peter: "Open it for me!"

Peter opened the cover of the messenger bag, unzipped it, and let Lin Baici take a look.

Lin Baici kicked Peter on the chest.


Pete rolled out.

"Play tricks with me, right?"

Lin Baici sneered.

"Isn't this open?"

Peter had an innocent expression on his face.

"Aunt Shu, can you imitate a horse?"

Lin Baici asked with a smile.

"Ma? Or mom?"

Nangong Shu asked rhetorically


Lin Baici re-pronounced it with three sounds of ma. What does "mom" mean? Boss lady, you're not driving a big car again, are you?

"Why horses?"

The boss lady doesn’t understand, isn’t it usually the case that women are told to bark like dogs?

Even as a mother, the boss lady can understand. After all, there are people who like this, but this horse...

Does Lin Baici want to play horse riding?

Peter's Chinese knowledge was pretty good. When he heard the conversation between Lin Baici and Nangong Shu, his expression changed drastically.


How does this yellow-skinned monkey know how to open it?

"Stop asking, just learn!"

Lin Baici himself didn't want to imitate the braying of a horse because he felt embarrassed.

The landlady was quite respectable, and Lin Baici felt that she might not agree easily. Just when he was about to find a reason to persuade her, the landlady called out.

She has ridden horses and has a friend who also keeps horses, so she understands this.

It just doesn’t look like what I learned.

But it wasn’t a big problem. As soon as the boss lady finished her lesson, a green vortex immediately appeared inside the messenger bag.


Nangong Shu looked happy: "A space-type sacred object?"

Pete's face was ashen!

It’s over!

The family assets that have been accumulated for several years are about to be confiscated.

Lin Baici put his hand in, and in the next second, some words flashed through his mind.

Wine, bread, mountain bikes, bridles of Western war horses, Jack Sponge, scarecrow guardians...

These names were the menu. When Lin Baici put his hand into his messenger bag, they automatically appeared in his mind.

If he wants to access something, he just needs to read the name, which is very convenient.

"Reins of the Western War Horse!"

After Lin Baici finished speaking, the next second he noticed a rein appearing in his hand.

He quickly grabbed it and took it out.

This is a piece of purple rein, about half a foot long.

[Pull the reins three times to summon a very cool Western war horse!]


Peter felt so uncomfortable that he wanted to cry. This was his favorite sacred object.

It will definitely be gone now.

Peter thought that Lin Baici would torture him about how to use it, but he didn't. He directly grabbed the reins and pulled it three times.

This obviously shows how to use the reins.

But the problem is, this should be the first time he has seen this sacred object, right?

Peter looked at Lin Baici, he must have an amazing secret in this guy.


Such a young and powerful Jiuzhou Longyi should not exist. Is it possible...

Is he a god?

After realizing this, Peter took a breath and began to regret his presumption.

If I had known that the landlady was a divine woman, I would not have tried to kill her.

Nangong Shu was also curious, why did Lin Baici know the use of these taboo objects?

But her reasoning was that Lin Baici should have some kind of divine grace!

In the bedroom, after a white light flashed, a white war horse appeared. It raised its front hooves, stood upright, and neighed.

Lin Baici and Nangong Shu's eyes immediately lit up.

This horse is as white as snow, without a single hair of any color, and is covered in harness. When it shakes its head, its neck hair sways, showing its supple beauty.

"Now you have a new mount!"

Congratulations to Nangong Shu.

In Shenxu, some mechanical products cannot be used, so everyone's vehicles are either bicycles or mules.

But don’t look at backward means of transportation like mules and horses. Most of us will not be able to get them.


Lin Baici's reindeer sleigh is quite fast on the snow, but once it reaches other places, it is slower. Now that it has a war horse, its mobility can be said to be greatly improved.

"I'll try!"

Nangong Shu walked up to the war horse, touched its neck, comforted it a few times, then turned over with a beautiful kite, and sat on the horse's back.

The war horse neighed, subconsciously shook its back a few times, and then became quiet.

“It’s a nice ride!”

Nangong Shu touched the horse's mane and said, "Peter, you are dishonest. It looks like you are going to be punished!"

Peter lowered his head and looked depressed.

"I'll explain!"

The messenger bag has been taken away, so there is no point in lying anymore.

Peter has a lot of good stuff. After all, he has an awesome father. It seems that these top-grade sacred items were not collected by him by himself while exploring the ruins.

Lin Baici rummaged through the trophies.

The most valuable one, Lin Baici thought, was a one-foot-long scarecrow.

This thing looks pretty ugly, but it’s very effective.

[Guardian Scarecrow, you can summon a scarecrow as your guardian. It can detect any threats in time and launch an attack while warning! 】

[If you are in a crop field, a scarecrow will appear every ten seconds!]

Lin Baici has a timid child, but it can warn of danger and cannot attack. This scarecrow is great. It can be said that if you rest in the ruins of the gods, you can sit back and relax.

"You have asked all the questions you should ask, and you have taken away all my accumulation of more than ten years."

Peter felt aggrieved: "Can you let me go now?"

In fact, there is no inventory for more than ten years. To say this is nothing more than to arouse Lin Baici's sympathy.

"What good will it do to me if I let you go?"

Lin Baici put away the messenger bag and picked up the double-barreled shotgun again.

"You can gain my father's friendship!"

Pete smiled proudly: "Hoffman, the great slave owner, don't you need me to introduce you?"

"Is this also called a benefit?"

Lin Baici despised: "Be more serious, otherwise you will be buried in the wheat fields outside later!"

This chapter has been completed!
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