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Chapter 8 Thanks for the gift of the gods

 The amount of information contained in these two sentences of God was so great that Lin Baici was shocked and dumbfounded.

"Are you saying that this futon is a taboo object?"

Lin Baici walked to the futon and looked at it carefully.

This thing is unremarkable and inconspicuous, but it is the incense burner with animal patterns carved on it, like a valuable antique.

As a result, Lin Baici made a misjudgment.

The god may have thought this question was too stupid and didn't respond.

Of course, ever since Lin Baici heard this mysterious voice, the other party had not actively responded to him. They were all talking to themselves, and most of them were related to eating.

"That divine grace is something that has become recited after hearing it. If I eat it, will I be able to remember whatever it is said by others again, no matter how long or short it is?"

Lin Baici was excited.

If you have this ability, your learning efficiency will definitely increase greatly.

[Report, found a nine-leak fish, my explanation is so straightforward, it actually needs me to say it again!]


Lin Baici's mouth twitched, was he being looked down upon?


Lin Baici's stomach began to growl again, and since he got close to the yellow futon, his appetite began to boil and he could no longer suppress it.

There seemed to be a unique delicacy on it that tempted his glutton.

"How...how to eat?"

Lin Baici stuck out the tip of his tongue and licked his teeth.

You can't just eat this futon like a big cake, right?

A pair of slender, translucent arms that looked like condensed starlight stretched out from Lin Baici's left and right shoulders. They grabbed the futon in the air and pulled out a fist-sized ball of light from inside.

The light group is like a soap bubble, colorful, with a small pale golden ball wrapped inside, like a small sun.

"Is this divine grace?"

The strong desire to eat made Lin Baici couldn't help but want to reach out and quickly grab the 'soap bubbles' and stuff them into his mouth.

It felt like a refugee who had suffered from famine for most of his life and suffered from hunger for decades, and suddenly saw a table full of people and Han people feasting.

Can’t wait to eat it!

【Open your mouth!】

Lin Baici opened his mouth.

【Thank God for the gift!】

After the god finished speaking, he grabbed the soap bubbles with both arms and pushed it into Lin Baici's mouth.

The soap bubble bursts immediately after entering the mouth. The light golden sun is warm and melts in the mouth, like a cup of hot milk, flowing down the throat and into the stomach.

Lin Baici's body immediately became hot, and at the same time, some mysterious knowledge also appeared in his mind, imprinted on his neurons.

He couldn't forget it even if he wanted to, it was like an innate talent.


A feeling of fullness arose spontaneously, making Lin Baici very satisfied.


Lin Baici snapped his fingers.

"Bai Ci, what are you doing? We should go."

In the yard, Sima Mu shouted.


Jin Yingzhen came back from picking tea leaves: "Are you okay?"


Lin Baici looked at the futon and asked the God in his heart.

'What should I do with this sacred object? Can I take it with me?'

Lin Baici received the first divine grace from above, which was very memorable, so he wanted to treasure it, but he didn't know if it was still dangerous.

[Herb futon, sitting on it to study can keep you energetic, study for a long time without getting tired, and make you recite it after hearing it. 】

【Persistent use can enhance memory for a long time and has the effect of curing Alzheimer's disease.】

That's it.

Lin Baici put the incense burner aside and picked up the futon.

It's not heavy, about three pounds.

"Oppa, do you want to take it with you?"

Jin Yingzhen is worried: "The danger of sacred objects will be reduced only after they are sealed in the black coffin!"

"What is the black coffin?"

Lin Baici inquired.

"I don't know either. The manufacturing technology of the black coffin is an absolute secret and is in the hands of the state!"

Jin Yingzhen's popular science: "You just need to remember that the black coffin can prevent the pollution of the rules of sacred objects!"


Lin Baici even brought a pine torch, but he was still afraid of a futon that could only weave dreams?

At worst, take another sip of tea!

“I didn’t expect this futon to be a sacred object!”

Jin Ying really wanted to reach out and touch it, but he didn't dare: "It would be great if there was divine grace on it!"

If it were not a sacred object, Oppa would definitely not carry it with him.

“What is divine grace?”

Lin Baici had a strong thirst for knowledge.

"Thirty years ago, a meteor fell and the ruins of the gods appeared. Gods walked out of them and fed on humans. Ordinary people didn't know anything, but it is said that the world was almost destroyed!"

Jin Yingzhen organizes language.

"Some people stood up and killed the gods. They discovered that after the gods died, some fragments would be left behind. After humans eat those fragments, they will gain extraordinary power!"

"It's just that gods are too difficult to kill."

"But fortunately, not every sacred ruin has powerful gods. Most of the time, what exists in the sacred ruins is the remains of gods, that is, the corpses of gods."

"Destroying the divine skeleton will also drop fragments. After humans eat it, they can still gain extraordinary power."

"People call this power the gift of God, or divine grace for short!"

"Go on!"

Lin Baici listened very carefully. He was just an ordinary high school graduate and had no way to hear these secrets that only the upper class knew.

"The remains of gods contain radiation and will contaminate everything. A few items among them have mutated under this radiation and become taboo items for gods!"

"Among these sacred objects, a very small number have given birth to divine grace. Such sacred objects are the most sought-after trophies in the hunter's circle!"

Jin Yingzhen's brother is a god hunter and is very famous in Goryeo, so she knows a lot of inside stories.

"Hunter's Circle?"

Lin Baici heard a lot of new terms today.

"If the divine remains cannot be contained or destroyed in time, the ruins will spread, contaminating a larger area and making it uninhabitable for humans."

"Shenxu is more terrifying than floods, earthquakes, and volcanoes, so it was officially recognized as a new natural disaster by various countries twenty years ago."

"Humanity will not wait for destruction, so it destroys the ruins of the gods, hunts the gods, and seals the forbidden objects of the gods. Officials call those who do these things god hunters!"

Jin Yingzhen said that her mouth was dry. As soon as she licked her lower lips, Lin Baici handed over a bottle of mineral water.

considerate gesture,

This made Jin Yingzhen like him even more.

"Then are we considered divine hunters now?"

Lin Baici thinks this profession is cool.

"It doesn't count!"

Jin Yingzhen shook his head: "Ordinary people in the Divine Ruins cannot bear even the most basic radiation pollution. After about ten hours, they will become a puddle of unconscious dead meat. Only those who have 'eaten' the divine grace will

Only in this way can we stay in the Divine Ruins for a longer period of time, and only people like this are qualified to be called divine hunters!"

Those hunters who are on the front line against the gods are the country's precious treasures and heroes, and they all have great privileges.

Brother Jin Yingzhen can even mobilize the local garrison to assist when hunting gods.


Lin Baici nodded,

I am now a divine hunter, so sudden!

By the way, why don’t I feel dizzy and nauseated when I don’t have God’s grace?

"Just like the gaming industry and the entertainment industry, of course the god hunters also have their own circles. They sell some information to each other, exchange a few sacred objects, and even seek to form a team, etc."

Jin Yingzhen used her brother's account to log into some internal websites, and the information on them was an eye-opener for her.

"We ordinary people really don't know anything!"

Brother Gu wiped the lens of his Canon camera with a depressed look on his face.

They came back from picking tea leaves and stood by the door, listening to a lot of Jin Yingzhen's popular science.

"Ignorance is bliss!"

Sima Mu hehe: "For some people, knowing what the world really looks like will collapse!"

As a first-line female anchor, Hua Yueyu has a much larger social circle than people like Brother Gu and Old Auntie. She has heard a lot of gossip and rumors about Shenxu.

"Stop chatting, destroy the body and escape!"

Xu Xiu's head hurt, as if she had just woken up from a hangover and been tied to a roller coaster for more than half an hour.

"Oppa, let me get it for you!"

Jin Yingzhen took the initiative to pass the futon.

The old aunt moved her mouth, wanting to show off, but when she thought that this was a sacred object and polluted by rules, she did not dare to say anything.


Lin Baici was not polite.

If he is holding a futon and encounters danger, he will not be able to fight.

Everyone walked out of the courtyard and looked at Lin Baici, waiting for him to make up his mind.

Lin Baici's performance allowed him to firmly take the position of leader of this seven-member temporary team without having to recommend himself.

"God, how do we go?"

Lin Baici asked in his heart.

The god didn't respond, but the slight feeling of hunger returned.

In the past, Lin Baici knew that when he suddenly felt hungry, there would be lost objects nearby, but now, the feeling of hunger is like a radar, pointing towards sacred objects.

"How about going to the Main Hall to see it?"

The female anchor suggested.

"You can have this!"

Little Sister Li was having fun in her misery and joked: "If it doesn't work out, you can pray to Bodhisattva for good luck!"

The black fog has dissipated a lot, and everyone can already see the hazy outline of the Main Hall.

"Then let's go!"

Lin Baici held a pine torch and took the lead in clearing the way, but not far away, the god spoke.

[Absolutely! Absolutely! Absolutely! Don’t go to the Main Hall, otherwise you will immediately take an elevator to hell! 】

Such a solemn warning made Lin Baici frown.

never mind,

Be steady!

"Let's go to the Main Hall last!"

Lin Baici decided to follow the hunger!

A quarter of an hour later, little Sister Li suddenly smelled a sweet fragrance.

“It smells so good!”

Little Sister Li followed the scent and chased after it.

Hua Yueyu and Brother Gu quickly followed.

"It tastes like some kind of porridge!"

The old aunt sniffed hard and trotted over.

"Bai Ci, let's go too!"

Jin Yingzhen took Lin Baici's arm and pulled him forward.

"Wait a minute, this smells wrong!"

Lin Baici wanted to stop everyone, but it was useless. Everyone completely ignored his words, and only the aroma was left in their minds, wanting to eat it quickly.

Rule pollution happened again!

This chapter has been completed!
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