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Chapter 849 Death Hide and Seek

The study room was filled with smoke.

The flying shrapnel and bullets smashed bookshelves, table lamps, and left craters on the walls.

Almost everyone was lying on the ground, and a few unlucky ones were screaming.

Not to mention that shooting incidents often occur in white people, and everyone knows how to dodge. Even Kyushu people who have never touched a gun since childhood know how to get down and dodge.

Lin Baici and Xia Hongyao are exceptions.

The counterattack started immediately!

Kreize always sought stability, but he was not timid. After seeing Lin Baici and Gao Ponytail attack, he immediately followed suit and smashed the wall next to him with one punch.


Bricks and stones fell and dust flew.

Kreize had the brains and did not go out through the main entrance. Instead, he took a roundabout way, hoping to intercept the enemy's retreat and launch a flanking attack.

"Aren't Lin Jun and Yao Jiang working too hard?"

Airi Sannomiya complained to Gu Qingqiu: "Aren't you worried about following a leader like this?"


Gu Qingqiu smiled. What she liked was the confidence and courage of Lin Baici and Xia Hongyao, as well as their love for their companions!

Although Xia Hongyaozhi is a double D, she still understands not to be the first to show off when forming a group with strangers, so why did she rush out this time?

Isn't it just to protect them?

"Hey, I really want to worry about it too!"

Airi Sannomiya is envious.

If Lin Baici and the others rushed out to protect themselves, then they would be happy to put on a bikini and do a hula dance.

"Be careful!"

Jin Yingzhen warned and wanted to go out to help.

"do not go!"

Gu Qingqiu stopped him.

With the fighting power of the alumni and Hongyao, most of the monsters could be defeated, so Gu Qingqiu had recalled Hongguimaru, guarding the window, and at the same time called Sannomiya Airi and Gao Limei to move to the middle of the house.

As long as there are people around you, they won't be the first target after the enemy attacks.

When Sannomiya Airi saw this, she couldn't help but muttered "Scheming bitch".

Gu Qingqiu's fighting ability is not good, but he is definitely full of this kind of caution.

In the corridor, the sound of gunfire was receding and weakening.

This meant that the enemy was repulsed by Lin Baici and the others, accompanied by heavy casualties.

After about a minute, the gunfire completely disappeared.

Airi Sannomiya walked to the door, glanced towards the corridor, and saw corpses lying scattered on the floor.

They are all wearing black suits and top hats.

She walked up to a corpse, picked it up with her toes, and picked up the Thompson submachine gun in the other person's hand.


Sakura Girl caught the submachine gun, skillfully unloaded the magazine, pulled the trigger, and checked it.

What a pity, it is not a taboo thing!

Sakura Girl threw away her submachine gun.

Jin Yingzhen held a double-barreled shotgun and stood ready.

"Don't be nervous!"

Gu Qingqiu comforted him, wondering how the monsters Lin Baici and Xia Hongyao had killed could be left alive.

Kreize grabbed the leader of the group in a black suit and slammed his head against the wall.


"Who sent you?"

Kreize interrogates for information.

The boss in the black suit was very tough. He spat at Kreizer, then his right hand was hidden in the hem of his clothes, and he pulled hard.

If it were Lin Baici, he would definitely not know what the other party was trying to do, but Kreize understood it at a glance.

The opponent definitely has a bomb strapped to him!

To carry out a suicide attack!


Kreize turned his head to avoid the spit, threw the boss away, and then clapped his hands.

The boss, who was still flying in the air, suddenly stopped. His whole body was flattened and blood spurted out. He looked like a flying fly that was suddenly swatted to death by a pair of invisible hands.

The next second...


The bomb tied to the boss's body exploded, but due to the squeeze of the invisible hand, the explosion range was limited to a very small area, only causing some of the wall next to it to peel off.

"Be careful, there are bombs on these corpses!"

Kreizer shouted.

Lin Baici saw that each black suit had a ring of bombs tied around it, making it look like he was wearing a bomb vest.

Xia Hongyao struck quickly and ruthlessly, giving these black suits no chance to blow themselves up.

Lin Baici glanced around and found that his hunger had not changed, indicating that there was no loot, so he returned to the study.

Kreiser saw so many "Chicago typewriters" and had some expectations. What if he met one that worked?

Mainly, it was Jin Yingzhen's shotgun that gave him hope.

So Kreiser rummaged through the bodies.

As for how many people were killed or injured in the study, he didn't care.

Seeing Lin Baici's return, Airi Sannomiya joked: "So is this how it feels to be protected by someone?"

"All your colleagues are almost dead, why don't you take care of them?"

Lin Baici looked around and saw that most of the injured were Japanese, and there were two white people.

"GOD Lin, help!"

"It hurts so much, help me?"


The wounded were wailing.

"They asked for it. What can I do?"

Airi Sannomiya shrugged her shoulders.

"You can take this opportunity to win people's hearts!"

Yudanguo laughed loudly and followed Lin Baici around, it was so easy to worry about.

"GOD Lin, you guys reacted so quickly, I didn't even have time to take action!"

Melanie came over, smiled and complimented her.

The main focus is a self-cooked one!

"Why are some people injured? Some people are not injured?"

Li Yintong scratched his hair: "I saw that woman was hit by a bullet, but her clothes were not torn!"

"Those who don't drink the spring water will be hit by bullets!"

Gu Qingqiu explained.


Li Yintong blinked.

"That's why I said they asked for it!"

Airi Sannomiya continued. She had noticed long ago that people who drank from the spring water were not injured even if they were shot. Otherwise, many people would have been killed in the first wave of attacks by men in black.

When the unfortunate injured guys heard this, their faces turned ugly.

If I had known better, I would not have hesitated when drinking spring water.

Sakura Girl chuckled, she said it loudly on purpose, so that you don't listen to Mr. Lin, are you unlucky?

Based on the analysis of the current situation, that phone is a sacred object. Anyone who touches it will cause rule pollution, that is, he will be shot by gangsters.

Airi Sannomiya felt that many people must have thought of this, but no one dared to mention it because the phone was Lin Baici's trophy.

This one has the thickest thighs. It can be hugged and taken care of, and it can also kick someone to death.

"Help each other, bring the injured, and move them first!"

Lin Baici put the phone away while making arrangements.

[You don’t even want to call me godfather!]

Nagami review.

【Godfather’s phone number.】

[When you make a phone call, there is a certain chance that someone from a rival gang will seek revenge.]

[Chicago typewriter, blood-stained whiskey, there is always one suitable for you!]

A quarter of an hour later, everyone hid in a guest room on the third floor.

"You really don't want to help bandage it?"

Li Yintong saw the Japanese treating each other's wounds, but Sannomiya Airi remained indifferent. She thought this Sakura girl was so cold-blooded.

What Airi Sannomiya needs is cannon fodder, but these people are so useless that they are no longer worth helping.


Wu Hongfu swallowed his saliva, came over bravely, and apologized to Lin Baici: "God Lin, it was my fault just now."

If you don't apologize, you will definitely be on Lin Baici's blacklist.

Will die!

"No need!"

Lin Baici's voice was calm.

Fortunately, Jin Yingzhen and the others were fine, otherwise he would have wrenched this guy's head off.

If Wu Hongfu had been braver and blocked the door directly, the three gunmen in black suits would not be able to get in, and there would be no subsequent strafing attack.


Wu Hongfu still needs to explain.

Lin Baici waved his hand, indicating that he didn't want to listen anymore.

Jingle bell! Jingle bell!

In the castle, a shrill bell suddenly rang.

"Is this a siren?"

Li Yintong didn't understand the meaning of this sound.

"should be!"

"If we drink the spring water, we will be seen by others!"

"What? Regret it?"

"If you don't drink, there is a high probability that you will be beaten to death!"

Everyone was chirping.

The gun battle just now attracted the security guards. They couldn't see the corpses, but they could see the damaged rooms, so they immediately checked and found that some servants were missing.

Naturally, the alarm was immediately sounded and everyone was dispatched.

"We don't have much time left!"

Melanie was very upset and anxious.

Being discovered by a monster will definitely be a fierce battle, but we haven't even seen the BOSS yet.

If this alarms the BOSS, he will hide and be nowhere to be found.

"Let's go! Let's go!"

Lin Baici urged and pushed the door open. He had planned to sneak in quietly before, but now he had no time, so he had to act recklessly!

Everyone followed Lin Baici and ran wildly in the corridor, all the way up.

Thump thump thump!

There was a dense sound of footsteps.

The monster didn't come, but new trouble came again.

"Lin Shen, we can't finish climbing this building. We should have encountered rule pollution again!"

Melanie reminded.

According to past experience and analogy, everyone has climbed at least twenty floors. What castle can be so high?

So there must have been an outbreak of pollution.

"Be bold and remove the should!"

"GOD Lin, climbing up the stairs like this is not an option, the pollution must be purified!"

"You'll get tired if you keep climbing like this!"

Everyone was chattering and expressing their opinions.

Li Yintong noticed that everyone was asking Lin Baici's opinion and ignored Kreiser, which showed that Lin Baici's status was higher.


My Brother Lin is awesome!


Tai Mei was very happy and felt honored.

"Keep climbing!"

Lin Baici's answer was concise and concise.

Everyone paused and wanted to persuade him, but they didn't dare, so they all held their breath and continued to rush up.

After climbing another ten floors, it was still the same stairs, so everyone looked at Kreiser, hoping that he would give Lin Baici some advice.

Takeuchi Kurano, the oldest, is still the leader of Dayao!

He was simply ignored by everyone.

Takeuchi Kurano was unhappy, and his subordinates were even more unhappy.

"Xue Ji SAMA, don't you have any suggestions?"

Narita Hyoushi was depressed and angry, and his words naturally contained resentment.

Takeuchi Kurano is a waste, but you are not, why don't you speak up?

Prove to these people that I, Dayao, am also a famous god hunter organization in Asia.

As soon as Narita Hyoushi opened his mouth, others quickly gave advice.

"Xue Ji SAMA, only you can lead us out of this predicament!"

"We are willing to give our lives for you!"

"Da Yao Onboard!"

The Japanese people were shouting and roaring, very enthusiastically.

"Baga, shut up, everyone!"

Airi Sannomiya scolded: "Are you going to lure the monster here?"

Narita Hyoushi and others immediately closed their mouths and looked at Airi Sannomiya with feverish eyes, as if Sakura-chan had called her "board", and they would follow her to charge to the death!

"I don't have any suggestions. I think Jun Lin's plan is pretty good!"

Sannomiya Airi's cold eyes swept over these people: "If you still want to live, just follow me honestly!"

The Japanese didn't expect Sannomiya Airi to say such a thing, and were dumbfounded.

Enthusiasm was shattered as if by a cold wave from Siberia.

"Isn't it too heartless of you to say that?"

Xia Hongyao reminded in a low voice, she felt quite embarrassed.

If a group of subordinates support her so much, she will never let them down.


Airi Sannomiya snorted: "If they had listened to me just now and drank the spring water, they wouldn't have been injured by the black suit!"

Not to mention just a few crooked melons and dates, even if a group of outstanding elites came and asked her to break up with Lin Baici, she would seriously consider it for three days and three nights.

The consideration was not whether it was worth it, but how to kill these people in order to please Lin Baici and make him regard him as a true companion.

"A bunch of idiots, Kreese didn't even say a word, what are they dancing for?"

Yudanguo thinks these Japanese people are too arrogant.

In fact, Airi Sannomiya's personal strength was too strong, which gave people like Narita Hyouji the confidence, but unfortunately, Airi Sannomiya was a defector.

Even with the powerful physique of the divine hunter, he couldn't help but run all the way, so some people began to breathe heavily.

Suddenly, Lin Baici stopped.

"Finally stopped running?"

The people behind saw the people in front stopped and immediately raised their heads to look up.

Because there is a corner, people behind can't see it, but those in the front can see seven Barbie dolls standing at the top of the stairs!

They are half a meter tall and wearing princess dresses. From left to right, their colors are red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and purple. At first glance, they look like a rainbow.

On each person's feet is a pair of small black leather shoes.

Because they are pollutants, these monsters are more realistic and agile than the Barbie dolls sold in reality. If you don't look at the joints, you can't tell that they are dolls.

The seven Barbie dolls suddenly raised their heads with their right hands, put their left hands on their chests, stood on tiptoes, and spun in circles.

"Haha, I only know Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, but I have never seen seven Snow Whites and one dwarf!"

Yudanguo told a cold joke, but in this weird scene, no one could laugh.

"They dance ballet, and the comparison should be Swan Lake!"

Airi Sannomiya corrected.

"Don't worry about it. What should we do now? Kill us? Then I'll take the lead!"

The Yudan guy stood up with his sword drawn and looked like he was ready to fight!

"I come!"

Wu Hongfu gritted his teeth and wanted to make amends.

Before Lin Baici could say anything, a Barbie doll finished spinning in a circle, suddenly took a big step, and jumped down from above.

Lin Baici held the bronze sword in his right hand and immediately made a throwing motion.

Divine grace activated, Storm Hammer!


A war hammer condensed with divine power shot past like a meteor, hitting the Barbie doll and knocking it back.

The next second.


Barbie exploded.

The air waves exploded like a hurricane, causing everyone to stagger around and unable to open their eyes.

This chapter has been completed!
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