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Chapter 863 Lin Shen, help!

The doors of other private rooms are made of wood and covered with thick leather, creating a sense of luxury. However, this one is a security door that does not need to be knocked by hand and looks thick and solid.

Lin Baici looked up and saw that where the room number should have been, the writing on it had been rubbed away by a sharp tool. However, based on the remaining strokes, Lin Baici could tell that this was a control room.

"Here...woof...should be...woof..."

Zeng Shuang originally wanted to say that this should be a monitoring room where security guards were stationed, but as soon as she said the words, she unconsciously brought the word "woof" into her mouth, which made her suddenly scared.


Zeng Shuang stuttered.

"Shuangshuang, where do you feel uncomfortable?"

Wang Qing was worried.

"She should be...poof...polluted...woof."

Melanie wanted to say that Zeng Shuang was contaminated, but when she opened her mouth, there was a cry.


Wang Qing cursed.

Rule pollution comes very quickly.

Wang Qing subconsciously looked at Lin Baici, wanting him to make an idea quickly, but found that he and Gu Qingqiu were discussing the security room with a calm expression.

"Are you sure this is here?"

Gu Qingqiu grabbed the door handle and turned it hard.

This scene left Wang Qing stunned.

Do you want to be so reckless?

Although you are very strong, is your self-confidence too overwhelming?

Give me a worried look!


Lin Baici glanced at them, everyone's expressions were solemn.

"Can't open!"

Gu Qingqiu did not turn the door handle: "Maybe it's locked!"

"Get out of the way!"

Lin Baici took out the fire ax named Ghostbusters, activated the power of a hundred horses, and slashed towards the security door.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

The security door didn't move at all, leaving only some shallow scratches.

When everyone saw this, they looked even more worried.

"Don't just stand there stupidly, be alert all around!"

Lin Baici gave an order, stepped back at the same time, then put on the Bodhi Messenger cassock and summoned the Muscular Buddha.

The next second, the muscular Buddha wearing only boxer briefs silently appeared in front of the door, and then punched the security door with a fist bigger than the alms bowl.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

One punch, one hole.

The wall dust on the door frame was like dandruff hidden in hair that has not been washed for many years. It fell off after being hit like this, but the security door remained motionless.

"It's so fierce!"

Although the security door was not opened, it did not affect everyone's shock at the violence of the Muscular Buddha. If he had such a warrior servant, he could kill monsters as easily as he could chop vegetables in a casual battle.

"It's true that the poor will die poor, and the rich will die rich!"

Wang Qing felt uncomfortable and wanted to rob Lin Baici, which would definitely make him fatter.

"Stop using brute force. Opening it should require some kind of tool or condition!"

Analysis by Gu Qingqiu.

"Woof... key... woof..."

Takeuchi Kurano was very anxious because he was contaminated earlier than others, so if he was going to die, he would definitely be in front.

There is not much time left for him.

"That's right, in a certain box... woof... there should be... woof... a key..."

Melanie agreed with this judgment.

"It's useless even if there is one. Is it possible to go back and look for it from one room to another?"

There simply isn’t that much time!

Wang Qing is physically strong and has better resistance to pollution, but if he continues to stay here, he will definitely not be able to escape, so he quickly wanted to leave, but he did not dare to say this.

It was not that he was afraid of causing public outrage, but that Lin Baici would disagree.

Everyone looked at Lin Baici, waiting for him to make a decision.

Wang Qing saw that Lin Baici didn't mean to leave, so he suggested: "Why don't you just find a key and try it?"

With this in mind, Wang Qing took out the key to his villa from his pocket, glanced back, and urged Takeuchi Kurano.

"Come and open the door!"

Wang Qing was very cautious and tried not to come out in public to avoid contamination.

Takeuchi Zangano lowered his head and did not want to come over.

"You're already like this, and you still don't work hard to save yourself. Are you thinking your life is too long?"

Wang Qing sneered: "If you keep stalling like this, aren't you afraid that Lin Shen will leave directly?"

"No one will help you then, and you will die faster!"

When Takeuchi Zangye heard this, he thought about it. If Lin Baici was afraid and ran away, then he might really be doomed. After all, he had been contaminated and could not leave here.

"I'll do it...woof!"

Takeuchi Kurano crawled over, stood up holding the security door, then took the key from Wang Qing's hand and poked it into the keyhole of the security door.

Everyone is staring at the lock.

Generally speaking, a lock cannot be opened without a matching key, but here in the Divine Ruins, the rules of physics have been changed, and everything is possible.

Takeuchi Kurano turned and pulled the door handle while twisting the key hard.

Boom! Boom!

Takeuchi Kurano used a lot of strength.


The key suddenly broke.

Takeuchi Zangano turned around: "It's useless...woof!"


Wang Qing spat, froze, and then looked ugly.

He originally wanted to curse "fuck", but what he said instead was "Wow", which made him break out in a cold sweat in an instant.


He himself was also polluted.


The key broken in the keyhole is like a date stone that has been eaten and spit out.

Lin Baici frowned slightly, and while thinking about how to open the door, he took out a key and handed it to Takeuchi Kurano.

"try again!"

This key is unremarkable, but it is actually the apartment key that Lin Baici got from the Monster Apartment in Shenxu, Busan. It can open any door in that apartment.

If you own it at the same time, you become a landlord and can collect rent from any tenant.

"It should be useless, right?"

Lin Baici probably has little hope.

【it works!】

[As long as the key is an item from a sacred ruin, the lock can be opened, but the person who opens the door will be deeply transformed into a canine and lose the ability to speak. 】

Nagami review.


Lin Bai was speechless.

After opening the door, all you can do is bark, what a trap!

Fortunately, there is cannon fodder.

Takeuchi turned the key three times, and then opened the door with the click of the lock cylinder.

His expression instantly cheered up.

There is help!

Takeuchi Zangano turned around and wanted to tell Lin Baici the good news and compliment him a few words, but all he heard was 'woof woof'!

Listening to the sound of stuck phlegm, most people can tell that this is an old dog without looking.

Takeuchi Zangano burst into tears all of a sudden.

"Woof woof!"

"Woof woof!"

Very annoying noise.

"Stop shouting, we don't understand!"

Wang Qing is worried now, but also happy.

What I'm worried about is that if I just open the door, I can't speak human words, I can only bark. How terrifying is the intensity of the pollution?

Fortunately, Lin Baici is here.


And that Gu Qingqiu!

Seeing Takeuchi Kurano's appearance, the two people still showed no panic on their faces. One after the other, they calmly walked into the security door.

Others looked at each other, not daring to go in, so they stood at the door and looked inside.

This is a monitoring room, with an area as large as two-thirds of a basketball court. There are desks on the left and right sides, and many monitors hanging on the walls.

Some of these monitors are either broken or turned off, and are on a black screen, while others show the situation in each box. Even some hidden places, such as toilets, are monitored by hidden cameras.

[After the security room is opened, the rule pollution will overflow, and the people outside the door will quickly turn into canines!]

Nagami review.

Lin Baici raised his eyebrows and turned around to remind: "The pollution has begun, and you will turn into a dog-man outside!"


"No way?"

"Woof woof!"

Everyone suddenly became worried. Some people came in, but others hesitated.

Wang Qing, for example, felt that Lin Baici might be deceiving everyone and went in to help them share the pollution.

It doesn't make sense,

Will the pollution outside be heavier than inside?

"Lin Shen, what's the reason?"

Wang Qing smiled apologetically and asked in a low voice.

Lin Baici was too lazy to answer. A reminder was enough to show his kindness and righteousness. Do you want to hear it or not?

"Forget it, let's go in!"

Wang Qing stepped into the security door.

If you don't listen to Lin Bai's words, you will be hated by him and put on his blacklist. If you don't get polluted and killed, you will have to be killed by him.

Everyone looks for clues.

"What does this surveillance room have to do with dogs...woof?

Wang Qing couldn't understand it.

Could it be that the security guard keeps the dog?

There was no one in the control room. There were uniform jackets on a few chairs, which obviously belonged to the security personnel here.

"Go put on that security uniform, maybe you'll be fine!"

Wang Qing did not dare to wear it for fear of being contaminated, so he persuaded Takeuchi Kurano.

Takeuchi Kurano was also afraid and did not move.

"Do you have any other choice?"

Wang Qing sneered: "A dead horse should be treated as... woof... a living horse doctor!"

Takeuchi Kurano thought the same thing, crawled over with a gloomy face, gingerly picked a newer coat and put it on.

Everyone looked at him.

More than ten seconds passed, but there was no response from Takeuchi Kurano, which disappointed everyone, so they looked at Lin Baici again, waiting for him to solve it.

Wang Qing discovered that Lin Baici and Gu Qingqiu were so calm, just like two emotional machines.

But since he didn’t bark, he naturally calmed down!

Lin Baici has a good physique. I admit that I am not as good as him, but why is this girl not barking?

Wang Qing was unhappy and began to suspect that Gu Qingqiu might be a hidden boss.

"Alumni, do you think there will be...woof..."

In the middle of his words, Gu Qingqiu suddenly barked.

This sound made everyone look over.

"I thought you didn't know how to bark!"

Wang Qing raised the corners of his mouth, showing a smile, and quickly glanced at Lin Baici.

Before, Lin Baici might not be active, but now that his companions have been contaminated, he will definitely go all out to find clues to purify this rule pollution.

Other people thought the same way, so even though they were barking, they all breathed a sigh of relief.

The atmosphere immediately became less oppressive and solemn than before.

Because Lin Baici's performance along the way has been amazing, and he is completely worthy of the title of a strong man like Jiuzhou Longyi.

"This state is... woof... quite interesting!"

Gu Qingqiu examines himself.

"What did you want to say just now?"

Lin Baici asked.

"Can't see... the security guard!"

In order to avoid screaming, Gu Qingqiu shortened the sentence. She knew Lin Baici could understand it.


Lin Baici immediately took out the ghost oil lamp, blew on it twice, lit it, and then looked around, not even missing the corners.

Everyone immediately became nervous. Could it be that Lin Shen found a clue?

"Why are you looking at me?"

Lin Baici frowned: "Look for clues!"

Not to mention the security guards, I didn't even see a single cockroach.

"It shouldn't be a ghost!"

Although Lin Baici said this, he did not put away the ghost oil lamp, and even carried a fire ax in case of emergency.

"Tell me, woof... can you turn off these... woof... monitors?"

Melanie had an idea.

"You can...woof...try it!"

Zeng Shuang was very worried.


Wang Qing gave a thumbs-up gesture, praising him with his mouth, but cursing him stupidly in his heart!

How could Lin Baici and Gu Qingqiu not think of such a simple thing?

Since it is not mentioned, it proves that there is a problem.

"GOD Lin!"

Melanie looked at Lin Baici, hoping that Lin Baici would let others try.

"You can try!"

Lin Baici felt that doing so would definitely increase the pollution, so he kept waiting for others to suggest it.

That's right,

Whoever proposes it will do it!


Melanie smiled awkwardly and did not move. What if doing this would aggravate the pollution?

Wang Qing did not try to push back Melanie. In line with the principle of reusing waste, he urged Takeuchi Ashano to take action: "You, go turn off the monitor, wow, no, wow, it should be the host!"

Takeuchi Kurano pretended not to have heard.

"Hey, don't be so shameless. Woof, you're so polluted. If you don't work harder, you're going to die!"

Wang Qing found that he was stuttering a little when he spoke.

Takeuchi Kurano was crawling on his hands and knees, hesitating whether to leave the room.


Zeng Shuang wanted to give some advice, but snowflake-like spots suddenly appeared on the monitor.

Zhi! Zhi!

There is also the sound of electricity.

"Holy shit, the pollution has started?"

Wang Qing concentrated on staring at the surroundings and even leaned closer to Lin Baici. If the situation went bad, he would run away immediately.

Others thought the same thing, so they all moved closer to Lin Baici.

"Get out of the way!"

Lin Baici scolded.

Zhi! Zhi!

On the screen, the snowflakes disappeared, but the scenes in the boxes did not appear, but the portrait of Zeng Shuang.


Zeng Shuang was startled, and her body was shaking with fear.

It’s over! It’s over!

I'm getting cold!


Zeng Shuang asked Wang Qing for help.

"Don't be afraid!"


Wang Qing swallowed a mouthful of saliva and comforted him, but he was really helpless.

Zeng Shuang also noticed it, so she turned to ask Lin Baici.

"Lin Shen, help!"

"No clue!"

Lin Baici said bluntly that he was trying to distinguish whether Zeng Shuang's profile picture was different on different monitors.

"Perhaps the answer lies in...woof...the boxes shown on those monitors before!"

Analysis by Gu Qingqiu.

On the screen, the avatar zoomed out, and a full-length portrait of Zeng Shuang appeared. Then it began to grow hair, became shorter, and lay down...

Just like in biology textbooks, the process of evolution from ape-man to human is described, but at this time, it is the process of Zeng Shuang's degeneration into a dog-man.

The scene one minute later showed Zeng Shuang lying on the ground like a dog, with a 360-degree panoramic display showing no blind spots.

Zeng Shuang panicked and wanted to speak, but the sounds she made were all barking, and she also had the urge to get down on all fours.

Because standing now is very uncomfortable.

"Woof woof!"

Zeng Shuang looked at Wang Qing.

Wang Qing looked away, unable to help.

"Smash the monitor, woof, maybe it can... woof... purify the rule pollution!"

Melanie encouraged.

Zeng Shuang knew that she was about to get cold, and her mentality suddenly collapsed. She picked up a chair on the ground and threw it at a monitor.


The monitor was broken and unexpectedly vulnerable!

This chapter has been completed!
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