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Chapter 875 Monster Housekeeping Team!

These housekeepers and maids totaled a hundred people, but when they charged, they didn't make any sound, but compared to the roar, they brought more pressure to people, just like the sea under heavy rain at midnight!

Only when strong light shines on the sea can you see its turbulent waves, which are as sharp as animal teeth and can tear everything into pieces.

"Look at me!"

Xia Hongyao clashed his fists with an expression of excitement that it was finally my turn to perform.

We can’t do anything else!

Definitely number one in fighting!

The maids were still charging when they suddenly waved their hands and threw the chainsaws over.

Zhi! Zhi!

The rotating chainsaw made a harsh metallic sound. If it hit you, you would definitely lose your arms and legs.

The Muscular Buddha appeared in front of Lin Bai and was about to punch the Buddha with a series of punches to blow away the chainsaws. Kreize, who was not far away, took action.

Great grace, ghost ship!


A large amount of seawater surged out of the ground, and like Moses parting the sea, the seawater surged to both sides, revealing a bottomless gap. A black sailing battleship of the eighteenth century, proudly

He jumped out with his head raised.

On the deck, no sailors or soldiers could be seen operating, but dozens of gun ports on both sides of the battleship had been opened, and the black muzzles automatically rotated to search for the enemy.

After aiming at the target...

Boom! Boom! Boom!

As white gunpowder smoke erupted from the muzzle, cantaloupe cannonballs were shot out one after another, landing among the charging monsters.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

The cannonballs were smashed and ejected, and any monster in their straight path would be immediately knocked away, smashed, and thrown out like a broken sack as long as they were touched.

"Damn it, you bastard!"

Wu Hongfu exclaimed.

The eyes of others were also filled with shock.

Is this the great grace of a dragon-level powerhouse?

So strong!

Lin Baici was also surprised when he saw it.

The special effect of the momentum when this Divine Grace is activated is immediately maxed out. As expected, it should be Kreize's trump card at the bottom of the box. But now it's just a clean up, so why use this?

Lin Baici didn't understand.

In fact, the reason is too simple.

Ever since Kreize started acting together with Lin Baici, he was like a maid in a dowry, with no sense of existence.

Several times he encountered rule contamination, but it was all purified by Lin Baici, which was completely unacceptable to the self-respecting Krayzer.

Another person might be happy that he got an advantage, but Kreese would not. He believed that his race was superior to the Kyushu people. If he did not show outstanding performance, he would doubt the education he had received since childhood.

So I used my divine grace to clear out these monsters in one wave.

Sannomiya Airi and Gu Qingqiu were not shocked. Instead, they curled up their lips and looked away.

Because Kreiser was very cunning, he did not attack Mrs. Oliver, obviously because he was worried about being targeted by him.


Creese stretched his right arm forward and shouted loudly, just like Napoleon who was directing the soldiers to attack on the battlefield of Toulon.

Those monsters were indeed beaten badly. The charging formation was completely in disarray, and only scattered monsters were killed.

"How come these shells are solid?"

Xia Hongyao frowned and chopped down a monster.

Kreiser, who was enjoying the unparalleled pleasure of mowing the lawn, heard this question, just like when he was enjoying afternoon tea and saw a swollen fly soaked in the Ceylon black tea he had just drank a few sips of.

Not to mention how boring it is!

"This is an eighteenth-century sailing battleship, not a modern artillery piece!"

Kreizekop, that look seemed to be accusing Xia Hongyao of being a poor student who was ignorant and incompetent.

"I know, but there were also explosives in that era?"

Xia Hongyao didn't mean to blame Kreize. She just felt regretful, because the firepower could obviously be stronger: "And there are no shells, there are chain bombs, right?"

"Well, it's just a chain connecting two iron balls!"

The high ponytail stretched out his hand and gestured, hoping to express it more intuitively so that it would be easier for Krayzer to understand.

"FUCK YOU, I'm British!"

Kreize's whole body was numb with anger, and his hands and feet were trembling.

Do you want to learn about chain bombs from a descendant of an empire that once conquered the world with its cannons and giant ships?

"What does it have to do with you being a Briton and chain bombs? You didn't invent this thing!"

Xia Hongyao blinked: "When you talk about compasses, gunpowder, papermaking, etc., you can immediately think of Kyushu people. Whose blacksmith shop can't burn a chain bomb?"

Happy high ponytail!

We don't recognize such a low-tech thing even if it was invented by us.

I can't afford to lose that person!

Just like in a certain country in East Asia, when a few cow bones from three hundred years ago were dug out of the ground, they all thought they were precious cultural relics and hurriedly offered them up.

This was to be placed in Kyushu. The tomb of an ancient person who was not a prince, prince or minister and who was not famous in history was discovered. It was not even qualified to be on the news.


Although they knew they shouldn't laugh in this situation, Gu Qingqiu and Sannomiya Airi really couldn't help it.

Do you know the value of Chino’s Double D?

Kresse originally wanted to show off, but was questioned repeatedly and was so angry that he didn't want to eat for at least three days.

Among these foreigners, Melanie, who was the best at flattering and had some friendship with Lin Baici, is dead. The remaining three are all transparent, how can they dare to help!

After all, they dare not offend anyone.

"Is that true?"

Xia Hongyao asked again.


The veins on Kratzer's head popped out and bulged.

Although Kreize wants to lose face, at this moment, he really wants to brag about himself. Just tell me, is the lethality of this big cannon ship powerful?

"You two, stop discussing, those monsters are not dead!"

Wu Hongfu persuaded in a low voice.

This is actually the self-confidence of the strong. If it were Wu Hongfu and Wang Qing, they would never have the time to talk about this kind of topic.

The housekeepers and maids who were hit by the shells were in pieces. In addition to flesh and blood, there were also parts of machinery and wires in their bodies. After being damaged, electric sparks were emitting.

Now, as the monsters' eyes light up and the repair system starts, these stumps and broken arms return to their original positions under the traction of electromagnetic force.

Mechanically connected, flesh and blood proliferated, these monsters recovered again, and then stood up.

"Fuck, it can't be killed?"

Wang Qing is most afraid of encountering this kind of monster.

"Lord Poseidon, hurry up and fire another salvo!"

Wu Hongfu pleaded.


Kretzer flashed his middle finger.

His battleship jumped out of the water, fired a salvo, and then plunged into the floor, just like a fish entering the water, making some waves and then disappearing.

The butler and maids rushed over.

A melee broke out!

Mrs. Oliver was not intimidated by the huge battleship. She followed the spiral staircase on the west side to the second floor and sat down on a viewing platform to watch Lin Baici and others fight.

It's like an opera to it.

Several bottles of red wine with arms and legs, and a goblet, followed him eagerly, and jumped on the coffee table.

Mrs. Oliver casually ordered a bottle of red wine. The red wine uncorked the bottle and poured the wine into the goblet. Then the goblet walked to Mrs. Oliver.

He picked it up casually and took a sip.

Muscular Buddha took a big step forward and punched him continuously.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

The monsters that were hit all flew away, but they got up again in a blink of an eye and continued to charge.

Lin Baici wielded a bronze sword.


The blade struck a maid in the neck.

Sizzle, snap, snap!

The phone was buzzing, and the maid almost rushed forward without being affected.

Lin Baici raised his foot, kicked it on the belly, and kicked it away.

Bang! Bang!

Jin Yingzhen opened fire, and two single-point bullets smashed the head of a housekeeper, exposing a mass of electronic equipment.

It stayed there like a crash, and the damaged parts began to repair themselves. After only ten seconds, the repair was completed. As the system restarted, the butler began to attack again.

This scene happens frequently.

"These monsters can't be killed!"

Xia Hongyao watched a maid who had been cut into pieces get up again and urged Lin Baici: "Xiao Linzi, think of a way."

"It seems that relying solely on combat power is useless at this level."

Hua Yueyu racked his brains.

"That's wrong. If you could blow these monsters into powder with one blow, they wouldn't be able to survive!"

In Sannomiya Airi's view, as long as it causes huge crushing damage to these monsters, they can be completely killed: "Kreiser, your battleship should be able to increase its firepower, right?"

"try again?"

Sakura Girl feels that Krayze will definitely hold back.

Kreize remained silent, because there was no point in lying to a smart person like Airi Sannomiya.

But I don’t want to do it because the ultimate move is reserved for the final BOSS.

"Electronic machinery? Is it the turn of another prop to show its power?"

Lin Baici took out the remote control: "Qingqiu, continue!"

Because he had to fight, Lin Baici had no time to test this, so he had to ask Gu Qingqiu to come.

"Yes! Yes! And the remote control!"

Wu Hongfu and Wang Qing were so happy that they forgot this prop!

"Can you call me alumni next time?"

Gu Qingqiu got the remote control and pressed the power button towards a maid who was fighting Hongguimaru.


Bah! Bah! Bah!

Gu Qingqiu's thumb moved quickly and pressed all the buttons one by one.

Still no response.

Gu Qingqiu was not discouraged, and his goal was to become a housekeeper.

After testing the button, it still had no effect, so she picked another injured maid and repeated the process.


Gu Qingqiu's words made everyone's faces darken, and anxiety appeared on their brows.

"Do you have to press them in a certain order to work?"

Wu Hongfu speculated: "It's like a password."

"Then we can't just rely on Meng?"

Wang Qing was greatly disappointed.

"Look at the buttons on the remote control. Which ones have signs of being pressed frequently?"

Airi Sannomiya reminds.

"Already watched it!"

Gu Qingqiu was very cautious in doing things, and she didn't choose monsters randomly, but chose them according to the degree of damage.

From the intact ones, to the damaged ones, to the damaged ones that are being repaired.

"God Lin, could it be that riding whip that is the key tool to restrain these monsters?"

Wu Hongfu guessed.

"70% won't!"

Gu Qingqiu denied it.


Wu Hongfu didn't know why this woman's tone was so decisive.

"When Alumni Lin took out the remote control, the lady's expression changed obviously. She also touched her pocket, apparently to confirm whether the remote control was still there."

Gu Qingqiu explained.


Kreize was shocked. What kind of careful thinking is this?

Even he didn't expect to pay attention to such details.

"Try that leather whip, what if it works?"

Wang Qing begged.

Lin Baici thought the same thing. Just when he was about to take out the whip, the god spoke.

[If I use it now, it will scare Mrs. Oliver away!]


The word "scare away" is interesting to ask. It seems that this whip cannot be used indiscriminately.

[After the mechanical housekeeping team's back head is broken open, the control center will be exposed. At this time, long pressing the power button will turn them off. 】

[If you press the setting button and then press and hold the restore button, the system will be restored and then restarted. These housekeeping team members will serve the new owner of the handheld remote control. 】


Lin Baici pulled out the affair pipe wrench inserted at the back of his waist with his left hand: "Kreize, use that battleship ultimate move of yours again!"

"If you can control the location of the bombardment, try to blow their heads off!"

If someone else had said this, Krayze would definitely ignore it, but when Lin Baici spoke up, even if it was an ultimate move that was the best thing to do, Krayse still felt like using it.

"Just this once!"

Kreize had a cold face and activated Divine Grace. Although he said it once, he could actually do it a few more times. The main reason is that if he didn't say it, he would look like a follower who could be ordered around by Lin Bai.


The sailing battleship appears again.

The bombardment begins!

Boom! Boom! Boom!

At this moment, Krayze's mood was complicated.

Since Lin Baici said this, he obviously found some clues.

If he succeeds, he will be outclassed again. If he doesn't succeed...

All right!

Kreize still hoped that Lin Baici would get rid of these monsters.

"Alumni, give me the remote control!"

Lin Baici held the affair pipe wrench in his right hand. When the bombardment was over, he immediately jumped out.

Gu Qingqiu didn't dare to throw the remote control away. What if something went wrong and someone robbed it?

So I ran to Lin Baici in person.

On the observation deck on the second floor, Mrs. Oliver snapped her fingers, and the remaining monsters immediately surrounded and killed Gu Qingqiu.

This scene directly convinced people with quick brains like Airi Sannomiya that the remote control was indeed a sacred item to restrain these monsters in housekeeping.

"Protect the little loach!"

Airi Sannomiya shouted.


The Red Ghost Pill and the Muscle Buddha were like two ghosts knocking on the door, killing Gu Qingqiu in a bloody way.

Lin Baici swung the pipe wrench, cracking open the back of a maid's head like a walnut, then threw the remote control away and pressed the power button hard!

One second!

Two seconds!

Three seconds!

The monster maid who was turning around to attack Lin Baici was like an electrical appliance that suddenly lost power. Her hands and head drooped, and she froze in place.

"Fuck, that's it!"

Wu Hongfu was overjoyed.

"Quick, go and smash the backs of these monsters' heads!"

Kreize urged, feeling inexplicably disappointed. Although he guessed that Lin Baici might be able to handle these maids, he still felt very uncomfortable after seeing it with his own eyes.

Before, he had planned to kill people and sell goods, killing Lin Baici to make a fortune. Now...

He is not confident anymore!

Don't let Lin Baici kill you and send someone a courier!

Once we find a way, it will be easier.

Wu Hongfu and Wang Qing are half-level dragons and have very strong combat capabilities. They can easily deal with these monsters.

Restoring the system and letting these monsters serve him would bring the greatest benefits, but it was too troublesome to operate and a waste of time. Lin Baici could only choose to shut down the machine first.


This chapter has been completed!
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