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Chapter 1074 Winter is coming

 Just when everyone was still stunned by this unprecedented journey to the west.

Mr. Chen walked over quickly and said in a deep voice: "Get ready, it's our turn next."

On the high platform of the Great Steel Wall, Mr. Jin and the old man spoke one after another.

But both of them just said a few words, because they both knew that the protagonist today was not them.


“Now, let’s invite our real protagonist today to speak!”

"The Commander-in-Chief of Daxia, Lin Fan, who led us to a complete victory over the Ocean Temple!"

"And the gods of Great Xia who are fighting with the gods!"

Thunderous applause!

Lin Fan took a deep breath and was the first to walk out of the stairs.

Under the Great Steel Wall, there are densely packed people.

Everyone had excited smiles and great excitement on their faces. The moment Lin Fan walked out, thunderous applause erupted into uniform cheers.

"Lin Fan!"

"Lin Fan!"

"Lin Fan!"

They looked up at the young man on top of the Great Steel Wall. Even though his left arm was in a plaster, it still couldn't stop the heat of the scene.

Even the audience in front of the TV applauded and cheered at this moment.

This is the figure who is always at the forefront!

This is the general who led his compatriots in Daxia to win battle after battle and completely defeat the Ocean Temple!

No one questions Lin Fan's age anymore, because that Shura sword has killed countless gods.

Since Lin Fan's return, he has rarely appeared in public on weekdays. He will only appear in public view when fighting and announcing the next preparation plan.

But the figure of rushing towards God again and again is better than the best publicity!

Life and death again and again, everyone can see it!

Nowadays, Lin Fan is almost no longer himself, but has become a symbol, a symbol that as long as he is still there, Daxia will always win, a symbol that gods can never step into Daxia!

Seeing the dense crowd of people below and the enthusiastic cheers, Lin Fan, who was always calm, couldn't help but feel his heart beating wildly.

What a shocking scene.

Lin Fan had been waiting for this moment for too long.

I have been waiting since I came back.

For the first time, Lin Fan smiled under the spotlight, smiling so happily and reassuringly.

Lin Fan picked up the microphone and said, "Everyone, we have achieved a complete victory in this invasion of the Ocean Temple!"

"Ocean Temple, completely disintegrated!"

"In addition, the Great Sage Sun Wukong and Qin Shihuang Yingzheng returned to Daxia!"

"This is a day worth celebrating!"

"But," Lin Fan suddenly changed the topic, "Mr. Jin made a mistake just now. The protagonist today is not me."

"Although I am the commander-in-chief, and although I am a high-ranking Shura god, I am really grateful for this victory..."

Lin Fan said: "It's every god of Great Xia who fights with the gods, it's the god-killing army who fights hand-to-hand with sea beasts, it's the fifty million warriors who stick to the country and never retreat!"

"They are the workshop workers who work all night long to produce bullets that kill sea monsters, and they are the men who endure the high temperatures to bake bricks and tiles for the Great Steel Wall."

"They are the construction crews who built the Great Wall of Steel with their blood and sweat, and they are the transport drivers who work day and night to transport supplies."

"They are the farmers who grow crops to provide food, and they are the scientific researchers who design the god-killing mecha and the Great Steel Wall with their pens in hand!"

"They are the miners who dig coal in the dark coal mines to refine steel, and they are the women who sew clothes for the soldiers."

"They are the cooks who hold iron spoons and provide meals for the soldiers. They are the residents who prepare meals at home and send them all the way to the Great Steel Wall. They are the teachers who spread knowledge and educate people. They are..."

Lin Fan spoke for five minutes in one breath.

All walks of life are in it.

The cheering people gradually became quiet. Some of them had red eyes, and some were choked with tears.

The hard work and dedication during this period of time finally paid off!

This victory is closely related to everyone.

Lin Fan paused for a moment: "Before the gods came, there were always people who said that the atmosphere of our society in Daxia has changed. They said that people in Daxia have become refined and self-interested, and that the entire society has become money-oriented."

"But this time when the gods came, the 140,000 Daxia people with different identities and statuses all became one and made their own contributions without hesitation!"

"Maybe some people have never been on the battlefield, but each of us fought with blood and sweat in our own way, and used our own efforts to win this battle for Daxia."

"We can proudly tell the world that Daxia is indeed different from what it was back then."

"But Daxia still has the bloody spirit from back then!"

"The blood of our ancestors has always been flowing in each of us!"

"The will of our ancestors is also engraved in our souls!"

"As long as there is danger in Daxia, as long as someone wants to take away our things, as long as it comes to the moment of life and death."

"We, the 140,000,000 Daxia people, will be like our ancestors back then, regardless of gains and losses, with no distractions, we will work together to protect the land!"

"We have created miracles one after another. We built the Great Wall of Steel, we built the God-killing Mecha, we recruited 50 million soldiers, and we...defeated the gods and the ocean!"

"So, what everyone wants to thank is not me, not the gods of Daxia, but each of you!"

"The ones who protect Daxia are not the gods of Daxia, nor me, but the 140,000,000 Daxia people, every Daxia person!"

"It is every life living on this land that together protects our homeland!"

Lin Fan's voice echoed for a long time.

The person to thank for this victory is not the commander-in-chief or the gods of Daxia.

But, every Daxia person!

The efforts of 140,000 Daxia people have resulted in victory over the Ocean Temple!

In this battle, the scientific research team developed the God-killing mecha, designed the Great Steel Wall, designed the heavy artillery structure and various firearms, as well as the electric fish plan.

Fifty million warriors guarded the Great Steel Wall, the God-killing Army and the disciples fought hand-to-hand with sea beasts, and the legions of gods raged against the lower gods.

The mecha pilot controls the god-killing mecha to fight fiercely across the ocean, and the fighter pilot soars into the blue sky and swoops down on sea beasts.

Food production, material transportation, the construction of the Great Steel Wall, the production and replenishment of military uniforms, ammunition, steel, oil and other materials are inseparable from all walks of life and every Daxia person.

Not only Daxia people, but also rats, ducks, tigers, and lions went to the battlefield!

In this battle, even without Lin Fan, Daxia would still win.

But without Daxia and without the 140,000,000 compatriots, Lin Fan would have died!

This land is Lin Fan's only reliance and only refuge.

Lin Fan suddenly saluted and said loudly: "Thank you everyone! It is the greatest honor of my life to be able to fight side by side with you!"

"Thank you everyone!"

The gods of Daxia, most of whom were still in wheelchairs, also came out to salute!

"Thank you everyone!"

The 50 million soldiers also took a step forward and saluted neatly to the common people below who provided them with food, clothing, equipment, weapons and the Great Steel Wall, like fathers and mothers: "Thank you!"

In response, countless people saluted and shouted.

"Thank you everyone!"

They are thanking themselves and everyone.

Some people are crying and some people are laughing.

Someone was crying and saluting, holding a black-and-white photo in one hand. On it, a young soldier in military uniform was also smiling and saluting.

Even various animals raised their right hooves or wings and roared loudly.

"stand up……"

The song that made people's blood rush sounded, and the red flag slowly rose in the sea breeze, flying high on this land.

One hundred and thirty-six heads of gods are shaking, and the crown of the sea carries the broken pride of the gods.

As the national anthem sounded, and as this battle came to a complete end, a terrible cohesion surged in everyone's hearts, and the blood had never been so hot.

This red flag is worth protecting with your life!

This land is a home soaked in blood!

A warrior of the Universe Kingdom looked at the raised flag and whispered: "Damn, I've only been here a few months. Why do I feel that this is my motherland? Why do I burst into tears..."

"Brother, have you seen it?" A young soldier with a broken arm held the portrait and said in tears: "We won, and I avenged you."

Even orcs, werewolves and other races that do not belong to this land could not help but salute at this moment and watched the red flag rise.

"I feel the will of mankind..." The orc Cardan looked at the endless saluting humans, looked at the slowly rising red flag, and said softly: "Maybe this time, it is the gods who should be afraid.


When the national anthem ends, the red flag hangs high.

Lin Fan slowly put down his right hand and said: "In addition, here, I would also like to thank the orc tribe, fox tribe, wolf tribe...and other allies in the world for their help. Because of you, we humans are not fighting alone. You also

played a vital role.”

"I am here to say thank you on behalf of Daxia!" Lin Fan saluted again.

Countless people also saluted again at this moment: "Thank you!"

Sincere thanks from the bottom of my heart.

Thanks from humanity.

The thanks of 140,000,000 people gathered together like thunder, resounding throughout this land.

Cardin and other clan leaders looked at this scene, and their eyes were shocked when they heard the loud and uniform thanks.

"No need to thank you, but we want to thank you." Cardan said on behalf of the many races in the Alliance of All Realms: "Thanks to you, we can get rid of the shackles."

"Thanks to you, we can stand up again."

"Thanks to you, we have the courage to face the gods!"

"Thank you, humans, for holding up the torch in the darkness, thank you for holding up the fire for all races."

She hammered her chest with her right hand, which was the highest etiquette of an orc.

Countless races also expressed their gratitude with the highest etiquette. Orcs hammered their chests, werewolves mooed, foxes spread their tails, and war drums sounded.

This is the song of all races, a song given back to mankind.

Human beings have really done too much, not only to help them stand up and lead them to fight against the gods, but also to help them outside of the battle, helping them mine minerals, build schools and roads, improve infrastructure, and popularize

education, and even hire them to work in factories!

Of course, Daxia's help was not in vain. Under Shang Weitian's negotiation, the minerals they mined were transported back to Daxia one by one. The roads they built there were also to facilitate transportation to Daxia and to build and popularize schools.

Education is to cultivate their ability to work in factories...but no matter what, those races have received real benefits.

Lin Fan nodded, calmed down his emotions, and continued: "In addition, we would also like to thank those soldiers who left..."

The atmosphere suddenly became lonely.

The people and the audience stopped cheering and applauding.

"Victory is worth celebrating," Lin Fan sighed: "But victory is always accompanied by death."

"Because this is war."

"This is a war between gods and humans."

"They left for us, for this land."

"Their names will be engraved on the city wall and in our hearts forever. They will watch the land they love and sacrifice their lives for safe and sound, and watch our civilization prosper forever!"


A huge red cloth slipped from the city wall.

On the walls, names were engraved quietly.

Under the city wall, corpses covered with white cloths lay quietly.

No one spoke any more.

Silently mourning.

"Send brothers on their way!" Soldiers from each unit shouted one after another, stepped forward in an orderly manner, and together with the families of the fallen soldiers, gently carried the bodies into the pit.

A sad song begins.

"Brothers, let's go!" Lin Fan saluted.

"Brothers, let's go!" The gods of Daxia saluted.

One hundred and fourteen thousand people in Daxia said in unison: "Brothers, let's go!"

In the long silence, shovelfuls of soil fell, and the whole Great Xia mourned for them, and the world became depressed and gloomy.

There was a father shoveling dirt for his child, his eyes red.

An older brother buried his younger brother with his own hands.

There was a mother who held her young children who were not yet sensible and told them that their father was just asleep.

A child placed his enlistment notice next to his father.

The silence lasted for a full hour.

When all the soldiers who left were buried and slept under the land they loved, Lin Fan wiped the corners of his eyes and said in a dry voice: "I believe that one day, they will come back."

"And all we have to do is help them protect this land during their absence!"

"Wait until they come home!"

"Let them see that Daxia is still prosperous! This land is even more prosperous!"

The common people were also inspired by these few words. One hundred and four hundred million people clenched their fists and roared loudly, as if to vent their depression!

"Wait until they come home!"

"Still prosperous! Even more prosperous!"

"Dad, don't worry, I'll help you guard our home! I'll wait for you to come back!"

At this moment, 140 million people are full of fighting spirit again!

Daxia is invigorated again, and this lion is still roaring!

Lin Fan nodded: "As for the promulgation of military merit, because there are too many people who have performed meritorious services this time, the list will be published online, and each regiment-level unit will hold a military merit meeting on its own."

When Lin Fan said this, he remembered the last military merit award.

It is estimated that in the past few days, the cafeteria will be filled with the sounds of soldiers competing with each other, and I don't know how many squad leaders have to shine shoes for soldiers.

Some soldiers also looked forward to it and began to imagine returning to the village with big red flowers hanging on their chests.

Everyone thought that the ceremony would end successfully, but Lin Fan said: "Everyone, let's have a good rest these three days. Soldiers can also take shifts to visit relatives."

"A nationwide holiday."

"However, we cannot become proud just because we are slacking off in this fight."

"A bigger test is waiting for us!"

"A more powerful temple is coming soon!"

"As I said before," Lin Fan's tone became extremely serious, "From the moment the gods stepped into this world, every battle we fought was just to survive!"

"Every victory just means that we can live a little longer and breathe a little longer!"

"Everyone, take a good rest in these three days, and Daxia should also take a good rest, but in three days, we will begin to prepare for a more powerful temple and face a greater crisis! Go all out!"

"The noble God looks down on us, so dignity can only be found on the battlefield!"

The smiles on everyone's faces gradually disappeared, replaced by incomparable seriousness.

New temple!

A stronger temple!

The fierce fighting spirit burned in his eyes again.

"Which temple will it be?" someone whispered.

"Whatever, as long as they dare to offend me, Daxia, I will kill them all!"

Some soldiers clenched their guns and smiled fiercely: "If they dare to come, kill them! Kill them until they dare not come! Kill them until Daxia becomes a restricted area that the gods fear!"

A soldier licked his lips: "It just so happens that I haven't had enough killing this time. My military merit is not enough! Come on!"

A young warrior looked at the portrait and said coldly: "My old Li family has held grudges for generations. The hatred of the gods for killing my brother cannot be quelled by killing a few sea beasts."

People in Daxia will feel tired about the war.

But protecting their homeland, Daxia people will never feel tired!

Not even afraid!

No matter how powerful the invader is!

This is bloody to the core!

This land is a lion that never gets tired, a lion that always looks up to the sky and roars!

In the silence, Lin Fan's voice spread throughout Daxia: "We will be on the alert, we will sharpen our swords, and we will put on our armor."

"Until half a year later...the arrival of the Winter Temple."

Winter is coming!

This chapter has been completed!
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