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Chapter 1545 She must be very happy now


Banners rolled down the city walls, saying "Thank you to the God of Agriculture for coming", "The god coming from the sky will save the winter", "God has brought us hope of life", "Please ask God to teach us how to farm"

, "Swear allegiance to the God of Agriculture to the death"!

They are all words of gratitude and allegiance to God.

In Daxia, the roaring ramparts surrounding the city were also covered with banners welcoming the God of Agriculture.

Even the Great Wall in the south has hung countless banners "Welcome the God of Agriculture" and "Ask the God of Agriculture to save us".

This is something that was not seen in the previous two temple invasions... After all, these are agricultural tools that are here to help the family cultivate their land.

On the city walls and in the fields, totems shaped like wheat seedlings symbolizing the worship of the God of Agriculture were erected. Of course, there were also some broken ocean totems, which symbolized the broken faith in the ocean.

Mainly a warm welcome.

Lin Fan said again: "All soldiers, take cover!"


All the soldiers lay down on the city wall.

Different from facing the gods directly before, they crawled behind the bunker, fearing that something would be exposed, and some even covered themselves with rags.

I was really afraid of scaring the God of Agriculture.

Suddenly there were no traces of soldiers on the city wall.

But even so, the hidden soldiers still held onto their guns and did not leave their fighting positions.

As long as the god of agriculture behaves slightly wrong, they will immediately stand up and use all their firepower!

Below the rows of heavy artillery, there are salute eggs on the left and military god artillery eggs on the right, ready for a welcome salute or heavy artillery bombardment at any time.

Lin Fan continued: "The Hungry Honor Guard appears!"


The city gate opens.

Fifteen million hungry honor guards from Europe slowly walked out.

It can't even be said to be leaving, but moving out.

Some people were holding on to the city wall, breathing heavily and walking hard step by step with sweat on their foreheads.

Someone was holding a stick, moving forward little by little as if he had no strength at all.

Some people were crawling on the ground with difficulty, as if they would starve to death in the next second.

Some people were even unable to walk at all and had to be pushed out by soldiers pushing carts.

The 15 million European people all had sallow faces, sunken cheeks, and distracted eyes.

It stands to reason that when so many people gather together, they will talk in low voices and even make some noises and fights.

But they were extremely quiet, like straw swaying in the wind.

This is caused by long-term hunger. There is a deep desire for food in their eyes, as well as numbness and confusion.

That kind of hunger that comes from the depths of your soul cannot be faked no matter how much makeup you put on!

They were covered in mud, exuding an aura of despair, and looked around in confusion.


"Didn't you say that when you come here... there will be food..."

"So hungry..."

They looked at the solid, white and fat people of Daxia with some surprise and pleading in their eyes.

Of course, what they were begging for was food, and what they were surprised about was why these people were so strong and strong, and didn't look like they were starving at all.

Isn’t this the age of hunger?

People over there are starving to death, how come you guys are eating so well?

Could it be that just like in the legend, this rich and fertile eastern land was still able to produce food despite the interference of gods in the Age of Hunger?

In fact, this land has never been rich.

The rich are the people who live on this land!

Once a land of plenty, floods occurred frequently, fields were washed away and embankments were destroyed, and people were in dire straits. It was the Dujiangyan Irrigation System and various water conservancy projects built by our ancestors that transformed the miasmatic land into a land of abundance.

When there was a severe drought in Guanzhong, the Zhengguo Canal was built, and from then on there was the Qinchuan River of 800 miles.

This land has become rich because of these people.

It is said that this land has some kind of magic power, but in fact, it is the people who have lived in this land for generations who have magic power, and they have given this land magic power.

#Every time verification appears, please do not use incognito mode!

Daxia is the only constructive civilization among the four major civilizations and even all civilizations.

When the West was strong, they colonized and ruled and committed genocide.

When Daxia was strong, it never thought about colonial rule.

Zheng He went to the Western Seas, traded with all directions, and made a fortune together. He even helped the kingdom put down rebellions and maintain peace.

Facing their homeland, they asked for it while Daxia built it.

When the gods invaded, all the countries retreated, but Daxia refused to give in an inch of land!

Seeing the hunger of her people, Brenda on the side sighed, but still said: "According to Daxia's requirements, they experienced twenty-five hours of transportation in long-distance trucks, during which they only drank some water, a little

Food not eaten.”

"After entering Daxia, I didn't eat any food."

"Of course, they have all undergone physical examination. They are just too hungry and weak. There is no danger to their lives in a short period of time. They can still hold on."

Lin Fan nodded with satisfaction. The sales of these European people were better than he expected.

How could the god of agriculture not show mercy?

Not to mention the God of Agriculture, even the people of Daxia who came to watch the excitement couldn't stand it, and all of them had red circles in their eyes.

Daxia people are kind-hearted, especially those who face hunger.

The people of Daxia know how terrible hunger is. They have experienced hunger, how can they remain indifferent now?

Although I was touched when I watched the live broadcast before, but when I actually faced 15 million hungry people, I realized how terrible this era of hunger really is.

The real people are in dire straits.

This could have been the current situation in Daxia, but fortunately it did not happen in Daxia.

All the people in Daxia only felt that their previous efforts were worth it, but they also sympathized even more with these hungry European people. As ordinary people, what could they do wrong?

Even Lin Fan was a little touched, but only a little.

If anyone is destined to starve, it must not be Daxia.

An aunt looked at these skinny and hungry European people, her voice choked with sobs: "Where did this poor baby come from, oh... come, eat this."

He threw a steamed bun out of his pocket and threw it over.

This directly triggered looting, and the hungry and powerless European people seemed to gain strength instantly. Their survival instinct supported them and they fought with each other, with fierce eyes like hungry ghosts.


Several hungry people saw a little girl among the people of Daxia. The little girl was holding a candied haws in her hand.

"Food..." they murmured and walked over, reaching out to grab it.

Just like what their civilization is good at.


"Hey, I gave you food and you still want to take it from us?"

"Do you really think our kindness is easy to bully?"

"Don't look at us as students. If we take off our school uniforms, we are soldiers!"

"I taught you etiquette, justice and integrity, but it seems you still haven't learned it! Let's start the class!"

"Brothers, beat him!"

"Sword formation!"

There was no need for the surrounding soldiers to take action. Several Daxia people roared instantly, majestic swords soared into the sky, strong men carried tigers on their backs, and books were like bricks!

All the people in Daxia have been practicing cultivation for a long time. Now this year, everyone is working hard, exercising, eating and drinking, and practicing with nothing to do, and their realm has improved very quickly!

What's more, they are all physically strong.

Facing these hungry European people who are almost too hungry to stand up, I am afraid they can be beaten to death with just one punch!

Fortunately, several members of the God-Slaying Army immediately came to break up the fight and stopped everyone, so the fight stopped.

But I have to say that humans do have great potential when they are hungry.

One of the hungry people was stunned in the lightning flash, threw himself on the ground, picked up a piece of banana peel, put it in his mouth, chewed it, and swallowed it with a look of enjoyment.

"Be honest, where do you think this is! This is Daxia!" Brenda burst out with thunder.


, reprimanded in a cold voice: "If you cause trouble in Daxia, I can't help you!"

"You have to be grateful as a person, you know, Daxia has helped us so much, without them you would have starved to death!"

Lin Fan also said: "Everyone, please bear with me, I know you are very hungry!"

"But as long as you complete the task, Daxia will provide you with all kinds of food! The kitchen is already cooking!"

Lin Fan waved his hand, and bowls of food were immediately sent to the city wall for the refugees to watch from a distance.

The hungry people's eyes widened in an instant. Looking at the strong and powerful people of Daxia, who even had high levels of cultivation, they all became well-behaved. .??.

A truly hungry person is willing to do anything for the sake of his stuttering, and he will do as he is told.

And the main reason is that they can't do anything else... Those Daxia people are all strong and cultivated... They can only be obedient.

"Come, let me take you through a drill first. Shout with me," Lin Fan said, "Please ask the gods to save us!"

"Please God save us!"

"Please give us food!"

"Please give us food!"

"Great God, save us! Our land is barren! Please teach us how to farm!"


These hungry people shouted so sincerely that some even cried when they recalled their hunger during this period.

Lin Fan nodded, yes, this is a good response.

"Fellow compatriots," Lin Fan looked at the Daxia people under the city wall, "Don't feed them. I know that we Daxia people are very kind and cannot see others starving, but God needs to see them hungry."

"Also, please leave now and don't leave anything behind."

"The god is coming soon. From now on, no one is allowed to appear in the sight of the god. All members of the God-killing Army will be on alert and isolated!"

"You can watch the follow-up situation through TV."

"Also, you can prepare some firecrackers to welcome the gods together!"

Naturally, the people had no objection to this and said one after another: "Yes!"

"Then let's go!"

"Haha, I can't wait. I have prepared firecrackers a long time ago and am just waiting for the gods!"

"I really want to greet them here, they are helping us farm...forget it, let's go, let's go home."

The strong people of Daxia left one after another and stepped on the accelerator to go home.

Lin Fan turned around and said to the gods of Daxia: "As for you and the warriors, keep a secret watch, but don't show your face! Just hide in the city wall and prepare to encircle it. Once you take action, start fighting directly. But if you don't take action, don't do it.

Observed by the god of agriculture."

The gods of Daxia nodded one after another, returned to their dormitories, and stood by the window with suppressed breath, watching.

In order to prevent detection, these windows are equipped with one-way glass and are even blessed with Taoist talismans.

Starry Night, Gongshu Ming and other gods of Daxia who were good at concealment quietly scattered outside the southern Great Wall, forming a faint encirclement.

Lin Fan turned around and covered the last bright flag behind him with two white flags depicting wheat seedlings symbolizing harvest.

At this moment, Daxia has completed all disguises!

The Great Summer, which had sufficient food and faced the gods, temporarily disappeared, and was replaced by the Great Winter, which suffered from hunger and famine, experienced despair and pain, had given up its dignity, and welcomed the gods with all its heart and was loyal to the gods!

"Everyone, get ready for the welcome!"

"I will lead the god of agriculture and come to accept it!"

Lin Fan picked up the walkie-talkie and said.

The soldiers laughed and said: "Don't worry, Commander-in-Chief, we are ready to welcome you!"

"When people come to help us farm, we will definitely welcome them and be loyal to them!"

"But if they don't cooperate..."

"First fire, the Arrow Army is ready!"

"The flight group is ready to take off at any time!"

"The God-Slaying Army is ready and ready to charge at any time!"

#Every time verification appears, please do not use incognito mode!

r> "Moyinmen is ready!"

"The Xingyi Gate is ready!"

"The medical poison is ready!"

"The God-killing Mecha is ready!"

"The Great Xia Cavalry is ready!"

At this moment, Daxia seems to be welcoming, but in fact it has entered a state of war!

Lin Fan nodded: "In a word, if they are obedient, we welcome them. If they don't cooperate, then we will start a fight!"


Lin Fan pressed the button on his chest.

Just a moment.


Space fragmented.

at the same time,

Among the Allied Forces of the God Realm, under the setting sun, Young Master North, who was kneeling in front of the palace of the Aoki Temple, slowly stood up.

He strode towards the temporary palace of Aoki Temple.

At the palace gate, the girl's eyes widened with excitement, but when she saw the young man approaching, she exclaimed: "Don't come close!"

next moment.


A wooden dragon slammed into the young man's body, and the azure glory dimmed instantly, and he fell back hundreds of meters.

A twelfth-level senior Aoki elder stood in front of the door and said in a deep voice: "Young Master North, the Lord God has ordered that you are not allowed to enter the Aoki Temple Palace. Please don't embarrass your subordinates."

Young Master North wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, gritted his teeth and said: "I want to see Xiao Qingmu, you want to stop me?"

He said, rushing inside again.

Elder Qingmu looked embarrassed. He did not dare to seriously injure Young Master North. Although it was ordered by the Lord God, both the Lord God and the Young Master were important figures!

Seeing that Young Master North was about to enter the Aoki Temple.



A thousand-meter-long green wood dragon burst into the air and directly knocked Young Master North away for a thousand meters.

Lord Qingmu walked out of the hall, glanced at Young Master North coldly, and said coldly: "I have made an agreement with the God King that my daughter will marry Young Master Zhou Nan tomorrow night!"

"Young Master North, don't be ungrateful! Xiao Qingmu is already Zhou Nan's person!"

"I'll fight with you!" Young Master North rushed over like a madman.

"Hmph. Don't think that with Poseidon's backing, I won't dare to hit you!"

Lord Aoki snorted coldly and waved his hand again.


The soil shattered, and wooden dragons rose up from the ground, biting Young Master North together, and rushed him far away.

"Young Master North!" Xiao Qingmu's eyes were about to burst.

"Noisy! What do you care what he does! Tomorrow night, you will be the wife of the next young master of the God Realm!" Lord Qingmu glared at Xiao Qingmu, slammed the door, and blocked the door with wooden dragons.

"You stay here now, and you are not allowed to leave even half a step!"

"Mother, you..." Xiao Qingmu's eyes turned red.

"Don't ask me." Lord Qingmu said coldly: "What's so good about Young Master North? I'm doing this for your own good. After you wait, you'll know what the words God King's Lady mean!"


One by one, the wooden dragons bit the wooden dragon tightly, and took the young master North all the way out of the God Realm Alliance, and smashed him down somewhere in the lawless land.

Young Master North panted heavily and struggled to climb out. A figure had been waiting for a long time.

"I've met the master." Young Master North knelt on the ground stiffly and coldly, as if he had instantly turned into a machine.

Lin Fan stretched out his hand.

Young Master North held down his face, his face squirmed, and his face was torn off, turning into a strange mask.

At the same time, the glory faded, and "Young Master North" revealed his true form, a dark shadow.

Lin Fan took the young master and pressed it on his face. The blue glory lit up again, and his long hair swayed on his shoulders, elegant and noble.

"It's time to meet Demeter, the god of agriculture."

"She must be happy now."

This chapter has been completed!
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