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Chapter 118 Thunderstorm

 The next day, outstanding alumni who were going to participate in the exhibition arrived one after another.

Fang Yi was dragged to receive him.

Chen Jianbin and others were already here last night, and those coming today include Duan Yihong, Jin Dong, etc... The actress is from the International Chapter, and she was the last to arrive.

Because he and Fang Yi had different opinions in class and refused to compromise, Zhao Lixin, who finally got there step by step, was also present. He found Fang Yi:

"I admire you. You are different from other students... you can learn it as soon as you are taught. You may... be able to learn it yourself without having to teach yourself. Just because you are good and successful does not mean that they can succeed."

"I said that the dialogue education in China is rubbish. Don't believe a word in the textbooks. I was not wrong. I still say that now. I tell you, it is rubbish, bah!"

Because he was no longer a teacher at Yangxi Opera, as soon as Zhao Lixin appeared in front of Fang Yi, there were security guards from the school to maintain order, and classmates who rallied around Fang Yi to block Lao Zhao.

As for Lao Zhao, he still dresses very stylishly, his beard and hair are neatly trimmed, and he doesn't have that sense of decadence that has gone away.

Literary disputes often follow the simplest methods, such as using old boxing.

Now Fang Yi's classmates were planning to do this, but unfortunately, they were dissuaded.

The reason why Lao Zhao didn't show off the down-to-earth attitude of Riba people and is now engaged in a cheerful and verbal argument with Fang Yi is because his small body can't defeat young people.

He thought that Fang Yi was going to make a red-hot and professional declaration, but Fang Yi said, "I know there is some truth in what you said, and line education needs to be reformed, but I also know that you don't really care about line education, you are just here to show off.

Come step on us...don't say you don't have it, actors are very sensitive to emotional expression, I know what you were thinking at the time."

Zhao Lixin said, "What am I going to argue about? That's what I mean. I'm here to show off and step on. The treasures of the film and television industry are in movies, and the treasures of movies are in commercial blockbusters. Fang Yi, China's film industry is being beaten day by day.

After being defeated, the Radio, Film and Television Director tried his best to organize a domestic film protection month, and stole the box office from Hollywood films. After a year, he is still far inferior to others, what is there to be surprised about..."

Zhao spat, "I think the same as some people in the Republic of China. Our industry has become like this, so we should abolish the existing system inherited from the Soviet Union and fully accept the West. We are already rotten.

, it’s not worth keeping a shred of! I’m not just talking about the lines, I’m talking about everything!”

These words were too serious. Zhao was enjoying the cordial greetings from the scholars, but his face accidentally touched someone else's fist.

"Stop hitting~Stop hitting~"

The female classmates watching the battle exclaimed.

While Zhao Lixin was being held down and struggling hard, he was still saying, "Even if you are a genius, so what? What do you think you can change? You have brought up your class, can you lead Yangxi? You

Now that you have started to lead the local opera industry, can you lead our industry? How powerful do you think you are?"

"International Chapter, Chen Jianbin... these alumni, are you qualified to be listed with them? It will be broadcast on TV tonight. If the ratings are not good, do you think you will not be scolded? And they, and a country's

Compared to a strong culture, what are they? They are nothing!"

Zhao Lixin couldn't finish what he said, so squad leader Bai Yu rushed out, gave him an elbow and said, "Teacher Zhao is tired, let's help him rest."

"I still want to say...I still want to say..."

Zhao Lixin shouted weakly.

This incident made everyone unhappy.

The school thinks that Zhao Lixin has lost his mind and gone crazy, and is afraid that he will say some shocking things later, such as bringing Bibles to the students and preaching on the spot like Lu Liping did. This is a coquettish operation that the school cannot predict and will directly scare the students.

Urine school.

Therefore, Zhao Lixin can only participate in the programs that he has applied for. Once the program is completed, he will be blocked from the microphone.

Fang Yi is different. Not only can he turn on the microphone, but he can also go up and give the precious report that everyone wants.

After many students, performers, participating leaders and alumni were in place, the drama performance of "Thunderstorm" officially began in the magnificent North Theater.

The person responsible for the announcement and narration is squad leader Bai Yu:

"After lunch, the weather became gloomier and hotter. The low and humid air made people extremely irritable..."

Because it is a very classic play in the industry, everyone knows it well. Maybe it was performed ten or twenty years ago. Therefore, the leaders and alumni sitting in the front row did not pay full attention to the show.


Instead, they were chatting quietly with each other and connecting with each other.

There seems to be a gap between International Zhang and Chen Jianbin. As the two most awesome alumni at the scene, they didn't talk much.

Speaking of which, Lao Chen is more praised by male actors, but not by female actors. It's not because he likes to take advantage of others, but because he seems to be a bit too chauvinistic.

Jiji Zhang took the initiative to say hello to Fang Yi, "I heard from my friends that you are the most promising actor in our Central Theater Company. I looked up your information at that time and said, Fang Yi, you are so suitable for making movies.

come on……"

Speaking of this, Jiujiazhang looked at Fang Yi, stunned for a moment, and then smiled:

"Yangxi opera has not produced a particularly good actor in recent years. You can definitely be one. I thought so when I read the information. When I saw you in person, I completely thought so..."

Fang Yi noticed that Chen Jianbin's whole body was stiff.

It is not clear whether these remarks made by the International Chapter are sincere or just a courtesy from a senior.

Fang Yi watched the performance on stage for a while, feeling bored. He took Song Yi's commonly used camera and looked through it.

While watching, I compared it with the live performance on stage.

Generally speaking, an actor's performance is not as good as usual, just like a sprinter who cannot perform as well as he usually trains in a competition - only a very small number like Usain Bolt can ignore the psychological pressure of the competition and even turn it into motivation.

Fang Yi seems to be a competitive player too.

No, he is a cheating player.

There are so many videos in the camera that I can’t turn them over at once.

Fang Yi had never watched it before. Firstly, there were too many. Secondly, after he became a director, he knew that there was a big difference between the shots made by novices and experienced ones. The experienced ones could give the director the effect he wanted and even had their own style, while the young ones could

Bai is still in the stage of recording everything.

This kind of lens makes no sense.

He doesn't want to waste time.

And now, considering what Song Yi said yesterday, "Practice makes perfect," let's pass it by.

The first rehearsal was a homemade play by the class. Fang Yi was not present at the time, and Song Yi filmed it himself.

Fast forward, double fast forward, quadruple...

Nothing worth mentioning.

The second time... Fang Yi came back. He was recording underneath and told Song Yi to selectively shoot what he liked and not to shoot everything.

Song Yi has indeed made great progress. He tried to zoom in and give close-ups.


For some reason, one person's face always appears frequently.

the third time.

the fourth time.

Fang Yi joined the crew again at that time, and the videos Song Yi recorded were much more mature than the first time she recorded them, and her level rose rapidly.

The fifth time, Fang Yi came back.

the sixth time.

The most recent one was just yesterday. When Song Yi was not playing, she would come down to take the camera, and Fang Yi would sometimes go on stage to talk to other actors about how to handle the scene.

Whenever this happens, it's me in the camera.

Fang Yi sighed softly.

Volunteers from the school came to inform Fang Yi and other alumni, "Teacher Fang, you are getting ready to perform on stage. Now go backstage and we will install the microphone for you."

"We are classmates, right?"

The man insisted, "Teacher Fang."

Fang Yi followed several celebrity seniors to the backstage. The leaders passing by could not help but nod and say hello to them.

A queue was formed, which happened to be in the opposite direction of Song Yi's performance.

Although they are both performances, they are indeed not the same scene.

This chapter has been completed!
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