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Chapter 28 Zhang Jianing

 After leaving Ren Changhong's office and going downstairs, the rain that had just started became heavier, and the wind was not polite, driving away the body temperature. What can judge the strength of the wind are the pines and cypresses in the distance, the branches of this giant tree.

, unable to hold on even in the wind and rain, had to sway.

Fang Yi didn't bring an umbrella, and he didn't want to get wet in the rain, so he leaned on the sofa in the rest room on the first floor. There were also some students here to review their homework. Sometimes they would even review until dawn and sleep on the floor, such as on the sofa opposite him.

, there were books placed randomly. The weight of a small stack of papers could not support the tension of the book itself, and it closed automatically, revealing the cover. "Basic Techniques of Artistic Language for Actors" seems to be a course for sophomore year.

Fang Yi couldn't help but read it. The owner of the book should be very diligent and wrote a lot of notes on every page, but Fang Yi also wrote a lot; this kind of art book has many illustrations and blank spaces, which is convenient

What impressed him about recording was that almost every few pages, in the large blank space, there were often sketches of various objects, flowers and plants. This person was writing notes while listening to the lecture, and at the same time he was constantly doing his own thing.

Yangxi Opera is an art school. In addition to the acting department, there are actually students who study screenwriting, dubbing, directing, photography, etc... Many people have several specialties. For example, Fang Yi is also good at singing.

It's at a quasi-professional level, and now his voice acting is no worse than others; painting is nothing, but it's rare to do it so frequently.

"Under a mixture of sadness and joy, happiness and melancholy occupied my..."

Lines from Hamlet.

Maybe he is a senior who is rehearsing a drama.

The review of homework by the Central Opera students is different from that of ordinary students. They do not restrain their voices and act indifferently. They rehearse in ups and downs. The sound comes through the door in the corridor. The heating in the rest room is fully turned on. Fang Yi looks out the window in a daze, waiting for the rain.


In the closed space, there is the hum of the air conditioner, recitations in the corridors, and quiet exchanges between students; more and more rainwater slides on the glass windows, blurring the view outside the windows, and this window is originally a product of the last century.

, using immature smelting technology, the windows are not completely transparent, but light blue, containing impurities, and have poor light transmittance.

In the rain, Fang Yi seemed to see a slightly longer piece of grass emerging from under the pine and cypress trees.

The grass can actually move. It slowly rotates around the pines and cypresses. It was originally on the left side of the playground and slowly moved to the middle.

Are mushrooms growing on the grass? The fungus crown is upside down.


It was a passerby. His umbrella was blown up by the strong wind.

He opened the window, and a sudden cold wind blew in, making his clothes wet. Looking back, even the "Basic Techniques of Artistic Language for Actors" that he had just opened seemed to be stained with a few water drops. Fang Yi was surprised and turned

There was only a gap in the window, and he brought the textbooks over again. Sure enough, some of them were wet. He could only wipe the plastic-filmed cover with his clothes, but there were one or two pieces inside that were stained with water, but there was nothing he could do.

The people outside the window can now be seen clearly. I don’t know if they are male or female - there are many thin figures with long hair in school. There are too many such people; that person’s umbrella was blown upside down by the wind, and he held the umbrella against the rain.

He folded his umbrella back to cover himself, as if he was looking for something; but soon, the umbrella was blown over by the wind. He reluctantly grabbed the umbrella and dragged it down, repeating the above actions, but it didn't work.

Fang Yi closed the window and ran up to find Ren Changhong, who was drinking tea and reading a novel, with his back to the door.

"Teacher Ren, let me borrow an umbrella."


Ren Changhong didn't even bother to turn around.

Fang Yi took the umbrella and was about to leave. Ren Changhong said, "You can just take it. I already have an umbrella and put it in the garage underneath. A student gave me one before, so I might as well give it to you directly."

"Thank you, teacher."

He dropped the words and ran out with his umbrella. At this time, it seemed that the rain was less than before. The Yangxi Theater was very small, and the distance between the pine trees and the teaching building was very short. As soon as he took a few steps out, he realized that

The man who braved the rain has disappeared.

So Fang Yi planned to go back to his residence and thought of the teaching materials that he accidentally got wet.

So many notes were written on it, so they must have been written carefully.

He returned to the rest room on the first floor, but it was still empty. There were other pens on the table where the "Basic Techniques of Artistic Language for Actors" textbook was placed. Fang Yi picked it up and identified it as a mechanical pencil, which was behind the cover of the textbook.

On the name page, he wrote, "Sorry for getting a few pages wet."

"Zhang Jianing."

The owner of the book.

Male or female, probably female, but it's hard to say.

Isn't the word "yi" used by both men and women?

The rain outside the window gradually became lighter.

He thought for a while, then took the umbrella he took from Ren Changhong, a completely black, large-open men's umbrella, and hung it next to the sofa.

Continue to write: "I will give you an umbrella."


"Beauty" magazine.

The magazine's readers are mainly urban white-collar women and high-achieving young women. They focus on fashionable clothing. Today, when print media is in decline, it once bucked the trend and sold more than 100,000 copies. Although it cannot compare with larger magazines in the industry, such as "Baby"

"Sasha", the Chinese version of "Vogue"... But in the small areas of East and North China, it can also be regarded as a second-tier top-notch one.

"Beauty" benefited from the cooperation with "Telford" chocolate.

Mars Group, the parent company of "Telford", is a well-known foreign candy manufacturer with a family wealth of US$89.7 billion, ranking third in the world. Mars Group entered the country in 1989, and "Telford" was its sole proprietorship in the country.

Since then, it has become a leading brand in related industries in mainland China and continues to this day.

Mars has a lot of experience in TV advertising. They are keenly aware that its relatively high selling price is not suitable for children with low disposable consumption power, and they must change their mindset in China; so they target young people with a certain income.

Men and women; chocolate is gradually endowed with romantic, sweet and other elements. Ten years of advertising bombardment is bound to brainwash the audience.

"Every day of your wonderful life, you will be accompanied by virtue and happiness."

This coincides with the main users of "Beauty" magazine. Consumerism is like this. It always combines ordinary things with certain noble and rare values ​​​​in human beings. If you make a product, you will have it.

The illusion of value.

But this is also the charm of "fashion", deception.

The deputy editor of "Beauty", Zhang Yangbing, who generally likes to be called Barrie, returned from studying in France and believes in the philosophy of deception.

To deceive, you first need to meet people's psychological needs. To meet people's psychological needs, you must first meet people's physical needs.

The candidate for the female protagonist of the advertisement has been decided by the management of Mars Greater China. The audition for the male protagonist went through two rounds in total and received thousands of resumes, including video materials, etc. In Barrie's hands, only

There are more than thirty copies left, some of which have been contacted by the models themselves and additional information has been added.

Barrie doesn't want to see if there are any hidden gems in the rest of the crooked melons and cracked dates. What he wants to see are these real high-quality men.

This chapter has been completed!
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