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Chapter 338 Fang Yi and Voyager 1 (big chapter)

 The news about Fang Yi's new film is spreading more and more widely, and it is another film written, directed and acted by himself. Anyone who has the connections will inquire about this matter from the side, front, back and oblique angles.

This news also reached Liu Mi’s ears.

After filming today's scene, Liu Mi hid in her lounge.

What is she doing?

It has now become the norm to lie down and pay attention to Fang Yi's news.

She has been waiting for Fang Yi to be unlucky, but don't be too unlucky. If it is too unlucky, Liu Mi and him will become a couple in trouble - if Fang Yi is really willing and Liu Yifei gives her a chance again.

Obviously, this is impossible and Liu Yifei doesn't make any sense.

This is a large 16-page 128-page coated paper "China Screen". In November, Fang Yi was on the cover of the magazine because his movie won the Asian box office championship.

In December, the cover features three major guides.

In January, this is the magazine that was just released today. The headline on the front page is ""Let the Bullets Fly" becomes the biggest winner in the Lunar New Year, but 10 years is the year of Fang Yi!"

There are obviously several movie stars, but the cover is the white and glowing Fang Yi.

Opening the magazine, a film critic named Yun Fei Yang wrote a review of all the roles played by Fang Yi in his career. In the final comment, Yun Fei Yang wrote:

"Every era will give birth to a superstar. I have been looking forward to a real superstar to stand up. I once put my hope in a few male stars who I was optimistic about, but they all made me unwilling. I knew that they could not become real superstars.

Superstars... national younger brothers, teenage presidents, or recognized screen heroes, they must be the common memories of one or two generations, the peak that later generations look up to... Luck, work and appearance are all indispensable..."

"I am like a devout believer, and I long for such filmmakers to appear. When I saw Fang Yi's short film for the first time, I realized that Voyager 1 had appeared in my life.

Departing from a small campus is like the Voyager 1 launched on September 5, 1977..."

Liu Mi wanted to continue reading, "Bang!"



That was agent Zeng Jia knocking on the door. "Mimi? Is it convenient for me?"

Liu Mi turned the magazine upside down and knocked it on the bed. She stepped down with her shoes and was about to open the door. She looked back at the magazine and found that it was Fang Yi on the back.

I'm speechless. Is there no one else in the world?

I don't want to look at him for a second, but everyone comes and asks me.

She had no choice but to jump on one foot and stuff the magazine under the pillow, and then rushed to the door. In the process, her toes hit the door, and she almost burst into tears, "Sister Zeng Jia."

Zeng Jia was startled and hugged her face, "Mimi, who bullied you?"


Liu Mi was limping and hopping with Zeng Jia's support.

Zeng Jia said, "The bed is so narrow and your things are everywhere." She spotted the pillow and was about to take it away.

Liu Mi jumped hard on her feet and sat on the pillow, "You... you sit next to me."

"You're so weird, Mimi, is it too hot?"

"My butt hurts too."

Zeng Jia showed a look of affection, then pursed her lips and became serious. She spoke very quickly:

"You are about to go to the capital to shoot promotional posters. This matter has been explained clearly to Yu Zheng. He also nodded and allowed you to do other things."

Liu Mi rolled her eyes, unwilling to give in to her toes, "That's it, let me take a break, I understand."

"No, there is another big thing, Mimi. I told Yu Zheng, and he said that he is willing to support it with both hands. As long as you can succeed, he will even borrow money to stop the crew until you finish filming."

"It's really amazing...what show are you talking about?"

"Have you heard about Fang Yi's new play? Now I'm looking for an actress. I don't know if he has settled on it. You can ask him. His script, his money, and his director are all true to his word.


"Mimi, our TV series is going to compete with Shi Shi's TV series. Frankly speaking, I don't know if we can win, and Yu Zheng doesn't know what to do. I think there is a high probability that we will lose.

Especially in the TV series, Fang Yi sang, which made them earn money... Yu Zheng originally planned to rush the filming and try to release it first - but, Mimi, if you can act in Fang Yi's movie, you know what, we won't

It’s so troublesome.”

Zeng Jia continued, "Moreover, Hunan Satellite TV will not argue with us, but will directly arrange the broadcast schedule. You are going to be the heroine of Hunan TV, Mimi, you are finally going to stand up."

However, after hearing these words, Liu Mi was not very happy and was unwilling to reply.

Zeng Jia already knew Liu Mi's temper very well. She held Liu Mi's face and said, "Mimi, this moment is not the other moment. Everyone is fighting for it. You don't get to the top by some weird way or just say it."

You will get it, what do you think? If you can not be rejected and delay for a while, it will be enough for our crew to hype up... Even if you are eliminated, you said that you refused Fang Yi's movie to act in the TV series, he

That person has a good temper, and he won't do anything to you even if he thinks about it."

"What kind of bad idea is this? Without Fang Yi, won't I be able to eat? I...I..."

Many images passed before Liu Mi's eyes, but nothing about Fang Yi's existence made her feel that she was not understood.

It was like the castle I had worked so hard to build on the beach was collapsed by someone. Then the person said with a smile, "Don't be angry, I'll give you a real one."

She ran to the farthest part of the beach to build a house again, and the man followed her again, "What are you building? This beach belongs to me too."

——Zeng Jia forced Liu Mi’s head to straighten and looked into her eyes, “Now it’s not about taking advantage of Fang Yiguang, it’s about a big director giving you a chance, and you have to take it. This is what you get as an actor.

Obligation... Frankly speaking, I was wrong about Fang Yi, and so were you."

Zeng Jia did not let Liu Mi defend herself, but immediately said:

"Is it because I look down on others? No, I knew from the beginning that Fang Yi would succeed, I just didn't know that he would be so powerful!"

"At first, I thought he was so good-looking, he would definitely become a representative of the idol group within two or three years, and many people would like him and be obsessed with him... He really did it, even better than I thought. You two are going to be a pair of fateful mandarin ducks.

, I don’t know who can come out first, but I soon learned that his acting skills are excellent..."

"Then I think he will be the number one actor of the younger generation. I have never seen anyone with both acting and appearance. I think he will dominate the TV industry. Maybe when he reaches a certain age, he will be the best in the film industry."

He can also become famous, a director will give him a chance, and the famous wall of Yangxi Opera will remember him, and then..."

Zeng Jia touched Liu Mi's face. Liu Mi no longer struggled, but listened intently. Zeng Jia's tone also became hard to conceal her excitement and regret.

"He became a director, then a famous director, and then perhaps the most powerful director. I was wrong. Maybe everyone in the world was wrong... You said Liu Yifei would know that he could

Is that so? I don’t believe she had such high expectations in the first place.”

"Should we compare ourselves to such a person?"

"That is meaningless. You must accept the fact that he exists. In the future, when you deal with people, there may be people who will bully you? You have to use him as a shield and your shadow, no matter how you escape

It's useless - why do you think Yu Zheng lets you film a commercial? Is he a despicable person?"

"It's because Yu Zheng saw you and him together. He doesn't know what kind of relationship you have. Mimi, I thought you wanted this!"

This long string of words was like the sound of a bell coming from a distant place, making it impossible to sleep no matter what. Liu Mi thought of the time she went to worship the Buddha that year, when she hit the bell with all her strength, and the sound

The sound filled the temple, and the monk looked at her in surprise, but thinking about it, it wasn't as serious as it was now.

Shishi was still very close to her at that time, so she covered her ears and shouted, "Mimi, why are you trying so hard? I can't hear you anymore."

Only Fang Yi looked at the two of them with a smile, and nothing surprised him.

He just stood not far away, standing behind you, as if silently watching your joke.

After finishing Liu Mi's psychological work, Zeng Jia left the room.

Liu Mi sat in a daze for a while and opened the magazine again.

Her fingers slid over the ink writing. The film critic said:

"Just like the Voyager 1 launched on September 5, 1977, after gathering all the achievements of human civilization at that time, the universe also came to help it. The gravity of the huge planet made it farther and farther away from me. I remember that it was once

Setting off from the earth, I saw its real existence. I thought humans were so close to it, but I didn’t know that it would actually go so far.

It flew out of the earth and moon, it flew out of Mars, it orbited Jupiter and Saturn and took the first close-up photos taken by humans, just like Fang Yi set the annual box office champion and single market champion in Asia... Finally, it gradually,

He gradually flew to the edge of the solar system, to the limit of our field of vision. From then on, every meter became my personal new world, and the path it took became my new understanding of the universe. So I can't help but admire him, and sincerely hope that

He carries my blessings and flies farther."

"Voyager 1 is now 16.7 billion kilometers away from me. It seems very far away, but the universe is very big, and there are still many unknown areas left for the aircraft. I'm afraid the same is true for 20-year-old Fang Yi. Humanity's understanding of the universe

Exploration and the exploration of the market by Chinese filmmakers are now one in my heart."

The magazine was closed by Liu Mi.


Close up.

Open again.

She had a little insomnia and couldn't describe what she was feeling.


Magic City.

Tissot's "ALS Charity Event 2010" is being held. Tissot rented a small beach and a total of two hundred fans were selected to participate in the event. The event lasted for five hours, starting at two o'clock in the afternoon and ending at seven o'clock.

There is a correspondence between the number of fans and the time schedule.

According to statistics, there are a total of 200,000 people with ALS in China. Their survival is very difficult. 90% of them will hardly survive more than five years. ALS is a very "young" disease and is listed by the United Nations.

It is one of the five major terminal diseases. From its discovery to the present, human beings have not established a very mature cognitive system. We do not know how to treat it properly, and current medical skills are unable to do anything about it.

Because this disease will attack the patient's motor nerves, it will cause the person's muscles to gradually atrophy and become weak, even to paralysis, and the body will feel as if it is frozen, so it is commonly known as "ALS".

What's worse is that it does not affect the patient's intelligence, memory and various feelings. Both the patient and his family can only watch everything happen and wait awake for the day they leave.

The organizer invited medical experts from Ruijin Hospital to give a lecture, and then spent an hour conducting a lottery. At five o'clock, Fang Yi and Liu Tianxian finally entered the venue.

Two hundred fans cheered fiercely and were called various names. Some people were so excited that they almost fainted. Neither Fang Yi nor Liu Tianxian liked to participate in commercial activities and rarely appeared on TV programs. Apart from movies, fans rarely watched

to their real person.

The host introduced: "They are indeed the most beautiful combination, and as you know, super! Mysterious! Do you know how much it will cost to have them appear together? Tissot has given a price of two million yuan...

...Be sure to remember the Tissot Le Locle 2010 model. It differs from the atomic clock by half a second on average every month. It is the pinnacle of mechanical clocks and represents the power of classics..."

small book booth

Liu Tianxian was frightened by the fan's voice. She covered her mouth and said, "It's so exaggerated. I won't be able to go out in the future."

Fang Yi: "It's because we can't go out together."

"Fang Yi, fortunately, I'm smart and bought a tent to set up early. We can have fun and pretend to go on an outing. If you don't mind, you can also bring my parrot and dog...


She opened her mouth wide and made a posture like a hungry tiger pouncing on food, "You definitely don't mind, right?"

Fang Yi shrugged, "It's up to you."

The interaction between the two made the fans even more excited. The cheers overshadowed the host's introduction. The host asked the audience to quiet down several times to no avail, and could only move the process to the next step.

Fang Yi and Liu Tianxian answered questions about watches on the stage. The media's cannons were aimed at them, and uu Reading www.uukanshu.com flashed the lights without stopping for a moment.

Fang Yi recited the manuscript prepared in advance: "The watch I have on my hand comes from a British GT racing driver... It keeps accurate time, and I think the price is very moderate for me. I wear it even in life..."

Liu Tianxian was a little more serious. She knew something about luxury goods and talked about the mechanical technology of watches.

After the interview, she asked Fang Yi in a low voice, "Hey, what a perfunctory answer."

Fang Yi said helplessly, "They are looking for spokespersons, not engineers."

"Strong words!"

“Sales volume proves everything, men’s watches are seven times more expensive than women’s watches.”

"You! You are using such forceful words! These are not the things girls are most particular about. We want to buy bags, okay?"

"It's a pity that Burberry's handbag spokesperson is hugo Fang."

"Who is hugo?"

"My English name."

Liu Tianxian's eyes widened quickly, "The Latin root of that word seems to have the meaning of reason and wisdom. It's really the same as yours. How did you think of it?"

"I caught it by drawing lots... At that time, Tissot was going to set up a billboard in Switzerland and asked me to write an English name. You know Sister Zhen is an elite at Communication University. She gave me a bunch of paper balls with written papers on them. I threw them up and picked them up.

The first one that arrived was hugo."

Liu Tianxian felt that this incident was very funny. It was beyond her expectation and she couldn't help laughing. Then she was obviously distracted. The host reminded her: "Feifei?"


She straightened up with a flushed face, "It's over, let my mother see it on TV and talk about me again. Fortunately, she is in the capital and won't be able to find me for a while."

Fang Yi's ears twitched, "Auntie didn't come?"

"My friend is here, my girlfriend."

Fang Yi: "I am willing to be generous to you in this matter."

This chapter has been completed!
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