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Chapter 39 Notice (1)

 The conference room allocated to "Raging China" is large and equipped with advanced equipment. No one has used it yet. Among them is the Sony VPL-DX15, a flagship projector that has just entered the mainland. Wu Zhijun noticed it and suggested that it be used to project


A new special program of "Agitating China".

There was a special smell of formaldehyde in the newly renovated interior, coming from all directions, but Xiao Lin felt that this smell was extremely beautiful, and it meant that it was brand new, new, and everything was good. He roughly looked at the furnishings in the room

, didn’t know it either, so thinking of the purpose of coming, he first asked the most conspicuous projector among them: “Can this thing play movies?”

Wu Zhijun said: "Of course."

Xiao Lin: "Will the picture be damaged?"

"Yes, I can't see it."

Wu Zhijun was obsessed with the indoor projection equipment. He explored it up and down, sighing in envy from time to time. After a while, he found that it was not related to photography, so he explained aggrievedly: "With the standard of the equipment we had when we were shooting, it was enough.


Because the conference room was so large and specially designed, Wu's voice had a faint echo.

As for shooting and releasing, they are two sides of the same coin, and the latter does not surpass the former.

Xiao Lin seemed to understand, but nodded, assuming a leadership posture: "We will change to better equipment in the future, because we are a professional column group, and the production level is on par with movies." He subconsciously moved to the waist of his jacket.

He took out a cigarette, but this time he held back and started smacking it in his mouth. He felt very unaccustomed to it and his mouth and tongue were dry. Instead, he lectured Wu Zhijun: "Brother Ang, don't smoke. We have discipline here."

"This is a public meeting room, not a private smoking room!"

Wu Zhijun was puzzled: "Of course."

"Then, let's show the movie," said Producer Xiao.

He patted the empty seat next to him. After thinking about it, he stretched his waist and took the picture across a seat.

Wu Zhijun then came over, sat down dullly, and commented: "My suggestion is not to cut it at all."

Xiao Lin: "Are you watching the movie first again?"

Wu Zhijun changed his mind: "I didn't."

Xiao Lin didn't pursue the issue and just raised her chin:

"It won't happen again."

In the film age, all the film's material reels could fill an entire room. Editors cut films in specific locations and had no conditions to change locations unless they moved the reels first.

In the digital age, film materials can be packed into small storage devices, but they are still required to be in a specific room with no internet access, otherwise there is a possibility of the film sources being leaked.

It is impossible for Wu Zhijun to watch it honestly in the editing room. He must be like ordinary people, making copies to enjoy nearby. If he went to repair his computer, the program would be completely ruined.

The first one is the animation of the "Agitating China" column group, with the words "Special Edition" added, and then it enters the micro-movie.


Xiao Lin felt that the throne was extraordinarily comfortable and couldn't help but take a deep breath of this precious, exclusive formaldehyde assigned to him by the organization. He subconsciously touched his pocket and held back again.


At the end of July 1993, Sun Tian knew that his college entrance examination score ranked 23rd in the local high school. He applied for marketing at the provincial capital university and did not listen to the teacher's instructions.

The teacher said: "Sun Tian, ​​you don't need to go to college. If it's not affordable, just apply for the Textile Department of our Institute of Light Industry. The Institute of Light Industry is a junior college. If you pass the exam, you will have a guaranteed job. You can work in a local textile factory and be assigned.

, you will become an urban worker and no longer a rural person. The teacher has helped many students fill out their applications and will not harm you."

Sun Tian said: "I want to go to college. After I graduate, I want to go to a southern city."

The teacher further advised: "Your performance ranking may not necessarily allow you to go to a university in the provincial capital, but if you go to a junior college, you have a better chance. The junior college will provide you with distribution, the factory will pay you wages, and you will get rice, flour, grain and oil during the New Year and holidays;

Your family situation is not good, and if you work in the factory, you are guaranteed, so you can go home and find a wife."

Sun Tian insisted: "I want to go to the south."

The teacher stopped trying to persuade him, so Sun Tian filled in the name of his favorite university.

The year before, the chief designer went south to give a speech. Many people heard it and passed it on to each other, but they didn't really know that Sun Tian hung the designer's portrait in his home and looked at it often.

Come out of the city of miracles.

This spring breeze gradually blew from the south into the central Henan Province, into the endless waves of wheat in his rural hometown, and into Sun Tian's heart.

Sun Tian is going to the south.

The college entrance examination is a long time for one to "cross the tribulation". When you receive the admission notice, it is the perfect time to put the sword back into its sheath: the protagonist's halo is added, all kinds of magic weapons are gathered together, and a new story line is started.

For some reason, just after filling in the application form, the relatives were more confident than Sun Tian, ​​and they were all sure of winning, as if they were the ones who had actually experienced the college entrance examination. The relatives held a celebration banquet in advance, took turns inviting Sun Tian to dinner, and introduced people:

"This is the backbone of our family."

Sun Tian really felt that he was successful. But as he gradually gained weight, he became more and more guilty. "If I don't pass the exam, I will eat and drink for free."

He didn't dare to think about the days when he failed to pass the exam, but he had to think about it. Sun Tian began to have insomnia and had random thoughts. Maybe the admission notice would come tomorrow, or maybe it would never come. After finally falling asleep, he dreamed that the notice hit his face.

I woke up suddenly, and there was no trace of anything.

Sun Tian was excessively anxious, and his family members also suffered from the same emotions. Several students received admission notices one after another, but none from Sun Tian himself. He became more and more envious and uneasy; Sun Tian heard that in their small place, there had been

Rural students missed registration at university because their notification letters were lost on the road. Whenever the postman passed by, Sun Tian would catch up and ask: "Have you received my mail? My name is Sun Tian."

"Have you received it?"

Sun Tian did not receive his notice after all.

In September, someone from his family went to the provincial capital to inquire about the list of freshmen applying for the college. There was no young man named "Sun Tian". As the days passed, Sun Tian gradually became depressed. He planned to repeat his studies. This was his only choice.

In anticipation, he told his parents the news, and they couldn't sleep well all night. They contacted relatives who had treated him to dinner and asked to borrow some money to help him.

When I was boarding at school, I paid five cents for a meat dish and two cents for a soup dish. But...

"Re-reading costs thirty yuan. Tuition and miscellaneous fees are additional." Sun Tian heard about this.

The family struggled to make ends meet. At my mother's place, my father injured his back while harvesting wheat for others and was treated at a health center in the village. Although the barefoot doctor suggested going to a large hospital in the county, the family could no longer afford to pay.

The wheat harvester became Sun Tian’s mother.

Sun Tian went to his mother to ask for money. His mother was crouching down in the field. His mother was not much thicker than wheat. His mother saw him, above the laces of his straw hat, a pair of tired eyes.

Eyes looked at him in surprise:

"Do you want money?"


"How much?"

"Just thirty yuan."

Mother took out her pocket and took out a crumpled roll of woolen bills, counting them with cracked fingers. The wind blew through the wheat, and her single coat fluttered, revealing her yellow shoulders. Her little hands could not hold so many pieces.

The money was about to leak out, so Sun Tian quickly helped her hold it, but he was shocked. He had not touched his mother's hand for a long time since he was an adult. He did not expect that his mother's skin would cut like wheat.

Sun Tian suddenly knelt down in the field, like the wheat his mother had cut down beside him.

"Mom, I don't want to study anymore. I'll go directly to the south to work."

His mother didn't say anything about this: "In the future, you can't kneel down to others."

This chapter has been completed!
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