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Chapter 481: Reinventing Hollywood

 Guo Fan couldn't make a decision at the time. This was a big deal for him. And he instinctively felt that this opportunity might be a hot potato, and Fang Yi was telling the truth.

What does "buy a plane ticket and leave" mean?

After the director's seminar was over, Guo Fan didn't bother to build personal connections. He went back to discuss it with his wife.

Guo Fan's wife is a master's student at Jiaotong University and works in the financial industry. Her financial situation was better than his for a long time after graduation. Generally speaking, men often go to see women in long-distance places. However, the situation is reversed here with Guo Fan. His wife often beats him up.

ran to see him.

The two started dating in high school, they were their first love, they survived the long distance, and now they talk about everything.

During the Republic era, Director Guo was provided with a small flat of 140 square meters near the capital. His wife also moved here. That night, he told the whole story and then asked his wife: "What should I do?"

His wife said: "12 years is the first period of training students?"


"Who are they?"

"I don't know, I'm still a mystery now. Director Fang means that he can help me get a spot. But no matter who gets in, I know that I will definitely be the least famous."

His wife was not happy: "Don't belittle yourself. Now tell me what your future is like in this matter. It sounds okay, but you have to pay a price. What is the price for you?"

"The price..." Guo Fan muttered, looking at the ceiling, "The price is "The Twelve Zodiac Signs", and I can't help with the following projects, so I have to give up my burden."

His wife was surprised: "Are you going to change the family?"

"That's not true. It's just that I can't help this year. Do you think I can find other people when I come back? I can't find anyone. The main reason is that the domestic established team is where I work now. I will study for half a year.

I’m afraid it won’t change much if I come back next year.”

After his wife listened silently, she suddenly said: "Director Fang will look down on you."


"They are not your parents. They wipe your shit and pee for you. Once you leave, it means that his plans will be disrupted. Although he does not delay others' progress or hinder others, you also said that this opportunity is still his.

I revealed it to you, but if you don’t care about what’s going on now, what will he think of you?”

"Also," his wife continued, "after this year, will you still be Director Fang's right-hand man when you come back? The Republic Era has only been open for three months. Didn't Lu Yang come here to join you? Others will come too, right?

.Isn’t this the entrepreneurial stage? When the development is at its fastest, you actually went to study abroad?”

Guo Fan sighed: "That's what I was thinking about, so I hesitated."

The couple sighed and didn't know how to deal with it. This matter essentially became a gambling choice. Either go for gold plating and you have to accept the opportunity to miss Fang Yi's next series of projects, or stay here and work.

Then the first-term Hollywood training session appointed by Movie Ju and China Film Group has nothing to do with you.

Choice! Life is full of choices. Guo Fan thought of the day when he quit his job in a public institution and decided to major in directing.

Should we pursue progress or grasp the present moment?

His wife couldn't give Guo Fan advice, and she never dared to give him advice. She could only say: "No matter which one you choose, if you are in trouble, I will start over from scratch. I will support you."

Guo Fan turned over and pulled up the quilt, choosing not to think about it, "I want to breastfeed."


The next day, Guo Fan took the subway and went to the video studio as usual.

Thanks to the efficient management system of the Republic era, people were put to their best use, and Guo Fan did not have to do everything himself. This team is actually a crouching tiger, hidden dragon. In recent years, various talents have joined in at the call of Director Fang. These This guy is not well-known outside, but he is a strong man in the industry:

Lian Kai, a native of Baodao, was once a well-known actor. Later, he became a special effects makeup artist behind the scenes. This job specifically refers to using technology and special materials to create various makeup effects, including age makeup and high-reproduction body parts. , plastic makeup, body painting, remote control dolls, animals. Fang Yi met him when he was filming "Seventeen Again" and later invited him to join the team.

Li Yang, the cartoon director of "The Adventures of Li Xianji", is also a guest screenwriter and props master in life. His style is dark and dark, and the stories of the protagonists in his works are often extremely bizarre and tortuous. Guo Fan has worked with him before.

Who else is Guo Fan himself?

He used to be one of these people, and he didn't think they were all that awesome. Today, he suddenly thought about it and realized that there were really a lot of talents in the Republican era.

If I go to study abroad... who among Gong Geer, Lian Kai, and Li Yang can't get up?

I started out as a director myself. I didn’t know anything about special effects before, but it’s all through practice. Times have made me a hero.

Gong Geer was more familiar with Guo Fan. When he saw him coming, he started chatting: "I heard that Director Fang returned to the company last night and saw a wax figure base in the lobby on the first floor, with his name engraved on it for everyone. Jing Yang, he got angry and called people over and lost his temper."

"Who did it?"

"It seems to be his agent."

Guo Fan was surprised and said: "Director Fang and his agent have a pretty good relationship. They have known each other since childhood and have supported each other..."

Gong Geer's plump face nodded solemnly: "You are right, but his agent made two mistakes. I will tell you directly without being too pretentious. The first one is that his agent should not be in charge of the film company's affairs. Son, this is called overstepping one's authority, and it doesn't give any clues; the other one is to put a wax figure base in the lobby on the first floor, which is quite low, isn't it? What do you think, it's a bit of a personality cult... The key is that Director Fang is still alive, where is he? I can stand this."

Guo Fan laughed loudly: "Is this a flattery?"

"That is."

"What about the wax figure?"

Gong Geer glanced at him and said with a smile: "You were absent-minded and didn't listen. I said that the wax figure hadn't been made yet, and his agent made a big show of vacating the place for the wax figure! As for what to do with the wax figure, I don't know.

.Doesn’t it mean that Madame Tussauds will be opened here in Beijing next year? Maybe it will be opened later.”

Speaking of this, someone came to inspect the nearby video studio. It was said that he was a great international director. The atmosphere was very grand, and the noisy sound reached Guo Fan and others through the window.

The recording studio is located in the Huairou Film and Television Base in Beijing. The property rights are owned by China Film Group Corporation. It was rented for a period of time during the Republic era. Originally, this place was not well-known. In the past two years, it has become famous. Domestic and foreign directors have come to visit one after another.

Avoid affecting the republican era next door.

This is a good thing. Hollywood also has film and television bases and film and television industrial parks. Sometimes two crews are filming in the same set at the same time. For example, there is a door here, a romance movie on this side of the door, and a romance movie on the other side of the door.

Secret agent shootout movies...sometimes when the shooting is so immersive, actors from both sides accidentally enter each other's set.

Gong Gere quickly found out the news: "The person who came to visit this time is Chen Kexin. Do you think he is a great director?"

Before he could answer, Gong Geer said: "Forget it."

"What is he here for?"

"Why are you always absent-minded? Guo Fan, I already told you to come to visit."

Guo Fan suddenly realized: "Oh, I'm waiting to receive him, he will definitely come to our side."

Chen Kexin is a director from Hong Kong. Since the decline of Hong Kong films, a large number of Hong Kong directors have gone north to co-produce in search of mainland investment and market. Chen Kexin is the representative of the northbound group. His work "Martial Arts" released last year received money from Star America, and Star America is Fang Mei.

The investor of Yi Virgo's "Love Has an Afterlife".

Those who come to visit have seen the world to some extent, and will soon lose interest in the empty video studio. Instead, they ask if they can see the filming set of "Twelve Zodiac Signs", and they usually get a yes.

Sure enough, before long, someone from China Film Group came to inform Guo Fan: "Director Chen wants to see our video studio."

Guo Fan then ran to introduce himself: "My name is Guo Fan, and I am currently the deputy director of "Twelve Zodiac Signs." When Director Fang has something to do, I will be in charge of liaising with him."

Chen Kexin didn't know him, so she smiled politely and didn't raise her hand - what kind of position is an assistant director? Anyone can be a talent. Maybe he's a talent waiting for an opportunity, or more likely it's bullshit.

Accompanying Chen Kexin was Secretary Jiao, Han Sanping's confidant. He nodded: "Director Guo and Director Fang have a very good relationship. They opened a film company together."

Chen Kexin raised her eyebrows: "That republican era?"

"That's right~ Director Guo has his own studio, which dates back to the Republican era. The two of them have collaborated on several films. Even though Director Guo looks young, he has quite a lot of experience."

Chen Kexin then stretched out her hand: "I didn't expect that I would meet a young director casually. Mainland China is really a place like Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon... Speaking of which, I had a friend who we worked with, and he also came to Director Fang.

He came. I couldn’t persuade him. He made up his mind to leave. I had to get together and relax and recommended him to come to Director Fang. He really didn’t come back... Actually, when I thought about this, I also wanted to see him.

See who it is."

Guo Fan unexpectedly asked: "Who is it?"

"Lu Yao, do you know him?"

Lu Yao, why don’t you know Lu Yao!

Sister Zhen’s closest enemy has worked as a producer and supervisor. Talents with thorough business knowledge are rare in agencies.

Chen Kexin noticed Guo Fan's expression and smiled: "I know Lu Yao is also somewhat famous. After all, he is capable. You all know him here! It's a pity that I can't keep him."

Next, I called Guo Fan's name and asked him to take Director Chen around.

The 5,000-square-meter super video studio can no longer be walked quickly by human legs, and it can't be seen at a glance. Guo Fan took people to the workbench. There are a total of nine monitors here, covering most of the video studio.

Area. In the monitor, different people are busy in different areas. Everyone has a number, and the costumes of different groups of staff are also different. There are more than 300 people in the entire studio, each performing their duties.

Like a land aircraft carrier, there are operating personnel, maintenance personnel, safety observers, mobile and wheel blockers, explosive ordnance disposal personnel, medical personnel...

Chen Kexin was shocked when she saw it and was speechless.

What’s so awesome about concrete? What’s awesome is people.

After a while, he said: "I have visited the mainland production crew many times, and they have always introduced me to what equipment, what hardware, and what city to build. This is yours... This is the first time I have seen this kind of management. I

It’s the first time I’ve seen him in mainland China.”

"Have you met Director Chen in Hollywood?"

"I've seen it before. I went to Hollywood to test the waters before. I made a movie at DreamWorks Pictures, also called "Love Letter", which collided with your boss's movie... I found that the big studio system in Hollywood is indestructible.

, the distribution system has been engraved into the DNA like a troll, making it difficult to make changes and suffocating the director's creativity, so I came back."

Guo Fan pondered and asked: "Director Chen, you mean that you have come back and tried it, but it is different from Hollywood and different from the original Hong Kong movies?"

"You can say that. I filmed with Japanese, Koreans, and Thais... Do you know that the 1990s was the time when Hollywood was at its strongest, and it was also when other parts of Asia were seeking the most intense change?

, I wanted to create a pan-Asian model to resist and bring together Asian filmmakers... As everyone knows, I failed, and they basically failed too."

"In 2003, the mainland and Hong Kong signed the CEPA agreement. After all my efforts came to nothing, I decided to go north for development."

It should be said that when any big boss reaches a certain level, he starts to engage in directional things in order to leave his name in the history of the industry. There are not many people like Zhou Xingxing who can only focus on making money.

Even Wang Jing joins in the fun, at least he is indispensable for various copyright seminars.

Guo Fandao: "How many years is the difference between Asia and Hollywood?"

"At least fifteen years."

"Then we're not even worse off?"

"What I'm talking about is your level... From what I've seen so far, you are the most professional crew I've seen in Asia. As for the others? Thirty or forty years behind, or you haven't even started yet? This

Who knows."

Guo Fan was so excited that he blushed and experienced an emotional transition from trough to peak, "I don't know whether I should be happy or sad."

But Chen Kexin said: "I know why Lu Yao gave up and never came back. People go to higher places, and water flows to lower places...I am not belittling myself. Fang Yi has successfully built a complete system after making several movies. This approach I

I can’t afford to play it, it’s very risky.”

Guo Fan asked: "Would it be better to go directly to Hollywood to study?"

"How could it be? Didn't you go directly to Hollywood to make movies? Mainland China has you Chen Kaige, Hong Kong has me and Wu Baige... Is it possible that when you come back, you are completely different? No, it's not just one or two people who support Hollywood.

Director, but the three, three, four, kings and five in the monitor, where are these people and where is 'Hollywood'."

Chen Kexin said: "I failed before because I only thought that co-directing could make things happen. Obviously I was wrong."

Guo Fan felt like he was enlightened, and he suddenly understood in his heart: Hollywood is actually by my side.

This chapter has been completed!
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