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Chapter 588: Wait for your spirit

Chapter 588 Wait for your spirit

Sure enough, the old comrade was very satisfied: "How is your special effects technology? How far has it been achieved now?"

Fang Yi said: "Asia is the most advanced, and some can keep up with Hollywood, but overall, the gap with them is at least ten years."

The old comrade was quite surprised: "Is it so different?"

"This is already a very optimistic statement." Fang Yi did not explain the technical details. In fact, in his opinion, the difference may be thirty years, but he did not say so.

Guo Fan explained for him: "The current special effects technology is like this...Hollywood is the only one that is strong. After the next level is left, it will be the turn of other film markets, such as Europe, Japan, and now we have it. We have just barely managed to make it in terms of technology." To catch up, in fact, we are still technically inferior to Europe and Japan, but our application is worse than theirs, because we have a larger market. If the trade continues, the gap may be narrowed in the future."

Fang Yi nodded and said: "Our team has an independent special effects technology company. This company now has a diverse staff. There are Germans, Canadians, French... all of them. Why can we recruit these people? The salary is as high as one

On the other hand, they really have no place to use it. Science fiction films are big investment projects, and it is easy to lose everything."

The old comrade asked: "Can I see your other latest projects?"

Of course Fang Yi and the others introduced "The Wandering Earth".

It is said that the old comrade is a science fiction fan and has read some science fiction novels represented by "The Three-Body Problem", but after all, it is just a rumor.

They started from the story and tried to reduce the awkward terminology as much as possible, "The Wandering Earth" is adapted from a domestic science fiction story. One year, the sun will go out and can no longer provide energy. Human beings on the earth will be divided into digital lifers and wanderers.

The Earth Faction, a group that requires everyone to be converted into data and stored in a dedicated server, which means they can be resurrected in some kind of machine..."

"The other is to wander with the earth, which is more like the perspective of us Chinese, right... It's hard to move away from my homeland, so I have to take my home with me."

The old comrade pursed his lips and said, "It sounds very imaginative. I haven't read your story carefully, but I seem to have an impression when I mention it. You said it embodies Chinese people's concepts? Very good! The movie we made needs to be

We have our own characteristics, don’t always copy American things!”


In fact, there is a Hollywood science fiction film to be released in 2013 called "Gravity". It is the work of Mexican director Alfonso Cuarón. The internal test screenings are currently very good. The film has not been released yet, but it is very famous in the industry.

Because almost the entire film was shot in a confined space, and the entire process only took about two months.

If this film does not die suddenly and the audience cannot see the flaws, it may lead to a small technological revolution in film shooting. Hollywood compares this shooting mode to "Avatar" and considers it a new exploration.

Is it really a new exploration?

This is because the mainland film market does not yet have world-class influence, so it does not have the right to speak.

Fang Yi's previous filming of "17 Again" included a flood scene shot inside a shipping container, as well as a domestic simulation of the Nasdaq bell building. This was essentially the same idea as the Mexican director's idea for this film. In total,

The plot of more than half an hour with full special effects is not short either.

If Fang Yi were a white American, he would definitely be praised as a technological creator. Unfortunately, he is in a weaker film market than Hollywood.

In this regard, Fang Yi has indeed brought domestic technology applications to the forefront of the world. After the news of "Gravity" came out, many people within the company suddenly remembered that Director Fang was indeed foresight and that Director Fang was truly talented.

Today, he is truly more representative of the direction of mainland cinema than veteran directors such as Zhang Yimou and Chen Kaige.

They are completely from two eras.

Of course, "Gravity" also has the so-called cultural philosophy of the Mexican director. For example, it is rumored that the director asked the movie to give pictures of the earth, and more green land pictures, rather than ocean pictures. For example, the director asked the female lead to emerge from the lake like a fish.

Climbing to the beach and saying "Thank you", why was it photographed like this? Because it wanted to express the process of organisms coming from the ocean to land, and to express the meaning that the earth is the cradle of organisms.

Mexicans want to express Mexican culture, and Chinese directors of course also express Chinese culture, which is condensed in the director's personal style expression.

The old comrade was really interested in science fiction. Maybe those rumors were not false. He then enthusiastically asked to see various "future technologies" on the set of "The Wandering Earth": planetary engine miniatures, all-terrain mining vehicles, and removable combat vehicles.

The auxiliary device... is a feast for everyone's eyes, and they can't help but get started.

"Why is it decent? Because science fiction is not pure fantasy, so the props we make look like things that will appear in human beings in a few decades. It conforms to the evolution trend of technology and has the current design aesthetics." Fang Yi


Old comrades like it very much.

The attraction of big toys to men is fatal. The guards' eyes occasionally stayed on the big toys, showing surprise.

What proves that you are still a teenager?

It is said that Zhang Mazi once got a bamboo pole of suitable length and extremely flat by chance. He liked it very much. For a period of time, he kept it on him every day and showed it off to everyone he met. Even if other friends came to ask for it, he would not give it to him.

This cannot be changed.

Fang Yi began to summarize the benefits of making science fiction movies. Based on historical facts, the old comrade felt that what he said made sense.

Fang Yi said: "Movies are a representative of cultural soft aggression in peaceful times. If we can't produce good works, we have to spend more resources elsewhere to offset this impact. As a mass cultural consumer product, it

At some point it was very influential."

A magic weapon for the early development of the Turkish Communist Party was "local movies". They arranged some social dramas themselves and invited the folks in the base area to watch them. Through these social dramas, they could properly convey their own ideas and complain for the common people.

When Japan occupied the three northeastern provinces, the Chinese were allowed to do business and industry, but they were not allowed to engage in broadcasting, newspapers and movies. If caught, they would be shot. They made a series of Japanese-friendly films to promote slavery.

We are now a peaceful society, at least there are no large-scale wars between major countries, but the cultural wars have not stopped for a moment.

Southern newspapers always say, "Chinese, walk slower, please let your material legs leap and wait for your spirit..."

We will not discuss whether these views of Nanfang Daily are right or wrong, but in the first decade of the 21st century when the economy was developing rapidly, it represented a trend of public opinion.


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