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Chapter 71 One less incense stick

 We've said it many times, but we'll say it again.

The constant activity of an actor is nonsense.

Whether they went to Prince Gong's Mansion, the Grand Garden, or Soong Ching Ling's former residence, the two girls kept chatting along the entire road.

Fang Yi paced with his hands behind his back. He did not regard this as a man's luck. On the contrary, what Lu Xun said:

I just think they are noisy.

This situation was slightly different when I arrived at Guanghua Temple.

Guanghua Temple was built around the Yuan Dynasty. It has passed through several dynasties and has been passed down to this day. It is the seat of the Buddhist Association in the capital and often holds ritual activities. Once inside, it is like a maze. With pilgrims as guides, it looks more solemn and solemn than other places.

When Fang Yi and the others arrived, there happened to be something going on.

On weekdays, only the first courtyard of Guanghua Temple is open to the public. People can only go to the Tianwang Hall. The second, third courtyard and side courtyards are not open to the public. On this day, all courtyards of the temple are open for 5 days.

The monks hid the "Tourists Stopped" sign and replaced it with a ritual notice to welcome the public to participate in the grand event.

There are gray and yellow robes everywhere, and they are pilgrims and monks from all over the world. After becoming an actor, even if it was only for half a year, Fang Yi rarely went to places with such dense crowds. He was afraid of being recognized, so he had to pretend to be enthusiastic.

Not to mention Liu Mi.

She took a deep breath, feeling relaxed and extremely happy.

No one called their names, and no one looked at them. In front of the Buddha statue, I am afraid that only if you really like it, you can't help but think about others and do disrespectful things.

Shishi said, "My name was not originally like this. I also hired someone to figure it out at that time and said that I should change my name so that I can become famous."

Liu Mi asked, "I don't know if you still have this thing or how long it took you to change it."

"2004. But..." Shi Shi said with a smile, "It's been five years now, and I haven't found anything popular yet."

Liu Mi comforted her, "Maybe you made the right change, but you just came late. In fact, it doesn't matter if it's earlier or later."

Hearing this, Shi Shi lowered his head and thought for a while, then raised his head and said seriously, "For me, it may be earlier or later, it doesn't matter, I really don't care; but for a character like yours, Mimi, maybe

Come earlier or come later, it will be completely different in the future. Because you and I are different."

Liu Mi went to scratch Shi Shi's nose, "Really? I don't believe it."

Shi Shi hesitated and said, "You don't want the day to come to the letter."

"——Fang Yi, do you believe it?"

Liu Mi asked.

"What to believe?"

"Believe... hmm?" Liu Mi glanced at the Buddha statue. She held her chin to look at people, no, at the Buddha statue. She looked very arrogant, but it was kind of cute for her to do these things.

Fang Yi smiled and shook his head. He didn't believe in Buddhism, but there was no need to say it to ruin the scenery on such an occasion.

Liu Mi thought he was afraid of offending the statue, "Fang Yi, you are a coward."

Fang Yi doesn't care.

In the melodious sound of Sanskrit chants, three masters presided over the ceremony. In the solemn and solemn hall surrounded by incense smoke, the monks recited Buddhist scriptures.

"I heard that at one time the Buddha was in the country of Savatthi, in the Garden of Solitude, with a group of great bhikkhus, one thousand two hundred and fifty people..."

Tourists lined up in a long line, divided into three columns, to kneel before the futon and burn incense.

The three of them were all affected by this scene, and they lined up in line in unison.

Liu Mi said, "Fang Yi, stand in the middle. You are a big man and we are all little girls. You have to watch us and don't get squeezed away."

When Shi Shi heard this, his ears turned red immediately. He couldn't help but raised his head and glanced at Fang Yi.

This man is obviously taller than the people around him. There is nothing awkward about him getting along with us. Although he is not very famous yet, if he has a little better luck, he will have a bright future in the future.

After all, he is really talented as an actor.

Then I saw Liu Mi talking to Fang Yi, her eyes constantly shining. It was rare to see her so happy.

Shi Shi sighed slightly in his heart.

My little sister seems to be trapped.

——Although it looked like the three of them were standing side by side, that was not the case. After waiting in line for more than an hour, when it was Liu Mi’s turn to burn incense, she deliberately refused to go or go back, letting the next person come.

She said, "Fang Yi, Shi Shi, we have to go together. I'll wait for you first."

Shi Shi said, "If I were in front, I wouldn't dare to do such a thing. It would be disrespectful."

Although the tourists didn't like what Liu Mi did, they didn't say anything when they saw that she looked like she was bowing wrongly.

By chance, Fang Yi and Shi Shi were actually together.

Each person took three sticks of incense.

"What wish do you wish for?" Liu Mi asked.

Shi Shi immediately replied, "You can't ask others if you can't tell it. It is said that if you tell it, you are not sincere, and if you are not sincere, it will not work."

So Liu Mi looked at Fang Yi, but he didn't say anything.

Liu Mi asked for trouble and knelt down on the futon first, and the other two people quickly knelt down as well.

——I hope that this person can become popular and that he is worthy of me. Then he will be brave enough to say that he likes me, but he should not be too popular, otherwise I will be bullied, and I can't stand it.

Also, let me become famous as soon as possible. I don’t dislike Fang Yi. It’s okay not to be famous. I will support him. I will be a strong woman.

Thinking of this, Liu Mi suddenly opened an eye and aimed at Fang Yi.


He was truly completely focused.

Damn it!

Lord Buddha, I have one more thing to tell you. I invested three sticks of incense and now I wish to make three wishes. It’s fair. Don’t blame me for asking for too much. I’ll give you more money for the incense later.

Thirdly, I want to ask you, will he agree to me if I ask him immediately? Give me a reaction, I am very smart and know what you mean.

[You can’t say it out loud... If you are not sincere, you will not be effective]

Suddenly I remembered Shi Shi's words.

Liu Mi was also cautious. She originally wanted to recite it silently, but she was afraid that she would make a mistake. She organized the words in her mind, listed every item, and read each word out loud in her heart.

She knelt down three times and put the incense on it. At this moment, Liu Mi suddenly thought, ah, I still have a question I haven't asked yet.

I have Mercury retrograde this year, and I don’t know how it will develop in the future. I want to wait until it stabilizes, and then I can ask Fang Yi openly. This way I won’t appear weak or impatient, and let him look down on me and manipulate me. I am

If you think so, is it too late?

But there is no fragrance anymore!

Lord Buddha, do you have anything to say to me? I will kowtow to you.

The other two had already gotten up. The next tourist was about to get on the futon, but Liu Mi jumped back inexplicably, kowtowed once, and knocked out of the futon with a sigh.

At this moment, the temple bell rang:




It's like hitting someone's head, making a buzzing sound that makes people very uncomfortable.

She got up, almost fell, rubbed her head, but deliberately blamed Fang Yi and Shi Shi, "You guys got up so fast."

Shishi said, "I am very nervous on such occasions, fearing that if I am not sincere, the Buddha will punish me instead."

Liu Mi comforted, "He won't be so stingy. If you are really worried, give him some incense money later and plate him with some gold. He will wear more luxurious clothes and he won't be angry with you."

Shi Shi laughed softly, "How can I do this... Let's leave quickly. Look, someone is taking pictures. He must have recognized him."

Someone did hold up a camera.

Liu Mi didn't care, "Just do it, the three of us haven't done anything, no matter how nonsense we talk, no one will believe it."

Shi Shi said again, "Liu Mi, the monk is here too. Look, he... isn't he trying to drive us away, saying that we have broken the rules?" His voice became more and more urgent, "You, hurry up, leave quickly."

But they saw the anxious-looking monk coming directly to Fang Yi to stop, his eyes full of disbelief.

Fang Yi said slowly, "Do you know me?"

This chapter has been completed!
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