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Chapter 184 I want everything I can get

Chapter 184 I want everything I can get

After all, the earlier you develop, the earlier you can make profits.

Just for the altar, if you activate it one day earlier, you can get more Source Crystals one day earlier.

Of course, a loss is a loss, but Shen Fei actually doesn't have much to worry about.

Because the foundation of the Dark Night Alliance is so rich.

The resource collection capabilities of more than 8,000 normally developing lords are so powerful that they can absolutely crush all alliances! As for Source Crystal, the daily output of the six altars alone is enough to build an alliance city every day, not to mention, The most important thing is that alliance cities can now be built into other districts!

It is clearly stated in Note 2.

This is also the first time that the concept of "kingdom" clearly appears in the information of the lord system.

Although the kingdom channel has not been opened, cross-regional districts are actually allowed!

When Shen Fei noticed this comment, the first thing he thought of was the altar rewards in other areas!

The six altars in the northwest area brought him six gold treasure chests. Now, how many altars are there in the other five areas?


This is the key point that Shen Fei summoned everyone to discuss!

Now, this issue has also been mentioned.

"Thirty altars, thirty gold treasure chests! To be honest, I don't want to let go of any of them!" Shen Fei said unceremoniously, and then looked at everyone, "Can it be done?"

"It's not difficult for us to do." Li Tingyu was the first to speak this time. "The lord system has opened up restrictions on building alliance cities in different regions. It should be that we want to use this world event to start regional melees. The prototype, and there is some intention to cultivate the real king, because under normal circumstances, most areas in this time period do not have the strength to activate the altar, and if the king is determined in the melee, then These thirty altars are gifts specially prepared for the king - enough to make the king more powerful than anyone else in the kingdom."

Shen Fei's eyes froze slightly.

He has actually considered this.

In fact, long after he unified the entire area, he realized that as long as he was willing, these thirty gold treasure chests were already within his grasp.

Because the lord system is unlikely to always restrict the construction of alliances in other areas, even if it is not open now, it will definitely be open after entering the kingdom stage, and he only needs to prohibit alliances in other areas from activating the altar during this period of time , and even sent heavy troops to surround them, the activated treasure boxes of these altars belong to him no matter what.

But now I think about it.

If there are similar kings in other areas, the same is true.

As long as you can seize the altar position as much as possible between now and when everyone has the ability to activate the altar, or defeat the rest of the alliance, you will still have a chance to accumulate the altar treasure chests on yourself.

Even if the strength advantage is not to the point of crushing him, he still has the opportunity to compete for the altar, that is, rely on the altar rewards to snowball.

So, the altar treasure chest itself is a gift to the "king"?

"I'm afraid the fight will be extremely brutal." Shen Fei frowned slightly, as if he was thinking more, "But the winner will also have more strength. I feel that this seems to be cultivating a single 'king', but In fact, it is still narrowing the strength gap between the top lords in different regions."

for example.

Now I have opened five gold treasure chests, and you have only opened one. The gap in the treasure chest's background is not as big as usual.

But when I opened thirty-five, you opened thirty-one.

The gap has undoubtedly narrowed to a very small level.

"The greater possibility is that there will never be a king. They are in a stalemate. Even if there are more people, it will be difficult to win them all." Sheng Xin suddenly said at this time.

"." Shen Fei thought for a moment and realized that what she said was right.

If there were no him in the Dark Night Forest, then at most Meng Yu's alliance would be the first to unify the whole area and then attack other areas. But if seven or eight more altars are activated, it would be overwhelming.

It is almost impossible to get all thirty.

If you want to activate the altar, you must spread the alliance territory.

Even if it is the quickest way, we must build an alliance city.

Thirty alliance cities.

This is undoubtedly an extremely huge number.

It is so huge that even if the Dark Night Alliance desperately tries to build it, it will still take at least ten or twenty days.

From this point of view, it is also possible to discuss the possibility of allocating altars.

One king dominates, and a group of heroes join together. The two possibilities will undoubtedly have a huge difference in the subsequent development of the entire kingdom.

"It seems that the situation is starting to get complicated." Shen Fei exhaled slowly at the end and looked at the four people in front of him, "We will continue to analyze and at the same time summon the leaders of the other five major alliances and ask them to come as soon as possible. , I want to hold a meeting."

"Yes!" The voice this time was A-22.

In the five days since the district was unified, the busiest one was actually A-22.

This is because the management personnel sent by Shen Fei to other areas must be accompanied by an A-22 clone to assist and report the situation in a timely manner.

During these five days, the situation in other areas has basically stabilized.

It is still a high-pressure state controlled by force, but all order and construction are advancing in an orderly manner. Even the alliance has only five left.

At this moment, as Shen Fei's order was issued, all five lords must immediately set off from their own areas and rush towards the No. 1 city in the northwest district.

City No. 1 has the potential to become the capital of the entire kingdom.

It was not until the five people gradually arrived that Shen Fei ended the long meeting in the study.

There is a clear idea about this world event.

Have more confidence.

Not only can't you let go of the diamond treasure chest in the world event, but you can't let go of the thirty gold treasure chests either!

After all, Shen Fei counted carefully and found that he had only opened fifteen gold treasure chests so far!

If there were kings from other kingdoms who could take down all thirty of them in one go, wouldn't they be able to narrow the gap with him?

And at this moment.

The five people who came over all had expressions of anticipation and also some nervousness.

They could naturally guess why Shen Fei summoned them at this time - naturally it was for this world event!

I heard that in every previous world event, the lords of the northwest region followed this one and got a big deal, but this time, they were a little unsure, because this time they actually opened the construction of cities between different regions!

If the Dark Night Alliance can build cities and plant flags in their respective areas and expand their territory, then what is the point of their existence?

This uneasiness was almost written on his face, and the five people sitting in the city lord's mansion could clearly see it.

It wasn't until Shen Fei appeared with Li Tingyu that the five people stood up one after another.

"Sit." Shen Fei sat on the main seat with his eyes open. His expression didn't change much, but it made the three people who met him for the first time look more and more nervous.

There is no way, there is still this legion stationed in their area!

Shen Fei was also observing these people.

He had met Li Shi and Meng Yu before.

The other three people, one of whom looks quite young and thin, is the leader of the Northeast District, named Yu Huade.

The other one, who looks rougher and must be over thirty years old, is the leader of the Western Region, Shan Licheng.

The last one, who has an ordinary appearance and temperament, and looks a bit honest is Peng Ye, the leader of the Southeast District.

The five alliance leaders all have epic-level citizens.

Looking around the world, he is also a figure at the top of the pyramid. In many kingdoms, he is even qualified to compete for the position of king.

But now in front of him, it seems that I can't even breathe!

"The purpose of calling you here, you should have guessed, it is related to this world event." Shen Fei slowly looked around, "I will just say it directly, this world event, I will just say Words, I want everything I can take! I want everything the Kingdom can take!”

When they heard Shen Fei say that he wanted everything, everyone's hearts skipped a beat, but when they heard that the Kingdom wanted everything they could get, they felt a little confused.

"Don't you understand? Then just tell me the result I want." Shen Fei was extremely domineering at this moment, "I want all the altar activation rewards in the entire kingdom, and I also want the strongest alliance in the world, but other than that, The top ten in the league, you all have to be on it too! No matter it is me or you, no one will let go of any treasure chest that is possible!"

This time it was really clear.

Everyone's faces were filled with shock.

They were not surprised that the person in front of them wanted all the rewards from the regional altar.

After the other party unified the entire kingdom with its legion, these thirty gold treasure chests were almost in the bag, and no lord would give away such a thing as the gold treasure chest.

But, do you want them all to break into the top ten in the league?

You know, in the previous world events, they didn’t even say they were in the top ten, there were not many in the top 100!

Is this mouth the top ten?

"Here is a piece of data, you can take a look." Shen Fei could see their shock and doubts, and he was unambiguous and directly asked Li Tingyu to report a piece of data, "The above is the current number of 8,000 people in the northwest region. With the lord’s resource collection efficiency, the total number of citizens in the entire northwest region is now close to two million units, and the amount of resources collected every day is so huge that it definitely exceeds any other region today!”

Everyone present is the leader of the alliance, so they naturally know what resources are needed for the construction of the alliance.

When they saw the numbers on it, they couldn't believe their eyes!

Horrible! It’s so terrifying!

The materials they obtained from their past alliance could not even compare to a fraction from the Northwest District!

In fact, this is not only a gap in the number of lords and subjects, but more importantly, their regions have not integrated labor and productivity. The lords are still in the stage of fighting independently, each collecting resources to upgrade their respective territories. .

(End of chapter)

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