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Chapter 184: Wholesale of Golden Treasure Chests

Running here today and running there tomorrow, how can the efficiency be high?

The Northwest District has not only increased the efficiency of resource collection to the extreme, but the more than 100 trade centers alone have saved countless transportation time and consumption.

Nowadays, this efficiency can also be replicated in the other five regions.

"As for the source crystals, don't worry. The gray fog centers in your area should also be cleaned up. In addition, the earlier the altar is activated, the earlier the source crystals will be produced. I have decided that I will first provide the alliance's source crystals myself." Development will advance a part of the Source Crystal, and at the same time order all the lords to register and hand over the resources in their hands. Tomorrow, more than ten Dark Night Alliance cities will be built! I will activate more than ten altars tomorrow!" Shen Fei was at this moment. It's really a bit arrogant.

More than ten alliance cities!

When Shen Fei first got this calculation result, he was all shocked.

Six alliance cities were built in the previous month, but Li Tingyu told him that if all available resources were pooled, more than ten could be built in one day!

Even Shen Fei would be shocked, let alone the five people in front of him.

At this moment, even Meng Yu, who has the most stable and calm personality, cannot control his horrified expression.

All ten of the Dark Night Alliance are legendary cities!

Compared with their epic alliance city, the consumption has increased nearly three times!

In other words, the Dark Night Alliance was able to build more than thirty epic alliance cities in one day.

Thirty seats!

Even if this is the first lord in the world to advance the payment, and then let all the lords in the region use their full strength, it is too shocking!

They can completely imagine that tomorrow, the Dark Night Alliance's activity points will skyrocket to a terrifying number.

Alliance cities have the highest weight in the points calculation formula!

"In every world event, I don't actually pursue event points." Shen Fei seemed to see what they were thinking, and said calmly, "After all, as long as you are first, there is no difference between a little more and a few times more. I I’m just trying my best to seize the time and gain growth. It’s the same this time. I’m not building the city for points, but to activate the altar as soon as possible and gain more benefits! Although the results are similar to the previous two world events.”

The five people looked at Shen Fei, who seemed to have boundless domineering power despite his calm expression. Their throats rolled, but they were completely speechless.

Nothing to say.

There is nothing to say even to praise.

Shen Fei's level was completely different from theirs.

In their view, the world activities that are extremely important and fought for desperately are just a part of the normal development process, and they can be obtained by the way!

"Besides, although the Dark Night Alliance is strong enough, if you want to get into the top ten, you can't rely entirely on us." Shen Fei didn't care about their mood and just asked Li Tingyu to take out another document.

The document just now was about the power of the Dark Night Alliance and the Northwest District.

But this one is the activity plan of their respective alliances.

Including but not limited to gathering high-level lords from all regions in the alliance.

Yes, in the previous five days, the only alliance and alliance leader had only been selected, but the arrangements for the members had not yet been made.

This scope gives this event an advantage.

They can directly bring together all the strong men in the region.

In this way, the lord rating alone can have a good increase.

Then, they have to accommodate the rest of the lords into the alliance territory as much as possible and become dependent lords. Of course, the more important thing is to adjust the order and clean up the wild monsters.

And finally, change the name!

Yes, change the name!

All changed to a certain district alliance in the dark night!

When they saw this last request, the five lords even opened their mouths in unison.

If they really get the world title with such a name,

Top ten in the world......

Arrogant! Too arrogant!

Domineering! Indeed domineering!

This simply tells the lords all over the world that the Kingdom of Dark Night has been unified. Not only is it unified, it is even extremely powerful. It is directly and unabashedly trying to bring pressure and fear to other alliances around the world.

However, thinking about what the person in front of them did in previous activities, the five of them also felt extra excited.

In the previous two world events, they were also the ones who were frightened by Shen Fei's ranking and points.

But this time, they were able to make the lords all over the world fear them!

This feeling......


So is this the happiness of Boss Shen Fei?

"No problem!" Li Shi was the first to express his opinion, "With such a detailed plan and the support of the boss, we will win the top ten no matter what!"

"That's right, the top ten are decided!"

"It's fun to work with the boss!"


No one said anything about the altar at this time.

After all, since Shen Fei conquered the entire kingdom, the altar treasure chest has nothing to do with them.

But right now, the top ten treasure chests in the league are indeed what they are qualified to fight for!

And now, they have somewhat seen Shen Fei's style of doing things.

No one can ask for what belongs to the boss, but beyond that, the boss will not hesitate to help them get it!

The lords in the northwest region are enough to confirm this.

After consensus is reached, things become simpler.

Next, Li Tingyu introduced some of the problems in this plan to them in detail, and then solved some questions for them. At the same time, Hu Jiayi, the Minister of External Propaganda of the Dark Night Alliance, has begun to issue announcements throughout the district, borrowing all All resources required for lord's alliance building.

That's right, it's borrowed.

Usually these lords decide on their own whether to sell to the alliance, but this time, Shen Fei wants to take out all the alliance source crystals, and even has to pay a large sum himself, just to activate the altars in other areas as soon as possible. Naturally, there is no Source Crystal to buy again.

This time, it is also a test of Shen Fei’s prestige and credibility.

However, both Li Tingyu who proposed this plan and Shen Fei himself had full confidence in it.

In fact, the same is true!

All the lords actively expressed their opinions in the regional channel.

"Done! I saved some, take them all out!"

"I have ten tons of stone! Five tons of iron ore! Twenty-five tons of wood!"

"Build ten cities at once! Hahaha, those people must not be scared to death!"

"Formal members of the alliance are making crazy money, thirty silver treasure chests! Oh my god!"

"I won't borrow it, I'll donate it all. When can I plant the alliance flag? I want to become a dependent lord!"

"Every world event is when we shock the whole world!"

"Donate together and start shipping now!"

"Isn't this just buying a national bond? You have to buy something like this even if it doesn't pay interest!"


Maybe they were worried that one day they would be found out by the people of the spiritual realm, maybe they didn’t dare to disobey Shen Fei’s authority, maybe they were really eager to see the development of the alliance, but no matter what the reason was, in a short period of time, all the lords All responded positively.

Massive resources are aggregated into the alliance through trade centers throughout the region.

At the same time, Kuang Tianzhi also began to modify resource collection, giving up some resources for building upgrades, and investing all his labor into resources needed for alliance construction.

It will also definitely accelerate the growth of resources!

When Shen Fei returned to the alliance center in the territory, he saw an unprecedentedly huge number of people in the warehouse, more than ten alliance cities!

All fourteen are available!

"It seems that the lords of our region are really wealthy." Shen Fei couldn't help but be a little amazed when he saw this result that exceeded his expectations.

"This can be regarded as a great explosion of our regional heritage and accumulation." Li Tingyu did not seem surprised by this number, but she was also a little intoxicated on her face. "The development of power at a specific time is always so fascinating. , especially in terms of quantity, it will always exceed expectations, and you can’t calculate the result no matter how you do it.”

Shen Fei suddenly remembered some things on earth.

Indeed, until it breaks out, no one can imagine how huge a force will erupt when so many seemingly ordinary and insignificant people come together.

Moreover, the lives of the lords in the northwest region are indeed getting better and better now.

Even the source crystals that had no special requirements actually gathered a lot this time.

This is because as the lower-level lords began to upgrade the lord's mansion, and even began to expand the lord's mansion, the quality of the daily gift packs also increased, and the probability of getting source crystals in them became greater.

The potential of the lords is being unleashed little by little!

Even Shen Fei can begin to feel the power of this power!

He was also suppressing his excitement at this moment.

Without him!

Fourteen cities, that’s fourteen golden treasure chests!


Although it's just a gold treasure chest, it can't hold enough.

It’s like wholesale wholesale of golden treasure chests!

In one breath, he can get all the treasure boxes he has obtained in the past month. How many surprises should there be in them?

Thinking about the many heroes, numerous vegetation, and special buildings, Shen Fei became excited.

This is enough to take the territory’s heritage to a whole new level!

He directly opened the alliance map.

As expected, a map outside the area has appeared on it.

Several citizens had been sent towards the center of the gray fog long ago. At this moment, the map explored by the citizens was also displayed on the map, and the locations of the cities were all searched and determined by A-22's clones.

Everything is ready, only construction remains.

"Construction begins!"

Shen Fei directly chose the first address.

In an instant, blue light emerged in that place, gradually forming a tall city wall.

Then there is the second one.

The third one...

If someone is staying high in the sky at this moment, they can vaguely see blue light spots emerging one after another on the night earth, and then disappear in an instant.

Although no one saw this scene, lords all over the world gradually noticed the changes in the activity rankings.

This chapter has been completed!
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