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Chapter 353: This is an entire god system

Too mysterious and too powerful.

As the Ice and Snow Queen, Xue Ling's spirit was extremely tense at this moment.

At this time, the man seemed to have finally finished his work. He put down his pen and raised his head. Just one glance made Xue Ling tremble, as if he was standing naked under the scorching sun, everything from his soul to his body was exposed.

Under this gaze.

This completely frightened her.

Because this is not just a feeling, at her level, this feeling surging from body and mind is a fact!

This glance really saw her through!

And this is definitely not something that a demigod can do!

In other words, what was sitting in front of her was a real god! A god who had disappeared from the world for thousands of years!

"My Majesty." Xue Ling lowered her head and spoke out with difficulty.

But before she could say anything, the feeling that even her soul was exposed faded away like the tide.

But before she could breathe a sigh of relief, a voice from above made her heart beat violently again.

"No need to guess which god I am, because we come from outside the world."

Outside the world?

It's not that Xue Ling didn't understand this statement. In fact, with the disappearance of the gods, they had already made speculations about the world outside.

What really frightened her was the fact that a god from outside the world came to their world!

With the opponent's strength, in this era when all the gods have disappeared, it is only a piece of cake to conquer the world and capture them all as slaves.

Only powerful beings like them can clearly understand how powerful the gods are!

As if he had seen through her inner thoughts, Shen Fei said calmly: "Your world will belong to me, but I am not without enemies, so I will not use too drastic methods, nor will I even expose myself easily."

At this point, there is basically nothing more to say.

Xue Ling already knew the reason why this god found her.

If you don't want to expose yourself easily, you won't go directly to those cities where demigods exist. Likewise, you won't use drastic measures. But even so, the gods are still gods, and their will is basically in their world.

No way to resist!

So, how to choose?

This is not a difficult thing for Xue Ling. She has even understood why she was chosen, Winterfort, instead of other cities.

Because she and Winterhold have always been under the control of those demigods.

In other words, even if she takes refuge in the god in front of her, she will only change her controller, but she will get more opportunities than before.

Even if the god in front of her is kind enough, maybe the future for her and Winterhold will be better and stronger than before!

Therefore, although Xue Ling still felt uneasy, she finally lowered her head.

"May Your Majesty be kind to the world."

This sentence is actually a bit presumptuous. However, this is the only thing that Xue Ling, the ice queen, can do for her own world and her people in this situation.

Shen Fei did not give any reply.

It's not necessary either.

Since he was "pretending" to be a level 15 god as the Lord of the World, he naturally had to make a perfect gesture.

Whether he treats you kindly or harshly, he does not need to give any attitude or commitment, everything is up to his will.

So, after a simple meeting, Xue Ling left the room with uneasiness and nervousness.

She still couldn't calm down. She didn't calm down until she was taken to another room and there was a beautiful woman sitting in front of her.

"I am Maki, responsible for development matters." Maki had a lazy smile on her face, narrowed her eyes slightly, and looked at the woman in front of her, "Your power has quite a few flaws, which not only limits further growth.

, it has caused great damage to you. As expected, you only have less than two hundred years left to live."

The Frost Queen has already lived for five hundred years. If she adds another two hundred years, she will have a lifespan of seven hundred years.

This has actually been extremely long.

However, for a strong person who has reached the thirteenth level of extraordinary level, this time is too short.

You know, even in the very primitive and basic wilderness world of extraordinary inheritance, an eleventh or twelfth level existence can easily live for thousands of years, or even thousands of years.

The Frost Queen's power comes from a defective "superpower", and her abnormal body temperature also comes from this.

However, faced with her own shortcomings, the Frost Queen didn't seem to care. She simply ignored the topic and then asked the question she cared about: "I made you laugh, how can I cooperate?"

"It's very simple, let our people join your city and occupy the main position." Maki smiled slightly and said in a more casual tone, "Of course, we will not reveal our identity and call ourselves Dong to the outside world.

The hidden power of the castle claims to be a mysterious force internally. As for the queen of Winterhold, it is still you, at least on the surface."

"This will cause fierce opposition from the rest of the people." Xue Ling looked serious, "Winter Fort. In fact, it is not my Winter Fort alone. It has penetrated deeply into other cities."

After all, energy technology is involved. Those eight big cities with thick breasts of demigods will naturally not relax their control over Winterhold easily.

No matter how popular the Snow Queen is, she cannot stop this.

However, Maki waved her hands indifferently: "Don't worry, we are not prepared to use strong methods. Your current so-called camp, betrayal, and defection are all very ridiculous in our opinion. We are not prepared to play this kind of power game.

After all, all betrayals come with a price tag."

This sentence made Xue Ling silent again.

Because, to a certain extent, isn’t her current choice also a “betrayal” of Winterhold?

I couldn't help but laugh to myself.

The other party is not here to play any power game at all. Although she doesn't know what method to adopt yet, her so-called difficulties are probably not worth mentioning.

But just when Xue Ling was about to give up, the other person's next words still made her tremble and she looked at the woman in front of her in disbelief.

"The first step is to make you a demigod."

Yes, the beautiful woman with a lazy temperament in front of her simply said something that made her feel incredible.

Demi god!

In an era when gods collectively disappear, demigods represent the most powerful force. The birth of each demigod represents a reshuffle of the world. Especially demigods outside the eight major cities have the opportunity to directly

Create the ninth city!

What's more important is that Xue Ling is very clear about his situation.

If she had a chance to become a demigod, it would be impossible for her to secure the position of queen. The eight cities would not allow Winterhold to escape their control.

"Don't be so surprised." Even though Maki said such astonishing words, she still had a casual tone, "This plan was decided temporarily because I found that your strength is far from level fourteen, which is what you call it.

The demigod is just a hair short of a physical flaw, which is something we can easily solve, so I made a new plan."

Xue Ling believed it.

She knew there was no need to deceive herself about such things.

She also believes that the other party can do it.

But she was still shocked by the tone of the person in front of her and this incredible "plan".

"If I'm not mistaken." Xue Ling's expression has become extremely serious, "Your Excellency, it seems that your strength is only second-level S."

One level weaker than her.

Moreover, I did not feel threatened by the previous ones.

Speaking of which, after arriving here, she seemed to have never seen a single Level 3-S existence - even though the number of Level 2s was far beyond her imagination.

Therefore, when the other party has no tacit understanding and no foundation at the moment, he dares to let himself become a demigod?

Does all faith lie in that god?

"I can only say that you are thinking too much." Maki narrowed her eyes slightly, seeming helpless, but her breath suddenly changed.

Just this one moment made Xue Ling's face change drastically!

Because, she felt the breath of the gods.

Demigods also have it, but they are not so pure! So profound!

That is completely the crushing of life levels, the existence of different personalities!

The person in front of me is actually a god?

"As you can see, I am a god, or I used to be." Maki's breath calmed down again, "Many people here are, but we have just woken up from a deep sleep and our strength has not yet been restored, otherwise

If you do, you will not look down on your small world, so what you have to do is to throw away those meaningless thoughts, and then obey absolutely. If you are qualified to surrender to us and receive the gift of the great Lord God, it is you and

The good fortune of your people."

There was already sweat on Xue Ling's forehead.

She was not sure whether what the other party said was true or false, but she would definitely not be mistaken about the aura that belonged to the gods.

So, this place is not the property of a god as she initially thought, but the arrival of a god system?

This kind of thing was completely beyond her knowledge! So much so that it was impossible to conduct any analysis at all.

Perhaps, as the other party said, abandoning those thoughts and obeying wholeheartedly is the most correct choice.

Looking at the eyes of the queen in front of her, Maki knew that she had basically controlled the other party.

This is actually not difficult.

After all, everything she said was true to a certain extent. At least she herself was a genuine goddess in the past.

Even with the help of the divine power in the divine crystal, one can temporarily exert the breath of the gods.

However, Maki also knows very well that the Ice and Snow Queen in front of her is after all a queen who rules hundreds of millions of people and is in charge of a city. Even if she has indeed surrendered to her will at the moment, and is even ready to surrender completely, this kind of surrender is not

It's just temporary and superficial.

She needs to truly understand everything in front of her and recognize her own choices before she can stick to her determination.

After all, no matter how subtle the deception is, it can only last for a while, but the long-term reality can bring about eternity.

"Let's go." Maki stood up directly, "How do you plan to be promoted to demigod? You can remove the defects in your body, or you can further strengthen these defects. The latter seems to be simpler, with one

The earth-grade elixir refined from the Cold Five Elements Fruit can solve the problem, but in this case, you will probably have to go on the ice road to the end. If you want to choose the former, there is no problem, there are many choices."

Xue Ling followed the other party in a daze, listening to the various choices given in a casual tone, as if he could sense the unfathomable details of this place.

Everything the other party says becomes more and more credible.

Especially when the medicinal properties in the air became stronger and stronger, she was able to feel the unimaginable depth.

Just by smelling the breath, you can feel your bottleneck loosening.

I'm afraid there are so many incredible treasures here.

Until he stood in front of a fog, Maki shouted a few words, and a small figure flew out of the fog.

"It's Maki-sama, what's the matter?" Susu flapped her wings, showing great respect for Maki.

"Master Susu." Maki replied with a smile. Looking at Susu's cute figure, her eyes seemed to be shining a little, but she still remembered the business, pointed at Xue Ling and smiled, "Please look at it, Master Susu."

Look at her questions."

"Well" Su Su flew in front of Xue Ling and said with a bit of distress, "It's level 13, you need to use your divine power to see clearly."

As a being who almost became the goddess of life, Susu was naturally able to directly mobilize the divine power in the divine crystal.

In fact, if it weren't for the divine crystal, Susu's strength would have been left behind a long time ago. After all, the previously huge Yaoyuanzi couldn't do without her.

However, the situation is much better now.

Because among the newly recruited legendary heroes, there are also two heroes with planting talents. One of them is even the real God of Harvest. Now he has become Su Su's deputy, which can be said to have greatly relieved her pressure.

However, Susu also takes into account the profession of "doctor", especially when high-level medicinal resources are needed.

So at this moment, she also knew that this was her own task. Although she felt a little sorry for the divine crystal, she couldn't care less and could only carefully mobilize the divine power in the divine crystal.

As for Xue Ling, she became completely numb after the aura of a god emerged from this small, fairy-like being in front of her.

She now completely believed what Maki just said.

If it weren't for a group of gods who were recovering their strength, how could they show the aura of the gods every time they encountered an existence that seemed to be only a double-S level.

Here, she, the third-level S, is the only ant.

(End of chapter)

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