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Chapter 354: The battlefield will not be here

After a series of shocks, Xue Ling no longer had any doubts about the "truth" of this place.

After she could only accept the reality, her mentality actually changed very quickly.

Since the negative impact is irreversible, at this time, we can only think about the good things as much as possible.

At least for now, this terrifying god system is not a cruel existence, and is even willing to give her a lot of benefits. Then she can only hope that this is the true situation of this god system, not a disguise.

In this case, maybe this is not a crisis but an opportunity for her and Winterhold.

And now.

The first benefit is about to come.

Using the element of the divine crystal, and relying on past experience, one can easily see the problems in Xue Ling's body.

"It's not serious, it just requires some resources." Susu concluded.

This does not necessarily mean that the technology and strength in the territory exceed Winterfort, but in terms of extraordinary resources, the lords with the lord system do have unique advantages.

Because they can obtain treasures from all worlds.

Shen Fei has greater advantages in this regard.

On the one hand, he has obtained too many treasure chests, including legendary elixirs and various resources. On the other hand, sitting in a small world, he has always been cheating.

Maybe in the early days, the advantage was not that big, but now, the advantage has begun to become apparent.

——The territory has begun to cultivate extraordinary elixirs above level ten!

You must know that extraordinary plants also have level restrictions, but just like heroes and subjects, this restriction will not be restricted by the level of the lord's mansion. Therefore, in the life force system of the entire small world, plus Shen Fei's The acceleration of time distortion, coupled with the efforts of Su Su and other heroes, coupled with the buildings in the territory that can be used for extraordinary planting, and a series of other factors, the achievements in extraordinary plants in the territory have already Beginning to surpass other lords at the same level by a large margin.

The tenth-level extraordinary elixir is even the top level for some epic-level extraordinary plants.

That is to return to its own level.

As for the legendary level, although it has not yet reached its peak, it can already show some powerful characteristics.

What Xue Ling is using now is a legendary extraordinary plant that has been cultivated to the tenth level, named Qianxue. It grows in thousands of years of ice. Just one petal can create a cultivation genius with a frost body. In Xue Ling's body, it can just make up for the origin that she lacks due to super determination.

It doesn't even need to be refined into elixirs.

And when this petal, which was like ice crystals and carried powerful, mysterious and mysterious power, was delivered to Xue Ling, she was in a daze.

The road to promotion that I had completely given up on was right in front of me, and the demigods were also close at hand!

However, thinking of the entire divine system in front of her, she just laughed to herself in her heart, and then took the petal with great respect.

Not long after, a powerful aura bloomed somewhere in the small world.

Level fourteen!

"Maki's plan is not bad." Shen Fei felt the aura over there, smiled, and suppressed it with a thought.

In this small world, let alone level 14, even if the true god comes, Shen Fei can suppress it with one hand.

Today's small world has this kind of confidence.

This was one of the reasons why he could agree to this plan. After all, Xue Ling was just a step away from level fourteen, and only needed a gentle push. This was equivalent to getting the maximum gain at the minimum cost.

The only risk lies in being able to truly control this level 14 unit without suffering backlash.

And this is not difficult for Shen Fei who has a small world. Under the premise of using the small world, a mere fourteenth level person cannot turn out the palm of his hand. What's more, with the growth rate of the territory, it cannot be used. For too long, level 14 is no longer worth mentioning.

"Let the research center get busy." Shen Fei turned around, no longer paying attention, just sat back at his desk, and then told Li Tingyu, "In a world with such advanced extraordinary technology, we have always been in the Zhutian Mall. In a world where we want something but can’t find it, now that we have this opportunity, we must seize the time and make use of the fundamental parts that we are missing.”

Today's territory can be said to be polarized in terms of the development of extraordinary technology.

On the one hand, various powerful devices were born.

On the one hand, various basic technologies are missing.

Apart from anything else, the territory already has artificial intelligence from the magical world, but for docking, it can only rely on the pitiful dozens of computers that Shen Fei left in the small world before.

The alchemy mobile phone has also been made, and now it can only make calls and send text messages.

After all, this kind of thing involves too many aspects. Just a mobile phone involves hundreds of different fields, let alone extraordinary mobile phones. Even if there are various heroes in the territory, it is impossible to complete them all.

This is the lack of the bottom layer of the technology tree, as well as the lack of a large number of grassroots researchers and grassroots industries.

But now, the opportunity to make up for it is right in front of us.

Not to mention those big cities, some of Winterfort's technologies alone made Shen Fei a little itchy.

Although he entered the extraordinary world in the past year, it also kept him away from the world of the information age.

Li Tingyu naturally knew this and took the order at this moment. She planned to take charge of this part of the work personally. After all, the research center of the Dark Night Kingdom and the research holy land have always been placed in Shen Fei's small world.

This is her purview.

At this moment, Xue Ling has returned to his palace, looking at the stunning beauty who came with him in front of him, looking a little dazed.

When she left, she was still a hopeless demigod and a queen who could only struggle. But after she came back, she was already a powerful demigod. As long as the true god did not emerge, she would be at the top of the world. It is even qualified to develop Winterhold into the ninth city.

This kind of difference, no matter how strong the mind is, will cause some discomfort for a while.

However, looking at the woman in front of her, she was still very respectful.

"Sir, I don't know how I can cooperate with you?"

It's impossible not to be disrespectful. Xue Ling clearly remembers that when she broke through the demigods and was immersed in the seemingly omnipotent power, all the breaths seemed to trigger the whole world, and were quietly erased.

It can be said that it brought a huge impact to her soul.

I still don’t know whether that is the rule of the world or the act of a certain true god.

The only thing she could understand was that the demigods were as weak as ants there.

Seeing that the Ice and Snow Queen no longer looked like a queen, Li Tingyu just smiled: "In the Kingdom of God, the division of labor is clear. You can regard me as the Lord's assistant, so naturally what I am responsible for is only the Lord's tasks.

, The Lord is somewhat interested in the technology of your world, please summarize all the related technologies first and make a list. Listen clearly, that’s all."

"Yes." The Ice Queen responded and came down.

She recalled everything she had seen in that place before, and it seemed that there was not much trace of technology, but there were many mysterious inscriptions, indicating the development path of another civilization entirely.

It is obvious that this resurgent pantheon has no arrogance towards knowledge.

As long as they don't understand or are familiar with things, even if they are as weak as their world, they are still interested.

However, this one thing alone is not so easy to do.

Winterfort has developed to this point, and the most prominent technology is naturally the energy field, but this does not mean that it is only the energy field. The emphasis on extraordinary technology is what all human cities have in common.

There are research institutions, companies built on technology, and even various forces, large and small.

All kinds of interest entanglements and various cooperation differences can be said to be countless and extremely complicated.

In this case, it is not an easy task to bring together all the technologies, even the researchers behind them.

However, no matter how difficult it is, you have to do it.

Moreover, Xue Ling already has a solution.

So, after three days of preparation, a shocking news swept the entire Winterfort from the Queen's meeting in Winterfort.

——Their Majesty the Queen has become a demigod!

When the news first spread, even people inside Winterhold were a little unbelievable.

After all, the Snow Queen's abilities are flawed and it is impossible to reach the realm of demigods. This is the consensus of all insiders in the world, and has even been confirmed by several demigods.

It is precisely because of this that the Snow Queen can still sit in the position of queen. Otherwise, she would have died in the hands of other demigods.

But now, so suddenly and without warning, their queen has become a demigod?

Then Winterhold, isn't it qualified to become the ninth city?

Is the world going to change?

A series of impacts with huge impact were like a meteorite that suddenly appeared overhead. Before anyone could react, it crashed down and divided the world into two completely different stages.

But before people could react, the Snow Queen's methods pounced on them like a tidal wave.

Removal, investigation, requisition!

At least more than half of the company representatives and high-level councilors at the Queen's meeting were captured on the spot. The Snow Queen and her personal guards launched an extremely ferocious and even violent seizure of power before anyone could react.


There's no need for that kind of thing at all.

She directly determined that a certain force had defected to another city, jeopardizing the threat of Winterhold, and then took it directly!

In just a few days, countless behemoths that in the past could only be looked up to by people at the bottom collapsed.

The high-level officials of Winterfort alone were killed with blood boiling to the sky!

And when the news finally spread to other cities, everyone was shocked.

"How dare she!"

"Even if you are a demigod, you can't do this!"

"It's too urgent. Once the order of Winterhold collapses, it will be hopeless."

"There is a lack of resources to begin with. Isn't this suicide?"

"Revenge, this is revenge. For revenge, the Snow Queen no longer cares about the future of Winterfort!"

"Don't worry about it at all. Be prepared to take over the endgame. If necessary, surround and kill the Snow Queen!"


One after another, there were messy voices and different attitudes. It was obvious that the Snow Queen's set of arrogant punches completely broke the common sense of this world.

After all, under normal circumstances, even a demigod would not be able to act like this.

This is like treating a patient and frantically removing all the organs that have problems. No matter how big or small the problem is, or how to replace the organs after they are removed, it is an attitude of having a blood feud with the disease and dying together.

However, how could these people imagine that behind the Snow Queen, there was the support of a huge kingdom of lords.

At this moment, the three prime ministers, Li Tingyu, Imazawa, and Maki, were sitting on the top floor of the Winterhold Palace with the Snow Queen, overlooking this huge city that seemed to be in crisis.

"The food is ready." Imazawa was the first to speak out, "Including other resources, they can be sent out at any time."

"A group of humanoid citizens are also ready." Maki narrowed her eyes and chuckled, "The average strength is above level nine. As long as the armor is put on, no one can see who is inside. Plus my lord's

Two thousand people are enough to control all the force and order in the entire city."

"I have made arrangements here." Li Tingyu nodded, "All target personnel and related facilities will be taken away in the shortest possible time. The remaining empty shells will be destroyed directly."

The Snow Queen stood silently.

She doesn't need to do anything.

The three people in front of me have already arranged everything.

Countless food is used to appease the people at the bottom, the extremely powerful army is used to suppress all resistance forces, and the secret personnel are used to protect and take away those seemingly destroyed people and facilities. After tonight, the entire

Winterhold will usher in a true new life.

And all this happened in just a few days.

"I have a question." The Snow Queen finally spoke up. She took a slow breath and asked very cautiously and seemingly a little cautiously, "Why? The adults look so anxious."

Yes, this is the biggest problem with the Snow Queen.

After all, even though this divine system is still recovering, judging from the strength it has shown, there is no need to be so rough.

Resources, strength, and means are all available.

It will take at most three or four months to completely take over and control everything in Winterhold.

But now, it must be resolved within a few days.

This urgency is barely concealed.

"I tell you, it doesn't matter." Li Tingyu chuckled, looking at the Snow Queen with amusement, "Don't you think that we are the only ones who have awakened from a long slumber?



The Snow Queen felt her head buzzing, and she couldn't think clearly about these shocking words.

"Don't worry." Maki seemed to stretch a little, "The battlefield won't be here with you."

(End of chapter)

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