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Chapter 355: Demarcation of Inner City and Outer City

The Snow Queen didn't even know how the day ended.

Throughout Winterfort, countless so-called high-level people who were punished and hunted were wailing. There were also countless researchers and their families who were connected to the Kingdom of God with uneasiness and expectation. There were even more people at the bottom, who were

Be ecstatic and cheer loudly for the huge price reduction on all resources.

The entire city fully demonstrates what life is all about.

However, the Snow Queen, who should have been focusing on these things, was in a trance until now.

All she could think about was the news that the gods had delivered to her before.

The gods awaken, the battle of the gods!

This god system came to their world to prepare for war!

"How will our world become?" The Snow Queen raised her head and looked up at the starry sky, feeling powerless as never before.

Facing this huge wave that swept through countless worlds, their world was just an inconspicuous one, let alone hers.

"Xue Ling." A figure appeared behind her, it was Maki. This beauty with beautiful long hair seemed to be smiling particularly happily at the moment, "Your psychological quality is too poor, and you are even worried now.


"Shouldn't I be worried?" The Ice and Snow Queen also roughly understood the personalities of these gods, and she was not as restrained as she was at the beginning.

Of course, asking this question is also the limit.

These in front of us are, after all, the gods of the past.

"Have you seen your people?" Maki walked to her side and looked at the city under the dim sky. "The poorest and weakest people, they faced the great changes last night, and you

What difference does it make when facing a war with gods?"

The Snow Queen was stunned.

"But did you see how they did it?" Maki didn't know when a glass of red wine appeared in her hand, and she just sipped it, her beautiful eyes that always showed laziness, but now they were a bit intoxicated.

, "They never think about how many 'big shots' died tonight, they just cheer for the small benefits they can get. Even if someone around them is involved and dies on the spot, they just escape and continue cheering in another place.

, because they know that they can’t control more things.”

"." The Snow Queen turned her head and looked at the city as well.

She understood what this god meant.

In this war that swept through countless worlds and belonged to the gods, she was just a small character, unable to change anything, but at this moment she was worried about the future of the entire world.

It is indeed somewhat ironic.

"Okay, what you have to do is do what you can, and then work hard to let your camp win the final victory, just like all your people." Maki stretched out her hand and patted the Snow Queen's arm,

"Now, go do your job."


The Snow Queen exhaled slowly. She knew that she would be very busy next.

However, after taking a few steps, he couldn't help but turn around again.

He asked very seriously: "Maki-sama, can we win this war?"

She wanted to see if these gods had any confidence.

Even if it's just a simple sentence.

Maki's mouth corners curved, her back straightened slightly, and for the first time, she showed the temperament of a god: "To be honest, with my Lord here, I can't think of how we can lose."

".This is really the answer I long for." Xue Ling also laughed.

When she left, she really looked like a demigod ice queen.

"If this shows loyalty, it will be at least ninety-five." Another voice came from behind Maki, but it was Li Tingyu who didn't know when she appeared there. She was half sighing, half thinking. , "Should the Lord give her a secondary system? In terms of ability and talent, she has already surpassed most epic heroes."

"This is something you have to think about." Maki suddenly returned to her lazy look. She stretched, "I have to continue working. You have taken away all those researchers and research equipment. You have to make some achievements."

"Industrial upgrading is not that simple." Li Tingyu shook her head, "But industrial plunder is very simple, so next, those production factories, especially the automated factories, will still need your assistance."

"I know." Maki's eyes also shone with faint expectation.

Next, I will have a big fight in this world.

Of course, the only ones who need to be busy are these heroes.

Shen Fei just gave the order, then took a look at the work reports of the heroes, and then started to do his own thing.

It was only today that a large number of researchers and research equipment were moved to the small world, which made him pay more attention.

The researchers who were brought in were very nervous because they were told that they would live in the "Kingdom of God" and serve the supreme great god.

Of course, in their minds, this is just a flattering statement from a certain demigod.

Until they saw this relatively "simple" city, and saw the "servants of God" who all carried magic staffs and could cast spells anytime and anywhere, they were all extremely shocked.

Especially when there are some sub-races mixed in.

Because these things obviously do not belong to their world.

Then, there is concentrated propaganda, or brainwashing.

Although it is not a strict brainwashing, in the small world, their status is only the lowest servant, so naturally they must avoid all possible annoyances. Shen Fei does not want these people to live in his small world one day. The people suddenly stood up and wanted to drive him, the "Lord of the World," out of the small world.

That would be too funny.

"Place these people, equipment, and projects on the right side of the Holy City. They will be affiliated to the research center and will be under the management of truth-seeking." Shen Fei ordered.

The so-called holy city naturally refers to the city in front of the lord's palace where one hundred thousand servants live.

However, although it was given a good name, in fact, the status and importance of the Holy City in the territory was the lowest.

All the buildings inside are now non-territorial buildings.

There isn’t even a single versatile building.

In other words, when Shen Fei moves his territory, this "holy city" will be left in place and directly separated from the territory.

After all, the purpose of its existence in the beginning was just to make the small world more lively, and at the same time, it also provided a place for centralized management and living for the increasing number of servants.

And now, at most, it can add another function to study the Holy Land.

Shen Fei thought about it and felt that it needed further improvement.

"I have been preparing for it for a long time, now let's take one step ahead." With a thought in his mind, the Holy City suddenly experienced huge changes.

Buildings were erected one after another and then rearranged. The ground seemed to move together, and the whole city was constantly changing.

Facing this sudden, even somewhat beyond-imagined miracle, all the servants knelt on the ground, including many new researchers. At the same time, the territorial buildings came to where they were supposed to come.

Location, when everything was settled, the entire city was divided into two completely different worlds.

One is the inner city.

All of them are territorial buildings, including the research center composed of heroes, the place where the territorial citizens live, train and live, and of course the lord's mansion.

The other part is those ordinary buildings, including servants from all worlds, as well as research institutions and many factories that will be established.

Of course, the inner city and the outer city are not circular structures, but fan-shaped structures.

The Lord's Mansion is the sharp point.

After all, this is just the layout of the residential area. The most important thing about the entire territory is the many plantings and buildings behind the lord's mansion.

No matter how this holy city expands in the future, it will only expand in a fan-shaped pattern. The territory outside the fan-shaped area is a place that servants are not qualified to visit.

"It's just like playing a city-building game. With a thought, everything can change." Shen Fei actually liked this feeling.

Because this process tells him every moment that this is his world.

He can feel that the connection between himself and the small world is becoming stronger and firmer with the improvement of the laws of the small world.

Then I looked up at the shining stars hidden under the scorching sun.

Perhaps, one day in the future, he will no longer be called the Lord of the World, but should be given a more powerful title.

For example, the Lord of Dimensions!

"Keep working hard." He turned around and walked into the office again.

There are still many things that he needs to do. In fact, many lords are involved in this plan. Next, these lords will also be integrated into Winterfort. After all, they have to do things in the name of Winterfort.

Some things, on the other hand, also require accelerating the mastery of relevant technologies and knowledge of extraordinary technology.

Those cognitions learned and mastered on earth in the past should be eliminated by now.

And it is obvious that the lords are very enthusiastic about this.

Some of the lords who participated previously have begun to send some voices to the entire kingdom one after another, mainly talking excitedly about everything in Winterhold.

Intelligent machinery, flying boats, virtual technology, portable chips, armor weapons.

There are too many, too many that seemed like dreamy technologies in the past.

Just a personal terminal that is countless times more advanced than mobile phones on earth is enough to make these lords who have been separated from the information age and have been separated from technological life for more than a year excited.

Not to mention there are simulated robots.

Some lords who are lucky enough to have humanoid subjects don't have to worry about their personal needs at all. However, some lords who have non-humanoid subjects can only cry in this regard, and then they have to deal with those who have humanoid subjects.

The lords were envious and jealous.

(End of chapter)

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