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The one hundred and fortieth chapter of the sea of ??suffering (12)

The crow flew away, and everyone talked about it afterwards.

For example, an official from the Ministry of Justice who was born in the North was very serious at Tianchi and explained to everyone on the spot that crows like to swarm in autumn and winter. It is very common to gather tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands. Tianchi is a large lake nearby.

, then the crowd of crows will be bigger, and then they will come to drink water, and they will see more people running below, which is also a common occurrence...you cannot say that it is an omen.

Everyone agreed with this statement. Zhang Xing and Li Ding listened to it and agreed with it. They all felt that what this fellow from the North named Han Aobei said was very good. They went back to talk to Qin Bao, Zhou Xingfan and others, including

Wang Zhen and others also said it and agreed with it.

But...I'm afraid that others may disagree.

The saint's disapproval was almost visible to the naked eye... Numerous officials saw the saint throwing his hands and leaving from a distance on the hillside. The sacrifice was completed in a hurry by Prime Minister Su Wei, and the hairy saint stopped drinking from noon that day.

If you want to drink water from Tianchi Lake and Fen River, you need to drink honey water.

In addition, the palace people did not seem to believe the ordinary soldiers below.

There was obviously a rumor storm a few months ago, and dozens of people died, and more people were dismissed from office, but absurd rumors still spread - many people said that this was because the Black Emperor had rejected the saint, the saint.

Then he got angry and stopped the sacrificial ceremony.

This rumor is more direct and malicious than the egg-cutting man.

However, people like Zhang Xing and Li Ding could only shrug their shoulders, and then honestly reserve supplies to cope with any changes.

"Ms. Su, there are some things that need to be taken care of."

Outside Fenyang Palace, in a room on the mountainside, Wei Chi, the Minister of the Ministry of Justice, was speaking seriously. The people he was talking to were the two princes. At the same time, Duan Weilie, the Minister of the Ministry of War, was sitting next to him.

The palace envoys, Yanmen, Loufan, the governor of Mayi County, the magistrate of Taiyuan County, plus several accompanying generals, and General Zhonglang all stood beside him.

Obviously, this is a formal extended meeting within the touring team.

But not in front of the emperor.

Moreover, it was not the two prime ministers who took the initiative to convene the meeting. It was the Minister of Punishment, Wei Chi, who conspired with three county guards, a county magistrate, and four powerful local governors, and forced Duan Wei and the two husbands to come out in turn, and then invited them.

Although several generals, lieutenants, and everyone do not want to see him, they have to admit that he is Wang Daiji, a serious official who is rare in both name and reality.

"What does it matter?" Su Wei looked confused. "If Wei Shangshu has something to say, just say it..."

"I don't know what to care about. It's my husband's business to care about anything!" Wei Chi couldn't bear it at all, and he became angry on the spot. "I only know that as the Minister of the Ministry of Justice, I am responsible for monitoring the team and maintaining discipline, and now the accompanying officials, soldiers

, the morale has dropped to the bottom... A rain on the road caused many people to flee inexplicably before. Now, only a few months have passed since Duke Mu spread rumors, and there are rumors about crows in the army...

...Please tell me, sir, should I appease the soldiers and officials now? Or should I suppress them?! I will do it immediately without any hesitation!"

Wei Chi was over sixty years old. Not only was he a senior minister, he was also an upstart who had been promoted within the Guanlong clan after the establishment of the Wei Dynasty. Miao Honggen was upright.

In fact, long before the capital system was established, Wei Chi served concurrently as the minister of the Ministry of Industry, the governor of Wei County, the capital of the former Eastern Qi Dynasty named after the Great Wei Dynasty. The importance of his status is evident... that is, this person has never been able to

Flattery, plus the saint didn't want Nanya to have another die-hard supporter of the emperor's uncle, otherwise he would have entered Nanya long ago.

Therefore, this person became furious and felt a little embarrassed from top to bottom.

Su Wei hesitated for a moment, glanced at Sima Changying, and tried his best to respond: "No matter what, we can no longer suppress it at this time..."

"Then comfort!" Wei Chi couldn't help but wave his palms.

"It's time to appease." Su Wei responded while scanning the officials at the scene, and finally stopped at Wang Daiji of course. "Mr. Fenyang, is the palace's storage sufficient?"

Wang Daiji hesitated for a moment, but he still stood up and responded appropriately: "Previously, it was sufficient for several months, because a lot was allocated from surrounding counties and Taiyuan, but just now, we have used a lot..."

"Is there enough left to reward the accompanying team?" Su Wei couldn't rush him enough. "Don't talk nonsense."

"It depends on the reward." Wang Daiji helplessly spread his hands. "Ms. sir... that's what the storage quota is, and the amount spent is listed here. I can't make less for nothing... but if I really want to reward the entire patrol team, how much can each person have?

how much?"

"I understand what you mean... don't be so wordy." Su Wei nodded and went to see Duan Wei, Minister of War.

Wang Daiji had no choice but to shut up.

Duan Wei understood and immediately answered: "Thousands of people were lost along the way, but the most important thing is that we left a lot in Kansai... Now there are about 50,000 soldiers, palace people, and eunuchs combined."

"What do you say?" Su Wei immediately went to see Wang Daiji, the envoy of Fenyang Palace.

Wang Daiji felt a little more at ease, and immediately stood there and responded: "If you are willing to take out the gold and silver silk in stock, then everyone will be quite handsome..."

The atmosphere suddenly became lively.

Especially those generals who had no say in the matter were all beaming with joy... How could the morale of the military not be boosted if there were extra rewards for serving food?

"But, doesn't this kind of reward that empties the treasury need an imperial edict?" Wang Daiji couldn't hold it back.

Everyone's hearts skipped a beat, and silence fell almost instantly. Finally, everyone's eyes followed Wei Chi, the Minister of Punishment, and focused on the two husbands.

Among the two prime ministers, Sima Changying had already broken the jar and pretended to be unheard of, while Su Wei, as the prime minister, could not help but feel a ray of light on his back.

"Sima Xianggong and I are going to see the saint." Su Wei responded helplessly.

There is no other way. If we continue to be silent, Nanya, which has been supported by the late emperor to counter the Guanlong clan and enhance the central power and prestige, will be discredited.

Everyone is naturally relieved that our husband is willing to come forward.

The initiator, Wei Chi, the Minister of the Ministry of Justice, was even more responsible and immediately responded: "I will go with the two husbands... The others will go back separately, abide by their duties, and wait for the saint's summons or decree. If they do not receive it, they should also take the initiative to appease their subordinates.

...Old Duan, are you coming?"

Everyone was speechless.

Duan Wei, who had been sitting all the time, also stood up, smiled bitterly, and replied solemnly: "How dare you not go?"

The atmosphere became more relaxed, as if the clouds were clearing.

Now that the discussion was complete, the rest of the people dispersed naturally, and Su Wei and others also made a concerted effort to go directly to the depths of the palace to see the saint. No matter how unhappy the saint was, he certainly had no reason to refuse to meet his prime minister, and he was the two ministers and ministers.

They asked for a meeting together.

"So you are planning to give a reward to appease people's hearts?"

Unexpectedly, the saint with relatively strong beard did not become angry after hearing this, but his expression calmed down.

"Your Majesty is responsible for all your power." Su Wei was a little relieved and responded respectfully. It seemed that the saint still knew the pros and cons. "It's just that the weather has been unstable recently, and autumn and winter have alternated, and the weather is inconsistent... The morale is indeed a bit tired."

"That's alright." The emperor stroked his beard and sighed. "The foundation of the Five Military States, the palace servants, the internal servants, and the Jinwu Guards are my closest servants... I need rewards, but I am not stingy. Isn't it just some gold, silver, money, and silk? I will give them to Fen. Just take out the money and silk from the Yang Palace."

The senior officials are becoming more and more comfortable... at least they can give an explanation to the following, right?

These days, they are the ones being roasted on the fire.

"But, now that we are rewarded, can we leave?" the saint continued to ask.

Su Wei was greatly excited and immediately raised his head: "Is the saint planning to return to the Eastern Capital? If so, why do you need a reward? The entire entourage has settled in the Eastern Capital. After hearing the decree, they will definitely cheer up!"

The saint suddenly changed his expression: "Is the Eastern Capital so good? What about you, do you want to go back too?"

If you don't want to go back, you will go to hell.

But Su Wei heard that it was not good, so he had no choice but to ask: "Isn't your Majesty going back to the Eastern Capital?"

"How did you know that I was going back to the Eastern Capital?" The emperor's face was cold and his breath was heavy.

Su Wei was confused and could only ask seriously: "I take the liberty... Your Majesty, if you don't return to Dongdu, where else can you go? Moreover, Dongdu is the capital of the country and is where His Majesty's Ziwei Palace is... But what happened to Dongdu? "

The emperor's face became increasingly ugly, and he actually remained silent in response to his prime minister's inquiry.

At this moment, everyone woke up. Something must have happened to Dongdu. The saint was dissatisfied and did not want to go back. It was not the previous guess that something went wrong with the funeral of the eldest princess of Guanzhong... But something must have happened to Dongdu. Want to kill the messenger? Want to silence the close servant?

Something went wrong with the Tianshu project and it was forced to be postponed. So that’s not the case, right? But that’s the only way it can be, right?

Of course, everyone knew something was wrong anyway.

"Actually, we are only here in April or May. How can we turn back?" Sima Changying suddenly stepped forward and spoke sincerely. "If your Majesty has something important to do, why not do it? But please make it clear, so that I can do my best." Do your best and fill in the gaps.”

Su Wei looked at Sima Changying and then at the saint. He hesitated to speak, but in the end he could only lower his head and remain silent.

And the emperor finally sighed slightly: "I thought that this tour could not be returned without success... Otherwise, the world would laugh at me... Didn't several leaders of the Wu clan meet in Longxi before, and they came with me? Now, they have just come forward, saying that they are willing to go back from the Bitter Sea and summon a few border wizard leaders to come and see them... I feel that if I can go to Mayi in person, gather some wizard tribes, and place them on the front line of the Bitter Sea, it will be a great success We have weakened the most dishonest eastern part and strengthened the northern border defense, which is considered a great achievement."

Everyone was silent... now everything became clear.

Although I still don’t know what’s wrong with Dongdu, it must be a big bad thing. With Dongdu and the whole family of the eldest princess of Kansai, the saint must be in a particularly unhappy mood. This time the crows can only drink honey when they poop. I'm afraid the water issue has all come together...and this saint has always been concerned with saving face, and he also likes to do his own thing. He must be looking for a place elsewhere...so who dares to stop him?

But go to Mayi, north of Yanmen Pass, and get closer to the Sea of ​​Bitterness... Why don't you accompany your cousin to Tingtao City in Beihuang? Are you afraid of the cold?

"Speak." The emperor was a little annoyed.

"Your Majesty, I take the liberty to ask." Duan Wei, Minister of the Ministry of War, gritted his teeth and stepped forward to salute. "Are your Majesty going to imitate the story of surrendering the city?"

"That's right." The emperor responded proudly, his face turning rosy for a moment.

Let's say that about a few years after the saint ascended the throne, the capital move was completed, the old ministers were cleaned up, and the situation was stable, so he devoted all his efforts to solve the Wu clan's border troubles.

At that time, the emperor's uncle Cao Lin personally led tens of thousands of the main force of the Eastern Route Army, pretending to be a ship to leave the Sea of ​​Bitterness, but in fact suddenly broke out from the natural danger of Baidao, the road between the Poisonous Desert and the Sea of ​​Bitterness, and won a great victory.

There is even an idiom that follows the example of Emperor Bai who builds plank roads in the open and travels in secret. It is called building ferries in the open and traveling on the white road in secret.

However, it was Zhang Shizhao, the handsome guy from West Road, who really had a miraculous effect that time.

Zhang Shizhao came up with a strange plan as a scholar, and then asked for orders on his own, hung a camel across the desert, and persuaded the western witch tribe to surrender. Then he took advantage of the central witch tribe's Khan Abo to be confused about the situation in the west and went straight to Abo Khan's army to carry out countermeasures, which made the The central Apo Khan openly broke the contract and watched as his ally the eastern Sabolo Khan was beaten by Uncle Cao, who had half a foot in the realm of a great master.

And triggered a long-term confrontation and war between the central and eastern parts of the Wu tribe.

This was also the beginning of the subtle rivalry between Cao Huangshu and Zhang Zuocheng... Everyone said that Zhang Zuocheng could serve as an army of 100,000 people! This is of course unquestionable, but was this 100,000 army of witches or the 100,000 witch army led by Uncle Cao? No one can tell clearly about the 100,000 elite Wei soldiers.

In any case, the alliance of the three tribes of the Wu tribe collapsed, and the Wei Dynasty became civilized on the left and military on the right, and the great power of the country after the destruction of Chen was fully demonstrated, forcing the three tribes of the Wu tribe to pretend to be real and surrender together.

That day in the city of surrender in Longxi, the saint did not use Emperor Cao's soldiers and horses on the Baidao side. He joined the Guanzhong and the soldiers of the twenty-six prefectures in the northwest and obtained 200,000 soldiers. They formed an array on the flat ground on the edge of the poisonous desert outside the city of surrender. A large and square "military city", I personally went to the Fengxing Hall to wait for him with wine.

Some of the leaders of the Wu clan originally felt that the Wei army was victorious without force, but at this grand scene, they were all frightened and did not dare to talk about military affairs.

Since then, the three tribes of the Wu clan have fully surrendered. The western Wu clan has been divided, stationed troops, and actually surrendered. The central and eastern parts have also been under the diplomatic control of the Wei Dynasty and have never been able to reunite.

Now that Apo is dead, the heir Tuli Khan asked to marry the eldest daughter of the Wei Dynasty, and continued to maintain a sufficient attitude of surrender. This is why the leaders of the shaman clan I met in Longxi were so honest... but Du Lanke from the east Although Khan continued to accept the canonization of the Wei Dynasty on the surface, there were always rumors that his father Sabolo broke an arrow to show his hatred before his death. He asked Dulan Khan not to forget the shame that the Wei Dynasty had added to him.

Back to the present, the saint has been very unhappy in the past few years, especially the failure of the Second Conquest of Dongyi and Yang Shen's rebellion. In addition, his sister's whole family has just died, and he has encountered crows pooping. It seems that he wants to be excited again. excusable.

"But Your Majesty, we won the battle that day and our diplomacy was also successful. The Wu tribe had no choice but to leave the surrender city. Moreover, most of these Wu tribe leaders are from the central part. How can we mobilize the leaders from the east?" said the Ministry of War. Shangshu Duan Wei is somewhat difficult to understand.

"Of course I know this and that." Cao Che responded calmly. "The central part is also different from the west. Even if you don't say something, I understand. I only brought 50,000 people, and there were only more than 20,000 soldiers... How can it be compared with when I surrendered the city? However, I did not expect Dulan Khan to come out. I just asked them to tell the tribes on the eastern border that the Emperor of Wei Dynasty had arrived in Mayi and asked them to come to see me. I could give them generous treatment. , Isn’t it possible? Could it be that the eastern tribes who have offered to surrender in recent years are all fake and your Ministry of War deceived me?”

"I'm not saying it can't be done." Duan Wei was sweating profusely. "I'm saying... Why does your Majesty, with his rich body, need to bring tens of thousands of exhausted palace people and troops to do such a thing?"

"You mean, the Wu clan people have regained their strength in just a few years?" Cao Che sneered. "The Tuli subordinates in the central part dare to go directly to Dulan in the east? Dulan in the east dares to listen to a few words from the central part

The leader said, abandon the sudden advantage in the middle and come to find me. From the Wu clan to Mayi, there is nothing more than the natural barrier of Baidao and the sea of ​​suffering. There, the three thousand soldiers guarding the pass at Baidao are enough to block tens of thousands of soldiers. Here, the sea of ​​suffering...

Unless Dulan Khan starts building ships as soon as he takes the throne, how many troops can he send to sneak attack me? How many masters can he come to attack me? My Fulong Seal is waiting for me?"

Duan Wei thought for a moment and had nothing to say, but then looked at Sima Changying.

Without him, Sima Changying was the one representing the military among the two husbands at this time, and he was responsible for the deployment of Dulan Khan's subordinates in Nanya all year round... He had the most say in this matter, but he chose not to comment.

This word forced the Minister of War to negotiate with the saint from the perspective of his own management and persuade him.

Just when Sima Changying was deep in thought, Wei Chi, the old and vigorous Shangshu of the Ministry of Justice, suddenly stepped forward and bowed his hands in salute: "Your Majesty, I have something to say."

The emperor looked a little impatient: "You tell me."

"Your Majesty." Wei Chi responded seriously. "What your Majesty said is all right, but there is a huge risk...that is, these Wu clan leaders were brought here from Longxi by your Majesty.

Thousands of miles away, they only want to go home. Aren't they deliberately saying things to please His Majesty just to escape? If they cross the White Road and never come back, but Your Majesty leads tens of thousands of people to wait in Mayi, wouldn't it be more important for the people of the world?


The emperor hesitated to speak, but this time it was his turn and he could not refute.

Finally, the saint naturally looked at Sima Changying.

Sima Changying sighed deeply in his heart, but with a stern face he said: "I think, first of all, it is very common for the tribes on the border to admire the saint's grace and come to seek refuge. The leaders of the central Wu clan may not dare to deceive the emperor.

No matter...there is still a high chance that this thing will come true."

The saint nodded slightly.

"Secondly." Sima Changying continued to speak seriously. "Your Majesty, I take the liberty...Has your Majesty made this matter public?"

The emperor was startled for a moment, then laughed: "I didn't tell anyone except you!"

"In that case." Sima Changying bowed more sincerely in the strange eyes of Duan Wei, Wei Chi and Su Wei. "I would like to ask your majesty to go hunting on Baishan Mountain, which is a little further away from Baidao and is safer to the east. By the way, we can climb the mountain again to look at the sea of ​​suffering.

Sacrificing sacrifices to the Supreme Being of the North... If after the sacrifice and preparing to turn back, a Wu tribe suddenly comes to surrender, wouldn't it be because His Majesty's prestige and virtue are known all over the world, and he can be called the Supreme Being on land?"

The emperor slapped the case and stood up, greatly excited: "Good!"

I don’t know what the others were thinking. Duan Wei, who had been waiting for Sima Changying for a long time, only had four words pop up in his mind - self-deception!

However, although he didn't know what Sima Changying had gone through, Duan Wei, who had been a little disappointed with this husband before, did not speak anymore.

He just wants to end this farce and go home early. His son is scheduled to get married in the next year, and the woman is the noble daughter of the Bai family, Bai Erjiu Niang.

In early October, winter had begun. After receiving the reward and transferring it to Wang Zhen and other subordinates, the middle-level bureaucrat Zhang Xing, who was unaware of everything, immediately received the second notice - the Holy Driver was going out of Yanmen Pass to hunt Baishan Mountain.

, no one is allowed to delay and set out immediately, anyone who disobeys the order and delays will be killed.

All I can say is that fortunately Zhang Xing's subordinates have packed their luggage.

PS: Good night everyone.

This chapter has been completed!
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