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depose the dragon

depose the dragon

author:Grenades are afraid of water

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Last Update:07-27 06:11

Latest chapter:Chapter 50 A Thousand Miles Journey (4)

There are dragons in the sky and the earth here.(br)Dragons come in all shapes and sizes. They may swim in the rivers and seas, soar in the mountains, hide in the secluded mountains, or soar among the clouds.(br)Once they rise up, they can be swallowed. The wind brings snow, diverts rivers, causes thunder and fire, and divides mountains to avoid seas.(br)There are also dragons in the world here.(br)A dragon among men has great ambitions, a good plan, the opportunity to hide the universe, and swallows up the heaven and the earth. Ambition.(br)When the opportunity arises, he can change the clouds and rain, decide the fate, set the cauldron and ask questions, and become a dragon.(br)As a lost time traveler, Zhang Xing also wanted to become a dragon at first, but later, he discovered that this The career was too good, so I decided to change my career and dethrone the dragons.(br)The so-called travel the world, make the heaven and earth accessible everywhere, dethrone the dragons all over the world, so that everyone in the world can be a dragon.(br)(br) This is an old-fashioned time-travel story.

If you think《depose the dragon》If it's not bad, please don't forget to recommend it to your friends in QQ groups and microblogs!

《depose the dragon》The latest nine chapters
Chapter 50 A Thousand Miles Journey (4)
Chapter 49 A Thousand Miles Journey (3)
Chapter 48 A Thousand Miles Journey (2)
Chapter 47 A Thousand Miles Journey (1)
Chapter 46 Return (12)
Chapter 45 Return (11)
Chapter 44 Return (10)
Chapter 43 Return (9)
Chapter 42 Return (8)
《depose the dragon》Chapter Contents
Chapter 1 Staggering (1)
Chapter 2 Staggering (2)
Chapter 3 Staggering (3)
Chapter 4 Staggering (4)
Chapter 5 Staggering (5)
Chapter 6 Staggering (6)
Chapter 7 Staggering (7)
Chapter 8 Staggering (8)
Chapter 9 Staggering (9)
Chapter 10 Staggering (10)
Chapter 11 Staggering (11)
Chapter 12 Staggering (12)
Chapter Thirteen: Square Lane (1)
Chapter 14 Square Lane (2)
Chapter 15 Square Lane (3)
Chapter 16 Square Lane (4)
Chapter 17 Square Lane (5)
Chapter 18 Square Lane (6)
Chapter 19 Square Lane (7)
Chapter 20 Square Lane (8)
Chapter Twenty-One (9)
Chapter Twenty-two Square Lane (10)
Chapter 23: Square Lane (11)
The twenty-fourth chapter of the square (12)
The twenty-fifth chapter of the square (13)
The twenty-sixth chapter of the square (14)
The twenty-seventh chapter square (15)
The twenty-eighth chapter of the street (1)
The twenty-eighth chapter of the street (2)
Chapter 30: Heaven Street (3)
Chapter Thirty-One (4)
Chapter Thirty-two Heaven Street (5)
Chapter Thirty-Three Heaven Street (6)
The thirty-fourth chapter of the street (7)
The thirty-fifth chapter of the street (8)
The thirty-sixth chapter of the street (9)
The thirty-seventh chapter of the street (10)
Chapter Thirty-Eighth Street Walk (11)
The thirty-ninth chapter day street trip (12)
Chapter 40: Skywalk (13)
Chapter 41: Skywalk (14)
Chapter 42: Skywalk (15)
The forty-third chapter Guanshan trip (1)
The forty-fourth chapter Guanshan trip (2)
The forty-fifth chapter Guanshan trip (3)
The forty-sixth chapter Guanshan trip (4)
The forty-seventh chapter Guanshan trip (5)
The forty-eighth chapter Guanshan trip (6)
The forty-ninth chapter Guanshan trip (7)
The 50th chapter Guanshan trip (8)
The fifty-first chapter Guanshan trip (9)
The fifty-second chapter off the mountain trip (10)
The fifty-third chapter Guanshan trip (11)
The fifty-fourth chapter Guanshan trip (12)
The fifty-fifth chapter document line (1)
The fifty-sixth chapter document line (2)
The fifty-seventh chapter document line (3)
The fifty-eighth chapter document line (4)
The fifty-ninth chapter document line (5)
Chapter 60 Documents and Documents (6)
Chapter 61: Documents and Documents (7)
Chapter 62 Documents and Documents (8)
Chapter Sixty-Three Documents (9)
Chapter 64 Documents and Documents (10)
Chapter 65: Documents and Documents (11)
Chapter 66 Documents and Documents (12)
Chapter 67 Documents and Documents (13)
Chapter 68: Documents and Documents (14)
Chapter sixty-ninth document line (15)
Chapter 70 Documents and Documents (16)
Chapter 71: Documents and Documents (17) (4k2 in 1)
Chapter 72 Cooking Crane (1)
Chapter 73 Cooking Crane (2)
Chapter 74 Cooking Crane (3)
Chapter 75 Cooking Crane (4)
Chapter 76 Cooking Crane (5)
Chapter 77 Cooking Crane (6)
Chapter 78 Cooking Crane (7)
Chapter 79 Cooking Crane (8)
Chapter 80 Cooking Crane (9)
Chapter 81 Cooking Crane (10)
Chapter 82 Cooking Crane (11)
Chapter 83 Cooking Crane (12) (2 in 1)
Chapter 84 Cooking Crane (13)
Chapter 85 Cooking Crane (14)
Chapter 86 Cooking Crane (15)
Chapter 87 Cooking Crane (16)
Chapter 88 Cooking Crane (17)
Chapter 89 Cooking Crane (18) (5k2 in 1)
Chapter 90 Golden Cone (1)
Chapter 91 Golden Cone (2) (2 in 1)
Chapter 92 The Golden Cone (3)
Chapter 93 Golden Cone (4)
Chapter 94 Golden Cone (5)
Chapter 95 Golden Cone (6)
Chapter 96 Golden Cone (7)
Chapter 97 Golden Cone (8)
Chapter 98 Golden Cone (9) (2 in 1)
Chapter 99 Golden Cone (10) (Continue 2 in 1)
Chapter 100 Gold Cone (11)
Chapter 101 Golden Cone (12)
Chapter 102 Golden Cone Line (13)
Chapter 103 Golden Cone Line (14)
Chapter 104 Golden Cone Line (15)
Chapter 105 Gold Cone Line (16)
Chapter 106 Golden Cone Line (17)
Chapter 107 Golden Cone Line (18)
Chapter 108 Golden Cone Line (19)
Chapter 109: Killing Whales (1)
Chapter 110: Killing Whales (2)
Chapter 111: Killing Whales (3)
Chapter 112: Killing Whales (4)
Chapter 113: Killing Whales (5)
Chapter 114: Killing Whales (6)
Chapter 115: Killing Whales (7)
Chapter 118: Killing Whales (8)
Chapter 117: Killing Whales (9)
Chapter 118: Whale Killing (10)
Chapter 119: Killing Whales (11)
Chapter 120: Whale Killing (12)
Chapter 121: Whale Killing (13)
The 122nd chapter on the forest line (1)
The 123rd chapter goes to the forest (2)
The 124th chapter on the forest line (3)
The 125th chapter on the forest line (4)
The 126th chapter on the forest line (5)
The 127th chapter on the forest line (6)
One hundred and twentieth eight chapters on the forest line (7)
The 129th chapter on the forest line (8)
The 130th chapter on the forest line (9)
Chapter 131 Shanglin Xing (10) (8k2 in 1 debt repayment)
One hundred and thirtieth chapters on the forest line (11)
One hundred and thirtieth chapters on the forest line (12)
The 134th chapter sea of ??hardships (1)
The 135th chapter sea of ??hardships (2)
The 136th chapter of the sea of ??hardships (3)
The 137th chapter sea of ??hardships (4)
The 138th chapter sea of ??hardships (5)
The 139th chapter sea of ??suffering (6)
The one hundred and fortieth chapter of the sea of ??suffering (7)
The 141st chapter sea of ??hardships (8)
The 142nd chapter sea of ??suffering (9)
One hundred and fortieth chapters of the sea of ??suffering (10)
The one hundred and fortieth chapter of the sea of ??hardships (11)
'Song of Shao' and the creation of online literature and the literature of the times and the chat
The one hundred and fortieth chapter of the sea of ??suffering (12)
One hundred and forty-six chapters of the sea of ??hardships (13)
Chapter 147: Journey to the Sea of ??Misery (14) (8.2k2 in 1)
One hundred and forty-eighth chapter sea of ??suffering (15)
The 149th chapter sea of ??hardships (16)
The one hundred and fiftieth chapter of the sea of ??hardships (17)
The 151st chapter sea of ??hardships (18)
Chapter 152: Journey to the Sea of ??Misery (19) (7k2 in 1)
The 153rd chapter sea of ??suffering (20)
The 154th chapter floating horse line (1)
The 155th chapter floating horse line (2)
The 156th chapter floating horse line (3)
The 157th chapter floating horse line (4)
The 158th chapter floating horse line (5)
The 159th chapter floating horse line (6)
The 160th chapter floating horse line (7)
The 161st chapter floating horse (8)
The 162nd chapter floating horse line (9)
One hundred and sixtieth chapters floating horse (10)
The 164th chapter floating horse (11)
One hundred and sixtieth chapters floating horse line (12)
The 166th chapter floating horse (13)
One hundred and sixty seventh chapter floating horse (14)
Chapter 168: Floating Horse (15) (2-in-1 Repayment)
One hundred and sixtieth IX floating horse line (16)
One hundred and seventieth chapter floating horse line (17)
Chapter 1 The Journey of the Knights (1)
Chapter 2 The Journey of the Knights (2)
Chapter 3 The Journey of the Knights (3)
Chapter 4 The Journey of the Knights (4)
Chapter 5 The Journey of the Knights (5)
Chapter 6 The Journey of the Knight (6)
Chapter 7 The Journey of the Knights (7)
Chapter VIII The Journey of the Knights (8)
Chapter 9 The Xia Xing Xing (9)
Chapter 10 Xia Xing Xing (10)
Chapter 11 The Xia Xing Xing (11)
Chapter 12 The Xia Xing Xing (12)
Chapter Thirteen: The Journey of the Knight (13)
Chapter 14 The Journey of the Knight (14)
Chapter XV Xia Xing Xing (15) (8k2 in 1 debt repayment)
Chapter 16 The Journey of the Knights (16)
Chapter 17 The Journey of the Knights (17) (2-in-1 Debt Repayment)
Chapter 18 Vibrating Arms (1)
Chapter 19 Vibrating Arms (2)
Chapter 20 Vibrating Arms (3)
Chapter 21 Vibrating Arms (4)
Chapter 22 Vibrating Arms (5)
Chapter 23 Vibrating Arms (6)
Chapter 24 Vibrating Arms (7)
Chapter Twenty-Five Vibrating Arms (8)
Chapter 26: Vibrating Arms (9)
Chapter 27: Vibrating Arms (10)
The twenty-eighth chapter shaking arms (11)
The twenty-ninth chapter shaking arms (12)
Chapter 30 Vibrating Arms (13)
Chapter 31: Vibrating Arms (14)
Chapter 32: Traveling in the Snow (1)
Chapter 33 Travel in the Snow (2)
Chapter 34: Traveling in the Snow (3)
Chapter 35 Travel in the Snow (4)
Chapter 36: Traveling in the Snow (5)
Chapter Thirty-Seven Travel in the Snow (6)
The thirty-eighth chapter in the snow (7)
The thirty-ninth chapter snow travel (8)
Chapter 40: Traveling in the Snow (9)
Chapter 41: Traveling in the Snow (10)
Chapter 42: Traveling in the Snow (11)
The forty-third chapter snow travel (12)
The forty-fourth chapter travel in the snow (13)
The forty-fifth chapter travel in the snow (14)
Chapter 46: Traveling in the Snow (15)
The forty-seventh chapter travel in the snow (16)
The forty-eighth chapter is a line (1)
The forty-ninth chapter is a line (2)
The 50th chapter is a line (3)
Chapter Fifty-One (4)
The fifty-second chapter of the line (5)
Chapter Fifty-Three Slipping Armor (6)
The fifty-fourth chapter of the slaughtering line (7)
The fifty-fifth chapter of the line (8)
The fifty-sixth chapter of the line (9)
The fifty-seventh chapter is a line (10)
The fifty-eighth chapter is a line (11)
The fifty-ninth chapter of the line (12)
The sixtieth chapter of the line (13)
Chapter Sixty-One
Chapter 62: Slipping Armor (15)
Chapter 232: The Fight (15)
Chapter 233: The Fight (16)
Chapter 234: Fighting the Armor (17)
Chapter 235 Array row (1)
Chapter 236 Array row (2)
Chapter 237 Array row (3)
Chapter 238 Array row (4)
Chapter 239 Array row (5)
Chapter 240 Array row (6)
Chapter 241 Array row (7)
Chapter 242 Array row (8)
Chapter 243 Array row (9)
Chapter 244 Array row (10)
Chapter 245 Array row (11)
Chapter 246 Array row (12)
Chapter 77 He Ge (1)
Chapter 78: He Ge (2)
Chapter 79: He Ge (3)
Chapter 80: He Ge (4)
Chapter 81: He Ge (5)
Chapter 82: He Ge (6)
Chapter 83: He Ge (7)
Chapter 84: He Ge (8)
Chapter 85: He Ge (9)
Chapter 86: He Ge (10)
The eighty-seventh chapter He Ge line (11)
The eighty-eighth chapter He Ge line (12)
The eighty-ninth chapter He Ge line (13)
Chapter 90 He Ge (14)
Chapter 91 Hoges Journey (15)
Chapter 92 Hoges Journey (16)
Chapter 93: Hoge Travel (17)
The ninety-fourth chapter He Ge line (18)
Chapter 95: Hoge Travel (19)
Chapter 96: Hoge Travel (20)
Chapter 97: Hoge Travel (21)
Chapter Ninety-Eight: Facing the Epidemic (1)
Chapter 99: Facing the epidemic (2)
A note on tonight's evening and the encounter with the small composition
Chapter 100 Pro-pop (3)
Chapter 101 Pro-pop (4)
The 102nd chapter is popular (5)
The 103rd chapter is popular (6)
The 104th chapter is popular (7)
The 105th chapter is popular (8)
The 106th chapter is popular (9)
Chapter 107 Pro-pop (10)
The 108th chapter is popular (11)
The 109th chapter is popular (12)
Chapter 110 Pro-pop (13)
Chapter 111 Pro-pop (14)
Chapter 112 Pro-pop (15)
Chapter 113 Pro Pop 16
Chapter 114 Pro Pop 17
Chapter 115: Wan Cheng Xing 1
Chapter 116 Wancheng Line 2
Chapter 117: Wan Cheng Xing 3
Chapter 118: Wan Cheng Xing 4
One hundred and nineteenth chapter million rides 5
Chapter 120 Wancheng (6)
Chapter 121: Wan Cheng Xing 7
Chapter One Hundred and Twenty Two Wan Cheng Xing 8
Chapter 123: Wan Cheng Xing 9
Chapter One Hundred and Twenty-Fourth Wan Cheng Xing 10
Chapter One Hundred and Twenty Five Ten Thousand Rides 11
The one hundred and twentieth chapter million rides (12)
The 127th chapter million rides (13)
One hundred and twentieth eight chapters travel (14)
One hundred and twenty-ninth chapter million rides (15)
Chapter 130: Tiger Row (1)
The 131st chapter tiger (2)
The 131st chapter tiger (2)
Chapter 132: Tiger Row (3)
Chapter 133: Tiger Row (4)
One hundred and thirtieth chapters tigers (5)
One hundred and thirtieth chapters tigers (6)
One hundred and thirtieth chapters tigers (7)
Chapter 137: Tiger Row (8)
One hundred and thirtieth eight chapters tiger (9)
One hundred and thirtieth chapters tigers (10)
One hundred and fortieth chapter tigers (11)
One hundred and fortieth chapter tigers (12)
One hundred and fortieth chapters Tigers (13)
One hundred and fortieth chapters Tigers (14)
One hundred and fortieth chapters Tigers (15)
One hundred and fortieth chapters Tigers (16)
One hundred and fortieth chapters Tigers (17)
One hundred and fortieth seventh chapter Tigers (18)
One hundred and fortieth eight chapters tiger (19)
319 Chapter 20
One hundred and fiftieth chapter Tigers (21)
One hundred and fifty first chapter Tigers (22)
Chapter 152 Long Shangxing (1)
The 153rd chapter Long Shangxing (2)
Chapter 154 Long Shangxing (3)
Chapter 155: Going Up Long (4)
Chapter 156 Long Shangxing (5)
Chapter 156 Long Shangxing (5)
Chapter 157 Long Shangxing (6)
Chapter 158 Long Shangxing (7)
One hundred and fiftieth IX Long Shangxing (8)
Chapter 160: Journey to Longshang (9)
331 Chapter 10
Chapter 162 Long Shangxing (11)
333 Chapter 12
334 Chapter 13
One hundred and sixtieth chapters Long Shangxing (14)
Chapter 336 Long Shangxing (15)
One hundred and sixty seventh chapter Long Shangxing (16)
One hundred and sixty eighth chapter Longshang trip (17)
One hundred and sixtieth IX Long Shangxing (18)
Chapter 340 Long Shangxing (19)
Chapter 341 Long Shang Tour 20
one day off
342 Chapter 21
343 Chapter 22
The 175th chapter river trip (2)
Chapter 346 River Walk 3
Chapter 347: River Tour (4)
Chapter 348 Journey to the Rivers (5)
Chapter 349: River Tour (6)
Chapter 350: River Tour (7)
Chapter 351: River Tour (8)
Chapter 352: River Tour (9)
Chapter 353: River Tour (10)
Please teach
Chapter 354: River Tour (11)
355 Chapter 12
356 Chapter 13
One hundred and eighty sixth chapter river trip (14)
358 Chapter 15
Chapter 359: River Tour (16)
Chapter 360: River Tour (17)
Chapter 361: River Tour (18)
Chapter 362: River Tour (19)
Chapter 363: River Tour (20)
Chapter 364 River trip (21)
365 Chapter 22
Chapter 366 River Walk 23
Chapter 367
Chapter 368
Chapter 369
Chapter two hundred
Chapter 201: Four Field Walks (5)
Chapter two hundred and second
Chapter 373
Chapter 204: A Walk in the Fields (8)
Chapter 375
I have a flow and ask for leave
Chapter 206: Four Fields (10)
The 207th chapter four field trip (11)
Chapter 378
Chapter 209: The Four Fields (13)
Chapter 380
Chapter 381
Chapter 382
Chapter 383
Chapter 384: The Country 2
Chapter 385: The Country’s Destruction Part 3
Chapter 216: The Country (4)
Chapter 217: The Country (5)
Chapter 218: The Country (6)
Two hundred and nineteenth chapters of the country (7)
Two hundred and twentieth chapters of the country (8)
Two hundred and twentieth chapters country action (9)
Two hundred and twentieth chapters of the country (10)
Two hundred and twentieth chapters national action (11)
Two hundred and twentieth chapters country action (12)
Two hundred and twentieth chapters country action (13)
Two hundred and twentieth chapters country action (14)
Two hundred and twentieth seventh chapter country action (15)
Two hundred and twentieth eight chapters of the country (16)
Two hundred and twentieth IX national action (17)
Two hundred and thirtieth chapters of the country (18)
Two hundred and thirtieth chapters country action (19)
Two hundred and thirtieth chapters country action (20)
Chapter 233 Walking (1)
The 234th chapter walk (2)
Chapter 235: Walking (3)
Chapter 236: Walking (4)
Chapter 237 Walking (5)
Two hundred and thirtieth eight chapters walk (6)
Chapter 239 Walking (7)
Chapter 240 Walking (8)
Chapter 241 Walking (9)
Two hundred and fortieth chapters walk (10)
Two hundred and fortieth chapters walking (11)
Two hundred and fortieth chapters walk (12)
Two hundred and fortieth chapters walk (13)
Two hundred and fortieth chapters walk (14)
Two hundred and fortieth seventh chapter walk (15)
Two hundred and fortieth eight chapters walk (16)
Two hundred and fortieth IX Walking (17)
Chapter 250 Walking (18)
Chapter 251 Walking (19)
Two hundred and fiftieth chapters walk (20)
Two hundred and fiftieth chapters walk (21)
The 254th chapter mountains and seas (1)
The 255th chapter mountain and sea trip (2)
Chapter 256 Mountains and Seas (3)
Chapter 257 Mountain and Sea Tour (4)
Two hundred and fiftieth eight chapters mountains and seas (5)
Chapter 259 Mountains and Seas (6)
Two hundred and sixtieth chapters mountains and seas (7)
Chapter 261 Mountain and Sea Tour (8)
Chapter 262 Mountain and Sea Tour (9)
Chapter 263 Mountain and Sea Journey (10)
Two hundred and sixtieth chapters mountains and seas (11)
Two hundred and sixtieth chapters mountains and seas (12)
Two hundred and sixtieth chapters mountains and seas (13)
Two hundred and sixtieth chapters mountains and seas trip (14)
Two hundred and sixtieth eight chapters mountains and seas (15)
Two hundred and sixtieth IX Mountains and Seas (16)
Two hundred and seventieth chapters mountains and seas (17)
Two hundred and seventieth chapters mountains and seas (18)
Two hundred and seventieth chapters mountains and seas (19)
Two hundred and seventieth chapters mountains and seas (20)
Two hundred and seventieth chapters mountains and seas (21)
Two hundred and seventieth chapters mountains and seas (22)
Two hundred and seventieth chapters mountains and seas (23)
Chapter 280 Journey to Mountains and Seas (27)
Chapter 281 Journey to Mountains and Seas (28)
Chapter 282 Journey to Mountains and Seas (29)
Chapter 283 Journey to Mountains and Seas (30)
Chapter 284 Journey to Mountains and Seas (31)
Chapter 285: Journey to Mountains and Seas (32)
Chapter 286: Journey to Mountains and Seas (33)
Chapter 287 Journey to Mountains and Seas (34)
Chapter 288 Journey to Mountains and Seas (35)
Chapter 289 Journey to Mountains and Seas (36)
Chapter 290 Journey to Mountains and Seas (37)
Chapter 291: Wind and Rain (1)
Chapter 292: Wind and Rain (2)
Chapter 293: Wind and Rain (3)
Chapter 294: Wind and Rain (4).
Chapter 295: Wind and Rain (5)
Chapter 296: Wind and Rain (6)
Chapter 297: Wind and Rain (7)
Chapter 298: Wind and Rain (8)
Chapter 299: Wind and Rain (9)
Chapter 300: Wind and Rain (10)
Chapter 11: Wind and Rain (11)
Chapter 12: Wind and Rain (12)
Chapter Thirteen: Wind and Rain (13).
Chapter 14: Wind and Rain (14).
Chapter 15: Wind and Rain (15)
Chapter 16: Wind and Rain (16)
Chapter 17: Wind and Rain (17)
Chapter 18: Wind and Rain (18)
Chapter 19: Wind and Rain (19)
Chapter 20: Wind and Rain (20)
Chapter 21: Wind and Rain (21)
Chapter 22: Wind and Rain (22)
Chapter 23: Wind and Rain (23)
Chapter 24: Wind and Rain (24)
Chapter 25: Wind and Rain (25)
Chapter 26: Wind and Rain (26)
Chapter 27: Wind and Rain (27)
Chapter 28: Wind and Rain (28)
Chapter 29: Wind and Rain (29)
Chapter 30: Wind and Rain (30)
Chapter 31 Wind and Rain (31)
Chapter 32: Wind and Rain (32)
Chapter 33: Wind and Rain (33)
Chapter 34: Wind and Rain (34)
Chapter 35 Return (1)
Chapter 36 Return (2)
Chapter 37 Return (3)
Chapter 38 Return (4)
Chapter 39 Return (5)
Chapter 40 Return (6)
Chapter 41 Return (7)
Chapter 42 Return (8)
Chapter 43 Return (9)
Chapter 44 Return (10)
Chapter 45 Return (11)
Chapter 46 Return (12)
Chapter 47 A Thousand Miles Journey (1)
Chapter 48 A Thousand Miles Journey (2)
Chapter 49 A Thousand Miles Journey (3)
Chapter 50 A Thousand Miles Journey (4)