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The 156th chapter floating horse line (3)

On the morning of the middle of the twelfth lunar month, Zhang Xing accompanied His Royal Highness the Prince of Qi and returned to the Eastern Capital after an absence of half a year. The atmosphere in the Eastern Capital was somewhat beyond their expectations.

Everyone seems to be very excited, from officials to civilians... The big golden pillar that is about to be completed stands far away outside Duanmen, clad in red and green, it is a spectacular sight. There is an endless stream of scholars, citizens and officials who come to watch.

There was even a market formed outside the surrounding construction site, and even the group of people who had just returned couldn't help but stop and watch for a while; walking further inside, on the sky street, there were people walking shoulder to shoulder, with knights and messengers constantly coming and going in the middle, and even more vendors on the street corridors on both sides.

In succession, the people were mostly shopping with baskets full of shopping; when they arrived at the palace, transferred to the Xiyuan, and handed over their errands, everyone in the palace was easy-going and enthusiastic.

All this made a group of Fulong Guards who had just traveled through the Jin Dynasty and encountered war zones, military zones, no-man's land, and bandit areas a little stunned, almost thinking that they were in a dream.

But no matter how stunned they were, it couldn't stop everyone from being extremely exhausted at this time, and they were eager to return home. King Qi naturally had to go to see the saint or something. The rest of the people answered their names on the roster, and without having time to say anything, they directly talked to the people here in Yangliulin.

After saying goodbye to each other, he hurriedly turned back.

Zhang Xing and Qin Bao were also among them.

"I thought you two weren't coming back." Yueniang opened the door and her first words were filled with tears.

Qin Bao was depressed for a moment and quickly lowered his head, wanting to explain.

Zhang Xing, on the other hand, rushed to the door, then turned around in surprise: "Who are you? Where is our Yueniang?"

Yueniang had already held it back, but when she heard this she couldn't bear it any longer and cried on the spot.

Zhang Xing suddenly realized: "Oh, it turns out that Yueniang has grown taller and more handsome, and is almost an adult... I have really wronged you after half a year."

"It's not a matter of half a year." Yueniang wiped her tears, then got into the kitchen, and brought out a basin of fried dough that was still warm. "I knew before you left that you were coming back before the New Year. The key is

It's because you didn't go according to your original statement, and you have been spreading rumors since autumn, which scares people to death..."

"How did you spread the word?" Zhang Xing didn't wash his hands, just sat down in the yard and twisted a little casually.

Qin Bao, on the other hand, led the horse to the back obediently. He probably had to hurriedly load the food and then come back to wash his hands before using it. Yueniang also entered the kitchen again, seemingly preparing to fry the crispy pork.

But this doesn’t stop her from keeping all her treasures in mind:

"At the beginning, it was said that Duke Mu wanted to bring the five governors of Kansai together to rebel. The saint was nominally on a patrol, but in fact he wanted to launch a massacre in Kansai and kill all the big families in Kansai.

"Then the Ziwei Palace was attacked by the Dragon Evil, and many people died. Then the eldest princess Xiyuan's bedroom was attacked by the Dragon Evil. She was cursed to death by the Wu Tribe who borrowed the power of the Dragon Sinner... and later...

It was said that the whole family was cursed to death...

"When you go to the east of Hedong, there will be even more chaos... The saints were surrounded in seven or eight places in the north alone. Some said that all of you were killed, and that you were divided by the sin dragon and caused misery.

There are also people who drown in one breath of sea water...

"Some people say that since the saint is gone, Cao Zhongcheng wants to help the emperor's eldest grandson ascend the throne. Some people say that he wants to help King Qi, because King Qi is not surrounded in Taiyuan. Some even say that Uncle Cao wants to become the emperor himself..."

"A recent rumor is that the saint promised to cede the north of Loufanguan to the Wu clan before he returned. Wei Shangshu refused to do it and was sentenced to death. The five soldiers refused to do it, so the saint gave away his tens of thousands.

The palace servant promised to be the wife of a soldier from the Fifth Army before he could come back...and these rumors all involve dead people."

While talking, Qin Bao had already come back, picked up the fried dough, ate three or five of them while standing, and then couldn't help but remind him in the yard: "Yue Niang, don't say such things, there are many people in the house."

Colleagues from Antai, it wouldn’t be good if they were overheard..."

"Look." Zhang Xing sneered. "Now we are in charge, and no one is allowed to talk..."

Qin Bao was blocked, and the kitchen was quiet for a while.

"Did you hear these words from the neighbors in Dongdu?" Zhang Xing smelled the smell of fried crispy pork and his mouth was filled with saliva. He simply stopped frying the dough and got up and went into the main room to pour himself a cup of tea before coming out calmly.

Come and wait.

"That's natural." Yueniang responded in the kitchen. "If it wasn't like this, how could I dare to say it directly? The saint was not in the city, and he took away so many Jinwu guards, eunuchs, palace maids, and so many high-ranking officials.

Jun, the city is very comfortable on the one hand, but very nervous on the other..."

"How do you say that?" Zhang Xing was surprised for a moment, but he soon came to his senses. "Is it about building the big golden pillar?"

"Yes." Yueniang responded simply. "There are not many civilians to use the big golden pillar, but first they have to search for gold and silver, and then for iron, which makes the city a mess. First the big traders hang themselves, then the small traders hang themselves, and then

Every household has to mine iron...Many poor people in Nancheng cannot afford the extremely expensive money to buy iron, and they have no spare iron, so they can only smash pots, and those outside the city can only unload hoes."

"Cao Zhongcheng doesn't care?" Qin Bao couldn't hold back.

"No worries, so it gradually subsided in the next two months, but it is said that it was because the iron was distributed to outside places like the gold and silver before." Yueniang finally brought out a bowl of fried crispy pork. "You guys eat first,

After we finish eating, we will switch to the big stove to cook...Brother Bao helped me put down the firewood."

"I know." Qin Bao responded immediately. "Is that why the market is so busy?"

"No..." Yueniang thought for a while and answered seriously. "The market was bustling after the saint came back. Within a few days... there were many rewards and purchases from the palace, which made business easy.

Not much... but it’s definitely a bit strange.”

"What's weird?" Zhang Xing sat there, put down his tea cup and started eating meat seriously. He just asked casually.

After all, a large amount of government procurement and concentrated consumption by public servants will indeed cause a period of extreme abnormal prosperity in the market.

"Those neighbors, hawkers, and poor people obviously lost a penny of the money they were extorted from before, but they made money this time, but they were not willing to save it at all. Instead, they just took advantage of the twelfth lunar month to spend it." Yueniang answered seriously. "

In previous years, where would it be so lively without the Chinese New Year?"

"After all, the Chinese New Year is not far away." Qin Bao felt a little uneasy in his heart, but he didn't know what was going on. He could only explain it, but after saying this, he felt a little strange, so he went to see Zhang Xing again.

"What can there be?" Zhang Xing said with a faint smile. "Didn't Yueniang answer it already? If it were you, the money you worked so hard to save was suddenly taken away by the court. Who would still save money? This is called today's money.

If you get drunk today, you will die if you don’t drink tomorrow! Plus, the saint is back, so naturally I don’t dare to save money.”

Qin Bao suddenly realized, but could only remain silent.

But in fact, given Qin Erlang's inner talent, it is impossible to draw inferences from one instance...Those sergeants, palace servants, and officials, with their vindictive pomp, consumption, and enthusiasm, I am afraid they have a similar mentality.

To put it bluntly, with this saint on top, who is not drunk now? Who is not pretending to be dignified and dignified for one day? Why do you have to fight to the death? There is no way out, so just stay like this.

In this way, after Zhang Xing had eaten, he didn't bother to cover up, so he opened his mouth and made it clear that he was ready to go abroad. He asked her what she thought, should she stay here and follow Qin Bao, or what?

Even Qin Bao seems to have asked him what he thinks, whether he should take his mother over or send him to Youzhou.

And just when Zhang Xing was preparing his words and was about to speak, there was suddenly a sound of knocking on the door outside in the afternoon, and the sound was a bit shrill.

Qin Bao was surprised and immediately stood up to open the door. Unexpectedly, after opening the door, there was a waiter, and behind the waiter stood a semi-familiar person. He said hello and quickly turned back:

"Third brother, Eunuch Yu is here and asked if you are at home."

Zhang Xing also stood up in surprise... Although this Eunuch Yu had been in contact with each other for more than half a year, after all, he was the one in Beiya who directly faced the saint and was responsible for the documents. It was said that he did not have the name of a governor, but in fact he was second only to those How could the powerful father-in-law of the Grand Governor leave the palace and come to him in person?

"Eunuch Yu." Zhang Xingxing came out and hurriedly raised his hands in front of him in the courtyard, asking seriously, "Why are you here to see me?"

"Zhang Changjian is really poor." Eunuch Yu looked around the courtyard, sighed, and then got down to business. "It's not that I have anything to do, it's that the saint has a calling... Let's go quickly."

Zhang Xing became more and more surprised, but he had no choice at this time. He could only quickly put on the dusty dark brocade clothes again, put on the samurai crown, and took up the scimitar... He didn't dare to bring the Jinglong Sword with him... so he hurriedly followed. Travel.

When they came outside, they got on their horses together. Before Zhang Xing could ask, Eunuch Yu suddenly turned around: "Our family just happened to run into this incident, so we took the initiative to invite you... Zhang Changjian, the saint was meeting His Highness the King of Qi. He lost his temper and asked Only then can you speak your words... When you arrive at a place, you must have a clear understanding of the situation in your heart."

Zhang Xing nodded immediately and responded again: "Thank you so much, Eunuch Yu, for reminding me. I will go to see the saint first, and then I will return to Xiyuan in two days and I will be rewarded."

Gu Huan

"That's not the case." Eunuch Yu quickly waved his hands with a smile. "We all work in front of the emperor, and we have to help each other in the future... The siege of Yunnei is subject to the thoughtful care of Fulongwei... Let's talk slowly in the future."

Zhang Xing suddenly realized that Ganqing was another sufferer of the sequelae of the siege in Yunnei, no different from the common people in the city who were crazy about making money.

In this way, without saying anything more, the few of them galloped into the Xiyuan and arrived at a separate hall. Zhang Xing lowered his head and followed Eunuch Yu in. He originally thought that he would break the precept of kowtow... Although this matter does not matter, But after all, I felt unhappy... But as soon as I walked in, I saw Duke Niu waving from a distance, indicating that he could go directly through the side corridor. After turning around, I found that the saint beside the dragon chair in the palace was wiping tears with King Qi on the ground. temper.

Up to this point, Deputy Changjian Zhang still didn’t know how he, a mere sixth-grade martial artist, could get into the eyes of this saint? He probably just brought up an entourage when he scolded King Qi, and was given the "" "Prepared" came over, but in this posture at this time, the hairy saint may not think of himself again.

As soon as he thought about this, he lowered his head and knelt beside Niu Dugong, pretending to be an invisible person.

However, the other hall was spacious and the outer corridor was a little far away from the inside of the hall. Zhang Xing couldn't hear the specific conversation between the father and son at all, so he lost some of the fun.

"If my father cannot trust my son, then I will kill him!"

Just when he was thinking this, King Qi suddenly became angry and his voice was so loud that all the palace people under the outer corridor were frightened and lowered their heads.

Only Zhang Xing, a man of fun, perked up, his ears twitched, and he quickly bowed his head next to Niu Dugong.

"Do you think I don't want to?" The saint was also furious, and the sound shook the roof. "If your eldest brother hadn't died early, and your nephews were still young, you would have died too!"

"My son is not afraid of death!" King Qi's voice became more and more angry, even a little sad. "In the early spring of last year, I had already thought about dying. The reason why I have kept my life until now is just to wait for my father to come and take it!


The saint suddenly lost his voice, and there was silence in the hall.

"Besides, I have absolutely no lies. The three parts of Jin land have been taken over by the Wu clan in the north. My father has just returned. Don't you believe it? There are also gangsters around Taiyuan, and there are rumors that it is because I was in Taiyuan before.

Organizing King Qin has just earned them the jealousy of their father. Otherwise, why would such an important position as Taiyuan Liubei be vacant? That is to say, the Hedong side is slightly better, but it is only because the great master Zhang Fuzi is on the road and blocks the chaos!" King Qi

Finally shouted out. "I dare to ask my father, I am a useless person. If I have treacherous intentions, it would be nothing more than scaremongering when I was in Taiyuan. Today, when I return to the Eastern Capital, my father and nephew are all here, and my uncle is also here. I

What's the use of being alarmist? Taiyuan is full of bandits!"

King Qi finished his roar, but fell down on the ground unable to speak, so that the palace continued to be silent for a while.

"Get off!"

Unexpectedly, the emperor did not have an additional attack, but just let out a low drink.

King Qi also kowtowed immediately, then stood up and staggered away in a hurry.

Duke Niu waved his hand, Eunuch Yu tugged down Zhang Xing's clothes, and the group hurriedly turned out from the side corridor with their heads down.

After leaving the house, no one dared to speak. They walked two or three miles away and arrived in the middle of the Xiyuan. Eunuch Yu stopped just now and then came to see Zhang Xing: "It's no use for Zhang Sanlang to come here."

"I wish I came here in vain." Zhang Xing shook his head repeatedly.

Eunuch Yu nodded heavily, and then sighed: "We will give you a gift."

After Zhang Xingqing knew that this was the siege of Yunnei, he realized the value of his warriors, especially since he had actual control over the perimeter of Fulongwei. His value to father-in-laws like them who had no force was even greater... but he had no reason to reject the other party's kindness.


The two continued walking eastward along Xiyuan Road. After walking for a while, Eunuch Yu looked back at the side hall that was completely invisible behind him, lowered his head and informed him of a piece of information:

"In fact, since the saint came back, he has not thought about food or tea, and he has been drinking frequently, so that it is difficult to fall asleep every day. He has to lie on a rocking bed and be pushed by the palace servants to fall asleep..."

Zhang Xing nodded, this means that the saint encountered trouble after he returned. In addition, he was frightened and became more emotionally unstable. He even suffered a neurasthenia. No wonder these father-in-laws were so careful.

"We who are chamberlains are also very distressed." After four or five breaths, Eunuch Yu suddenly realized that his words were too direct and hurriedly covered it up.

Since Zhang Xing knew that the other party was a breakthrough, he simply took advantage of the situation and asked: "Now that we have returned to the Eastern Capital, it stands to reason that the saint should relax, why do we still have to suffer like this...? Oh, I am also very distressed as a bodyguard.


Eunuch Yu smiled bitterly for a moment: "If someone else comes to ask, our family will naturally be speechless, but Zhang Sanlang is a smart man and a legitimate person. I can't hide it from you, so why not just be a favor... I feel sorry for the saint!"

"This is natural." Zhang Xing nodded before he could.

"The main thing is the two towers." Eunuch Yu suddenly cherished the words like gold.

Zhang Xing was startled and immediately realized half of it: "Is the first one a black tower?"

Eunuch Yu nodded heavily: "As soon as I inquired about this matter, Zhang Sanlang knew it. The whole court knew that after the saint came back, he suffered many losses from the emperor's uncle. The emperor's uncle was much more tyrannical this time..."

No wonder the saint stopped abruptly just now. Perhaps it was not what King Qi said that made sense, but the mention of Uncle Cao, which made the saint feel wary.

However, this matter is within the meaning of the title, but it is hard to say how much power the emperor's uncle can organize to control and reverse the government's affairs as he is a martial artist.

Because the interior of Nanya has long been in chaos, and it is no longer the Nanya before.

Uncle Cao Huang seemed to be fighting alone, and after all, he was subject to the distinction between monarch and ministers.

"Where's the other tower?" Zhang Xing thought for a while, but couldn't figure it out for a moment. "Is it Taibai Peak in Guanxi or the south slope in Hedong? It can't be Nanling or Dongyi, right?"

"None of them." Eunuch Yu suddenly stopped. "Actually, as long as Zhang Sanlang is still in the palace, he will know the whole story sooner or later... But our family cannot talk about it."

Zhang Xing became more and more surprised.

"It's getting late. Let Zhang Sanlang make this trip in vain. Come back quickly." As he said this, Eunuch Yu pointed to the fork in front of him.

Zhang Xing looked at the fork in the road, nodded, didn't ask any more questions, just bowed his hands and left calmly.

However, he did not go south, through the south gate of Xiyuan, but took another branch of the road, which was the same path he took when he first took office that day - that is, through the interior of Ziwei Palace.

Entering Xuanwu City, Zhang Xing did not leave directly, but made some inquiries. Then he found Ding Quan of Jinwu Guard along the way, said hello, and boarded the Xuanwu City in the eyes of the other party who looked slightly weird but not surprised.

's tower.

Then Zhang Sanlang saw the beautiful, majestic and tall Mingtang at a glance under the bright sunset, and saw the golden Babel Tower on the high ground on its west side, which was under intensified construction.

A very interesting point is that Zhang Xing clearly remembered that the tower had reached five floors before leaving, but why was it only three and a half floors now?

No wonder the rumor about the eldest princess was actually caused by some kind of dragon evil in Ziwei Palace? No wonder the saint suddenly executed a wave of messengers on the road and refused to return to the Eastern Capital?

The big golden pillar didn't collapse, but something else did?

PS: Thank you for my poor handwriting and your friendship with the master. What a unique name. Thank you to the master of Linghu No. 2 Middle School for the kind name. I send my regards to the two masters.

This chapter has been completed!
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