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The fifty-seventh chapter is a line (10)

In the panic, the core members of the Deposed Dragon Gang did not follow the instructions quickly and completely. Some people chose to ride quickly to follow, while others obviously hesitated for a moment, and then amidst the noisy shouts, the huge queue moved.

, chose to mount the horse carefully, and followed the red flag from the flank.

There was no way around them. Zhang Xing's personal guards, Xu Shiying's core troops, and the temporary supervising team organized by Wei Xuanding and Guan Xu had all taken shape, which made any of their thoughts redundant at this time.

At the same time, there are also insufficient horses. It is enough to provide these core members of the Deposed Dragon Gang, but it is impossible for each of Zhang Xing's two hundred personal guards to have a horse. The latter only provides a horse to force the former to get up and follow.

After that, most of them stayed where they were. Only a few people followed the leader Jia Yue and escorted the flag on horseback to follow.

In fact, Zhang Xing's slow lifting of the horse meant that he was aware of the possible hesitation and confusion, leaving buffer space for everyone.

No matter what, with the raising of the flag and the gathering of the Guards, and the habitual obedience of the old members of the gang, a so-called white-clothed tribe whose most members had no time to put on their armor still reluctantly gathered together and

Under the leadership of the red banner with the word "deposed", more and more people came out, taking the lead in protruding towards the chaotic and unaware front.

The total number of people is about seventy or eighty, more than half of them actually have no cultivation level, and most of them have no armor and stomach. They are all so-called white cavalry.

On the chaotic plains, this maverick force was so eye-catching that it had an immediate effect.

The broken troops of the Meng's Rebel Army began to avoid this team, which gained space for the core of the entire army in the rear; a small number of officers in the broken troops realized who the people were, and began to gather here on their own initiative... But Zhang Xingxing could not

One mile away, I met an acquaintance, Meng Tiegui, the younger brother of the Meng brothers.

Meng Ziegui is obviously a nickname. It may have been coined by the eldest brother Meng Shanggong to scare others when he was forced to take on the family affairs after becoming an official. It may also be because he is really brave. After all, he even deposed Long when he was in Zhouqiao.

Both Bang and Zhang Xing dared to argue with him, but over time, everyone got used to this nickname, and on the contrary, they didn't bother to care about his real name.

However, at this moment, the leader of the rebel army, who had always been fearless, was full of frustration. He was in a miserable state and without his helmet. He almost threw himself in front of Zhang Xingma, and was then beaten by several Jia Yue's subordinates.

He was pulled up with half assistance and half vigilance.

"Zhang Longtou... we are defeated." Meng Zhigui took a breath after being helped up, and spoke nonsense under everyone's attention.

"I can see it." Zhang Xing sneered at the red banner with the word "Deposed" floating in the south wind. "Just tell me where it was defeated, when it was defeated, how it was defeated, and what the defeat was!


"The one who was defeated early this morning was defeated in Dang County." Meng Zhigui responded with all his strength. "We thought we had won, but then we heard that Ma Hu had beaten the guard thirty times and ordered the troops to withdraw to the south, so we relaxed... As a result

They suddenly changed their route last night, turned around, and rushed to the foot of Dang County City at dawn. They climbed over the wall and opened the city gate, catching us off guard. We had no choice but to abandon the city and run away."

This process seems to have gone beyond expectations.

But soon, Zhang Xing thought about it again, but was stunned for a moment: "You fled from morning to evening, from Dang County to Bianshui? Did you know that Chuqiu is on the other side of the river? What happened to Yucheng?


"Yucheng is also lost." Meng Zhigui seemed to be in a trance. "The officers and soldiers are too powerful, and the soldiers are much stronger than our soldiers. They have been chasing us since the attack on the city and have not let go... We were afraid of being killed in the morning.

I fled directly to Yucheng at noon, but they caught up with me and occupied Yucheng again. Then I ran away and were chased by them again... After running for an entire afternoon, I saw Zhang Longtou."

Zhang Xing was silent for a moment.

This explains why the sentry sent out in the morning was unaware of it, and also proves the correctness of his actions. Ma Hu's subordinates should be right behind.

And he should have been exhausted, but it was just covered up by the pursuit of victory.

This point cannot be changed even if the quality of the warriors of the Fifth Army is far superior to that of the rebels who have just joined the army.

"Where's your elder brother?"

After a while, Zhang Xing, who was slightly moved in his heart, lowered his voice and continued to ask.

Meng Zhigui was in a trance again and swallowed: "I don't know..."

"Go back and reorganize the army!" Zhang Xing suddenly raised his voice and told a knight. "Huang Ping, take him to Xu Dalang, and then help him quickly organize his troops!"

Meng Zhigui was in a trance, and he was carried onto a horse. Even Huang Pong, the commander of the guards, was stunned for a moment. He probably didn't expect that Zhang Xing still remembered his name, and then he hurriedly led people back.

And go.

As soon as the people left, Zhang Xing continued to urge the banner and the gang to go south slowly. Then about a quarter of an hour later, when they were more than three miles away from Bianshui River, they encountered the official army.

There were only a small number of people, two to three hundred, clearly divided into three or four groups, and they were killing the Meng rebels like they were chasing ducks away.

The officers and soldiers suddenly raised their heads and saw the crowds of people and horses coming here. Seventy or eighty cavalrymen stood out from the smoke of the defeated army, and they had clear flags. They were obviously the elite of the large rebel deposed dragon gang. They were obviously stunned, and then gave up the pursuit.

He decided to kill him and instead chose to gather his troops, but the troops had not yet been gathered in properly. After seeing clearly that most of the people who came had no armor, and even the long soldiers were somewhat lacking, he laughed instead.

There was even a group of seventy or eighty officers and soldiers, under the shout and command of a riding general, who gathered first and came towards them. Seeing this, other groups of officers and soldiers also tried to gather together first, and then came closer to support.

"Wang Xiongdan!" Zhang Xing reined up his horse on the field ridge, drew out a scimitar and pointed it forward, but turned around and called an unexpected person. "You are a well-known hero in Jianghuai, and you always call me uncle.

Then you should kill the captain who yelled for me."

Wang Xiongdan was slightly startled, but when everyone around him saw that even Ma Ping'er looked hopeful, he no longer hesitated, but abandoned the two swords he usually used and borrowed one from the military formation.

spear, and then rode out.

Taking advantage of the horse's momentum, he bypassed the scattered soldiers in front and went straight to the general. The latter saw that the incoming man was unarmored and did not show any fear. He just came to greet him. The two sides crossed their horses and immediately started fighting on their horses.

Moreover, the generals of that team are also people with battlefield experience. Once they fight, they will know that the generals who came to depose the Dragon Army are actually not very high. At least, they are not at the same level as themselves, so both sides are just using their true energy to fight for strength.

The extent. Only the other party seems to be intimidatingly strong, but it is me. After a day of chasing and killing, all the people and horses are exhausted. It didn't show up just now. Now, once they fight and touch head-on, their arms are already sore.

He was numb, and then lost three points of fighting spirit.

At the same time, the soldiers in his unit, all infantry, were stunned on the spot, not knowing whether to go back to rescue their superiors or continue to carry out the orders, especially since their superiors, who had been so arrogant and high-spirited before and seemed to have a good chance of winning, were suddenly confused in the middle.

When Zhang Xing saw this, how could he let go of the opportunity? He immediately waved his sword, urging everyone under the red-backed banner with the word "deposed" to move forward, and then took the lead, without even releasing his true energy, and charged directly at these soldiers.

When he came up to him, he used the infuriating method of all eight meridians to kill him with short soldiers on horseback.

Caught off guard, how could dozens of exhausted soldiers be able to stop a group of cavalry headed by a man of cultivation just because of their extra layers of armor and stomach?

As soon as he rushed, he immediately fell into the disadvantage.

At the same time, the enemy general over there realized the cunningness of the opponent's general and the difficulty of his opponent, and immediately wanted to escape.

But on the battlefield, you can escape wherever you want, especially during a life-and-death struggle. He just tried to turn around but failed. Wang Xiongdan saw the flaw and stabbed his spear into the gap between his ribs and stomach. He was instantly

He screamed and fell off his horse.

When the boss fell from his horse, the soldiers in the front immediately collapsed and fled to other friendly forces behind them. However, they became prey in turn and were easily hunted by the capable core members of the Deposed Dragon Gang in the fields full of crops.

The whole process seems complicated, but is actually very fast.

In the eyes of outsiders, Wang Xiongdan arrived on horseback and won a battle, and then Zhang Xing followed with his army and destroyed the imperial army in an instant.

Specifically, the core members of the Deposed Dragon Gang, who had not had time to put on armor, were all in a daze. They themselves could not figure out whether it was the elite soldiers of the army who were overwhelmed by them, which caused the officer generals to fall from their posts, or whether it was the officer generals who fell from their horses.

This group of soldiers, who seemed to be no weaker than themselves, were instantly overwhelmed, and then more than half of them were quickly killed.

"Don't pursue more than a hundred steps! Don't take heads! Today we share the honor and disgrace under this flag!" After a successful attack, Zhang Xing immediately waved his sword on his horse and shouted, and then began to organize a new round of attack. "Wang Xiongdan

Come back! Jia Yue went out and picked out the general on horseback in the southeast! The rest of the people, gather quickly and follow me again!"

Under this order, the people who had gathered slowly in front of the river embankment were much faster. They swarmed back almost instinctively, surrounded by big flags and big dragon heads, and continued to move forward, following the same pattern.

At this time, the few officers and soldiers who saw this scene were completely at a loss. They couldn't understand why the column suddenly disappeared like a bubble... Are they winning or losing at this time? Should they retreat or advance?

In a daze, the vitality of one of the officers and soldiers was cut off.

Jia Yue's cultivation level is higher than Wang Xiongdan's, and he has more battlefield experience. Under the banner of "Deposed", many people have realized Zhang Xing's methods and witnessed the effect of this simple and compact tactic, but they are more confident.

Enough, action is more exciting.

So it was another successful hit, and it was even more efficient.

At this time, the remaining small group of officers and soldiers could no longer hold on, and began to turn around and retreat with a strong sense of fear, just like the Meng rebels during the day.

"Zhang Longtou, I also have two meridians connected by the Qi Meridian. I won't be embarrassed if I pick one next time!"

After another successful hunt for a small group of officers and soldiers, someone under the banner could not contain their excitement and took the initiative to ask for a fight. It turned out to be a martial artist from out of town who had just come to Jiyin County and joined the Dragon Gang for two months.

"Okay! You go and get ready!"

Zhang Xing responded without hesitation. "But I'm afraid the officers and soldiers won't give us a chance... Let's move forward!"

Including this person, everyone shouted for support, gathered under the flag again, and continued to march south.

But after just chasing the tail of a group of officers and killing a dozen people, they looked up again and glanced at the horizon ahead. Everyone knew what Zhang Dalongtou meant by what he just said... The remaining two groups of officers fled.

In the south, smoke and dust were already billowing. It was considered that the defeated army had already passed, and it was as if the official army was in front.

This also allowed some people who had just cheered up to regain their composure and nervousness.

Zhang Xing also lowered his speed again and slowly lifted his horse forward.

Sure enough, the two groups of people came towards each other, and within half a quarter of an hour, they saw each other's situation as if the clouds were clearing... and then fell into some kind of awkward stalemate and confrontation.

A total of seven or eight hundred officers and soldiers are coming towards us, so that's fine. The key is that the three or four hundred people in the middle have weapons and armor that are particularly neat. Then a big flag with the word "hemp" stands in the middle, and there are dozens of cavalry and cavalry.

Surrounded by the enemy, it was obvious that the opponent's general was also personally charging ahead.

This made the rebel vanguard, who only had seventy or eighty cavalry and had no time to put on armor, instantly lose all intention of continuing the classic tactics. Even the hero who invited himself to fight just swallowed his saliva and said no more.

A group of people gathered around the big flag with the word "deposed" and stood on a small dry ditch dam that was only half a person tall. They just stared at the big dragon head under the flag and waited for his orders.

At the same time, the officers and soldiers obviously got the previous intelligence and realized that the intruder was evil. They also did not act rashly. They just tightened their formation and urged the troops backward on Pegasus.

Just like that, Zhang Xing stood expressionlessly under the banner, building an awning with his hands to block the sunset from the west. He watched without saying a word for only seven or eight breaths. He narrowed his eyes slightly and immediately stared at

We arrived at a place to the west of the front-line army.

There was a whole team there, about one to two hundred crossbowmen, who were following other friendly troops in a daze to find a rendezvous point.

Their steps were hesitant and their directions were confused. The crossbows were carried on their backs but had not been opened.

It is obvious that no matter what the reason is, whether it is simply caught off guard, or whether it is not seen or expected, this force that is actually the most threatening to the vanguard of the Deposed Dragon Army, which has mixed good and bad, has not been attacked at all.

Protect and dispatch... On the contrary, they were exposed on the flanks and defenseless.

Zhang Xing suppressed his racing heart, thought for a few breaths, turned around, reined in his horse, and spoke loudly behind him, but did not mention the crossbowmen at all:

"Everyone! The overall strength of the enemy and ours is similar. At this time, due to the sudden fall of Yucheng, both sides collided head-on and were caught off guard. Logically speaking, it seems that no one can do anything to the other... But have you ever thought about it?

We actually have two huge advantages at this time.

"First, both sides have been marching for a whole day, and they are all very tired. However, the enemy is pursuing them in armor and fighting early in the morning. They are more tired and harder to sustain than us. We have just tested this so-called external force but the middle force!

"Second, it is the Supreme Blessing. We have just crossed the river, so the whole army is organized, right on the edge of the Bian River. However, the enemy is chasing on the plains, and the troops are out of touch!

"At this time, if everyone is willing to listen to my orders, move forward with me, and hold on to the spirit of facing difficulties as before, you will definitely be able to catch them off guard and make them fall back layer by layer!

Then let us hunt down the two counties in turn!"

After saying these words, without waiting for the pale-faced people to respond or ask questions, Zhang Xing hurriedly called out to someone again: "Yan Qing!"

Yan Qing, who had just killed a person and was probably the first to kill on the battlefield, came up to the horse with a red face and panting heavily. The tip of the spear in his hand was still dripping with blood: "Third Brother's orders!"

"You go back immediately."

Zhang Xing gave the order in public. "Go tell Xu Shiying what I just said, and then tell him that Ma Hu is right in front of him. I will attack first and delay the weakening for him, so that he can do his best to prepare his troops. As long as he prepares a thousand troops,

Send it over immediately! Prepare another thousand men, and send it over again! If the front team is not fighting when the rear team is picked up, the rear team will march immediately, and so on, as long as he can send out all the troops before dark

Come out and you will win this battle! Repeat it now!"

Yan Qing was stunned for a moment, obviously digesting the meaning of the military order, and then immediately replied: "I understand, there are a thousand soldiers, send a thousand soldiers, one after another, the front team retreats, and the rear team can practice military law!"

Zhang Xing nodded, and Yan Qing immediately threw the spear to the people next to him, grabbed the reins with both hands and struggled to hold the war horse and ran towards the north bank of Bianshui River.

As soon as the people left, Zhang Xing didn't care about the expressions of the others, and struck Jia Yue and Zhang Jinshu with his machete again: "Boss Jia, leader Zhang, the troops have been gathered in a hurry. There is no special military law force, but you two have to take responsibility...

...Just look at it from the end of the team, if anyone escapes from the battle, he will be killed directly."

Jia Yue's face was expressionless, and Zhang Jinshu's face turned blue, but they both nodded.

To put it bluntly, this is a powerful team in disguise. At least more than half of the people in it have no cultivation level. Those who have cultivation level are not very general, and most of them are people who later joined the gang and do not have much fighting spirit.

Yes, it was temporarily instigated.

It is not that there are no real reliable high-end combat forces in the gang, but most of them are serving as officers to organize the army at the back.

Zhang Xing turned around, suppressed the panic in his heart, and forced himself to scan the dozens of horses with his gaze at the level of the other people's eyes. Then without saying a word, he turned around again and lifted his horse forward.

This time, on the side of the scimitar, the ice energy poured out continuously in advance, stirring up an obvious white water vapor on the central plain in the evening at the turn of spring and summer, just like a small mist artificially formed.

Those with cultivation levels woke up one after another and used their true energy. After connecting with Zhang Dalongtou’s true energy, their hearts instantly became calm. Those without any cultivation level also realized something and looked at the slaying general just now.

After the leader Jia, they all went into the mist.

Immediately, dozens of cavalry wrapped in fog broke away from the infantry and the "deposed" flag, directly increased their speed, and directly "thrown away" the fog. Then, without waiting for reinforcements, they headed towards the west of the official formation in front.

Cut it straight.

There was by no means a particularly weak point there. In fact, after the conspicuous mist of the Dragon Army moved, the captain of the official army noticed the opponent's purpose. A large group of crossbowmen should not be too obvious.

"Aren't they forming a formation? Why don't you just come and get me?" Ma Hu, who is in his thirties, has a majestic body and a rough face. He just looked at the horse for a moment and suddenly asked someone beside him.

Captain. "Why are you pointing at the crossbowman?"

"They don't have a stomach." The officer who escaped from the front was stunned and immediately replied. "They were probably afraid of the steel crossbows, so they went to meet the crossbowmen first."

"What nonsense are you talking about?" A captain next to him couldn't understand at all. "How could they not have a stomach? The thieves in the entire Eastern Region are the most in need of armor and stomach weapons! The Deposed Dragon Gang will not be short of them!"

"I don't know." The general who escaped back swallowed his saliva. "But there aren't many of them wearing armor... there are dozens of cavalry and basically few of them are wearing armor."

Ma Hu ignored the arguments among the lower-ranking officers under his command, and just looked coldly at the cavalry with a mist floating around, and the true energy faintly emerging, like a formation.

The reason for this was that it was too late in the first place. When he listened to the officer describing the opponent's strong combat power, he immediately thought of the rumors about the deposed Dragon Gang Zhang Xing and when he robbed the queen. He instinctively thought that he had the cultivation of Dan Condensation.

Zhang Xing brought all the high-end combat power of the Deposed Dragon Gang to provoke him, so he didn't even notice that a crossbow soldier who was not affiliated with him was standing beside him.

Secondly, according to his understanding, it was possible if there was no Jiawei, that is, all members were practitioners, and according to the intelligence, the Deposed Dragon Gang also had this strength, and if that was the case, he would try his best to hold on.

, give up the pursuit, stick to waiting for reinforcements, and wait for the response... But now, the other party actually comes up to hunt the crossbowmen, and seems to be afraid of these crossbowmen. This does not look like a serious gathering of high-end combat forces.

The cavalry formed a formation.

This made him a little confused.

Just as he was thinking about it, following the guidance of the flag, the cavalry suddenly accelerated, and with a large stream of gray-white energy visible to the naked eye, they rushed straight into the messy crossbow hands, just like a real heavy cavalry carving an array... And the crossbowmen

After reacting, several people actually successfully released their crossbows and successfully shot two knights to the ground. This seemed to indicate that their cultivation masters were not very good... but that was all. Next, Pingyuan

Above, everyone could see that the cavalry charge caused a penetrating collapse of the formation on the west side, and the crossbowmen dispersed without any trouble, triggering a melee pursuit at all costs.

This seems to confirm something.

Ma Hu put away his unnecessary thoughts, immediately turned around, and ordered the surrounding troops to move closer to him. Then he looked at several subordinates as a matter of course: "You guys split up and go to the back to find other people. Let's depose the leader of the Dragon Gang."

Relying on his cultivation, Zhang Laosan led the elite of the cavalry gang of seventy or eighty, and used his true energy to form a formation to support the defeated soldiers. I, Lao Ma, chased for a whole day. I was too tired and dared not move anymore... let them

Come and save me, the head of the family."

"I don't think everyone in there has the cultivation level..." One of the team generals seemed to want to express his opinion, so he tried to remind him. "If seventy or eighty knights really had the cultivation level, they would have been knocked away just now."

Now...we also have cavalry, we can try to pinch them."

"Everyone is so tired, are you sure?" the captain on the other side scolded sternly. "You weren't the one who just leaked the information about the stomach? Where is the class law in the military?"

Ma Hu just twisted his beard and sneered.

The captain, knowing Ma Hu's temper, felt cold and immediately shut up and set off with the others.

Just like this, here in Ma Hu, the officers were constantly calculating, with different ideas and different cognitions. But what these court officers did not realize from the beginning to the end was how insignificant the real strength of the seventy or eighty forward cavalry was.

The meaning, no matter how clearly they distinguish it, is meaningless. A key problem is that the main force of the Dragon Army is actually four miles away.

And they rushed forward because of the few seventy or eighty riders, because there were many core members of the Deposed Dragon Gang, because many of them were in white, because of the big flag, because of the half-true and half-false energy, and because

This striker was too decisive in charging and attacking and fell into confusion.

Their attention, doubts, and conjectures were all focused on these few dozen horses, and then they gave up advancing and conducting forward reconnaissance.

Of course, two quarters of an hour later, under the setting sun, Ma Hu and his subordinates no longer had to be confused. Because just as General Ma frowned and looked at the so-called elite knights of the Deposed Dragon Gang, it became more and more obvious that they

Due to the lack of strength, although there were not many casualties, there were constant casualties, so that when I started to hesitate whether to try the armored cavalry to form a pocket formation, intensive war drums suddenly sounded from the north.

He followed the sound and saw smoke and dust billowing under the setting sun, and then he began to panic instinctively.

A moment later, the white-clothed cavalry of the Deposed Dragon Gang regrouped on the flanks. Under their watchful eyes, a well-equipped infantry brigade appeared in the smoke and dust on the horizon, with flags, armor, stomach and golden drums all in place.

The officers and soldiers chose to flee.

As a result, Ma Hu didn't even move. He just raised his hand and pointed, and the armored cavalry guards caught up with them and killed them behind the formation. Then, the vanguard Zhonglang general announced in public without any hurry:

"To retreat at this time is to seek death! The only way to survive is to wait here with me, Lao Ma, for backup! And backup will be here soon! There are people like this who retreat without permission!"

Zhang Xing, who had blood all over his body, looked at this scene from a distance. Although he couldn't hear what the other party was saying, he could guess what he was saying, so he sighed, and then turned back to find the person with a smile on his face:

"Where is that good guy just now? Can you kill him for me?"

There were only sixty or seventy knights left, and no one answered.

Zhang Xing realized something, nodded, threw down the machete that was already full of pits on Huang Qiao's horse, took the Jinglong Sword and said with a smile: "That's it! I will do it this time! You all will be my queen!"


As soon as he finished speaking, Ma Ping'er jumped out of the horse and shouted first. Wang Xiongdan followed closely behind. Zhang Xing was startled for a moment, and immediately raised his horse to catch up. The sixty or seventy riders behind him did not hesitate and launched another attack.

It's a direct attack on Ma Hu's banner.

PS: Good night everyone.

This chapter has been completed!
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