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Chapter 121: Wan Cheng Xing 7

 "Tell them that the Hejian Army has left, and I am ready to leave too."

Zhang Shiyu, who was wearing a big cloak, reacted in anger and immediately ordered in public. "Tell them not to come over and turn around directly. If you are worried about the thieves crossing the river to chase them, go north and meet up at Rao'an! Let's leave quickly and take advantage of the opportunity."

Before the dragon thief comes up, hurry up and go north without any further delay!"

The messenger suddenly came over and left quickly.

This is a military order without any problems. At this moment, from Zhang Shiyu's cognitive perspective, this is how it should be done, and no one can fault it.

However, when Zhang Shiyu made this military order, he never thought that Dou Lide, who was standing at the end of the hall, was someone who was deliberately trying to surrender... This was not an ordinary person. This person looked like an honest and honest farmer.

The middle-aged man is a so-called hero in troubled times. He likes to provide timely help before the world is in chaos. After the uprising, his family was killed and only a daughter and a distant nephew were left. He is determined to do big things and hopes to turn things around.

In fact, this situation is very similar to when Xue Changxiong chose to retreat.

From a rational point of view, there is no problem. The army behaved too confidently and resolutely, and they had already lost ten thousand people when they came to the Hejian camp. When the enemy's situation was unknown, they should stop the bleeding quickly and withdraw the entire army.

Talking about other things, in order to avoid a possible total defeat...it's not shameful to be fooled, but to lose your life, lose your money, and then you have nothing.

However, General Xue's military commander was not thinking far away from his head. He had a bad intention of beggar his neighbor and did not inform the reinforcements from the two counties to the west.

These two things beyond cognition are destined to cause collapse somewhere today.

The situation is urgent and it seems we need to race against time.

In the morning, the sunlight was not too strong, and the white gas exhaled by the horses, mules, and soldiers themselves every time they breathed seriously affected the field of vision, and formed scattered white mist that would soon disperse above the head of the large army.

At this time, the army was just halfway through, and only the outline of Leling City and the remaining southern camp of the Hejian Army could be seen in the distance. After receiving the news, Gao Shitong in Leling City did not hesitate and immediately left the town in person, leading the most trusted

The Bohai Navy moved northward, and had already engaged the officers and soldiers in the northern camp; while in the northern camp, the front was resisting, and the baggage behind had begun to take the lead in moving northward.

At the same time, two reinforcements on the other side of the Ma Mian River, several miles away from the river, also received reports from messengers and stopped on the spot.

"All the soldiers and horses of the Hejian camp have been withdrawn?" Cao Shancheng, the guard of Qinghetong, was stunned. "Isn't General Xue here? Thirty-five thousand elites of the Hejian camp are here, and there are more than 30,000 thieves.

There are 70,000 to 80,000 thieves and he didn’t come?”

"Here he is, and he is gone again." The messenger from Bohai County, who followed Cao Shancheng's messenger back, puffed out his breath and tried to explain. "Chief Cao, my master asked you to leave quickly!"

"If I don't ask clearly, how can we leave? Why should we leave?" Cao Shancheng, who had not slept all night, became angry and seemed a little unbearable. "You said that General Xue came and left again? When did he come and again?

When did you leave?"

"He came before dawn the day before yesterday and left yesterday afternoon!" The envoy from Bohai County had no choice but to repeat yesterday's withdrawal process.

After listening to this, whether it was Cao Shancheng or Qian Tang, although it was hard to say anything with their mouths without any evidence, they still didn't know in their hearts. Based on Xue Changxiong's advance and retreat when withdrawing his troops, they had collided with each other this time.

Nine times out of ten, this is what the general did deliberately!

"It's useless for me to wait...I waited...I thought something was wrong, so I came here all night long! As a result...as a result..." Qian Tang laughed dryly on his horse, but he didn't say the whole thing.

how to say?

The war was in turmoil, and there was definitely no evidence about the messenger. Besides, he was the commander-in-chief of the march in Hebei, a general of Yiwei, and the head of a famous Guanlong family. From every perspective, he was the real superior.

There are certain words that you have to take responsibility for.

"Why is this happening?" Cao Shancheng was also a little discouraged. "It's all to share the worries of the court and serve the country! Why is it happening like this?"

At this point, the two of them just bowed their heads and were speechless.

After a while, Cao Shancheng cheered up and persuaded: "Chief Qian, maybe there is a villain at work, or maybe there is something wrong with the messenger. The enemy is facing us, and we must not be resentful for this... Even if we are resentful, we must not be resentful."


It’s going to be a mistake.”

"What can I miss?" Qian Tang turned around and glanced at Lu Changheng behind him. "Isn't it just a waste of time? Let's all evacuate together now."

Cao Shancheng nodded and reminded seriously: "Let's go north to Rao'an County. First, we will be a backup for Mr. Zhang. When the thieves retreat, I will go to Ande City with you... to save thousands of rivers in the city.

The soldiers lost their courage and caused trouble."

Qian Tang just nodded casually.

Cao Shancheng also looked at the messenger from Bohai County: "Sir, will you go back and report, or will you lead the way with us?"

The messenger thought for a while, then handed over his hand and said, "I will follow Mr. Cao's instructions. There is no harm in contacting the Rao'an County Magistrate."

Cao Shancheng knew immediately that he felt that the battle on the other side had already begun and he did not want to go back. However, he was happy to be a favor and directly ordered: "In this case, you can lead the way!"

In this way, the messenger was naturally happy, and the soldiers in the two counties were exhausted, cursed, and turned around to go north.

After walking for a while, Qian Tang was obviously depressed. However, Cao Shancheng, despite being only about ten years older than Qian Tang, was unexpectedly determined. Instead, he asked questions along the way, tried hard to find out the news about Bohai County, and kept thinking.

Of course, one can't help but sigh after knowing that Zhang Shiyu had worked so hard to plan, but was left behind by the mantis to catch the cicada and the oriole behind.

"So, our deal is a net loss this time?" Cao Shancheng felt powerless and shook his head.

So what if you don’t shake your head?

This time the Hebei government suffered such a loss. The Hejian camp broke a finger for nothing, and the three counties worked hard, but the result was that all their hard work, up and down, was in vain. No matter who it was, it would be strange if they did not sigh, shake their heads, or feel depressed.

"I can't say that..." The messenger forced a smile. "Gao Shitong's troops were severely damaged by my family. They escaped a lot in the past three or five days after being trapped. There was also a battle yesterday."

"That's true." Cao Shan was about to say something, but after thinking about it, he tried his best to laugh.

"Moreover, there is another bandit army that surrendered, and it is the bandit army from Qinghe." The messenger continued to speak.

"What's your name?" Cao Shancheng asked casually, his horse still on his crotch.

"My name is Doulide." The messenger immediately answered.

And as the name came out, Cao Shancheng suddenly reined in his horse, and then turned east to the Ma Mian River... Over there, the morning mist had already dispersed, but it was more than ten miles away, how could he know what was happening on the other side?

If there is any change, it seems to be a little quieter than before.

"What does this person say?" Qian Tang saw something was wrong and took the initiative to ask.

"No..." Cao Shancheng sighed. "If I have to say it, it's nothing more than that Dou Lide is a born thief. In the early years when the world was peaceful, he acted like a small tycoon. He was obviously a county official, but he went everywhere to win over people.

He was a gangster who wanted to win over the hearts of the country people. When the world was in chaos, he sent others to rebel. However, the government found out and killed his entire family. Later, in Gaojipo, he relied on his knowledge of the terrain and escaped repeatedly. It is said that

I eat river clams, sleep on water and weeds, and don’t want to surrender, but today the descendants actually dropped?!"

Qian Tang came to his senses in an instant, but at the same time he became discouraged. He was really tired. Just like Cao Shancheng beside him, his body was extremely exhausted and his heart was tired at the same time.

After a long while, Qian Tang tried his best to cheer up and looked at the envoy: "Excuse me, please go back... When I see Mr. Zhang, I just ask him to be careful about Dou Lide."

The county official had no choice but to agree, and then drove his horse halfway to the east, but he was somewhat reluctant to leave. It was just a senior official who would kill someone, let alone the words between the three county princes?

As soon as they left, Cao and Qian immediately stood where they were, looking at each other without saying a word.

"Logically speaking, even if there is only a three-point chance, we should cross the river to save him. Besides, Mr. Zhang is a conscientious elder and is sincere and approachable to us." In the end, Qian Tang spoke first. "But...should we save him or not?"

"Save what?!" Cao Shancheng's face turned livid. "As Mr. Qian Fu said, we should save him whenever there is a three-point possibility. But this three-point point does not mean whether there is a three-point chance that Mr. Zhang will be in danger, but the truth.

We are going to fight. Do we have a three-point certainty of victory? Do we have a three-point certainty of rescuing Zhang Gong? After procrastinating at this point, the troops and horses are exhausted. At this time, we cross the river and bump into the main force of thieves.

Let the soldiers die, let

The three counties were completely ruined!"

After saying this, Cao Shancheng couldn't calm down his anger, but he gathered a lot of energy with his bare hands, hammered a tree beside the road, and then headed north.

The tree was not big, and its true energy was ice true energy. Cao Shancheng had no intention, he was just venting his anger, so the tree was hit by the true energy and shook for a moment. Then the bark in the middle burst open, and the trunk inside shattered, and

It was just a puff of ice scum.

Of course, the tree looks like it has survived, but it will probably not survive next spring.

Turning his head, the messenger returned to the bank of the Ma Face River. He heard that although the other side was noisy, there were no shouts of death when he came. He was overjoyed and prepared to go downstream to find a suitable bridge to cross the river to report the news. But just as he was about to rein in his horse, he

First, across the river, I saw fires all over the North Camp on the other side, and then I heard the sudden cry of killing coming from inside the camp. I couldn't help but stand there blankly, not knowing where to go.

It was obvious that Doulide's fellow was really deliberately planning to fake surrender, and he launched his attack at this time.

Of course, the process and timing are not as natural as this person thinks.

In fact, when Gao Shitong discovered that Xue Changxiong had withdrawn, his army was more than ten miles away in the south, and that he had three thousand internal troops in the northern camp, he was overjoyed. He only waited for the news that Zhuge Dewei had turned around, and then

When ready, head north and quickly attack the northern camp of the army.

As a result, Zhang Shiyu handed over the general power to Wang Fubei early. As a local veteran, Wang Fubei was well prepared and used the camp to defeat the hastily attacking Gao Shitong's troops. In just two moments,

After a while, the latter threw off his armor and fled back in embarrassment.

At the same time, Dou Lide was also carefully guarded by Wang Fubei, who directly asked the three thousand newly surrendered soldiers to be resettled in the rear camp, and they were not allowed to leave the camp without orders.

Therefore, from the beginning to the end, Gao Shitong failed to get close to Dou Lide who was blocked behind him, and there was no exciting scene of defection before the battle. This is also the reason why Qian Tang and Cao Shancheng felt that the movement on the other side suddenly slowed down————

At that time, it was the gap after Gao Shitong was defeated without having time to contact Dou Lide.

However, as the officers and soldiers succeeded in cutting off the rear, they cheered and prepared to take advantage of the situation to move north. Dou Lide, who had regained the space for movement, did not hesitate to launch the attack.

This requires courage.

But precisely because of this, the effect is amazing.

After receiving the order, the Gaojibo rebel army was divided into two under the leadership of the leader. Two to three thousand people set fire to the camp, waved flags, and shouted that the army had been defeated, in an attempt to cause chaos and cut off the soldiers and baggage. Dou Lide

I personally led hundreds of elite men, wearing armor and carrying troops, but they silenced their flags and only went to fetch Zhang Shiyu privately.

Wang Fubei was caught off guard, and Zhang Shiyu was also caught off guard.

"The boss!"

It was actually Zhuge Dewei who grabbed the fleeing Gao Shitong and pointed his finger north.

Gao Shitong turned around blankly and saw a large campfire burning in the north. He was overjoyed and wanted to turn back. But just as he was about to take action, his eyes glanced at the remaining defeated soldiers beside him, and he hesitated again.

Seeing this, Zhuge Dewei weakly tugged at the opponent's cloak again, this time pointing south.

Marshal Gao turned back again and squinted his eyes. In addition to the towering Leling City in his field of vision, in the plains on both sides, there was almost smoke and dust floating on the inside of the Jindi River in the east and the Maface River in the west.

.The man came to his senses, took a deep breath of the cold winter air, and then exhaled a stream of almost substantial green immortality energy. The energy swayed, and when it met the white blade below, it rolled up like a green snake coiling a stick.

At this time, Gao Shitong finally shouted, raising his sword and shouting loudly, ordering the entire army to follow him and turn back to fight again.

Gao Shitong turned back and led some of his close friends to follow him northward.

But soon, as the commander of the Hebei Rebel Army continued to approach the burning north camp of the government army, more and more people came behind him, and finally they were overwhelming, filling the entire open space in the north of Leling City.

The reason couldn't be simpler. The army's light cavalry has arrived to the south of Leling City. Those who had previously watched the battle and watched were ready to abandon the camp and abandon the city. Even the other rebels who had fled have also woken up to the situation, but they are struggling to get ahead of the army.

Before the main force arrived, they turned around and rushed towards the northern camp of the official army.

At first glance, he is really tall, handsome, and courageous, and he plays an exemplary and leading role.

Let us also say that as the fire broke out in the camp, Wang Fubei, the actual military commander of the northern camp, lost control one after another.

In such a state of embarrassment, he originally wanted to divide his troops to suppress the rebellion in the camp while continuing to resist, but unexpectedly, the soldiers had already received military orders to evacuate at this time, and many of them were Bohai County soldiers with whom they had no relationship before, so he did not

He obeyed his orders. When the commotion in the south became more and more intense, he stood on a house in the camp and saw with his own eyes the countless rebels who had been trapped for several days swarming in. He knew that the situation was critical, and his heart became cold.

.Finally, he simply ordered the whole army to go north, while he only led his personal guards to look for Zhang Shiyu everywhere.

At this moment, all he wanted to do was to find Mr. Zhang before the thief, so that Mr. Zhang, who still looked up to him, could survive, otherwise it would be difficult for him to explain to anyone.

However, it was already too late. Dou Lide was a subtle person. Once he launched the fire, he left no room for anything. Just while setting the fire, he easily guessed Zhang Shiyu's route of action and laid an ambush. As expected, he waited until Zhang Shiyu returned north in a hurry.

Fu Jun, and quickly killed the surrounding attendants and bodyguards, blocking the opponent in a small courtyard in the camp.

"You are a person who surrendered and then immediately repented when the situation was bad. Even if you returned to the group of thieves, who would think highly of you?" Zhang Shiyu, whose coat was stained with a lot of blood, knew that the situation was difficult to change, but he still took it seriously.

He came to persuade Dou Lide who came in through the door. "Listen to me and wake up now. I will ensure that nothing happens to you."

When Dou Lide heard this, he didn't say anything arrogant. Instead, he bowed in front of the door and said respectfully to Zhang Shiyu in the courtyard: "To be honest with Mr. Zhang, I am fully convinced of Mr. Zhang's magnanimity and kindness."

It's just that... it's just that my relatives, friends and companions all became bandits or simply died during the three conquests of Dongyi; because I helped them, my clan was almost slaughtered by the imperial court... In other words, no matter what, it is impossible for me to fight with the imperial court.

We were on the same road again. But this time, I also made an agreement with Marshal Gao to come here specifically for the death mission. I didn’t expect that Xue Changxiong just withdrew his troops and left, and I was lucky enough to succeed."

Zhang Shiyu raised his head and sighed.

Dou Lide also became more respectful: "That's good. Mr. Zhang is of high status and I won't dare let him go. But if Mr. Zhang is willing to act more appropriately, whether he goes with me directly or waits for the result here, I won't do anything anymore.

, let only these last few brothers leave safely."

Zhang Shiyu came back to his senses and looked at the three or five people around him. They were all county officials. One of them couldn't even hold a knife, so he shook his head and smiled bitterly: "Then I'll wait here for the result. You

Let them go!"

"That's fine." Dou Lide took advantage of the situation and squatted down inside the door, like an old farmer in Hebei, while his brother-in-law Cao Chen took advantage of the situation and led the crowd inside with swords to control the situation. "If there are officers and soldiers who successfully escape, they will definitely come together to report the good news to Mr. Zhang.

If too many officers and soldiers are arrested, I might have to continue to rely on Mr. Zhang’s face to make an explanation in front of the people who are really in charge... Then I won’t be able to interfere too much."

"Who is in charge?" Zhang Shiyu watched Cao Chen walk past him and snatched away a few personal weapons. His expression remained unchanged, but he couldn't help but ask, "Gao Shitong or Zhang Xing?"

"I don't know." Dou Lide, who was squatting there, said something. "Anyway, according to what I said before coming here, I will only explain to Gao Dashuai. I will not explain until he comes. As for who he will explain to, I have no control over it."


"That's right. It's easy to sneak past Gao Shitong at this time, but it would be looked down upon." Zhang Shiyu sat down and waited there with his blood-stained cloak folded. "There are some things that must be taken upright and dignified."

It’s convincing.”

"That's what Mr. Zhang taught." Dou Lide nodded quickly.

"Teaching is nothing." Watching the last few attendants being pushed out, the Bohai County Sheriff's expression finally turned gloomy. "It's okay to accomplish nothing in two years. How can you be qualified once you become a prisoner?"

Teaching others? It’s just unwillingness.”

After speaking, no more words.

Dou Lide couldn't speak for a while.

However, this confrontation did not last long. Soon, in the chaos of the battle, as the daylight flashed overhead, more shouts of killing came. Sun Anzong, who was standing on the roof, suddenly warned: "The army is pressing down."

Here comes the army flag, and Wang Fubei can't stand it anymore! The flag is thrown down, probably to hide the defeated soldiers, to prevent being spotted by the masters of the gang... I saw Zhuge Dewei! He is coming here

Got it!"

"Stop him and say that Mr. Zhang is old and unwilling to move too much, and I only recognize tall and handsome men." Dou Lide, who was squatting in the door, blurted out. "If he is interested, he can go to Mr. Gao and come with him.

Otherwise I wouldn't dare let him in."

"I know." Sun Anzong responded and jumped out of the room directly.

Sure enough, the war outside was peaceful for a while, but only for a while. After a quarter of an hour, as the commotion outside became louder and louder, the shouts of killing almost formed a wave, and outside the hospital, there were horseshoes again, armor and clothes mixed, and flags.

I was also hunting in the wind, and suddenly a large group of people came here.

Zhang Shiyu, who was sitting there, looked unchanged, but Cao Chen, who was standing behind him, couldn't help but look in a direction outside the courtyard. Dou Lide also noticed that direction, and then finally stood up - it was a red-bottomed face "

The big banner with the word "Depose" was held high, and it circled around the outside of the courtyard wall and turned to the courtyard gate.

As soon as Dou Lide got up, a strong man pushed the door open and entered. His eyes were like lightning. He looked around, saw Dou Lide, nodded slightly, walked inside, and occupied the main door.

Dou Lide had met this man once and knew that this was Xiong Bonan, the purple-faced king who was known as the number one hero in the east of Hebei Province in the past. He wanted to salute on the spot, but he immediately realized something and just nodded and stepped back.

He took half a step...but it was only half a step. He came to his senses again, and instead took a few steps forward to follow, and simply stood on the route from the courtyard gate to Zhang Shiyu.

The second person who came in was a tall young general whom he did not recognize, holding a long sword stained with blood. After entering, he took a deep look at Dou Lide, then looked at Xiong Bonan again, and then stood directly in the corner.

Dou Lide's hands were slightly sweaty, but he remained calm and composed.

The third person who came in was Zhuge Dewei. This man just smiled at Dou Lide and stepped aside.

The fourth person who came in was a cold-faced black-armored general in his thirties. His expression did not change at all after he came in. He just walked towards Zhang Shiyu with a cold air and holding a knife.

Dou Lide instinctively thought that this person was Zhang Sanlang, and he was very nervous for a moment.

But at this moment, a tall, well-dressed young general with a smile on his face walked in. He smiled at Dou Lide as soon as he came in, and then seemed to want to come up and shake hands, but after looking back, he simply

He stood diagonally across from Dou Lide and just looked at him carefully.

Dou Lide felt guilty when he saw this person. At this time, the sixth person entered the yard, and it was Gao Shitong. He quickly raised his hand and said hello: "Commander Gao, fortunately you have lived up to your command!"

Gao Shitong smiled, as if he wanted to say something, but he quickly turned around and stood aside.

At this time, a clear voice suddenly sounded outside the door: "Which one is Zhang Shiyu and which one is Dou Lide?"

After the words fell, a young general, who was about less than thirty years old, walked into the courtyard with his hands behind his back. Behind him, seven or eight scribes and generals rushed in instantly, tall, short, fat and thin, wearing cloth and armor, swords, guns, swords and halberds, all different...

...According to intelligence knowledge, there should be four or five Chengdan masters here.

As soon as the general entered the courtyard, he swept his left and right glances like thunder and lightning. Then without waiting for Dou Lide to say anything, he smiled and held his hand: "Are you the leader Dou? But you look very much like him.

Old friend...I am Beidi Zhang Xing."

Dou Lide was about to speak, but for a moment he forgot the words he had just squatted there and thought about, and couldn't help but feel embarrassed.

Zhang Xing didn't notice, but turned around and asked: "Look, who does Leader Dou look like?"

Everyone was at a loss, and they still couldn't remember many things.

Zhang Xing simply named them: "Xu Dalang, Wang Xiongdan, do you two see it?"

"Like Leader Du Po Zhen." Xu Shiying, who was the fifth young general who came in before, laughed on the spot.

"Isn't the appearance too different?" Fu Boshi, who was following Zhang Xing, couldn't help but objected. "Does it look like Lao Du? Can't I tell?"

"It's not the appearance." Zhang Xing laughed even more. "It's the heroic spirit of hiding in the grass but always gritting his teeth and moving forward... These two people are really incomparable!"

As soon as this statement came out, everyone in the courtyard was surprised, and they all looked over to take a look.

When Dou Lide heard that the other party compared him to the leader of the Huaiyou Alliance, and that the leader of the current gang was actually the third largest, he was both surprised and happy.

However, Zhang Xing soon turned to Zhang Shiyu, who was sitting there and watching with cold eyes. Then he just waved his hand, let go and moved forward. Then he came to the front, held his head high, and saluted calmly: "Your Excellency is a violent person."

Is the puppet prince of Wei Bohai, Mr. Zhang?"

"I am the governor of Bohai officially appointed by the imperial court. You are a thief chief, how can you be authentic?" Zhang Shiyu answered coldly.

"Since I am a thief chieftain, I naturally regard Bao Wei's appointment as a false position." Zhang Xing did not give in at all. "Now that the matter has come to this, is Mr. Zhang willing to change things anyway? Work with us to eliminate Bao Wei!"

"I would rather have broken jade than complete tiles." Zhang Shiyu sat there motionless.

"Why is Mr. Zhang doing this?" Wei Xuanding, who was originally from Hebei, stamped his feet for a moment, feeling regretful.

"A defeated general should have such magnanimity." Zhang Xing first comforted Wei Xuanding, then turned around and asked. As expected, he refused to surrender.

"No surrender."

"Do you have any explanation?" Zhang Xing couldn't ask further. "Otherwise, why would you come here to wait for me?"

"There are two things." Zhang Shiyu responded seriously. "First, there are many officials in the county who are not members of the army, and there are also many civilians who are not members of the army. If you want to kill them, you can't beat them!"

"It makes sense." Zhang Xing nodded. "The civilians will be given some food and asked to go back. The officials will be demoted and appointed... Those who are not willing to be demoted will see whether they have military experience and decide whether to kill them or directly demote them to civilians...

In fact, the county soldiers may not kill so harshly, only the Hejian army would do this. Mr. Zhang is overthinking."

"Sure enough, just like the rumors, he is both a little Zhang Shizhao and a little Cao Lin." Zhang Shiyu sighed. "That's all... There is one more thing. I wonder if you have the mind? I want you to tell me

A few words from the two county guards on the other side of the river."

"Let's talk about it."

"Let's just say that this time I can't blame them both." Zhang Shiyu obviously hesitated, but continued. "But please also ask them not to blame me or hold grudges against anyone else, and to do their best in the future.

, What maintains the situation... is not to ask them to tolerate Xue Changxiong. Xue Changxiong is a military leader with a narrow mind and must not obey blindly; nor is it to ask them to blindly remember the righteousness of the court. Now that the court has issued many orders, it is just to listen to those words.

It’s nonsense; it’s more about saying that these are troubled times, and if you are in any position, and people call you the county prince, you should try your best to do something for the county.”

"The words can definitely be passed on... It's just that Mr. Zhangfu, you are so aware that I am reluctant to kill you." Zhang Xing said with a smile. "Are you really not going to surrender? You don't care about the justice of the court, so why bother?

What do you mean by jade pieces and tile pieces?"

"If I want you to transfer it, I will give you money. The two young governors Cao are talking about certain things and follow their hearts." Zhang Shiyu waved his hands repeatedly. "I am still doing the same old thing, so don't persuade me.

It’s troublesome for you, and it’s troublesome for me too.”

"That's fine." Zhang Xing finally became serious. "That hero is my enemy..."

As he said that, the gang leader turned around, looked at the generals behind him, and pointed at the old man sitting behind him:

"Everyone, I just figured it out just now on the road. This Governor Zhang can actually replace the 10,000 Hejian Army on the Western Front alone...

"It's not because of his high birth and his ability to show off before his death, so I came to praise him. In fact, in terms of governing the place and being proficient in military affairs, this person may not be that strong. But he is in Hebei, and I'm afraid he has never had one before.

The unique role that comes to mind is that he is the only bridge between the Hejian camp and the governors of various counties...

"With him here, Hejian Camp and the local county guards can still cooperate. The local county guards still have a clue, and Hejian Camp will not treat the place as nothing. Otherwise, with Xue Changxiong's beggar-thy-neighbor attitude as the head of the Guanlong Army,

How did you send out so many soldiers to ambush Gao Dashuai?

"But now, with the death of this person, the Hejian camp has lost all the support of the people, and the counties are called friendly forces. In fact, there is no clear path across the river. The situation in Hebei will only last for a while!"

Everyone was excited, even Dou Lide became happy.

"In order to incite people's hearts, you blew me up to the sky!" Zhang Shiyu saw a group of rebels cheering up, suddenly stood up and interrupted everyone, then sneered, and slid the blood-stained cloak to the ground.

"Why didn't I know I was so powerful?"

"Behead him, then send his head to the Bohai Sea, and then send his body to the plains! We must tell the whole of Hebei about the results of our troops and the truth, from the official army to the rebel army, from the nobles to the powerful, and say that the gang is the world.

As soon as the leader of the rebel army was invited to Hebei, he first cut off Xue Changxiong's hand in the plains, and then cut off his foot in the Bohai Sea.

!" Zhang Xing glanced at Zhang Shiyu, who stood up suddenly and turned pale. He just put his hands behind his back and raised his voice to overpower the other person. "In a word, help has come to Hebei! At this time, the color of this world has begun to change.


After saying that, Zhang Xing turned around and walked forward, picking up the blood-stained and dust-stained cloak from the ground and replacing the livid-faced Zhang Shiyu.

Put it on again.

Then he turned around and led everyone away.

A quarter of an hour later, Zhang Shiyu, who was born in the Zhang family of Hedong, a well-known family in the world, was a local official, and the governor of Bohai, died in this small courtyard of an unknown family. He was fifty-seven years old.

PS: Good night everyone.

This chapter has been completed!
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