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Chapter 3 Staggering (3)

In this way, the two of them walked in tandem, stumbling in the rain. Perhaps it was Laojun's blessing. Although there were spring grasses on the muddy slopes of the mountains and hills along the way, and some bumps and bruises were unavoidable, they were still able to move forward hard. When they took a break at noon, the two of them were able to move forward.

We even harvested a bunch of rabbits, which were strung together and hung on the knife handle.

However, as Du Meng said yesterday, the Fenshan Lord broke out into the mountains. Although it can be guessed that it is to block and fight with the enemy's Bihai Lord, it is generally a 'good intention'... But the power of the Dragon Lord,

The ghosts and gods are unpredictable, and with just one movement, most of the deserters have been killed, and the original road has completely disappeared.

Therefore, the two could only walk hard on the back of the mountain without roads, and they walked for a whole day without seeing any other living people. It was not until the afternoon of the second day that they saw three people sitting on a mountain in a col from a distance.

He took shelter from the rain under a big tree, and there was actually a winding path beside the big tree, and he didn't know where it led.

"This heirloom of yours is a true treasure, and it can indeed guide the way." Seeing this, Du Meng was relieved. "I just thought, if I continue like this, even if I can get out of this mountain alive, I will still get sick.

As a result, I met a few living people... let's go and hook up!"

Zhang Xing was speechless.

Theoretically speaking, he would like to join a larger group, which is less conspicuous, safer, and can obtain more information. But at the same time, he is also slightly worried because everyone is in disarray, unorganized and undisciplined

, they had just experienced a large-scale life and death incident, and they had soldiers and armor with them, so they might get together and cause trouble.

But no matter what, now everyone is in charge. How can I, an old man, object to it?

As the two men walked over, two of the three people taking shelter under the tree immediately stood up, and then Zi Youdu Meng stepped forward to negotiate with them. Only then did Zhang Xing know from his words the order of the army that he and Du Meng were in.

What kind of middle base army is called, and what kind of Changshui army does the other party belong to? It seems that they are of the same origin in terms of the larger sequence. After talking for a while, it is obvious that the rabbit on Du Meng's sword played the decisive role.

We decided to team up and brave the rain together.

But at this moment, Zhang Xing noticed the unresponsive person under the big tree, so he held a knife in one hand and pointed to the bottom of the tree with the other:

"Brother Han, Brother Wang... isn't he a partner of your Changshui Army?"

The two men from the Changshui Army, one tall and thin with a yellow face and surnamed Han, and the other with a dark face and a short surname of Wang, looked at each other in shock when they heard this, and then the tall man named Han sneered: "Brotherhood Xiao Zhang got it wrong. He was there before we came."

Lying here...I don't even know whether he is dead or alive."

Hearing this, Zhang Xing was slightly surprised, and Du Meng also stepped forward and asked: "Brother, can you still walk? If you can walk, come with us and go out of the mountain together, so we can find a way to survive!"


Hearing the words, the man under the tree finally turned his head slowly in the rain, but his face was frighteningly white. He didn't say anything anymore, just shook his head slightly, and weakly held the unsheathed sword in his arms.


"There are no external injuries. Either he overexerted himself with your strength, or he was hungry." Du Meng turned around and explained to Zhang Xing. "Anyway, he is temporarily paralyzed."

"Ignore him." The tall sergeant surnamed Han seemed to be the one who made the decision among the other two people. He frowned when he saw this. "Our strength is limited, and we encountered such a natural disaster and it was raining. It would be good if we could save a little strength.

Yes, do you still have to bring such a burden?"

The dwarf named Wang immediately nodded in agreement, while Du Meng also frowned and turned back to look at Zhang Xing.

Zhang Xing thought for a moment, but had nothing to say. The other three were not happy, and he himself was still suffering from cold legs, so how could he help?

"Wait a moment..."

However, just when he was about to set off with the other three people, Zhang Xing looked back at the man. He didn't know whether it was because of his old cold legs, the lack of sense of security among the travelers, or simply humanitarianism. Anyway, it was

Suddenly a feeling of compassion arose.

Immediately, he walked over under the complicated eyes of the other three people, took out two dry pancakes from his arms, and stuffed them into the arms of the man under the tree.

When the man saw the pancake, he looked up. His pale lips moved slightly, as if he wanted to say something, but in the end he was silent and even turned his head away. Zhang Xing didn't pay much attention, and turned around to return to the team with a knife.

"Why throw away the food?" The tall man surnamed Han was slightly dissatisfied.

"I'm also a white-eyed wolf. I don't know how to thank you." Du Meng was dissatisfied. "You can't stand up but you can't speak? You can't speak but you can't nod your head?"

"If it weren't for Brother Du Meng, I would have ended up with this guy. I just felt sorry for him, and I wouldn't miss these two pancakes." Zhang Xing hurriedly responded, and there really was nothing to say. "Let's go, let's go!"


The four of them finally stopped talking and set out on the journey again.

This time, probably because they were on a trail, they started bumping into other scattered deserters on the way, and the team gradually grew.

However, due to the continuous rain and the huge noise caused by the tiger attack yesterday, everyone was weak and frightened. Although they tried their best to support them, they had few words and a few words, which could not be separated from the defeat and the sudden occurrence.

earthquake disaster.

That's right, these people didn't know that the previous movement was caused by the tigers opening up the mountain. They all thought it was a natural disaster. But the two people who knew the truth, even Du Meng, didn't mention what they saw with their own eyes yesterday at all, so the conversation was even more complicated.

It's obvious that the bull's head is wrong.

Everyone just insisted on heading west, preparing to cross the mountainous area and return to the familiar land in Dengzhou to discuss other matters.

In this way, we walked for three consecutive days. The rain continued and it became increasingly difficult for everyone.

There was no way, the body was getting more and more exhausted, the food was getting less and less, and it became more and more difficult to make a fire. In this case, everyone including Zhang Xing threw down the heavy armor, leaving only the armor that could be used as fire.

They don't even have helmets that can protect themselves from the rain, and their weapons only retain light daggers and long soldiers that can be used as crutches and open roads.

Then, even precious things such as gold, silver, and copper plates were discarded... It was really a mess of discarding weapons and armor.

Along the way, people kept joining, and people kept falling behind. They often took a short break, and then started to fail to follow. But there were also people who tilted their heads in the middle of the road and rolled down the hillside without any movement. Others saw that,

They could only grit their teeth and remain silent. No one even thought about looking for, waiting for, or rescuing.

The only time it moved was when a soldier with a broken boot went down to pick up the corpse.

Under such circumstances, morale naturally becomes increasingly depressed.

However, for Zhang Xing himself, there is a piece of good news during this period - in the past few days, his legs have actually gradually stabilized. This morning, he was even able to try to run the so-called ice energy and persist.

Came down.

Having control over his body undoubtedly greatly increased his sense of security, but even so, the time traveler did not tell anyone. Instead, he still walked at the end of the team holding a long knife with an eyebrow tip and wearing a helmet.


"Xiao Zhang."

This afternoon, everyone had just set out after taking a rest. In the rain, they all fell behind inexplicably, and suddenly they came closer. "It's not a big deal if we keep going like this... The landslides behind us, and we don't know what the imperial court does to us in front."

Regulations, and although the road is right, these ten or so people are getting more and more discouraged day by day. I am afraid that if this continues, even if they go out, they will be ruined."

Zhang Xing thought for a moment and nodded directly: "Brother Du Meng is right."

"I know a place... I just remembered it when I saw this mountain, but I was vaguely confused about the specific route." At this point, Du Meng directly posted it. "Brother, let me use your family heirloom.

, I have also understood and figured it out in the past few days, and I also know the mantra of Lao Junye... Holding the baby and saying the mantra can point out what is on my mind, and there is no need for true energy at all... right?

I didn’t do anything extra with it, I just took everyone to find a place to hide from the rain.”

Zhang Xing was startled for a moment, then he took off the compass from his waist and handed it over without hesitation.

The reason for this couldn't be simpler. One is trust. Regardless of whether he is a real brother or a fake one, Big Beard always chooses to save him at the critical moment of life and death. The other is defense. He is not familiar with the place where he is born, and it is time travel and war.

It’s a fight between gods again. In a defeated army, life and death are uncertain. The only one who can be relied on and trusted at the moment is this person. There is no need to hate the other party for this object, even if it may be a divine weapon. The third is the stakes. We really need a place to stay now.

, otherwise I really can’t hold on, what’s the use of keeping a baby when the time comes?

To put it bluntly, everything is based on people. No matter how precious it is, it is just the same thing in front of people.

But the interesting thing is that Zhang Xing gave him pleasure, at least on the surface, but Du Meng was obviously stagnant when he asked for it. He was stunned for a long time before taking it, and then he only touched a handful of rainwater in his beard and said seriously


"Good brother, I will definitely take you out of this mess alive, and I will definitely give you back all my treasures."

Zhang Xing just nodded casually.

Immediately, Du Meng held the compass and shouted the truth in a low voice. As expected, the pointer pointed to the right place. This made the bearded man overjoyed. He just hid the compass and boldly walked forward to talk to the other people.

Of the dozen or so defeated troops, Zhang Xing naturally did not need to say anything. The others were all depressed and lifeless. Only the tall man surnamed Han was in good spirits and seemed to have an idea. After asking a few questions, he agreed with Du Meng.


As a result, the group immediately changed their path and followed Du Meng who hid the compass.

Not to mention, after spending another night and paying the price of two more people being left behind, at noon the next day, the group of people, who had been tortured by the rain to an unbearable situation, turned out to be confused in a mountain col.

A small mountain village.

The mountain village is very small, with about twenty or thirty households, but even so, for the seven or eight defeated soldiers who have struggled for four or five days in rain, mud, humidity, itching, fatigue and fear, it is enough to be regarded as a life saver.


In fact, this is indeed the case.

Not to mention that with a village, we naturally know the way back to the cultivated land in Dengzhou. It is only when a group of people entered the village that they found out that the strong men in these families were either captured to transport food or directly joined the army. It is said that there are still two left.

I also went hunting in the mountains a few days ago and did not return for a long time. Considering the war and the 'natural disasters' in the previous few days, it is estimated that the results will not be good... In sharp contrast, this group of uninvited guests is almost full of people.

Guard the long soldiers.

Under such circumstances, the families in the small village could only accept the assignment of these uninvited guests unpreparedly, led by a few elders, and tried their best to meet all the requirements.

With hot water, hot soup, hot food, and a dry bed, Zhang Xing originally thought that he could maintain a certain moral and self-cultivation in his behavior, but in fact, he waited until he finished eating, wiped himself with hot water, and called himself "wounded"

After having my own identity as a side room of a family and a haystack bed in it, I suddenly felt a sense of consciousness and shame.

It turns out that extremely poor material conditions can really make people abandon education, dignity and other things easily, without even having time to think about it. You need to find out afterwards.

This made the traveler Zhang Xing feel a little uneasy, and this uneasiness became stronger and stronger.

Finally, in the afternoon, Zhang Xing, who had been lying down for about half an hour, got up and walked out with a knife in hand. He wanted to give some verbal expressions and comfort to the local villagers. Otherwise, even if he was extremely exhausted, he would not be able to sleep well.

But he had just walked out, and before he had time to go to the landlord to express his gratitude, a sound of yelling and begging could clearly be heard from a short distance away.

Zhang Xing didn't dare to be careless, so he followed the sound to the back of a house next door, and then suppressed his excitement to listen. After a moment, he heard clearly that it was a defeated soldier who wanted a widow to 'make a bed' for him alone.

There was a commotion and angered Du Meng who came later. The two seemed to have been arguing in the house for a while, and there were even signs of fighting.

Zhang Xing, who was originally uneasy because he was occupying the magpie's nest, now became even more angry and turned out from behind the house. As soon as he turned around, the drizzle in the wind hit him, and the traveler felt slightly in his heart.

He moved, calmed down again, then slowed down, and moved slowly with the knife on his eyebrow.

Sure enough, after walking only seven or eight steps, they bypassed the house and came to the open space in front of the house that was regarded as the yard. The other defeated soldiers were either at a loss or stunned, and almost all of them stood here. The tall man named Han, who was the leader, saw

Zhang Xing arrived and even tried to squeeze out a smile.

Farther away, some local elders were frail and cowered in corners, behind haystacks, not daring to come near.

Just as Zhang Xing was about to speak, a louder noise came from inside the house. Du Meng's violent voice was like thunder. The defeated soldier who wanted the widow to make his bed suddenly lost his voice, and the woman's crying voice suddenly disappeared. Everyone was wondering, next

A moment later, I saw with my own eyes a shirtless defeated soldier being dragged out of the room by Du Meng like a dead dog and thrown into the muddy ground in the rain.

The latter tried to struggle in the mud, but it was obvious that his legs and feet had been removed and he could not stand up at all. When he opened his mouth, he could only make a "ho ho" sound.

As for Du Meng, he had already gone back into the room and took out a long knife.

"Brother Du Meng, what about it?"

Seeing this, the tall sergeant surnamed Han became obviously a little uneasy and hurriedly stepped forward to stop him. "We all supported him to escape together. It is said that we have a good friendship through life and death. After we get out of the mountain, we may have to evade pursuit by the court or something."

, even if the court doesn't pursue it, we still have to work together to find a way to survive. How much help does it have to have one more strong sergeant? Are we going to fight against each other just for this?"

"I know this place because this is my hometown, Paoze. When we passed by last year, he pointed to the valley and told me! I brought you here just to find a place to stay in the village, so as not to be trapped in the mountains.

Die in the rain!" Du Meng's eyes widened angrily. He held a knife in one hand and pushed the other person with the other hand. "Han, you say it yourself, my paoze died at the hands of the Dongyi people at the beginning of the year, and this road is...

I mean, how could you allow such a bad dog to do such a thing?"

The sergeant surnamed Han was pushed, and he was shocked and angry. However, after glancing at the other defeated soldiers who were motionless, as well as several village elders and weaklings who were cowering forward after hearing the words, he still fell silent and stepped back a few steps.


And Du Meng did not hesitate, taking advantage of the situation and stepped forward, with just one powerful blow, he defeated the shirtless soldier who was trying to crawl away.

For a moment, the head fell to the ground, blood spattered three feet, mud rained down, and the sword shone red.

The rain was misty, but there was enough light. Even though the traveler had experienced so many bizarre things in the past few days, and was mentally prepared because of the situation and identity, he still couldn't help but feel his heart skip a beat, and then his mind went blank for a moment...

...Fortunately, almost everyone was looking at the dead man on the ground and Du Meng, who was as majestic as an iron tower, and no one noticed that he still needed a crutch.

After a while, several people dispersed in a dignified manner, and Du Meng also went to say goodbye to the old and weak people in the village.

Zhang Xing originally wanted to come forward and join him, but in the end he remained silent and slowly returned to the side door of the side room he occupied with a knife in his hand. He didn't know if he was walking too slowly. As soon as he entered the house, he smelled

Someone tapped the door:


From the sound of the voice, you can tell that the person coming is none other than Du Meng.

Zhang Xing opened the door and faced Du Meng, who also flashed in with a long knife still stained with blood, and then immediately lowered his voice and said: "Brother, I regret bringing this person here... Those soldiers are not authentic, we

Have to be careful."

After Zhang Xingwei thought about it, he knew what the other party was referring to, but his expression remained unchanged and he pretended not to know:

"Didn't Brother Dumeng kill the guy who caused the trouble?"

"It's not that guy, it's the guy named Han!"

Du Meng's tone was serious. "You don't know, the man named Han is the one with ideas, and his thoughts are not right... He told me again and again on the way that when we cross the mountain and return to the country, I don't know what the court will do."

To deal with deserters like us, we must hide and wait and see for a while, and since we have to wait and see, instead of going home and hiding and being frightened, it is better to find a village to live happily, and then I will be the big boss and he will be the second boss..."

"Are you trying to become a thief?" Zhang Xing was in a daze for a moment.

What is this? It’s not the Sui and Tang Dynasties, it’s not Journey to the West, it’s not the Great Wilderness, but it’s actually the Water Margin?

Do you want to give me a nickname first... Shenxing Taibao Zhang Xing? Will it be a heavy word? What about Lao Han Legs Zhang Xing?

"Of course you can't be a thief." Du Meng said firmly, and at the same time, he pulled Zhang Xing back from his wandering thoughts. "I only thought he was joking at first, but as soon as I entered the village and had dinner, he said that this place is not bad, it's a good place.

It was a good place to hide, so I became alert... As for the man I killed just now, when he begged for mercy in the house, he even said that it was Han's encouragement, so I specially removed his jaw, hands and feet and then took them out to kill him.

To prevent him from shouting and causing trouble, the second was to test and intimidate the man named Han... but the man surnamed Han came to stop him, I'm afraid he really had bad intentions."

"Then what should we do?" Zhang Xing asked in a deep voice.

"Be on guard first." Du Meng's beard trembled slightly. "If we really want to fight, am I afraid of him? In addition, the short man named Wang is not afraid either. Just be careful of him and not hook up with the other two...

...On the other hand, although you are a person who has cultivated Zhenqi, you have been unable to use it and your legs are not sharp. You must be especially careful not to meet those two people in private, otherwise I will not be able to take care of you."

Zhang Xing nodded: "I understand, I rely on Brother Dumeng for everything."

Du Meng didn't waste any time and turned around to leave.

PS: My aunt also compliments me, Li Jingze, Ling Duyu, so delicious and lazy to be a bear in circles, comfortable and free, just reading books 123456, book friends 20180516032105948, heinousk, crow_13, adrian_fufu, cute little medical fairy, shallow

Colorful Eared Illithid, Tell Xiao Guo, Pure Xiao Long, Running Meat Bun... Thanks to these fifteen alliance leaders, and the other 124 book friends who rewarded... Except for Xiao Long and Qiyue, basically all of them are old

Book friends... stop being pretentious and be a good person.

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