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One hundred and fortieth eight chapters tiger (19)

 Before noon, the battle on the Horse Face River ended.

Compared with the Ma Mian River where countless pontoon bridges were laid, the army's camp on the river became a real watershed. Most of the officers and soldiers who could escape in the first time could continue to escape from the rear camp, while the officers and soldiers from the east side

Counting from when the troops began to surrender, the troops who had not had time to enter the camp basically either surrendered or were killed or wounded.

So far, only based on the confirmed information, we can know that the coach Xue Changxiong fled, the Chengdan master Murong Zhengyan was seriously injured and left, and another Chengdan master Dou Pi was seriously injured by at least four assisting Chengdan masters Murong Zhengyan and left.

, another Chengdan master Dou Pi was beaten by at least four Chengdan masters and died on the spot without even escaping from the battlefield. Zhonglang general Guo Shiping was also beheaded, Chen Bin, Qian Tang, and Wang Fubei fought.

The former defected, Zhonglang general Feng Duan surrendered, Li Li, Luo Shu, Wang Yu, Wang Changxie, Xue Wanquan, Xue Wancheng fled, Luo Xin was captured, and Murong Huailian was captured.

When passing through the main camp in Hejian, more than 10,000 people surrendered and more than 3,000 were killed or wounded.

In the camp, there are more than 100,000 auxiliary soldiers and civilians. The Hejian camp transfers countless weapons, food, grass and miscellaneous materials sent from several counties.

This was a great victory that exceeded expectations, a great victory that changed the division of power in Hebei.

At this time, for Zhang Dalongtou, it seems that he should say some big and unreasonable words, which are of a very high style, but even after shouting, not many people will remember empty words.

This was used to demonstrate Gang's revolutionary nature and his firm revolutionary beliefs.

But in fact, starting from noon, the moment when Congjun's victory no longer needed to be discussed, the little dragon head who had always maintained a certain optimistic attitude under the surface in the previous battle became obviously serious and even less anxious.

"Where is King Xiongtian? Who can find him?" After arriving at the small camp, Liang De suddenly reined in his horse and asked from left to right.

"But times have changed, the emperor has run away, and Xiao Wei is on the verge of collapse. In that position, I can use my experience and methods to my advantage. And the most important thing is that my identity has also changed, and I obviously guess

Now, when I think about it, I dare to take the initiative to complete the change of identity or stick to the original identity, but just half-rejected and half-frozen. That is equivalent to hanging myself under the wall and roasting under the fire."

"If we start with his approach, you won't have two answers." Wei Xuanding stroked his long sword and spoke seriously. "First of all, the person Ba Lang has small ways inside and outside, stupidity in the middle, and big tricks and stupidity inside.

, they are all fake, they are all just pretense, and they are really just trying to deceive someone. Secondly, I am mad at him that no one has been deceived by my set of things. I am afraid it is me."

"Where are you going to evacuate to?" Liu Zhouchen couldn't help but asked with hatred, his tone didn't seem a little strange.

Few leaders followed suit and went to patrol the camp. At that time, only a few Jiang Ren and Liang Dewen were left. Wu Jingfeng and those who did not directly report to the camp leaders were left behind, which was full of tables and chairs but with a few people.

Those people inside the barracks and outside also asked if Yan Qing had too little scruples about him. Such behavior has made the family unsafe, Chang Jian... Is Banniang trying to persuade me?"

Liang De not only chose to return to the small chessboard camp, but also personally summoned the eight leaders Fan Bao, Tang Bairen, and Lu Hongyue who had fallen in front along the way. He also directly recalled Liang De's cultural department, so that Dou, who had just been bumped into the Zhenqi army today,

My wife took the lead on my behalf and was the first, bringing back ten battalions of soldiers in total.

"Where is Duke Wei?" Ming Shen continued to ask. "Send someone to invite Duke Wei, and then ask Da Zhou, Shang Huaien, and Dou Lide to come over... Try to find Jia Yue and Bai Yousi as well..."

...If you haven’t just made it to the sea yet, try to call him as soon as possible.”

Inside the barracks, the cold wind gradually arrived as promised, and the ground gradually became stiff. In the brightly lit chessboard camp, Mingshen brought Dou Xiaoniang, who had become a guest guest again, Riga's confidant Feng Duan, Wang Xiongdan and others.

I walked around the camp inspecting it. As I walked and stopped, there were fewer and fewer people in front of me, and no one even stopped talking. I didn’t care at all, but I met Xue Wanbi who knew when to follow me.

Together, share a bag of fried rice with salt and beans.

"I am actually very vague about whether my superficial actions are due to his big tricks and tricks. I often feel that I am very stupid, very strong, and very capable internally and externally. However, I think the same thing as him, but I always believe in myself.

These sincerities outside,

Bravery, resourcefulness, benevolence and righteousness are all of some use." Wei Xuanding continued to answer frankly, not trying to avoid taboos at all. "He said that since Hebei, including that battle, I have done very bad things, and you think so too...

.Everything has been taken care of internally. I mean, the key is to delay the reorganization of the army, prepare 77 battalions, and winter camp to calm the morale of the army. Moreover, the strategy is quite restrained, and no matter how hasty it is, you have to order partial division reinforcements and Niuda.

I am very capable of blocking, and I am quick and decisive when making decisions. But according to my personality, I always worry about how useless my actions are, and how useless my decisions are."

"How to say?" Liang De's heart moved slightly.

"It's as bad as you expected." Liang Dewen looked at the fire pit behind him and smiled. If they asked me how Xie Minghe was doing in this battle, I would definitely say that Xie Minghe made all mistakes, but he was in a small situation, so he could retreat.

I was able to advance, but I was trapped by Xiao Wei's situation, so I didn't lose like this."

"Xie Minghe was indeed defeated slowly, but I lost to you because I was good at fighting and commanding the army, but because I failed to follow the small trend in the sky and change my identity and policies in time, so as to split the original

"A force that cannot be divided, if you tell me, it's my fault." Liang De said with his hands behind his back.

"These mistakes made by Xie Minghe are all tactical and technical." The cold wind was blowing, and the night patrol was difficult. Mingshen followed the words firmly. In essence, it still returned to the same problem. This was not what Liang Dewen had figured out.

Who am I?"

"Yes." Mingshen responded immediately. "You know that the partial master will not arrive until tonight at the earliest, or even not at all... But with the look in front of you, if you can delay the arrangement, you will know if you encounter a ruthless person.

The commander of the army's partial division is afraid that he will suffer a small defeat.

"That Zhang Balang is really amazing." The little warrior finally spoke, but it was actually Xie Minghe who had been defeated in the day. When he spoke, he also looked tired and dusty. "On top of such a small victory, he was actually guarding against that.

It was so safe that he brought ten battalions back to defend during the day... There is no more famous general in the sky than this! You are convinced that you lost to this person. But such a person was selected as a county guard despite his age, and he was related to the Bai family.

Why do you become a thief? People like Bai Baniang also follow me and become thieves? Has Xiao Wei really been abandoned by God?"

"Yes." Mingshen responded frankly. He is not only worried about our night attack tonight, but also worried that we will wait for Kutuda and join forces to attack together!"

Liang De seemed to be the first to react, but he didn't feel like he was so eager to speak after the war and during the war.

Then I hurriedly moved Tang Bairen's troops into Banxian County, and the remaining four battalions were only stationed in Qipan Camp. Then I moved all the civilians, auxiliary soldiers, and field soldiers to the north of Qipan Camp, and then finally summoned Guo Jingke.

I gave the other side a chance, so they gathered the heavy cavalry from each battalion and asked me to take them to the other side of the Mamian River for reconnaissance. I also gathered many locals from Hebei and asked Lu Changheng, who had made great achievements, to take them to Douzi.

There are already no checkpoints outside the posts to provide support and unified dispatch.

Feng Duan pursed his lips and immediately followed, "Doesn't that further prove that Bago has a sharp eye?"

At night, Wei Xuanding, Wu Jingfeng, and Bai Yousi turned back. In addition to Bai Yousi, who hurriedly took back his own battalion, he also brought eight soldiers from Xiahou Ningyuan, Cheng Mingqi, and Ma Ping'er.

"That's the truth." Mingshen nodded from behind. "But you really think it's my problem, because a very small number of people don't dare to take a step forward, and a very small minority of people don't dare to make up their minds."

"Evacuate to the river." Xie Minghe glanced at his son in surprise, but he did not hesitate to investigate and express, as if he had really turned into a tiger with teeth. Where else could it be? He thought he would retreat to the plains or Ande.

Do you dare to pull out your teeth and fight?"

Feng Duan thought for a moment and decided whether to argue again.

"Withdraw your troops!" Xie Minghe stood up and gave serious instructions. It was a question of whether to retreat or not, but if it was later, the other party would detect it. According to the other party's decisiveness, he was afraid that he would have to use all his strength to fight again.

Hit less and hit more... The terrain in Douzigang is simple. Once the army is defeated, it will be difficult to escape."

Xue Wanbi was about to speak but hesitated. In the end, he tightened his grip on his bag of fried rice and his sword and said nothing.

As he spoke, Mingshen pointed at the chaotic small camp behind him almost angrily.

"After all, I am the one who has the ability and the courage to step forward." Feng Duan also said at this time

I just interrupted. Even if I’m afraid of being the target of public criticism, I’ve worked hard on the surface and exerted all my strength secretly, but that’s where it ends.”

Several people almost raised their eyebrows in unison.

Dou Lide was the only one who seemed honest and careless. It could be seen that although Zhang Xiaolongtou was slow to return because of the military situation, he was also very strict with military discipline, so he left a button, but he forgot to find it when he left.

My brother-in-law Cao Chen told him to go find Liu Baigun, and then he hurried back.

It was late at night, inside Douzigang, where the military division was camping.

"But Brother Bago dares." Zhou Xingfan also spoke. "Brother Bago dares to break bottles and cans and do deeds and tricks that are unique in the world."

Unexpectedly, there were no more disputes and chaos here before some news was learned. On the contrary, everyone maintained a deadly silence. The generals in the army, including Liu Zhouchen, who had a personality that was irritating to him,

At this time, he was just watching quietly a small warrior sitting under a stone in the moonlight, leaning on a sword, waiting for the other party's instructions.

As far as I can see, all the military battalions are rushing to the small army camp. After retreating, they are competing for battle glory, and before retreating, they are grabbing the spoils of war. Of course, at this time, it is bad to say that those who are scrambling for spoils are not following the rules.

The stated disciplinary principle of "It all depends on the end", because that kind of fighting attitude rarely occurs between battalions.

"Bad." Hearing that, Xue Changxiong nodded without hesitation. He took the people back, and you and King Xiongtian will stay there. Chief Xu also asked me to stay there, and stabilize the situation first before saying anything else."

It can only be said that there will never be any new problems. He is fighting a battle of that scale and encounters such a small camp to receive it. It is very unlikely that there will be such problems.

Yan Qing, on the other hand, had no scruples and slowly asked: "Is Zhang Longtou worried about the sudden arrival of the official army?"

At the front, Zhang Xiaolong came to the gate of the small army camp before Xiao Sheng, entered the camp, and turned back.

"Chief Chen is talking about Xie Minghe?" Cheng Dan asked with his head held high.

Liu Zhouchen laughed warmly, gritted his teeth and turned his head, but the surrounding generals, starting from Gaozhan and others, including Xue Wannian, Wang Changhe, Xue Wanbei and others, started to act in frustration early and obeyed the order.

But Yan Qing remained silent.

Liang De nodded and looked at the people around him again: "You guys, lead your troops back to the camp immediately and collect our own field soldiers and auxiliary troops along the way. You must strengthen your defense and beware of sneak attacks."

Myojin also has that magical power.

We divided the territory in the enemy camp, and identified the ownership of captured prisoners in the enemy camp. Disputes with each other could be seen everywhere.

Before finishing the drink, the little faucet finally felt swollen and started to feel addicted to his mouth:

The leaders in front of him, regardless of whether they understood what Zhang Xiaolongtou meant, were naturally willing to argue with that leader.

"Be careful." Xie Minghe suddenly lost his interest. "Today's defeat, there is nothing you can do. You are willing to admit defeat and apologize from now on... As for Cao Tongshou, I really regret that I could believe him and follow his advice earlier, but

It's helpful to say less now, especially before today, when he has to bear the burden of helping you face to face, but you can support him, and it's unusual for him to have no resentment."

Just like that, after a while, the leaders of the camps closest to Mingshen gradually arrived. After a while, Xue Changxiong and Dan Tonghai, who were the farthest, also arrived on horseback from the front.

Yes, that thing tastes too hungry, and it’s not like Xue Wanbi, a child who has been hungry for two years and a half, will always keep it as a treasure. Mingshen’s mouth became dry after eating it for a while, and he stopped carrying the water bag.

Drink water.

"Commander Shan was ordered to pursue the enemy general. I guess he will come soon, so let's do that..." Zhang Xiaolong then spoke. "Commander Liu, the rear army is fighting for prisoners and occupying the camp. Is it possible?"

It's for restraint, can his soldiers come over in time?"

But Zhang Xiaolong's brows were still furrowed, and he was obviously not at ease. Before convening a military meeting to check for any omissions and confirm whether there were any omissions, he even chose to take his people to patrol the night in person.

Liang Deshen nodded fiercely.

Dou Xiaoniang took a long breath and didn't interrupt again.

"Longtou, Tianwang, Little Leader Bai, Little Leader Wu, and Little Leader Xu dispersed to chase

Call for these fleeing officers and generals." After a moment, Wang Xiongdan hurriedly came over to reply. "It will be difficult to recall them for a while."

At this point, Wei Xuanding smiled again: "As for what he is like today, he was born because the soldiers on the back line were fighting for power and profit, and he was frustrated that it would be beneficial for him to organize the army in the future, and even because the officers and soldiers did not have one or two points of possibility.

I feel that my decision is appropriate enough because of the chance of victory.”

Liang Dewen was originally just twirling his beard to see a few surrenders. Hearing this, he paused for a moment and then he came to his senses: "Is the leader worried that this partial army of 20,000 people will come here with a stiff neck?"

On the other hand, Miss Dou, who still has no aristocratic disease and always hates Zang Fu, could not hold back: "Long Tou's words are not exaggerated. Xie Minghe is not capable. The situation is favorable, but in that battle, I

You still made a lot of mistakes, so why did you end up in such a small defeat like Qian Tang?"

But even after the people left, Mingshen still stood still and moved, showing no tendency to enter the camp. This made the surrounding gang leaders and elites obviously uneasy.

However, Qian Tang couldn't hold back and sighed: "Things in that world were not so strange. He was obviously a man of heroic virtues, good in both civil and military affairs, but he felt that he was brave, opportunistic, and capable; in the same way, even if

The stupidest person cannot possibly think that he is brave, wise and decisive."

Mingshen continued to speak.

Xue Changxiong thought for a while and nodded: "It doesn't make sense. Now you go back to Ban County...who will guard the small army camp?"

Hearing this, the other people cheered up and pricked up their ears.

Cao Shancheng was angry and speechless.

"It's because he has a keen eye, and it's because he has a clear conscience." Zhang Xiaolong's tone suddenly became fierce. There is no need to worry about it, but when it comes to making a living, he has a clear conscience, so he does it. "

Liang Dewen was slightly startled. Although he didn't react for a moment, he nodded immediately, and Jia Runshi also quickly handed over.

It also left the surrounding leaders at a loss for ideas.

Zhou Xingfan was just silent and distracted, but he remembered something. "

"Report to the leader." Liang Dewen was obviously not ashamed. "There are soldiers and surrendered troops everywhere. I'm afraid there won't be enough time..."

The people around him didn't make any guesses after listening to it. At this time, when they heard the first mistake again, they all knew that it was close and the young man was caught, but there was nothing they could do.

"Young general!" Cao Shancheng, the governor of Qinghetong, widened his eyes and became angry. "Is that what he should say?"

The rest of us were also surprised, especially the few descendants. At this time, Gerry was serious. He wanted to know the true opinions of some of his former superiors, but he was not worried that the other party was deliberately giving a warning...

But instead he became more serious.

Wu Jingfeng didn't think anything about it, while Cheng Dan just raised his head.

The people around him were just talking high-spirited words, but they secretly kept those words in their hearts. After all, Mr. Qian Mansion was Zhang Xiaolong's equal in the same rank in the past and has always been the same name.

"Let them think about it, who is Xie Minghe? He is a young general of the First Guard, a military leader from Guanlong, the commander-in-chief of the march in Hebei, and the military commander-in-chief who came to suppress bandits. Based on this theory, what I will do in the next two years is

Is it bad? If it is considered bad, why do the Hebei Rebels hate me to the core? Why do we, Liang Dewen, have to carry a fried rice bag all day long at such an age?"

With Dou Xiaoniang in the room, many people's hearts moved slightly, but most of them didn't realize it.

At this point, half of the troops have turned back, and the situation is considered completely stable.

"Isn't Zhang Longtou going too far?"

"How about you just let this battalion soldier go back with you, and let him stay outside to mediate disputes, gather surrendered soldiers, and supervise military discipline?" Mingshen seemed to be discussing with the other party. "There is also a shortage of people outside, and King Xiongtian will stay there even when he comes back.

I will be with him to preside over the situation, but Baniang and Wu Xiaolang are back. We must be asked to return to the chessboard camp as soon as possible after daylight, so that both sides can have Zhang Xing's low hand."

"I want you to tell me, is Xie Minghe as shameless as they say, or even behaves in a commendable way... Their words are neither arrogant nor conceited, nor are they looking down upon him."

I also knew that after a while, Wei Xuanding, who was sitting vigil in the barracks, suddenly spoke again: "Actually, if you go by what Xiao Qian said to you tonight, Ba Lang is still young.

The advantage is that no matter how hesitant, determined, or fearful I am, I can always grit my teeth and do these things that are completely unreasonable... That is what you hate the most and what you are most convinced of."

"For example, in the future, when suppressing bandits, do I need to face seven Zhang Xing's weak opponents? How come the bandits don't have seventy-seven battalions? Now I have to face such opponents; in the future, as the marching commander, I will

I should be domineering, I should be in trouble with the local officials, I should be strict with the local officials, so the central government still dares to use me, but what happens now? It must be because I can unite all the counties, why don't I do this?

That battle? The manpower and material resources of more than a dozen counties in Hebei have already been piled up, or our gang simply dared to come."

Liang De didn't stop talking, and the people around him fully understood what Zhang Xiaolongtou meant.

"Who else but me?" Liang Dere laughed.

Ming Shen also cared about the explanation and looked at Xue Changxiong again: "Wei Gong, Guo Jingke and the soldiers from the camp also want to go back."

Zhang Xiaolongtou just said as he walked:

"What I said about the successful king and the defeated bandit is that the battle was indeed fought beautifully, but that battle was beautiful. The movements of the gang before crossing the river were basically beautiful. Go slow when you need to go slow, go fast when you need to, and be patient when you need to.

"Forbearance, take action when you have to, surprise, shrink, organize the army, winter camp, knock on the fort, return to defend, attack, all are wrong." Yan Qing didn't say a word. He was just like that guy Zhang Ba, what?

At first glance, I just look like someone who is stupid, has big tricks, and has great loyalty. On the surface, I take advantage of everything and show off my posture. Privately, it will naturally attract unintentional people. People who think they are self-righteous think that I am not clumsy. They think that I am actually

If you go through this, there will be a lot of flaws both internally and externally. But in reality, if you really think that I am a clumsy person, and you really go to gamble and fight, you will realize that there is actually a little wisdom, a little courage and true benevolence behind others, and they have no real ability and truth.

The one next to me...it's very shameful that Xiao Zhiruoyu deliberately added a layer of stupidity before, specifically to deceive these people who think they are stupid."

Bai Ba Niang smiled and did not answer directly. Instead, she raised her head and asked, "Xiao Qian, what did he think of that battle?"

There was an immediate silence in front of him. Xue Wanbi, who was following him without his saber, knew what tangible class was. He couldn't help but ask seriously: "If this is the case, why did the army lose to you so easily? You guys today

I originally wanted to join the battle, but as soon as I passed the torch on Tushan, I was declared victorious. After walking further back, I even reached the enemy camp, where I met your father head-on and was driven back."

Mingshen was stunned for a moment, and then immediately shook his head: "To be honest, there are some things that you did with gritted teeth, but from a practical perspective, there are very few things that may not be the best or worst option...because who

It's just speculation, everyone is just betting... Let's be outrageous. Have they ever thought about what if this saint suddenly repented and returned to the court just before we raised our troops? After returning to the court for two or eight years, he died.

, King Qi has ascended the throne, Ying Chen Binwu, what should we do? Flee Dongyi?"

Mingshen shook his head and said with an expression on his face: "It's his fault. I don't know what to do. If you don't follow the rules of military discipline on a small scale, notify the military judges of each battalion and write down the matter first. He will also stay there to patrol...

But there is no important matter now. The two battalions of soldiers under his command are at the front. Since they are crowded and retreating, they should also divide one battalion and let us accept the command of Jia Runshi and immediately return to the chessboard camp!"

That kind of performance will not in turn make other people feel that they are reconciled and at peace.

Wang Xiong's birthday - wrote it down, and then said,

So he hurriedly sent someone to deliver the order.

This chapter has been completed!
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