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one day off

"In that case, we won't delay any more. You just want to tell us how to do divination." Zhang Xing was too lazy to talk about this.

"May I ask you what the divination is about?" Lu Daobin regained his energy.

"Bu..." Zhang Xing thought carefully and felt a little confused. "I was in such a complicated mood at the moment that I didn't know what to think."

"It doesn't matter." Lu Daobin was eager to give it a try. "You can do it in the same way. Just concentrate on one thing first."

"Is there no limit to the number of times? For example, three times a day?" Zhang Xing found it more and more funny. "Will it consume your energy? Maybe you need Qi assistance?"

"No, there is only the saying that divination will no longer be done if the three hexagrams are not completed, and there is no other taboo." Lu Daobin answered frankly. "Actually, it is just divination after all... I have doubts in my heart, so I can find out for myself, that's all."

Zhang Xing nodded and stopped worrying: "Then let's divine the future first."

"It's early April, in the afternoon, please stand in the courtyard, face north, look at the sun, then lower your head vertically to look at the ground, close your eyes and throw the lot in front of you." Lu Daobin gave further instructions.

Zhang Dalongtou did not hesitate, he just took the fortune tellers under the watch of many people, and then left.

Go forward, do as you are told, and easily throw a few hexagram sticks in front of you.

"How?" Xie Minghe, who had been holding back for a while, asked urgently.

"It's a little vague, but roughly speaking, it's still the form of Shangjiu, which is: the reverse of the spiritual energy." Lu Daobin looked over and tried his best to answer. The people around him included Chen Bin, Xu Shiying, Jia Yue, Zhang Jinshu, Yan Qing, and Wang

Xiong Dan and other people also poked their heads in, but Cui Suchen was nowhere to be seen, so he should still be in the public house.

"How to solve it?" Xie Minghe couldn't rush him enough.

"The spiritual energy goes against the will, and the times cannot control it." Lu Daobin explained it seriously. "That is to say, the current situation, the era, it is the time anyway, and it will not be an obstacle to the gang... In other words, the gang's future development will not be affected by the times.

Being hindered."

This explanation was quite clear, and the people around him were obviously relieved. Many people were simply happy, but some people were obviously frowning because of the broad explanation.

"If the times are bad, they will never pass." Zhang Xing also thought deeply, but he seemed speechless. "So what if the times are bad? I finally know why your divination is effective... If the time is not good, can the power be bad?"

Can humans overcome it? Can the Supreme Master overcome it?"

Lu Daobin Nuonuo was silent, but it was Xie Minghe who came to persuade him: "At the very least, time is running out!"

Zhang Xing nodded: "That's right, time has passed after all."

"What else are you looking for?" Xie Minghe urged.

"Relatives and friends..." Zhang Xing thought for a moment and continued.

"It's still the same as before." Lu Daobin reminded quickly.

After a moment, the lot was thrown again. This time, the people around him paid less attention. They just stood on the porch and watched, and no one stretched out their heads.

"The lots are scattered, cannot be connected, have no shape, and have no hexagrams." Lu Daobin became confused.

"Is this common?" Xie Minghe couldn't help but wonder.

"It's not that uncommon." Ambassador Lu said helplessly, picking up the fortune stick and handing it to Zhang Xing. "Just do it again."

Zhang Xing didn't take it seriously and threw it again.

"It still doesn't make sense." Lu Daobin quickly picked it up again and handed it to Zhang Xing. "Your Excellency, please throw it again."

Zhang Xing throws for the third time.

Lu Daobin was inexplicably frightened: "If you fail three times... what I just said, it won't be possible anymore."

Xie Minghe took a deep breath and came to see Zhang Xing: "Master Zhang, who are your relatives and friends? Are you thinking of Chief Bai?"

"It's Sisi, but I'm thinking more about Li Si, Sima Zheng and Qin Er. In fact, I'm thinking about a few relatives and friends who were celebrating the New Year in a courtyard in Dongdu that day. I want to know if there is still a chance to get together with them. Are we the same people?

Is this a strange road?" At this point, Zhang Xing laughed to himself. "I know what you mean. According to some sayings, I am the Black Emperor's Dianxuan, and Sisi is the Red Emperor's Empress Dianxuan...test us both.

The matter must be a fight between the Supreme Beings, and the Qing Emperor’s lottery may not necessarily be used... But what about Li Ding and Qin Er? Could it be that there is also a Bai Di Ye’s choice? Li Ding is Bai Di Ye’s choice, and Qin Er is also one

The layout of Sanhui’s selection? So Qingdi’s fortune telling is really invalid here?”

Xu Shiying, Chen Bin and others changed their expressions slightly.

Xie Minghe couldn't help but sigh and was speechless.

Jia Yue, on the other hand, rarely spoke at this time: "Li Ding can't say what he really said. I was in the North and heard some rumors. It is said that it was said by Da Siming, but I can't be sure... It seems to be that Master Siyu is here.

It is no longer like the time when the ancestor emperor interfered too much in the affairs before and after, but he will still participate in the temporary battle of fortune. He relies on selecting heroes to participate, but the selection does not mean that whoever clicks more will have more opportunities.

Instead, the heroic spirit is torn apart, held by the four masters, and then each carries out his own actions... Some are invested in only one person, the only seedling in the womb; others are like the Black Emperor who selects a few young seeds; some are even thrown to

One clan, one land, maybe... From this point of view, Li Ding can’t really say anything about it.”

Everyone was thoughtful.

Only Zhang Xing thought about it, and his mood became a little low. He shook his head and said: "The gods and gods are strange and unscrupulous. No wonder the heroes came one after another at that time, and they also wanted to use the three radiances to overwhelm the four emperors... These four are also self-contained.

Great achievement, just think about the stars and the sea and reopen the map. Why can't I forget people?


After saying that, he walked away sadly with his hands behind his hands, leaving many people looking at each other, and Jia Yue was even more uneasy.

Let's say that on this early summer afternoon, when all kinds of gods and monsters, all kinds of grand narratives, and all kinds of nothingness were surrounding Zhang Dalongtou, Gaojibo on the south bank of Qingzhang River in Zhangnan County, a hundred miles away from Jiangling City

Nearby, there are people down to earth, preparing to work hard, which is a stark contrast.

Really ready to work hard.

In early summer, it is impossible to plant corn again, but it is not too late to drain the swamp, plant some cabbage, kidney beans, wild rice, put some water chestnuts in the water, and prepare some other perennial fruit trees, lotus roots, etc.

This kind of work is indeed a bit hard, so the people who set up a stronghold here in Gaojibo to work are actually a group of homeless wandering young men who were prisoners of war in the previous war and were now rounded up and semi-forcibly resettled as soldiers in the field.

"Let me introduce you first. My surname is Huang. You can just call me Huang Tunzhang. In fact, I am Xiangzheng. It's just that we are all soldiers here, so we call it this name. Like you, I am not a local. I originally

He was the chief of staff at General Tomb in Qinghe. Because he did a good job, he was transferred to this level." Under the sun, a middle-aged village chief was standing together with five or seven men in leather armor and holding knives.

Under a big tree with lush branches, he said to the new batch of visitors, "Since everyone has come to our Gaoji Santun, don't have any extra thoughts. From now on, we are just brothers, and we can come together as a family."


The twenty or thirty people in front were obviously divided into two groups. One group was thin-skinned and tender-bodied, raising a family, and was extremely depressed. The other group of people were all strong men, gathered together around a young man with a dull look.

Come and listen coldly.

Chief Huang had long noticed how this man didn't know that he must have a military background.

But he is also a local tycoon with many years of experience and is used to working as a grassroots official. However, he also has some tricks. He just pretends to ignore it and starts with others.

"You, I think you are from a wealthy family, how did you end up here?" Huang Tuanzhang asked the other group of people who came first. "Did you commit a crime by burning usurious debts and not making enough money? Or were you occupying official slaves and many private slaves?

, taking up too much space?”

"They are prisoners of war." The leader of the family raised his head and answered in frustration.

Upon hearing this, Chief Huang calmed down a bit and his tone became much better: "Your surname is Wang, right? What was your previous position?"

"The county magistrate." The man continued to answer. "That's the magistrate of Liting County in the south."

"I see." Chief Huang couldn't help but feel a little nervous. "Wang Xianjun was not ransomed?"

"Originally, the redemption price was six hundred stones of corn." County Magistrate Wang was unable to answer. "But Dou Lide...someone under Chief Dou sued me and approved some rewards and sentences when I was the county magistrate, saying that they wanted to kill me.

But it is said that the leader Dou Da asked for mercy, saying that at that time, everyone was his own master, and the vicious and violent people could be killed, and people like me could be given a chance... In the end, Zhang Longtou was sentenced to reform through labor, and only came to the camp.

Become a plowman."

Chief Huang heard the names of many people, either current managers or general managers. He knew that he could not get involved in the matter, so he came to ask seriously: "Do you have any cultivation?"

"The true energy of longevity, the two extraordinary meridians." Magistrate Wang continued to answer honestly.

"That's good. Changsheng Zhenqi is the best for farming, and Qijing cultivation makes it easy to do physical work." Huang Tuen sighed. "In addition, County Magistrate Wang knows legal documents, and he is a farmer, too.

Your life is much easier than that of others... Just live there with peace of mind! Your family has a large population and you have women, so I will give you a bigger place, and then I will ask someone to help you build a proper house quickly."

Magistrate Wang could only express his thanks.

After skipping over to Wang County Magistrate, Huang Tuen Changfu came to see another group of people. He was silent for a long time and finally decided to call it a day and stop causing trouble. He just called the roll call and knew that the dull man in the middle was called Han Er.

Make a note of it, and then try to spread out the group's intended accommodations when allocating housing, that's all.

However, Han Er also had no intention of causing trouble, and instead seemed overly dull.

"The so-called foundation building is actually to adjust one's state and mentality, to feel the Qi of other masters who have already cultivated for a while, to guide that Qi to one's own Dantian, and then to warm it up for a hundred days.

You can take it as your own... Generally speaking, it is most suitable after the age of seven or eight and before the age of twelve or thirteen, and it is almost guaranteed..."

A group of people walked through a place in the village and heard someone talking inside. Han Erlang suddenly stopped to listen, which attracted many people to stop together. Chief Huang was helpless. He was nervous and could only pretend to look around at the scenery, but there was something about it.

I regret that my family had a sudden impulse and had extra thoughts, so I left Shuanghuangli to find a way to live in the village.

This village chief is still different from the village chief. He knows how to commit suicide at any time, okay? Even if the army is invincible, he suppresses it immediately, but what about the life of himself, the village chief?

However, Han Erlang didn't do anything stupid. After listening for a while, he asked County Magistrate Wang beside him: "Mr. Wang, is this the place where the gang forcibly builds the foundation for everyone?"

Listening to his words, it seems that he is quite familiar with County Magistrate Wang and his status is not low.

"That must be the case." Magistrate Wang obviously respected this person, and was no longer overly depressed, but just cheered up.

Han Erlang nodded and continued to ask: "If there is no master to draw the Qi, can't we build the foundation?"

"Of course not." Magistrate Wang sighed. "This method is for ordinary people. In ancient times, there were often some geniuses who, at a specific time period, would do some breathing exercises in front of nature, vegetation, water, fire, rivers, lakes, sun, moon, cold and heat.

If you accept it, you can feel Qi..."

"Why can't you become a foundation builder after you are twelve or thirteen years old?" Han Erlang continued to ask.

"I'm not sure. I can only guess that after the age of twelve or thirteen, men and women can get married. Their minds are muddy and not as simple as those of children. Some people also say that there is an invisible orifice in the Dantian. After the age of fifteen or sixteen, people can completely

It is closed, making it difficult for the true energy to enter... I believe in the latter, because after the age of 14, 56, the number of successful foundation constructions is much less, but there are still some, and it is especially rare after the age of 16 or 17."

Magistrate Wang patiently did some popular science. "However, this is not absolute. There are also twenty foundations in ancient books, but they are dragon hair and whale bones. In ancient times, there was a holy emperor who was in his forties. He went to listen to the Qing Emperor.

I taught him face to face, but still couldn't succeed, so I learned how to grow rice and went back. As a result, I returned to the tribe and taught others how to farm. As I was planting, I suddenly felt angry... It can be seen that for truly big people and geniuses,

, God will show some mercy. Does Han Erlang have any ideas?"

Han Er shook his head: "I asked myself if I am stupid and stupid, what can I think? It's just that now that things have happened, I feel more and more frustrated about my incompetence."

After saying that, he started walking on his own.

Magistrate Wang also hurriedly followed, but he couldn't help but sigh even more.

The leader of the Huangtun camp in front saw the opportunity quickly and immediately started to act. He only acted as a guide and assigned accommodation along the way. In the end, he dispersed these people one by one.

Then he left early and made up his mind to go to Zhangnan tomorrow to ask about this person's details so that he could be on guard in the future.

On the other side, Han Erlang had no idea what Chief Huang was thinking. He was a single man and was assigned a place to live, so he followed the people who called him and settled there.

When we entered the residence, we saw that it was a newly built wooden house that was breathable. The other houses in the townhouse had four or five beds, which was barely enough to live in.

The person who picked him up from the village chief was also in his thirties or forties. He didn't pay much attention at this time. He just pointed to the room and said: "On the first day, you don't have to work as usual. The bed is new. You can pick one by yourself."

Take a rest, and when you can't get used to sleeping, go cut wood and lay bricks yourself, that's how it comes about."

Han Erlang wanted to thank him, but the man continued:

"There are no mats anymore. Most of the later ones were made by looking for reeds by themselves. If you don't know how to weave, you can go to Zhao San's house to buy one. His family has several generations of craftsmanship. Don't be afraid of running out of money. You can get credit. If you work well, every day

It's customary to give some money. I heard it's to see if the work is done properly and if there are any crimes. Newcomers are given first and can see each other tomorrow."

Han Erlang nodded, feeling relieved.

The man continued pointing to the stove and said: "It is said that you will have to buy oil, salt, soy sauce and vinegar in the future, but at this time, you will receive it along with food. Just like in the army, large stoves, firewood and everything are shared. You

You can’t be lazy about that, you have to help out if you know how to cook, and be more discerning.”

Han Erlang became more and more relaxed.

The man paused and continued: "Now that it's here, let's make peace with it.

No matter what happened in the past, we will eat and sleep together from now on, and we can move out when we get married. It will be more peaceful for everyone, and it will be good for everyone."

Han Erlang finally said: "I'm just afraid of being uneasy."

"That's good." The man nodded. "Everyone in our house is draining water and fishing at the edge of the water behind. You just have a rest and watch if you feel bored. I'm going to go."

Han Erlang nodded quickly.

As soon as his roommate left, Han Erlang was stunned for a moment. He didn't know where to put his hands and feet. He just sat down by the bed. After thinking for a long time, he stood up again and walked to the water pool behind. Not long after, he saw Xia Tian

The high chicken mooring.

Gaojibo is located on the south bank of Qingzhang River. It is a huge swamp. It shrinks in winter and is wide in summer. It has dark ridges and deep and harbors, and the terrain is complex.

At this time, the breeze was blowing, the water waves were slightly rising, and the not too bright early summer sun was hanging high above, making it look sparkling, but the color of the lake was often blocked by the riverbanks, reeds, and trees, making it intermittently clear.

There are hundreds of people on the shore, divided into groups. Some are planting vegetables on the drained land at the edge, some are driving donkeys and horses to cultivate the land, some are still carrying soil back and forth for landfills, some are digging barefoot in the water for wild vegetables, and there is even a team

People are building dams to fish... This seems to be preparation for the next step of draining the water.

Han Erlang stood in a daze on the newly-grown Tianlong. Looking at this scene, he suddenly felt that in the past four or five years, from the time he said goodbye to his mother at home before the Second Expedition and was called to work as a horseman in the county, many of his experiences were like the same one.

It was as illusory as a dream. I was still the barefooted young farmer I was, and I had never lost all the precious things.

Only the various thoughts on my mind, like the wild lake in this tall lake, were stirred up by microwaves. In the past four or five years, countless people lost their lives and lost their messages. Their faces also turned around. In line with the golden color in the lake in front of me, but

I almost couldn't help but shed tears.

At this moment, there was a sudden exclamation from the front, which woke up Han Erlang. When he looked up, he saw that a donkey had lost control and ran up to Longlai, as if it was going to eat the vegetable seedlings nearby. Han Erlang was so shocked that he had no time to think about it.

No one needed to shout, he almost instinctively ran towards him and stopped the donkey at the top of the mountain.

As the saying goes:

Don’t you know that there are two hundred states in Shandong of the Han family, and thousands of villages are home to Jingqi?

Even if there are strong women working the hoe and the plow, there will be no crops in the long acres.

PS: Happy New Year everyone.

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