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Chapter 347: River Tour (4)

 There is a saying that Ma Wei's strategy is not surprising, but it is better than high-level, straightened out and clearly organized. Just like a bowl of ice-cold wine, Zhang Xing, who was trapped in summer irritability, personnel affairs, and power siege, suddenly woke up and jumped out of the matter itself.

The strange circle.

After jumping out, things will be like that.

Enough is enough. This time, the matter stopped at the most basic and serious issue of private soldiers. It stopped at the head of one of the most representative people, Xu Shiying, and did not expand it to make people calm down.

After all, it is still wartime, and there are military confrontations on the periphery, and Hebei's strength is still far inferior to that in the east, especially since many of the so-called military forces in Hebei still have their roots in the east.

After stabilizing, let go of the big bosses whose interests are difficult to grasp and whose numbers are sparse, and go to the first floor of the bosses with a higher fault tolerance rate to vote. Be upright and clean as the core of the gang, and then make recognition based on the existing structure.

, differentiate, smooth.

As for the exchange of interests, there must be some, but it is not an exchange between Zhang Xing and Li Shu. The two parties are very symmetrical, especially Li Shu himself is still a visionary and ambitious politician no matter how ignorant he is.

There are some invisible political considerations, so the choice must be pushed directly to the leaders around Li Shu who actually lost the opportunity to participate in the advancement before... Li Shu doesn't want the real power of the three counties, what should you do?

Come out to rebel, conquer territory, follow the boss, be it as an official to get food, to display your ambitions, or to ensure safety, how can you support a faction without a real territory?

Are you noble, have political ambitions, and are you awesome?

"Is this just enough?" After sitting down, the food and wine were served again. Everyone saw with their own eyes that Zhang Longtou, who was famous for his ice energy, used the standard Lihuo energy and took the initiative to warm the horse.

While the wine was warming, Zhang Dalongtou did not forget to continue asking for advice.

"It depends on what Longtou wants to do." Ma Wei stared straight at the wine bottle that was warming up on the stone table, smelling the odor of alcohol escaping, and his words were erratic.

"There's a lot to think about... I want stability, I want development, I want to clean up the inside, and I want to be aggressive and pioneer..." Zhang Xing's tone was also erratic.

"The dragon leader is really thinking too much. It is really unwise to be aggressive at this time." Ma Wei finally looked like a wise man and at least started to give advice. "Now the Wei Dynasty really did not collapse.

It only takes the strength of the last two or three punches to collapse. After all, this is a dynasty that has only been established for two generations. Anyone who takes these two or three punches will be injured, even dead..."

Zhang Xing and Xie Minghe nodded together.

Wang Shuyong couldn't help but ask: "Everyone says so, but why didn't the Wei Dynasty collapse?"

"The reason why the Wei Dynasty did not collapse was not because of Jiangdu, but because of Dongdu plus Jiangdu!" Zhang Xing was as patient as ever with Wang Wulang. "In Jiangdu, the emperor has been deposed long ago. The reason why there is no such thing as earth-shattering things is unknown.

It's probably because there is a great master in Dongdu, the Emperor's Uncle, and the reason why the Emperor's Uncle is still holding on in Dongdu is somewhat like the fame he received from Jiangdu."

"Especially the place our gang relies on is the Eastern Territory where both sides can exert their strength. So don't move and just wait for him to collapse with the others." Ma Wei also obviously gave Wang Wulang face.

"Do you think Mr. Ma Jiu will collapse first, Jiangdu or Dongdu?" Xie Minghe couldn't help but interject and asked, while doing his usual dirty talk.



"Because the person who is being criticized... Unless Uncle Cao dies, the world will be in trouble." Ma Wei blurted out.

"That's right!"

With the powerful army mainly composed of northern warriors, it is not that difficult to overthrow the two loyal dog masters led by Niu Dugong and Lai Zhan'er. The problem is that they overthrew them in order to return to the Eastern Capital and Kansai.

But Emperor Cao is oppressing Dongdu... If you really dare to rebel, Uncle Cao really dares to kill their whole family."

"But Uncle Cao Huang is getting more and more difficult, and now he is almost trapped to death in Dongdu City." Ma Wei responded immediately. "I really doubt how long his black tower can stand!"

"Yes, as long as Uncle Cao Huang dares to leave Dongdu, I doubt that a great master will come out to intercept him!" Xie Minghe sighed sadly.

"I have always been suspicious of the British master's cultivation." Zhang Xing suddenly interjected. "I have also been wondering, who is the great master who agreed to Yang Shen that day but didn't have time to respond?"

"Everyone is guessing that he is the Medicine King in the south..." Wang Wulang finally interjected. "The True Fire Cult is too close to the Yang family."

"The King of Medicine is probably the only one among the dozen or so great masters who can attain the throne." Zhang Xing suddenly concluded. "Master Zhang, Taoist Priest Chonghe, the British Duke and the owner of the lodge, and even the fish, spit

It is possible that there are two military grandmasters who were idle at the time."

"So, once Uncle Cao leaves the Black Tower, is it possible that several great masters will join forces to get rid of him immediately?" Ma Wei also expressed some emotion.

"On the other hand, this is the Grand Master's single effort." Zhang Xing exclaimed. "The sky should have collapsed, but because of one person's power, with the help of a tower, he forcibly held the sky up for a year or two..."

Ma Wei suddenly stopped saying anything, and Xie Minghe was also thoughtful. Wang Wulang wanted to interrupt but noticed something was wrong in the atmosphere and reluctantly suppressed it.

Zhang Xing, on his own, picked up the warm wine and poured a glass himself with the rest of the people in the room, including Wang Xiongdan who was sitting down.

Ma Wei couldn't wait, so he took it and drank it all in one gulp. His limbs seemed to feel comfortable.

After finishing the drink, he didn't wait for the other four to finish drinking, but simply came to ask: "Zhang Long's clothes are in tatters, he eats casually, and all his thoughts are on rebellion. He must have great ambitions, but does he intend to achieve the throne and ascend to heaven?"


"Of course." The others almost choked, but Zhang Xing calmly drank a glass of wine and then put down the glass and blurted out.

"But with all due respect, God is supreme, and the task of becoming a god and a dragon will most likely come to nothing..."

"It's only nine out of ten... below Emperor Bai, not counting the Ancestral Emperor, in the past thousand years, out of hundreds of great masters, only ten have succeeded?" Xie Minghe scoffed.

"The matter of becoming a dragon and becoming a saint is too mysterious. Now no one can explain clearly what is going on with him, what kind of mechanism it is, and what is the relationship between status and cultivation? Especially when we, a group of people, rely on this

I am so cultivated here that I went crazy after drinking, and I am a blind man stargazing." Zhang Xing answered frankly. "But it is not impossible to say something... I, Zhang San, will not realize dragons or gods in this life, if you want me

When you ascend to heaven, you must ascend like the Four Supreme Beings and become the Fifth Supreme Being!"

It was quiet for a moment under the grape trellis.

After a while, Xie Minghe twisted his beard and laughed: "Zhang Sanlang is so ambitious!"

"It's not ambition." Zhang Xingping said calmly. "It's because the supreme being who has no bad virtues in the world... dragons walk in the world and often do harmful things. Even if they are not harmful, they often invade the earth, disturb the world, and treat the common people.

There is nothing. As for gods and so on, there are also those who are highly cultivated and lose their virtue, and there are also those who are attached to the four emperors like puppets. Only the Supreme One, who is clear and clear, has achieved his position through merit and virtue, and can be said to live up to the common people and not live up to his will.

Bearing the burden of ghosts and gods... Now that I know the Supreme Being in this life, how can I still think of him again? This is my selfish interest."

"The truth is right, but it's even more difficult." Ma Zhou responded with a sigh. "It's too difficult."

"This is what you have in mind. Let's do it and hope for it." Zhang Xing pointed his finger at himself. "Since Ma Jiu Sheng asked, I will answer it. I have no other intention."

As he said that, he and the other party poured a glass of warm wine, and the topic ended here.

Ma Wei drank another glass of wine before he suddenly woke up and continued to return to the previous topic: "Then let's not talk about the long-term, just for now, I think whether the leader wants to win the position of chief, or

In order to settle the place, or to eliminate the influence of the current turmoil, we should also gather the morale of the army... because the so-called basic members of the gang are actually the army, especially at the moment, there are so many masters of condensation and alchemy, no one can imitate Uncle Cao Huang

When you rely on your cultivation to defeat everything, the army is the basis of everything."

Zhang Xing nodded and continued to pour wine while looking at Xie Minghe.

Xie Minghe finally came to smile: "Yes, you, Chiping Majiu Sheng, are a smart man, but we generals and ministers are not in vain. We have already agreed on a complete strategy before coming here. But after seizing the private soldiers this time, we will

All sergeants in the army will be subsidized."


"That's right, it's not a commendation or a reward, but a subsidy. Land has been awarded based on military merit before, but the land assets have been extremely slow to be realized, and many people have been worried. Now, sergeants are allowed to choose on their own and withdraw physical money in advance according to the proportion of military merit.

Rewards for military merit are essentially derived from your own military merit." Xie Minghe said sternly. "After all, the rules cannot be broken. Military merit is the foundation of a sergeant's career. If he relies on excessive rewards to bribe him when something happens, he will cause trouble sooner or later.


Zhang Xing couldn't help but laugh... Xie Minghe looked like this, and it seemed that these plans were what he had in mind, but he didn't know who was there when Cui Suchen and Chen Bin were formulating the strategy, who felt that this move was not pleasant enough.

PS: Everyone will make a fortune in the New Year!

This chapter has been completed!
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