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Chapter 217: The Country (5)

In late September, accompanied by Xiong Bonan, Zhang Xing returned to Jiangling and issued a series of orders.

The first category is the investigation, spying, and infiltration of surrounding forces, especially the forces in Hebei. It is clearly proposed to determine the military configuration of Wei County, Ji County, Hejian County, and Xindu County, the four adjacent counties.

, the main executor of the city defense layout is the leader Xu Shiying, the assistant is the foreign affairs manager Xie Minghe, and the Hebei patrol leader Lu Changheng;

The second category is the inspection of the ordnance, military supplies, and military animals of each battalion, the confirmation of the list of officers and soldiers, and a clearer rotation mobilization system, and appropriate transfer of defense. The main executor is the staff officer in charge of Mawei, and the assistant is

Yan Qing is in charge of personnel, the commander-in-chief of each line, the generals and generals of each battalion;

The third category requires various places to transfer the autumn grain taxes that have just been collected to the warehouses of specific cities and strongholds as required. The scope of the military order covers the entire gang jurisdiction, and it mainly relies on various banks and local officials to implement it. In Henan

Zhang Jinshu, the head of internal affairs, is responsible for the supervision and verification of the eastern region, and reports to Chen Bin, the head of internal affairs;

The fourth category requires all localities to inspect, clean and maintain existing official roads to ensure that the roads are smooth and unobstructed, and requires Henan patrol leader Zhang Liang and Hebei Xingtai Lang General Feng Duan to conduct inspections in Henan and Hebei respectively;

The fifth category requires all regions to inspect river embankments to prevent embankment breaches and waterlogging caused by autumn floods;

The sixth category is to issue clear mediation orders to various forces in Hebei, requiring Daijun Ergao and Hengshan Wang Chenkuo to reach peace with Youzhou and Hengshan counties respectively.

Finally, the above military orders were uniformly supervised by Xiong Bonan, the chief military officer of the gang, and were uniformly summarized to the General Staff Department and Confidential Document Department of General Lingxingtai.

The issuance of the military order immediately aroused tension within the gang, and they even covered up the issue of creating new counties and adding new branches. However, the tension was intense, and no one at the top or bottom felt anything was wrong, because at this time, the Wu Clan invaded in large numbers.

The news has spread.

Regarding this matter, most smart people believe that the pressure from the Wu clan will be directly put on Dongdu, and Dongdu has always been the most direct source of pressure for the development of the gang, so the chance for the gang may really come. As for the

Although the middle and lower classes may not understand this logic, nearly 300,000 people marched south, and they attacked what is now the last "pure land" in the world. This kind of shock is incomparable.

In fact, not only the gang, but as the news of the Wu Clan's invasion gradually spread, the entire world felt a sense of pity. Many forces stopped taking action and began to wait and see nervously.

And this kind of turbulence didn't stop until south of the Huaihe River, because the focus here was still on Xiao Hui gathering the elites from Jiangnan to attack Jiujiang, and it was impossible to stop this action, especially since Liang Jun had already won most of the victories and was advancing rapidly.

There is already a tendency to collapse and flee after voicing endless theories.

However, this was not a matter of concern for the time being. After the military order was issued, Zhang Xing issued a public notice, bluntly stating that the current situation had changed and that he was caught off guard, and required all ministries to prepare for operations, especially operations under difficult conditions.

and preparations to maintain base areas.

Moreover, the chief also blew the wind many times during the meal in the corridor, asking everyone to make necessary mental preparations, especially for possible transfers in the chaos.

Of course, there was nothing unnecessary about this, and everyone thought it was a matter involving the Witch Clan—the impact of this incident was too great.

"Will the invasion of the Wu clan arouse the hatred of the common enemies in Guanzhong and even the world?" In fact, Zhang Xing was also seriously asking about matters related to the Wu clan. He still had a layer of separation on some things. This morning, the rain

After stopping for a while, it was customary to eat in the corridor in Cangcheng. As soon as we started eating, the chief spoke.

"No." Chen Bin, who was dining next to Zhang Xing, answered simply and directly.

"Even if the Wu clan completely occupies Guanzhong, will everyone in the world accept it?" Zhang Xing was slightly surprised.

"Yes." Chen Bin was still straightforward.

"Actually, we only need to understand one question about this matter." As everyone looked nervously, Xie Minghe suddenly spoke from a little further away. "Are the Wu tribe people human?"

Everyone was surprised, and then fell into an eerie silence.

"The word "Wu Clan" is very interesting." After a moment, Zhang Xing broke the silence with a smile. "Didn't he tell you the answer when he came up?"

"That's what I mean." Xie Minghe also laughed, and talked loudly to the many people eating in the surrounding corridors. "The large-scale conflict between the three tribes was a drama four to five thousand years ago, and after the Bai Emperor, although there are still

A country like Dong Chu exists that participates in the struggle for hegemony in the Central Plains under the banner of the demon clan's orthodoxy. But in fact, Dong Chu can maintain its existence precisely because of the drastic reforms of the Dragon and Phoenix pair, which abandoned the thousands of old rules of the demon clan and transformed the legal system.

The ordnance and military system took the initiative to move closer to Bai Diye's system... Therefore, even if there were two inhuman supremes standing behind Dong Chu at that time, even if it was under the banner of the three clans fighting, in fact it was the three clans.

In fact, the process of unification, which is why everyone says that the White Emperor's ascension to the supreme status, mainly relies on the unification of the three races, at that point, there is not much difference between the three races."

"It's meaningless to talk about it so far away. I just want to talk about one thing. Is Dazhou originally a mixed tribe of Wu tribe and Beidi?" Chen Bin was obviously impatient. "If not, why don't Black Emperor and Beidi want to see each other?"

?If so, did the Great Zhou Dynasty once have a tendency to unify the world?"

At this point, Chen Bin looked at Zhang Xing: "Chief, the thing is like this. The three races have been intermarriage for a long time, and there is some estrangement. But now, it is more about the customs and culture caused by the isolation of the poisonous desert and the bitter sea.

The difference is different, and the great prosperity of the human race is a thousand-year trend, although the Supreme cannot change it... Therefore, the Wu clan is now a member of the Wu clan... They are going south this time, not to mention that they are all in Guanzhong, even if they dominate the world, it is not impossible, but

The premise is that they have to learn from the Great Zhou Dynasty and go through several 'tribe separations', and then go through a formal 'surname change and flag change', maybe even kill a wave of wizards within the tribe, and go through several tribal rebellions."

Zhang Xing was completely stunned: "I understand. Now that things have happened, people from the Wu tribe have to become talents to be qualified to touch the handle of this world. And the matter of Wus becoming humans is divided into two levels. One is reality.

This seems difficult, but in fact it has already been accomplished. The other level is fame, which may seem simple, but may not be a huge trouble."

Chen Bin thought for a while, nodded, and added by the way: "Comparatively speaking, Dongyi and Beidi both have similar troubles... Some are in name, some are real, and these two families have internal problems. Beidi

The Seven Guards of Dang Mo and the Eight Dukes of Seven Cities are in a mess, and Dongyi is even more of a mess."

"What about Nanling?" Zhang Xing suddenly came and asked. "Why has Nanling never moved?"

Chen Bin and Xie Minghe looked at each other, but the latter talked about it as usual: "Nanling has three big problems... One is that the basic base is too small. Although it is known as the twenty-four prefectures and counties, it is generally small, and its strength and

The Dongyi Wu Clan in the North cannot be compared with each other; secondly, it is on the edge, but does not have the approval of the Red Emperor Empress; finally, the gap between the Feng family and the local area is too deep, and it can only be bridged by the prestige and marriage of the Holy Mother."

"Isn't Mrs. Feng the queen of the old lady?" Xiong Bonan, who was on Zhang Xing's left and had been silent, suddenly interrupted. "We are all a family. How come the old lady, the Holy Mother, can suppress her, but her son and grandson cannot?

Live? Don’t those people recognize you?”

"That's not what I mean. There should be no problem with Feng's leadership position. What is problematic is the gap between the culture of the Central Plains and the culture of the surviving people in other places." Zhang Xing blurted out, but then asked Xie Minghe casually. "The old lady married to the Holy Mother.

Is there anything special about this Feng family? Why haven’t I heard of Nanling Feng family?”

"Because I am the Feng family of Changle." Xie Minghe answered seriously. "It is not the Li family of Longxi, but the Bohai Gao family who habitually pretends to be clinging to. It is a real family... When Hou Yan was pacified by Emperor Taiwu of the Great Zhou Dynasty,

The ancestor of Feng Wuyi who proclaimed himself emperor had a younger brother who defected to the Southern Dynasty via Dongyi and was then appointed as a local official in Nanling. Some of his descendants found good wives... In those days, it was just a matter of family background.

Give it directly to officials, both in the north and the south."

Zhang Xing was surprised for a moment, but he just shook his head: "This is still a second-rate family..."

Chen Bin hesitated for a moment and continued: "Actually, in my opinion, there are some problems with what Brother Xie just said... The influence of the Red Emperor Empress only exists in Jiangnan through the True Fire Sect. It is difficult to say that the common people believe in it.

Is it the True Fire Cult or the Red Emperor Empress, and depending on the situation in Dongyi and Beidi, it will be easier to cause chaos with the help of the Supreme... I mean, the old lady in Nanling probably has no intention of conquering the city.


Jia Yue, who arrived from outside the city after receiving the military order, suddenly raised his head, as if he wanted to refute something, but after looking at the situation here, he finally said nothing.

Hearing these words, Zhang Xing was slightly moved in his heart, but he covered it up and just asked seriously: "How do you say it?"

"When my great-grandfather founded the country, he returned to the army from Nanling... He had a relationship with the old lady of the Holy Mother. The old lady was only twenty or thirty years old at the time. She was only a master of condensing pills, but she already had a great master.

In terms of style, masters of the same level are often not her equals, and even masters of Chengdan are often inferior... At that time, her great-grandfather invited her to join the army with her husband and go north, but she declined." Chen Bin said seriously.

"Descendants say that the couple felt that their great-grandfather had no chance of winning, but according to Chen's own account, I am afraid that this was not the intention. Including the fifty years of peace and happiness in Nanling, it was all thanks to this old lady who was as stable as a red mountain.

I'm afraid it's also a verification... Of course, her cultivation is here, and it's true that Feng manages the twenty-four states in Nanling like iron barrels. Once she goes north, I can't think of anyone who can stop her from Jiangdong to Jiangxi."

Zhang Xing nodded. This was exactly what he thought. The great master must have thought carefully about erecting the pagoda, and it was "complying with the way of heaven" in some aspect.

Protecting the environment and the people is probably the most simple and straightforward way.

After finishing the morning meal on the porch, Chief Zhang returned to his small public house. Then he did not rush to call Chen Bin and others to come in to discuss relevant matters. Instead, he called Jia Yue in. Unexpectedly, the matter discussed

It's also a little weird, it's not military affairs at all as the latter thought.

"Jia Yue, why do you think Black Emperor wants us to make these choices?" Zhang Xing asked seriously.

Jia Yue was a little confused, but he quickly and firmly answered: "Of course I hope we can win the battle and dominate the world."

"But it's a little strange." Zhang Xing, who was sitting there, was still serious. "Even if we win, what's the use to the Supreme Being? First, after the Supreme Being is enthroned, he will remain aloof and unchanged for thousands of years, and the world will rise and fall.

What exactly can it bring to them? Will it make them stronger or weaker? Secondly, you just heard them talking about ancient things. The formal victory or defeat in the world is actually not the same thing as what the Supremes pursue...

For example, after the ancestor emperor, the successors were fighting, and the four supreme beings pressed for treasure together. Logically speaking, Emperor Bai defeated the Tang emperor, but in fact it was the human hero who had a rebellious attitude towards the interference of the four emperors in the mortal world, and instead brought up the three emperors.

Hui came and squeezed the four emperors out of the Central Plains..."

Jia Yue thought for a while and gave a new correction without hesitation: "The victory or defeat in the mortal world really has no interest in Master Si Yu, but Master Si Yu is all from the mortal world, and he has all the joys, sorrows, and joys.

Those who have their own pursuits, such as the Black Emperor, are bent on unifying the human race across the world... This cannot be changed."

Zhang Xing nodded: "That's right...the key is that the Tao is the same, right?"


"Then what do you think we will face if we march into the North?" Zhang Xing continued to ask.

Jia Yue instinctively wanted to say something, but for some reason, he hesitated when he spoke, and then answered honestly: "Logically speaking, the demon guards will definitely come to greet them, and then they will destroy everything, defeat the seven cities and eight princes, easily

Unify... But in fact, welcoming home and welcoming back is definitely not that simple. Not to mention that the Seven Cities and Eight Dukes have changed many people and even changed their surnames, but they have never failed. Naturally, they have to rely on them, namely the Demon Guards.

There have always been differences internally... Some are rich, some are poor, some advocate retrogression, and some think we should take the initiative to reform. It is not that simple, especially when we have a large army to suppress the situation, and the gang has its own dignity."

"This is natural." Zhang Xing is still magnanimous. "Let's just talk about it at the lowest level..."

"Say low?"

"Yes, everything must be considered from the lowest point. For example, our gang was defeated and only a few dozen of us escaped... Do you think the Demon Guards can still welcome us? Who among the Demon Guards can accept us?


"No matter what, the Demon Guard will welcome you on the whole, because you... you and I are the Black Emperor's chosen ones, and this cannot be changed." Jia Yue thought for a while and answered seriously. "Secondly, no matter what

No matter what, your uncle will definitely support you, because he is your uncle; because the White Wolf Guards are doing business with us and want to open up transportation in Hebei, they should also fight, because even if we are defeated, we will not

It is influential in Hebei; there is also Da Siming, he was directly appointed as the Supreme, so he should still be able to ****."

Zhang Xing nodded repeatedly. This was similar to what he thought, and it was also the basic reason why he chose to defect to the Northland when necessary. Compared with other directions, there were allies and allies here that he could rely on.

But it is only necessary. If I can not leave, I will definitely not leave. Even if I leave, I will go back to the east, and retreat to Dengzhou.

In fact, on the way back with Xiong Bonan that day, Zhang Xing had already figured it out. He was now the leader of the entire gang, and he had to be responsible for the organization. He was not allowed to risk everything.

Therefore, it’s not that we can’t attack Liyangcang, it’s not that we can’t shoulder the responsibility for the survival of the people in Hebei and even the Central Plains, but the key is to use the minimum cost, make complete preparations, and be responsible for the survival of the entire gang.

To put it bluntly, this is both a need and a need.

Jia Yue left, and after a while, Chen Bin was called in, along with Xiong Bonan.

Zhang Xing described his worries to the other party and made plans to attack Liyangcang.

"I object." Chen Bin expressed his position without hesitation. "The risk is too great. This is a loss-making business. What if we can't stop the Grand Master from being provoked? The worst thing is that the Grand Master comes over and bad things happen.

If we lose our combat power and are besieged by surrounding forces, we may not be able to stand in Hebei and suffer heavy losses."

"If we don't lose money and if we control the risks, will Mr. Chen agree?" Zhang Xing asked.

Chen Bin fell silent.

"First of all, we have to fight quickly, and then prepare to transport food in advance, and then withdraw after the fight." Upon seeing this, Zhang Xing immediately added. "Secondly, we have to prepare a reserve of combat power to deal with the Grand Master leaving the tower;

Finally, we should try our best to act as late as possible, and make sure that the emergence of refugees and famine cannot be stopped before planning... It is best to let Cao Lin seek his own death first."

Chen Bin breathed a sigh of relief: "It's not impossible if this is the case... But how can things be so simple?"

"It all depends on people." Zhang Xing struck while the iron was hot and continued to persuade.

"I think Mr. Chen's calculations are wrong." Xiong Bonan finally said. "If we can capture Liyangcang and save the people in Hebei, the East, and Jianghuai, what about the people's hearts? It's just a temporary foothold in Hebei.

If you can’t stay, or if you lose some territory, you can always fight back, right?”

Chen Bin smiled bitterly: "How much is a human heart worth? Favor is not as good as prestige. It is better to win a few battles than to gather people like this."

"So, we have to make publicity preparations in advance and tell the people of the world that it was us who helped conquer Liyangcang. We did this to save the world regardless of our own interests." Zhang Xing further added. "That's it. Favor is not as good as prestige, but it is still better than nothing, right? Something is worse than nothing."

Chen Bin nodded with difficulty, but then shook his head again: "As I said, if the calculation is like this, it is not impossible, but how can things be so simple? Withstand the Grand Master's reserve of combat power, and attack Li Yangcang's military power in a sudden attack.

The transportation of grain includes avoiding its sharp edges when necessary, and also doing publicity..."

"So, I want you to be the governor of this plan." Zhang Xing said sincerely. "If these conditions are not in place, if the situation is not suitable, as long as you don't agree, we will not fight... You are the only one who can plan a large army.

He is experienced and has a decent background with both military and political skills, and he is more calm than us on this matter, who else could he be?"

Chen Bin glanced at the two people in front of him and was greatly moved.

"Tell me, who do you want and how many soldiers do you want?" Upon seeing this, Zhang Xing immediately came to urge him.

"This matter needs to be discussed from the beginning. First, Xu Shiying, Ma Wei, and Dou Lide must come to discuss with me." Chen Bin gritted his teeth and spoke. "We also need twenty big ginseng and ten confidential documents. We must

You must keep it secret and obey orders unconditionally.”

"Okay, I'll issue a document appointing you as the deputy commander-in-chief of the Jiangling Platform." Zhang Xing seemed to have already had an idea. "Then King Xiongtian and I will accompany you to summon these three people."

Chen Bin was stunned for a moment, and then instinctively looked at Xiong Bonan, but the latter's expression didn't change at all, and he couldn't help but feel reassured.

Just when the three of them breathed a sigh of relief, suddenly, Zhang Xing and Xiong Bonan both looked outside. Chen Bin looked in surprise. After a while, a man came to the door and asked for a meeting.

It was none other than Cui Suchen, the person in charge of confidential documents.

"What's wrong with Manager Cui?" Zhang Xing was slightly surprised.

"I just came to ask the chief..." Cui Suchen didn't seem to pay attention to the other two people in the room. He just asked sincerely from inside the door. "Now that the Wu clan has invaded, we have begun to become more solemn. Do we still need this new law and other documents?"

Promulgated as usual?"

"Of course." Zhang Xing blurted out. "One code will be reduced to one code, and it will be whatever it is...According to the original plan, at the end of this year, we still have to issue our formal policy program details and re-law.

It includes military and political measures, as well as discussions on political gains and losses."

Cui Suchen nodded, said no more, and said goodbye directly and turned back.

At this time, Chief Zhang remembered something: "Is it time for Cheng Zhili to end his marriage leave and come back?"

No one answered for a while.



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